"Detect automatically", "ca_CA" => "Català", "en_US" => "English", "es_ES" => "Español", "de_DE" => "Deutsch", "fr_FR" => "Français", "hu_HU" => "Magyar (Hungarian)", "it_IT" => "Italiano", "ja_JP" => "日本語 (Japanese)", "nb_NO" => "Norwegian bokmål", "ru_RU" => "Русский", "pt_BR" => "Portuguese/Brazil", "zh_CN" => "Simplified Chinese"); return $tr; } if (ENABLE_TRANSLATIONS == true) { // If translations are enabled. require_once "lib/accept-to-gettext.php"; require_once "lib/gettext/gettext.inc"; function startup_gettext() { # Get locale from Accept-Language header $lang = al2gt(array_keys(get_translations()), "text/html"); if (defined('_TRANSLATION_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT')) { $lang = _TRANSLATION_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT; } if ($_COOKIE["ttrss_lang"] && $_COOKIE["ttrss_lang"] != "auto") { $lang = $_COOKIE["ttrss_lang"]; } /* In login action of mobile version */ if ($_POST["language"] && defined('MOBILE_VERSION')) { $lang = $_POST["language"]; $_COOKIE["ttrss_lang"] = $lang; } if ($lang) { if (defined('LC_MESSAGES')) { _setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $lang); } else if (defined('LC_ALL')) { _setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang); } else { die("can't setlocale(): please set ENABLE_TRANSLATIONS to false in config.php"); } if (defined('MOBILE_VERSION')) { _bindtextdomain("messages", "../locale"); } else { _bindtextdomain("messages", "locale"); } _textdomain("messages"); _bind_textdomain_codeset("messages", "UTF-8"); } } startup_gettext(); } else { // If translations are enabled. function __($msg) { return $msg; } function startup_gettext() { // no-op return true; } } // If translations are enabled. if (defined('MEMCACHE_SERVER')) { $memcache = new Memcache; $memcache->connect(MEMCACHE_SERVER, 11211); } require_once 'db-prefs.php'; require_once 'compat.php'; require_once 'errors.php'; require_once 'version.php'; require_once 'lib/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php'; require_once 'lib/sphinxapi.php'; //define('MAGPIE_USER_AGENT_EXT', ' (Tiny Tiny RSS/' . VERSION . ')'); define('MAGPIE_OUTPUT_ENCODING', 'UTF-8'); define('MAGPIE_CACHE_AGE', 60*15); // 15 minutes define('SELF_USER_AGENT', 'Tiny Tiny RSS/' . VERSION . ' (http://tt-rss.org/)'); define('MAGPIE_USER_AGENT', SELF_USER_AGENT); ini_set('user_agent', SELF_USER_AGENT); require_once "lib/simplepie/simplepie.inc"; require_once "lib/magpierss/rss_fetch.inc"; require_once 'lib/magpierss/rss_utils.inc'; require_once 'lib/htmlpurifier/library/HTMLPurifier.auto.php'; $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault(); $allowed = "p,a[href],i,em,b,strong,code,pre,blockquote,br,img[src|alt|title],ul,ol,li,h1,h2,h3,h4"; $config->set('HTML', 'Allowed', $allowed); $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config); /** * Print a timestamped debug message. * * @param string $msg The debug message. * @return void */ function _debug($msg) { $ts = strftime("%H:%M:%S", time()); if (function_exists('posix_getpid')) { $ts = "$ts/" . posix_getpid(); } print "[$ts] $msg\n"; } // function _debug /** * Purge a feed old posts. * * @param mixed $link A database connection. * @param mixed $feed_id The id of the purged feed. * @param mixed $purge_interval Olderness of purged posts. * @param boolean $debug Set to True to enable the debug. False by default. * @access public * @return void */ function purge_feed($link, $feed_id, $purge_interval, $debug = false) { if (!$purge_interval) $purge_interval = feed_purge_interval($link, $feed_id); $rows = -1; $result = db_query($link, "SELECT owner_uid FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed_id'"); $owner_uid = false; if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) { $owner_uid = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "owner_uid"); } if ($purge_interval == -1 || !$purge_interval) { if ($owner_uid) { ccache_update($link, $feed_id, $owner_uid); } return; } if (!$owner_uid) return; if (FORCE_ARTICLE_PURGE == 0) { $purge_unread = get_pref($link, "PURGE_UNREAD_ARTICLES", $owner_uid, false); } else { $purge_unread = true; $purge_interval = FORCE_ARTICLE_PURGE; } if (!$purge_unread) $query_limit = " unread = false AND "; if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") { /* $result = db_query($link, "DELETE FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE marked = false AND feed_id = '$feed_id' AND (SELECT date_updated FROM ttrss_entries WHERE id = ref_id) < NOW() - INTERVAL '$purge_interval days'"); */ $pg_version = get_pgsql_version($link); if (preg_match("/^7\./", $pg_version) || preg_match("/^8\.0/", $pg_version)) { $result = db_query($link, "DELETE FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE ttrss_entries.id = ref_id AND marked = false AND feed_id = '$feed_id' AND $query_limit ttrss_entries.date_updated < NOW() - INTERVAL '$purge_interval days'"); } else { $result = db_query($link, "DELETE FROM ttrss_user_entries USING ttrss_entries WHERE ttrss_entries.id = ref_id AND marked = false AND feed_id = '$feed_id' AND $query_limit ttrss_entries.date_updated < NOW() - INTERVAL '$purge_interval days'"); } $rows = pg_affected_rows($result); } else { /* $result = db_query($link, "DELETE FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE marked = false AND feed_id = '$feed_id' AND (SELECT date_updated FROM ttrss_entries WHERE id = ref_id) < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $purge_interval DAY)"); */ $result = db_query($link, "DELETE FROM ttrss_user_entries USING ttrss_user_entries, ttrss_entries WHERE ttrss_entries.id = ref_id AND marked = false AND feed_id = '$feed_id' AND $query_limit ttrss_entries.date_updated < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $purge_interval DAY)"); $rows = mysql_affected_rows($link); } ccache_update($link, $feed_id, $owner_uid); if ($debug) { _debug("Purged feed $feed_id ($purge_interval): deleted $rows articles"); } } // function purge_feed /** * Purge old posts from old feeds. Not used anymore, purging is done after feed update. * * @param mixed $link A database connection * @param boolean $do_output Set to true to enable printed output, false by default. * @param integer $limit The maximal number of removed posts. * @access public * @return void */ /* function global_purge_old_posts($link, $do_output = false, $limit = false) { $random_qpart = sql_random_function(); if ($limit) { $limit_qpart = "LIMIT $limit"; } else { $limit_qpart = ""; } $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id,purge_interval,owner_uid FROM ttrss_feeds ORDER BY $random_qpart $limit_qpart"); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $feed_id = $line["id"]; $purge_interval = $line["purge_interval"]; $owner_uid = $line["owner_uid"]; if ($purge_interval == 0) { $tmp_result = db_query($link, "SELECT value FROM ttrss_user_prefs WHERE pref_name = 'PURGE_OLD_DAYS' AND owner_uid = '$owner_uid'"); if (db_num_rows($tmp_result) != 0) { $purge_interval = db_fetch_result($tmp_result, 0, "value"); } } if ($do_output) { // print "Feed $feed_id: purge interval = $purge_interval\n"; } if ($purge_interval > 0 || FORCE_ARTICLE_PURGE) { purge_feed($link, $feed_id, $purge_interval, $do_output); } } purge_orphans($link, $do_output); } // function global_purge_old_posts */ function feed_purge_interval($link, $feed_id) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT purge_interval, owner_uid FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed_id'"); if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) { $purge_interval = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "purge_interval"); $owner_uid = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "owner_uid"); if ($purge_interval == 0) $purge_interval = get_pref($link, 'PURGE_OLD_DAYS', $owner_uid); return $purge_interval; } else { return -1; } } function purge_old_posts($link) { $user_id = $_SESSION["uid"]; $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id,purge_interval FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE owner_uid = '$user_id'"); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $feed_id = $line["id"]; $purge_interval = $line["purge_interval"]; if ($purge_interval == 0) $purge_interval = get_pref($link, 'PURGE_OLD_DAYS'); if ($purge_interval > 0) { purge_feed($link, $feed_id, $purge_interval); } } purge_orphans($link); } function purge_orphans($link, $do_output = false) { // purge orphaned posts in main content table $result = db_query($link, "DELETE FROM ttrss_entries WHERE (SELECT COUNT(int_id) FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE ref_id = id) = 0"); if ($do_output) { $rows = db_affected_rows($link, $result); _debug("Purged $rows orphaned posts."); } } function get_feed_update_interval($link, $feed_id) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT owner_uid, update_interval FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed_id'"); if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) { $update_interval = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "update_interval"); $owner_uid = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "owner_uid"); if ($update_interval != 0) { return $update_interval; } else { return get_pref($link, 'DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL', $owner_uid, false); } } else { return -1; } } function fetch_file_contents($url, $type = false) { if (USE_CURL_FOR_ICONS) { $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 15); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 45); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 20); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $contents = @curl_exec($ch); if ($contents === false) { curl_close($ch); return false; } $content_type = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE); curl_close($ch); if ($type && strpos($content_type, "$type") === false) { return false; } return $contents; } else { return @file_get_contents($url); } } /** * Try to determine the favicon URL for a feed. * adapted from wordpress favicon plugin by Jeff Minard (http://thecodepro.com/) * http://dev.wp-plugins.org/file/favatars/trunk/favatars.php * * @param string $url A feed or page URL * @access public * @return mixed The favicon URL, or false if none was found. */ function get_favicon_url($url) { $favicon_url = false; if ($html = @fetch_file_contents($url)) { libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadHTML($html); $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); $entries = $xpath->query('/html/head/link[@rel="shortcut icon"]'); if (count($entries) > 0) { foreach ($entries as $entry) { $favicon_url = rewrite_relative_url($url, $entry->getAttribute("href")); break; } } } if (!$favicon_url) $favicon_url = rewrite_relative_url($url, "/favicon.ico"); // Run a test to see if what we have attempted to get actually exists. if(USE_CURL_FOR_ICONS || url_validate($favicon_url)) { return $favicon_url; } else { return false; } } // function get_favicon_url /** * Check if a link is a valid and working URL. * * @param mixed $link A URL to check * @access public * @return boolean True if the URL is valid, false otherwise. */ function url_validate($link) { $url_parts = @parse_url($link); if ( empty( $url_parts["host"] ) ) return false; if ( !empty( $url_parts["path"] ) ) { $documentpath = $url_parts["path"]; } else { $documentpath = "/"; } if ( !empty( $url_parts["query"] ) ) $documentpath .= "?" . $url_parts["query"]; $host = $url_parts["host"]; $port = $url_parts["port"]; if ( empty($port) ) $port = "80"; $socket = @fsockopen( $host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30 ); if ( !$socket ) return false; fwrite ($socket, "HEAD ".$documentpath." HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $host\r\n\r\n"); $http_response = fgets( $socket, 22 ); $responses = "/(200 OK)|(30[123])/"; if ( preg_match($responses, $http_response) ) { fclose($socket); return true; } else { return false; } } // function url_validate function check_feed_favicon($site_url, $feed, $link) { $favicon_url = get_favicon_url($site_url); # print "FAVICON [$site_url]: $favicon_url\n"; $icon_file = ICONS_DIR . "/$feed.ico"; if ($favicon_url && !file_exists($icon_file)) { $contents = fetch_file_contents($favicon_url, "image"); if ($contents) { $fp = fopen($icon_file, "w"); if ($fp) { fwrite($fp, $contents); fclose($fp); chmod($icon_file, 0644); } } } } function update_rss_feed($link, $feed, $ignore_daemon = false) { global $memcache; /* Update all feeds with the same URL to utilize memcache */ if ($memcache) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT f1.id FROM ttrss_feeds AS f1, ttrss_feeds AS f2 WHERE f2.feed_url = f1.feed_url AND f2.id = '$feed'"); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { update_rss_feed_real($link, $line["id"], $ignore_daemon); } } else { update_rss_feed_real($link, $feed, $ignore_daemon); } } function update_rss_feed_real($link, $feed, $ignore_daemon = false) { global $memcache; if (!$_REQUEST["daemon"] && !$ignore_daemon) { return false; } if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: start"); } if (!$ignore_daemon) { if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") { $updstart_thresh_qpart = "(ttrss_feeds.last_update_started IS NULL OR ttrss_feeds.last_update_started < NOW() - INTERVAL '120 seconds')"; } else { $updstart_thresh_qpart = "(ttrss_feeds.last_update_started IS NULL OR ttrss_feeds.last_update_started < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 120 SECOND))"; } $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id,update_interval,auth_login, auth_pass,cache_images,update_method FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed' AND $updstart_thresh_qpart"); } else { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id,update_interval,auth_login, feed_url,auth_pass,cache_images,update_method,last_updated FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed'"); } if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: feed $feed NOT FOUND/SKIPPED"); } return false; } $update_method = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "update_method"); $last_updated = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "last_updated"); db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_update_started = NOW() WHERE id = '$feed'"); $auth_login = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "auth_login"); $auth_pass = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "auth_pass"); if (DEFAULT_UPDATE_METHOD == "1") { $use_simplepie = $update_method != 1; } else { $use_simplepie = $update_method == 2; } if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("use simplepie: $use_simplepie (feed setting: $update_method)\n"); } if (!$use_simplepie) { $auth_login = urlencode($auth_login); $auth_pass = urlencode($auth_pass); } $update_interval = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "update_interval"); $cache_images = sql_bool_to_bool(db_fetch_result($result, 0, "cache_images")); $fetch_url = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "feed_url"); if ($update_interval < 0) { return; } $feed = db_escape_string($feed); if ($auth_login && $auth_pass) { $url_parts = array(); preg_match("/(^[^:]*):\/\/(.*)/", $fetch_url, $url_parts); if ($url_parts[1] && $url_parts[2]) { $fetch_url = $url_parts[1] . "://$auth_login:$auth_pass@" . $url_parts[2]; } } if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: fetching [$fetch_url]..."); } $obj_id = md5("FDATA:$use_simplepie:$fetch_url"); if ($memcache && $obj = $memcache->get($obj_id)) { if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: data found in memcache."); } $rss = $obj; } else { if (!$use_simplepie) { $rss = @fetch_rss($fetch_url); } else { if (!is_dir(SIMPLEPIE_CACHE_DIR)) { mkdir(SIMPLEPIE_CACHE_DIR); } $rss = new SimplePie(); $rss->set_useragent(SELF_USER_AGENT); # $rss->set_timeout(10); $rss->set_feed_url($fetch_url); $rss->set_output_encoding('UTF-8'); if (SIMPLEPIE_CACHE_IMAGES && $cache_images) { if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("enabling image cache"); } $rss->set_image_handler('./image.php', 'i'); } if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("feed update interval (sec): " . get_feed_update_interval($link, $feed)*60); } if (is_dir(SIMPLEPIE_CACHE_DIR)) { $rss->set_cache_location(SIMPLEPIE_CACHE_DIR); $rss->set_cache_duration(get_feed_update_interval($link, $feed) * 60); } $rss->init(); } if ($memcache && $rss) $memcache->add($obj_id, $rss, 0, 300); } // print_r($rss); if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: fetch done, parsing..."); } $feed = db_escape_string($feed); if ($use_simplepie) { $fetch_ok = !$rss->error(); } else { $fetch_ok = !!$rss; } if ($fetch_ok) { if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: processing feed data..."); } // db_query($link, "BEGIN"); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT title,icon_url,site_url,owner_uid FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed'"); $registered_title = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "title"); $orig_icon_url = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "icon_url"); $orig_site_url = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "site_url"); $owner_uid = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "owner_uid"); if ($use_simplepie) { $site_url = $rss->get_link(); } else { $site_url = $rss->channel["link"]; } if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: checking favicon..."); } check_feed_favicon($site_url, $feed, $link); if (!$registered_title || $registered_title == "[Unknown]") { if ($use_simplepie) { $feed_title = db_escape_string($rss->get_title()); } else { $feed_title = db_escape_string($rss->channel["title"]); } if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: registering title: $feed_title"); } db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET title = '$feed_title' WHERE id = '$feed'"); } // weird, weird Magpie if (!$use_simplepie) { if (!$site_url) $site_url = db_escape_string($rss->channel["link_"]); } if ($site_url && $orig_site_url != db_escape_string($site_url)) { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET site_url = '$site_url' WHERE id = '$feed'"); } // print "I: " . $rss->channel["image"]["url"]; if (!$use_simplepie) { $icon_url = db_escape_string($rss->image["url"]); } else { $icon_url = db_escape_string($rss->get_image_url()); } $icon_url = substr($icon_url, 0, 250); if ($icon_url && $orig_icon_url != $icon_url) { if (USE_CURL_FOR_ICONS || url_validate($icon_url)) { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET icon_url = '$icon_url' WHERE id = '$feed'"); } } if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: loading filters..."); } $filters = load_filters($link, $feed, $owner_uid); if ($use_simplepie) { $iterator = $rss->get_items(); } else { $iterator = $rss->items; if (!$iterator || !is_array($iterator)) $iterator = $rss->entries; if (!$iterator || !is_array($iterator)) $iterator = $rss; } if (!is_array($iterator)) { /* db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_error = 'Parse error: can\'t find any articles.' WHERE id = '$feed'"); */ // clear any errors and mark feed as updated if fetched okay // even if it's blank if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: entry iterator is not an array, no articles?"); } db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_updated = NOW(), last_error = '' WHERE id = '$feed'"); return; // no articles } if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: processing articles..."); } foreach ($iterator as $item) { if ($_REQUEST['xdebug'] == 2) { print_r($item); } if ($use_simplepie) { $entry_guid = $item->get_id(); if (!$entry_guid) $entry_guid = $item->get_link(); if (!$entry_guid) $entry_guid = make_guid_from_title($item->get_title()); } else { $entry_guid = $item["id"]; if (!$entry_guid) $entry_guid = $item["guid"]; if (!$entry_guid) $entry_guid = $item["link"]; if (!$entry_guid) $entry_guid = make_guid_from_title($item["title"]); } if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: guid $entry_guid"); } if (!$entry_guid) continue; $entry_timestamp = ""; if ($use_simplepie) { $entry_timestamp = strtotime($item->get_date()); } else { $rss_2_date = $item['pubdate']; $rss_1_date = $item['dc']['date']; $atom_date = $item['issued']; if (!$atom_date) $atom_date = $item['updated']; if ($atom_date != "") $entry_timestamp = parse_w3cdtf($atom_date); if ($rss_1_date != "") $entry_timestamp = parse_w3cdtf($rss_1_date); if ($rss_2_date != "") $entry_timestamp = strtotime($rss_2_date); } if ($entry_timestamp == "" || $entry_timestamp == -1 || !$entry_timestamp) { $entry_timestamp = time(); $no_orig_date = 'true'; } else { $no_orig_date = 'false'; } $entry_timestamp_fmt = strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", $entry_timestamp); if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: date $entry_timestamp [$entry_timestamp_fmt]"); } if ($use_simplepie) { $entry_title = $item->get_title(); } else { $entry_title = trim(strip_tags($item["title"])); } if ($use_simplepie) { $entry_link = $item->get_link(); } else { // strange Magpie workaround $entry_link = $item["link_"]; if (!$entry_link) $entry_link = $item["link"]; } if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: title $entry_title"); } if (!$entry_title) $entry_title = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $entry_timestamp);; $entry_link = strip_tags($entry_link); if ($use_simplepie) { $entry_content = $item->get_content(); if (!$entry_content) $entry_content = $item->get_description(); } else { $entry_content = $item["content:escaped"]; if (!$entry_content) $entry_content = $item["content:encoded"]; if (!$entry_content) $entry_content = $item["content"]["encoded"]; if (!$entry_content) $entry_content = $item["content"]; // Magpie bugs are getting ridiculous if (trim($entry_content) == "Array") $entry_content = false; if (!$entry_content) $entry_content = $item["atom_content"]; if (!$entry_content) $entry_content = $item["summary"]; if (!$entry_content || strlen($entry_content) < strlen($item["description"])) { $entry_content = $item["description"]; }; // WTF if (is_array($entry_content)) { $entry_content = $entry_content["encoded"]; if (!$entry_content) $entry_content = $entry_content["escaped"]; } } if ($_REQUEST["xdebug"] == 2) { print "update_rss_feed: content: "; print_r(htmlspecialchars($entry_content)); } $entry_content_unescaped = $entry_content; if ($use_simplepie) { $entry_comments = strip_tags($item->data["comments"]); if ($item->get_author()) { $entry_author_item = $item->get_author(); $entry_author = $entry_author_item->get_name(); if (!$entry_author) $entry_author = $entry_author_item->get_email(); $entry_author = db_escape_string($entry_author); } } else { $entry_comments = strip_tags($item["comments"]); $entry_author = db_escape_string(strip_tags($item['dc']['creator'])); if ($item['author']) { if (is_array($item['author'])) { if (!$entry_author) { $entry_author = db_escape_string(strip_tags($item['author']['name'])); } if (!$entry_author) { $entry_author = db_escape_string(strip_tags($item['author']['email'])); } } if (!$entry_author) { $entry_author = db_escape_string(strip_tags($item['author'])); } } } if (preg_match('/^[\t\n\r ]*$/', $entry_author)) $entry_author = ''; $entry_guid = db_escape_string(strip_tags($entry_guid)); $entry_guid = mb_substr($entry_guid, 0, 250); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_entries WHERE guid = '$entry_guid'"); $entry_content = db_escape_string($entry_content); $content_hash = "SHA1:" . sha1(strip_tags($entry_content)); $entry_title = db_escape_string($entry_title); $entry_link = db_escape_string($entry_link); $entry_comments = mb_substr(db_escape_string($entry_comments), 0, 250); $entry_author = mb_substr($entry_author, 0, 250); if ($use_simplepie) { $num_comments = 0; #FIXME# } else { $num_comments = db_escape_string($item["slash"]["comments"]); } if (!$num_comments) $num_comments = 0; if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: looking for tags [1]..."); } // parse entries into tags $additional_tags = array(); if ($use_simplepie) { $additional_tags_src = $item->get_categories(); if (is_array($additional_tags_src)) { foreach ($additional_tags_src as $tobj) { array_push($additional_tags, $tobj->get_term()); } } if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: category tags:"); print_r($additional_tags); } } else { $t_ctr = $item['category#']; if ($t_ctr == 0) { $additional_tags = array(); } else if ($t_ctr > 0) { $additional_tags = array($item['category']); if ($item['category@term']) { array_push($additional_tags, $item['category@term']); } for ($i = 0; $i <= $t_ctr; $i++ ) { if ($item["category#$i"]) { array_push($additional_tags, $item["category#$i"]); } if ($item["category#$i@term"]) { array_push($additional_tags, $item["category#$i@term"]); } } } // parse elements $t_ctr = $item['dc']['subject#']; if ($t_ctr > 0) { array_push($additional_tags, $item['dc']['subject']); for ($i = 0; $i <= $t_ctr; $i++ ) { if ($item['dc']["subject#$i"]) { array_push($additional_tags, $item['dc']["subject#$i"]); } } } } if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: looking for tags [2]..."); } /* taaaags */ // , // $entry_tags = null; preg_match_all("/([^<]+)<\/a>/i", $entry_content_unescaped, $entry_tags); $entry_tags = $entry_tags[1]; $entry_tags = array_merge($entry_tags, $additional_tags); $entry_tags = array_unique($entry_tags); for ($i = 0; $i < count($entry_tags); $i++) $entry_tags[$i] = mb_strtolower($entry_tags[$i], 'utf-8'); if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: unfiltered tags found:"); print_r($entry_tags); } # sanitize content $entry_content = sanitize_article_content($entry_content); $entry_title = sanitize_article_content($entry_title); if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: done collecting data [TITLE:$entry_title]"); } db_query($link, "BEGIN"); if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: base guid not found"); } // base post entry does not exist, create it $result = db_query($link, "INSERT INTO ttrss_entries (title, guid, link, updated, content, content_hash, no_orig_date, date_updated, date_entered, comments, num_comments, author) VALUES ('$entry_title', '$entry_guid', '$entry_link', '$entry_timestamp_fmt', '$entry_content', '$content_hash', $no_orig_date, NOW(), NOW(), '$entry_comments', '$num_comments', '$entry_author')"); } else { // we keep encountering the entry in feeds, so we need to // update date_updated column so that we don't get horrible // dupes when the entry gets purged and reinserted again e.g. // in the case of SLOW SLOW OMG SLOW updating feeds $base_entry_id = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "id"); db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_entries SET date_updated = NOW() WHERE id = '$base_entry_id'"); } // now it should exist, if not - bad luck then $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id,content_hash,no_orig_date,title, ".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(date_updated,1,19) as date_updated, ".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(updated,1,19) as updated, num_comments FROM ttrss_entries WHERE guid = '$entry_guid'"); $entry_ref_id = 0; $entry_int_id = 0; if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) { if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: base guid found, checking for user record"); } // this will be used below in update handler $orig_content_hash = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "content_hash"); $orig_title = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "title"); $orig_num_comments = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "num_comments"); $orig_date_updated = strtotime(db_fetch_result($result, 0, "date_updated")); $ref_id = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "id"); $entry_ref_id = $ref_id; // check for user post link to main table // do we allow duplicate posts with same GUID in different feeds? if (get_pref($link, "ALLOW_DUPLICATE_POSTS", $owner_uid, false)) { $dupcheck_qpart = "AND (feed_id = '$feed' OR feed_id IS NULL)"; } else { $dupcheck_qpart = ""; } /* Collect article tags here so we could filter by them: */ $article_filters = get_article_filters($filters, $entry_title, $entry_content, $entry_link, $entry_timestamp, $entry_author, $entry_tags); if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: article filters: "); if (count($article_filters) != 0) { print_r($article_filters); } } if (find_article_filter($article_filters, "filter")) { db_query($link, "COMMIT"); // close transaction in progress continue; } $score = calculate_article_score($article_filters); if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: initial score: $score"); } $query = "SELECT ref_id, int_id FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE ref_id = '$ref_id' AND owner_uid = '$owner_uid' $dupcheck_qpart"; // if ($_REQUEST["xdebug"]) print "$query\n"; $result = db_query($link, $query); // okay it doesn't exist - create user entry if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: user record not found, creating..."); } if ($score >= -500 && !find_article_filter($article_filters, 'catchup')) { $unread = 'true'; $last_read_qpart = 'NULL'; } else { $unread = 'false'; $last_read_qpart = 'NOW()'; } if (find_article_filter($article_filters, 'mark') || $score > 1000) { $marked = 'true'; } else { $marked = 'false'; } if (find_article_filter($article_filters, 'publish')) { $published = 'true'; } else { $published = 'false'; } $result = db_query($link, "INSERT INTO ttrss_user_entries (ref_id, owner_uid, feed_id, unread, last_read, marked, published, score, tag_cache, label_cache) VALUES ('$ref_id', '$owner_uid', '$feed', $unread, $last_read_qpart, $marked, $published, '$score', '', '')"); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT int_id FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE ref_id = '$ref_id' AND owner_uid = '$owner_uid' AND feed_id = '$feed' LIMIT 1"); if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) { $entry_int_id = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "int_id"); } } else { if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: user record FOUND"); } $entry_ref_id = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "ref_id"); $entry_int_id = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "int_id"); } if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: RID: $entry_ref_id, IID: $entry_int_id"); } $post_needs_update = false; if (get_pref($link, "UPDATE_POST_ON_CHECKSUM_CHANGE", $owner_uid, false) && ($content_hash != $orig_content_hash)) { // print ""; $post_needs_update = true; } if (db_escape_string($orig_title) != $entry_title) { $post_needs_update = true; } if ($orig_num_comments != $num_comments) { $post_needs_update = true; } // this doesn't seem to be very reliable // // if ($orig_timestamp != $entry_timestamp && !$orig_no_orig_date) { // $post_needs_update = true; // } // if post needs update, update it and mark all user entries // linking to this post as updated if ($post_needs_update) { if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG')) { _debug("update_rss_feed: post $entry_guid needs update..."); } // print ""; db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_entries SET title = '$entry_title', content = '$entry_content', content_hash = '$content_hash', num_comments = '$num_comments' WHERE id = '$ref_id'"); if (get_pref($link, "MARK_UNREAD_ON_UPDATE", $owner_uid, false)) { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET last_read = null, unread = true WHERE ref_id = '$ref_id'"); } else { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET last_read = null WHERE ref_id = '$ref_id' AND unread = false"); } } } db_query($link, "COMMIT"); if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: assigning labels..."); } assign_article_to_labels($link, $entry_ref_id, $article_filters, $owner_uid); if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: looking for enclosures..."); } // enclosures $enclosures = array(); if ($use_simplepie) { $encs = $item->get_enclosures(); if (is_array($encs)) { foreach ($encs as $e) { $e_item = array( $e->link, $e->type, $e->length); array_push($enclosures, $e_item); } } } else { // $e_ctr = $item['enclosure#']; if ($e_ctr > 0) { $e_item = array($item['enclosure@url'], $item['enclosure@type'], $item['enclosure@length']); array_push($enclosures, $e_item); for ($i = 0; $i <= $e_ctr; $i++ ) { if ($item["enclosure#$i@url"]) { $e_item = array($item["enclosure#$i@url"], $item["enclosure#$i@type"], $item["enclosure#$i@length"]); array_push($enclosures, $e_item); } } } // // can there be many of those? yes -fox $m_ctr = $item['media']['content#']; if ($m_ctr > 0) { $e_item = array($item['media']['content@url'], $item['media']['content@medium'], $item['media']['content@length']); array_push($enclosures, $e_item); for ($i = 0; $i <= $m_ctr; $i++ ) { if ($item["media"]["content#$i@url"]) { $e_item = array($item["media"]["content#$i@url"], $item["media"]["content#$i@medium"], $item["media"]["content#$i@length"]); array_push($enclosures, $e_item); } } } } if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: article enclosures:"); print_r($enclosures); } db_query($link, "BEGIN"); foreach ($enclosures as $enc) { $enc_url = db_escape_string($enc[0]); $enc_type = db_escape_string($enc[1]); $enc_dur = db_escape_string($enc[2]); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_enclosures WHERE content_url = '$enc_url' AND post_id = '$entry_ref_id'"); if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { db_query($link, "INSERT INTO ttrss_enclosures (content_url, content_type, title, duration, post_id) VALUES ('$enc_url', '$enc_type', '', '$enc_dur', '$entry_ref_id')"); } } db_query($link, "COMMIT"); // check for manual tags (we have to do it here since they're loaded from filters) foreach ($article_filters as $f) { if ($f[0] == "tag") { $manual_tags = trim_array(split(",", $f[1])); foreach ($manual_tags as $tag) { if (tag_is_valid($tag)) { array_push($entry_tags, $tag); } } } } // Skip boring tags $boring_tags = trim_array(split(",", mb_strtolower(get_pref($link, 'BLACKLISTED_TAGS', $owner_uid, ''), 'utf-8'))); $filtered_tags = array(); $tags_to_cache = array(); if ($entry_tags && is_array($entry_tags)) { foreach ($entry_tags as $tag) { if (array_search($tag, $boring_tags) === false) { array_push($filtered_tags, $tag); } } } $filtered_tags = array_unique($filtered_tags); if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: filtered article tags:"); print_r($filtered_tags); } // Save article tags in the database if (count($filtered_tags) > 0) { db_query($link, "BEGIN"); foreach ($filtered_tags as $tag) { $tag = sanitize_tag($tag); $tag = db_escape_string($tag); if (!tag_is_valid($tag)) continue; $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_tags WHERE tag_name = '$tag' AND post_int_id = '$entry_int_id' AND owner_uid = '$owner_uid' LIMIT 1"); if ($result && db_num_rows($result) == 0) { db_query($link, "INSERT INTO ttrss_tags (owner_uid,tag_name,post_int_id) VALUES ('$owner_uid','$tag', '$entry_int_id')"); } array_push($tags_to_cache, $tag); } /* update the cache */ $tags_to_cache = array_unique($tags_to_cache); $tags_str = db_escape_string(join(",", $tags_to_cache)); db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET tag_cache = '$tags_str' WHERE ref_id = '$entry_ref_id' AND owner_uid = $owner_uid"); db_query($link, "COMMIT"); } if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: article processed"); } } if (!$last_updated) { if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: new feed, catching it up..."); } catchup_feed($link, $feed, false, $owner_uid); } purge_feed($link, $feed, 0); db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_updated = NOW(), last_error = '' WHERE id = '$feed'"); // db_query($link, "COMMIT"); } else { if ($use_simplepie) { $error_msg = mb_substr($rss->error(), 0, 250); } else { $error_msg = mb_substr(magpie_error(), 0, 250); } if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: error fetching feed: $error_msg"); } $error_msg = db_escape_string($error_msg); db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_error = '$error_msg', last_updated = NOW() WHERE id = '$feed'"); } if ($use_simplepie) { unset($rss); } if (defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug']) { _debug("update_rss_feed: done"); } } function print_select($id, $default, $values, $attributes = "") { print ""; } function print_select_hash($id, $default, $values, $attributes = "") { print ""; } function get_article_filters($filters, $title, $content, $link, $timestamp, $author, $tags) { $matches = array(); if ($filters["title"]) { foreach ($filters["title"] as $filter) { $reg_exp = $filter["reg_exp"]; $inverse = $filter["inverse"]; if ((!$inverse && @preg_match("/$reg_exp/i", $title)) || ($inverse && !@preg_match("/$reg_exp/i", $title))) { array_push($matches, array($filter["action"], $filter["action_param"])); } } } if ($filters["content"]) { foreach ($filters["content"] as $filter) { $reg_exp = $filter["reg_exp"]; $inverse = $filter["inverse"]; if ((!$inverse && @preg_match("/$reg_exp/i", $content)) || ($inverse && !@preg_match("/$reg_exp/i", $content))) { array_push($matches, array($filter["action"], $filter["action_param"])); } } } if ($filters["both"]) { foreach ($filters["both"] as $filter) { $reg_exp = $filter["reg_exp"]; $inverse = $filter["inverse"]; if ($inverse) { if (!@preg_match("/$reg_exp/i", $title) && !preg_match("/$reg_exp/i", $content)) { array_push($matches, array($filter["action"], $filter["action_param"])); } } else { if (@preg_match("/$reg_exp/i", $title) || preg_match("/$reg_exp/i", $content)) { array_push($matches, array($filter["action"], $filter["action_param"])); } } } } if ($filters["link"]) { $reg_exp = $filter["reg_exp"]; foreach ($filters["link"] as $filter) { $reg_exp = $filter["reg_exp"]; $inverse = $filter["inverse"]; if ((!$inverse && @preg_match("/$reg_exp/i", $link)) || ($inverse && !@preg_match("/$reg_exp/i", $link))) { array_push($matches, array($filter["action"], $filter["action_param"])); } } } if ($filters["date"]) { $reg_exp = $filter["reg_exp"]; foreach ($filters["date"] as $filter) { $date_modifier = $filter["filter_param"]; $inverse = $filter["inverse"]; $check_timestamp = strtotime($filter["reg_exp"]); # no-op when timestamp doesn't parse to prevent misfires if ($check_timestamp) { $match_ok = false; if ($date_modifier == "before" && $timestamp < $check_timestamp || $date_modifier == "after" && $timestamp > $check_timestamp) { $match_ok = true; } if ($inverse) $match_ok = !$match_ok; if ($match_ok) { array_push($matches, array($filter["action"], $filter["action_param"])); } } } } if ($filters["author"]) { foreach ($filters["author"] as $filter) { $reg_exp = $filter["reg_exp"]; $inverse = $filter["inverse"]; if ((!$inverse && @preg_match("/$reg_exp/i", $author)) || ($inverse && !@preg_match("/$reg_exp/i", $author))) { array_push($matches, array($filter["action"], $filter["action_param"])); } } } if ($filters["tag"]) { $tag_string = join(",", $tags); foreach ($filters["tag"] as $filter) { $reg_exp = $filter["reg_exp"]; $inverse = $filter["inverse"]; if ((!$inverse && @preg_match("/$reg_exp/i", $tag_string)) || ($inverse && !@preg_match("/$reg_exp/i", $tag_string))) { array_push($matches, array($filter["action"], $filter["action_param"])); } } } return $matches; } function find_article_filter($filters, $filter_name) { foreach ($filters as $f) { if ($f[0] == $filter_name) { return $f; }; } return false; } function calculate_article_score($filters) { $score = 0; foreach ($filters as $f) { if ($f[0] == "score") { $score += $f[1]; }; } return $score; } function assign_article_to_labels($link, $id, $filters, $owner_uid) { foreach ($filters as $f) { if ($f[0] == "label") { label_add_article($link, $id, $f[1], $owner_uid); }; } } function getmicrotime() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } function print_radio($id, $default, $true_is, $values, $attributes = "") { foreach ($values as $v) { if ($v == $default) $sel = "checked"; else $sel = ""; if ($v == $true_is) { $sel .= " value=\"1\""; } else { $sel .= " value=\"0\""; } print " $v "; } } function initialize_user_prefs($link, $uid, $profile = false) { $uid = db_escape_string($uid); if (!$profile) { $profile = "NULL"; $profile_qpart = "AND profile IS NULL"; } else { $profile_qpart = "AND profile = '$profile'"; } if (get_schema_version($link) < 63) $profile_qpart = ""; db_query($link, "BEGIN"); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT pref_name,def_value FROM ttrss_prefs"); $u_result = db_query($link, "SELECT pref_name FROM ttrss_user_prefs WHERE owner_uid = '$uid' $profile_qpart"); $active_prefs = array(); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($u_result)) { array_push($active_prefs, $line["pref_name"]); } while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if (array_search($line["pref_name"], $active_prefs) === FALSE) { // print "adding " . $line["pref_name"] . "
"; if (get_schema_version($link) < 63) { db_query($link, "INSERT INTO ttrss_user_prefs (owner_uid,pref_name,value) VALUES ('$uid', '".$line["pref_name"]."','".$line["def_value"]."')"); } else { db_query($link, "INSERT INTO ttrss_user_prefs (owner_uid,pref_name,value, profile) VALUES ('$uid', '".$line["pref_name"]."','".$line["def_value"]."', $profile)"); } } } db_query($link, "COMMIT"); } function lookup_user_id($link, $user) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_users WHERE login = '$login'"); if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) { return db_fetch_result($result, 0, "id"); } else { return false; } } function http_authenticate_user($link) { // error_log("http_authenticate_user: ".$_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"]."\n", 3, '/tmp/tt-rss.log'); if (!$_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"]) { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Tiny Tiny RSS RSSGen"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); exit; } else { $auth_result = authenticate_user($link, $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"], $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_PW"]); if (!$auth_result) { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Tiny Tiny RSS RSSGen"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); exit; } } return true; } function authenticate_user($link, $login, $password, $force_auth = false) { if (!SINGLE_USER_MODE) { $pwd_hash1 = encrypt_password($password); $pwd_hash2 = encrypt_password($password, $login); $login = db_escape_string($login); if (defined('ALLOW_REMOTE_USER_AUTH') && ALLOW_REMOTE_USER_AUTH && $_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"] && $login != "admin") { $login = db_escape_string($_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"]); $query = "SELECT id,login,access_level,pwd_hash FROM ttrss_users WHERE login = '$login'"; } else { $query = "SELECT id,login,access_level,pwd_hash FROM ttrss_users WHERE login = '$login' AND (pwd_hash = '$pwd_hash1' OR pwd_hash = '$pwd_hash2')"; } $result = db_query($link, $query); if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) { $_SESSION["uid"] = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "id"); $_SESSION["name"] = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "login"); $_SESSION["access_level"] = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "access_level"); db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_users SET last_login = NOW() WHERE id = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); $_SESSION["ip_address"] = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $_SESSION["pwd_hash"] = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "pwd_hash"); $_SESSION["last_version_check"] = time(); initialize_user_prefs($link, $_SESSION["uid"]); return true; } return false; } else { $_SESSION["uid"] = 1; $_SESSION["name"] = "admin"; $_SESSION["ip_address"] = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; initialize_user_prefs($link, $_SESSION["uid"]); return true; } } function make_password($length = 8) { $password = ""; $possible = "0123456789abcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyzABCDFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ"; $i = 0; while ($i < $length) { $char = substr($possible, mt_rand(0, strlen($possible)-1), 1); if (!strstr($password, $char)) { $password .= $char; $i++; } } return $password; } // this is called after user is created to initialize default feeds, labels // or whatever else // user preferences are checked on every login, not here function initialize_user($link, $uid) { db_query($link, "insert into ttrss_feeds (owner_uid,title,feed_url) values ('$uid', 'Tiny Tiny RSS: New Releases', 'http://tt-rss.org/releases.rss')"); db_query($link, "insert into ttrss_feeds (owner_uid,title,feed_url) values ('$uid', 'Tiny Tiny RSS: Forum', 'http://tt-rss.org/forum/rss.php')"); } function logout_user() { session_destroy(); if (isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) { setcookie(session_name(), '', time()-42000, '/'); } } function get_script_urlpath() { return preg_replace('/\/[^\/]*$/', "", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); } function validate_session($link) { if (SINGLE_USER_MODE) { return true; } if (SESSION_CHECK_ADDRESS && $_SESSION["uid"]) { if ($_SESSION["ip_address"]) { if ($_SESSION["ip_address"] != $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) { $_SESSION["login_error_msg"] = __("Session failed to validate (incorrect IP)"); return false; } } } if ($_SESSION["ref_schema_version"] != get_schema_version($link, true)) { return false; } if ($_SESSION["uid"]) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT pwd_hash FROM ttrss_users WHERE id = '".$_SESSION["uid"]."'"); $pwd_hash = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "pwd_hash"); if ($pwd_hash != $_SESSION["pwd_hash"]) { return false; } } /* if ($_SESSION["cookie_lifetime"] && $_SESSION["uid"]) { //print_r($_SESSION); if (time() > $_SESSION["cookie_lifetime"]) { return false; } } */ return true; } function login_sequence($link, $mobile = false) { if (!SINGLE_USER_MODE) { $login_action = $_POST["login_action"]; # try to authenticate user if called from login form if ($login_action == "do_login") { $login = $_POST["login"]; $password = $_POST["password"]; $remember_me = $_POST["remember_me"]; if (authenticate_user($link, $login, $password)) { $_POST["password"] = ""; $_SESSION["language"] = $_POST["language"]; $_SESSION["ref_schema_version"] = get_schema_version($link, true); $_SESSION["bw_limit"] = !!$_POST["bw_limit"]; if ($_POST["profile"]) { $profile = db_escape_string($_POST["profile"]); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_settings_profiles WHERE id = '$profile' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); if (db_num_rows($result) != 0) { $_SESSION["profile"] = $profile; $_SESSION["prefs_cache"] = array(); } } header("Location: " . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); exit; return; } else { $_SESSION["login_error_msg"] = __("Incorrect username or password"); } } if (!$_SESSION["uid"] || !validate_session($link)) { render_login_form($link, $mobile); //header("Location: login.php"); exit; } else { /* bump login timestamp */ db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_users SET last_login = NOW() WHERE id = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); if ($_SESSION["language"] && SESSION_COOKIE_LIFETIME > 0) { setcookie("ttrss_lang", $_SESSION["language"], time() + SESSION_COOKIE_LIFETIME); } } } else { return authenticate_user($link, "admin", null); } } function truncate_string($str, $max_len) { if (mb_strlen($str, "utf-8") > $max_len - 3) { return mb_substr($str, 0, $max_len, "utf-8") . "…"; } else { return $str; } } function theme_image($link, $filename) { if ($link) { $theme_path = get_user_theme_path($link); if ($theme_path && is_file($theme_path.$filename)) { return $theme_path.$filename; } else { return $filename; } } else { return $filename; } } function get_user_theme($link) { if (get_schema_version($link) >= 63 && $_SESSION["uid"]) { $theme_name = get_pref($link, "_THEME_ID"); if (is_dir("themes/$theme_name")) { return $theme_name; } else { return ''; } } else { return ''; } } function get_user_theme_path($link) { $theme_path = ''; if (get_schema_version($link) >= 63 && $_SESSION["uid"]) { $theme_name = get_pref($link, "_THEME_ID"); if ($theme_name && is_dir("themes/$theme_name")) { $theme_path = "themes/$theme_name/"; } else { $theme_name = ''; } } else { $theme_path = ''; } if ($theme_path) { if (is_file("$theme_path/theme.ini")) { $ini = parse_ini_file("$theme_path/theme.ini", true); if ($ini['theme']['version'] >= THEME_VERSION_REQUIRED) { return $theme_path; } } } return ''; } function get_user_theme_options($link) { $t = get_user_theme_path($link); if ($t) { if (is_file("$t/theme.ini")) { $ini = parse_ini_file("$t/theme.ini", true); if ($ini['theme']['version']) { return $ini['theme']['options']; } } } return ''; } function print_theme_includes($link) { $t = get_user_theme_path($link); $time = time(); if ($t) { print ""; if (file_exists("$t/theme.js")) { print ""; } } } function get_all_themes() { $themes = glob("themes/*"); asort($themes); $rv = array(); foreach ($themes as $t) { if (is_file("$t/theme.ini")) { $ini = parse_ini_file("$t/theme.ini", true); if ($ini['theme']['version'] >= THEME_VERSION_REQUIRED && !$ini['theme']['disabled']) { $entry = array(); $entry["path"] = $t; $entry["base"] = basename($t); $entry["name"] = $ini['theme']['name']; $entry["version"] = $ini['theme']['version']; $entry["author"] = $ini['theme']['author']; $entry["options"] = $ini['theme']['options']; array_push($rv, $entry); } } } return $rv; } function make_local_datetime($link, $timestamp, $long, $owner_uid = false, $no_smart_dt = false) { if (!$owner_uid) $owner_uid = $_SESSION['uid']; if (!$timestamp) $timestamp = '1970-01-01 0:00'; $user_tz_string = get_pref($link, 'USER_TIMEZONE', $owner_uid); try { $user_tz = new DateTimeZone($user_tz_string); } catch (Exception $e) { $user_tz = new DateTimeZone('UTC'); } # We store date in UTC internally $dt = new DateTime($timestamp, new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $user_timestamp = $dt->format('U') + $user_tz->getOffset($dt); if (!$no_smart_dt && get_pref($link, 'HEADLINES_SMART_DATE', $owner_uid)) { return smart_date_time($link, $user_timestamp, $user_tz->getOffset($dt), $owner_uid); } else { if ($long) $format = get_pref($link, 'LONG_DATE_FORMAT', $owner_uid); else $format = get_pref($link, 'SHORT_DATE_FORMAT', $owner_uid); return date($format, $user_timestamp); } } function smart_date_time($link, $timestamp, $tz_offset = 0, $owner_uid = false) { if (!$owner_uid) $owner_uid = $_SESSION['uid']; if (date("Y.m.d", $timestamp) == date("Y.m.d", time() + $tz_offset)) { return date("G:i", $timestamp); } else if (date("Y", $timestamp) == date("Y", time() + $tz_offset)) { $format = get_pref($link, 'SHORT_DATE_FORMAT', $owner_uid); return date($format, $timestamp); } else { $format = get_pref($link, 'LONG_DATE_FORMAT', $owner_uid); return date($format, $timestamp); } } function smart_date($timestamp) { if (date("Y.m.d", $timestamp) == date("Y.m.d")) { return "Today"; } else if (date("Y", $timestamp) == date("Y")) { return date("D m", $timestamp); } else { return date("Y/m/d", $timestamp); } } function sql_bool_to_string($s) { if ($s == "t" || $s == "1") { return "true"; } else { return "false"; } } function sql_bool_to_bool($s) { if ($s == "t" || $s == "1") { return true; } else { return false; } } function bool_to_sql_bool($s) { if ($s) { return "true"; } else { return "false"; } } function toggleEvenOdd($a) { if ($a == "even") return "odd"; else return "even"; } function get_schema_version($link, $nocache = false) { if (!$_SESSION["schema_version"] || $nocache) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT schema_version FROM ttrss_version"); $version = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "schema_version"); $_SESSION["schema_version"] = $version; return $version; } else { return $_SESSION["schema_version"]; } } function sanity_check($link) { $error_code = 0; $schema_version = get_schema_version($link); if ($schema_version != SCHEMA_VERSION) { $error_code = 5; } if (DB_TYPE == "mysql") { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT true", false); if (db_num_rows($result) != 1) { $error_code = 10; } } if (db_escape_string("testTEST") != "testTEST") { $error_code = 12; } if ($error_code != 0) { print_error_xml($error_code); return false; } else { return true; } } function file_is_locked($filename) { if (function_exists('flock')) { $fp = @fopen(LOCK_DIRECTORY . "/$filename", "r"); if ($fp) { if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) { flock($fp, LOCK_UN); fclose($fp); return false; } fclose($fp); return true; } else { return false; } } return true; // consider the file always locked and skip the test } function make_lockfile($filename) { $fp = fopen(LOCK_DIRECTORY . "/$filename", "w"); if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) { if (function_exists('posix_getpid')) { fwrite($fp, posix_getpid() . "\n"); } return $fp; } else { return false; } } function make_stampfile($filename) { $fp = fopen(LOCK_DIRECTORY . "/$filename", "w"); if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) { fwrite($fp, time() . "\n"); flock($fp, LOCK_UN); fclose($fp); return true; } else { return false; } } function sql_random_function() { if (DB_TYPE == "mysql") { return "RAND()"; } else { return "RANDOM()"; } } function catchup_feed($link, $feed, $cat_view, $owner_uid = false) { if (!$owner_uid) $owner_uid = $_SESSION['uid']; if (preg_match("/^-?[0-9][0-9]*$/", $feed) != false) { if ($cat_view) { if ($feed >= 0) { if ($feed > 0) { $cat_qpart = "cat_id = '$feed'"; } else { $cat_qpart = "cat_id IS NULL"; } $tmp_result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE $cat_qpart AND owner_uid = $owner_uid"); while ($tmp_line = db_fetch_assoc($tmp_result)) { $tmp_feed = $tmp_line["id"]; db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET unread = false,last_read = NOW() WHERE feed_id = '$tmp_feed' AND owner_uid = $owner_uid"); } } else if ($feed == -2) { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET unread = false,last_read = NOW() WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ttrss_user_labels2 WHERE article_id = ref_id) > 0 AND unread = true AND owner_uid = $owner_uid"); } } else if ($feed > 0) { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET unread = false,last_read = NOW() WHERE feed_id = '$feed' AND owner_uid = $owner_uid"); } else if ($feed < 0 && $feed > -10) { // special, like starred if ($feed == -1) { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET unread = false,last_read = NOW() WHERE marked = true AND owner_uid = $owner_uid"); } if ($feed == -2) { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET unread = false,last_read = NOW() WHERE published = true AND owner_uid = $owner_uid"); } if ($feed == -3) { $intl = get_pref($link, "FRESH_ARTICLE_MAX_AGE"); if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") { $match_part = "updated > NOW() - INTERVAL '$intl hour' "; } else { $match_part = "updated > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $intl HOUR) "; } $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_entries, ttrss_user_entries WHERE $match_part AND unread = true AND ttrss_user_entries.ref_id = ttrss_entries.id AND owner_uid = $owner_uid"); $affected_ids = array(); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($affected_ids, $line["id"]); } catchupArticlesById($link, $affected_ids, 0); } if ($feed == -4) { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET unread = false,last_read = NOW() WHERE owner_uid = $owner_uid"); } } else if ($feed < -10) { // label $label_id = -$feed - 11; db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries, ttrss_user_labels2 SET unread = false, last_read = NOW() WHERE label_id = '$label_id' AND unread = true AND owner_uid = '$owner_uid' AND ref_id = article_id"); } ccache_update($link, $feed, $owner_uid, $cat_view); } else { // tag db_query($link, "BEGIN"); $tag_name = db_escape_string($feed); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT post_int_id FROM ttrss_tags WHERE tag_name = '$tag_name' AND owner_uid = $owner_uid"); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET unread = false, last_read = NOW() WHERE int_id = " . $line["post_int_id"]); } db_query($link, "COMMIT"); } } function update_generic_feed($link, $feed, $cat_view, $force_update = false) { if ($cat_view) { if ($feed > 0) { $cat_qpart = "cat_id = '$feed'"; } else { $cat_qpart = "cat_id IS NULL"; } $tmp_result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE $cat_qpart AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); while ($tmp_line = db_fetch_assoc($tmp_result)) { $feed_id = $tmp_line["id"]; update_rss_feed($link, $feed_id, $force_update); } } else { update_rss_feed($link, $feed, $force_update); } } function getAllCounters($link, $omode = "flc", $active_feed = false) { if (!$omode) $omode = "flc"; $data = getGlobalCounters($link); $data = array_merge($data, getVirtCounters($link)); if (strchr($omode, "l")) $data = array_merge($data, getLabelCounters($link)); if (strchr($omode, "f")) $data = array_merge($data, getFeedCounters($link, $active_feed)); if (strchr($omode, "t")) $data = array_merge($data, getTagCounters($link)); if (strchr($omode, "c")) { if (get_pref($link, 'ENABLE_FEED_CATS')) { $data = array_merge($data, getCategoryCounters($link)); } } return $data; } function getCategoryCounters($link) { $ret_arr = array(); /* Labels category */ $cv = array("id" => -2, "kind" => "cat", "counter" => getCategoryUnread($link, -2)); array_push($ret_arr, $cv); $age_qpart = getMaxAgeSubquery(); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id AS cat_id, value AS unread FROM ttrss_feed_categories, ttrss_cat_counters_cache WHERE ttrss_cat_counters_cache.feed_id = id AND ttrss_feed_categories.owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $line["cat_id"] = (int) $line["cat_id"]; $cv = array("id" => $line["cat_id"], "kind" => "cat", "counter" => $line["unread"]); array_push($ret_arr, $cv); } /* Special case: NULL category doesn't actually exist in the DB */ $cv = array("id" => 0, "kind" => "cat", "counter" => ccache_find($link, 0, $_SESSION["uid"], true)); array_push($ret_arr, $cv); return $ret_arr; } function getCategoryUnread($link, $cat, $owner_uid = false) { if (!$owner_uid) $owner_uid = $_SESSION["uid"]; if ($cat >= 0) { if ($cat != 0) { $cat_query = "cat_id = '$cat'"; } else { $cat_query = "cat_id IS NULL"; } $age_qpart = getMaxAgeSubquery(); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE $cat_query AND owner_uid = " . $owner_uid); $cat_feeds = array(); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($cat_feeds, "feed_id = " . $line["id"]); } if (count($cat_feeds) == 0) return 0; $match_part = implode(" OR ", $cat_feeds); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT COUNT(int_id) AS unread FROM ttrss_user_entries,ttrss_entries WHERE unread = true AND ($match_part) AND id = ref_id AND $age_qpart AND owner_uid = " . $owner_uid); $unread = 0; # this needs to be rewritten while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $unread += $line["unread"]; } return $unread; } else if ($cat == -1) { return getFeedUnread($link, -1) + getFeedUnread($link, -2) + getFeedUnread($link, -3) + getFeedUnread($link, 0); } else if ($cat == -2) { $result = db_query($link, " SELECT COUNT(unread) AS unread FROM ttrss_user_entries, ttrss_labels2, ttrss_user_labels2, ttrss_feeds WHERE label_id = ttrss_labels2.id AND article_id = ref_id AND ttrss_labels2.owner_uid = '$owner_uid' AND unread = true AND feed_id = ttrss_feeds.id AND ttrss_user_entries.owner_uid = '$owner_uid'"); $unread = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "unread"); return $unread; } } function getMaxAgeSubquery($days = COUNTERS_MAX_AGE) { if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") { return "ttrss_entries.date_updated > NOW() - INTERVAL '$days days'"; } else { return "ttrss_entries.date_updated > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $days DAY)"; } } function getFeedUnread($link, $feed, $is_cat = false) { return getFeedArticles($link, $feed, $is_cat, true, $_SESSION["uid"]); } function getLabelUnread($link, $label_id, $owner_uid = false) { if (!$owner_uid) $owner_uid = $_SESSION["uid"]; $result = db_query($link, " SELECT COUNT(unread) AS unread FROM ttrss_user_entries, ttrss_labels2, ttrss_user_labels2, ttrss_feeds WHERE label_id = ttrss_labels2.id AND article_id = ref_id AND ttrss_labels2.owner_uid = '$owner_uid' AND ttrss_labels2.id = '$label_id' AND unread = true AND feed_id = ttrss_feeds.id AND ttrss_user_entries.owner_uid = '$owner_uid'"); if (db_num_rows($result) != 0) { return db_fetch_result($result, 0, "unread"); } else { return 0; } } function getFeedArticles($link, $feed, $is_cat = false, $unread_only = false, $owner_uid = false) { $n_feed = (int) $feed; if (!$owner_uid) $owner_uid = $_SESSION["uid"]; if ($unread_only) { $unread_qpart = "unread = true"; } else { $unread_qpart = "true"; } $age_qpart = getMaxAgeSubquery(); if ($is_cat) { return getCategoryUnread($link, $n_feed, $owner_uid); } if ($feed != "0" && $n_feed == 0) { $feed = db_escape_string($feed); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT SUM((SELECT COUNT(int_id) FROM ttrss_user_entries,ttrss_entries WHERE int_id = post_int_id AND ref_id = id AND $age_qpart AND $unread_qpart)) AS count FROM ttrss_tags WHERE owner_uid = $owner_uid AND tag_name = '$feed'"); return db_fetch_result($result, 0, "count"); } else if ($n_feed == -1) { $match_part = "marked = true"; } else if ($n_feed == -2) { $match_part = "published = true"; } else if ($n_feed == -3) { $match_part = "unread = true"; $intl = get_pref($link, "FRESH_ARTICLE_MAX_AGE", $owner_uid); if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") { $match_part .= " AND updated > NOW() - INTERVAL '$intl hour' "; } else { $match_part .= " AND updated > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $intl HOUR) "; } } else if ($n_feed == -4) { $match_part = "true"; } else if ($n_feed >= 0) { if ($n_feed != 0) { $match_part = "feed_id = '$n_feed'"; } else { $match_part = "feed_id IS NULL"; } } else if ($feed < -10) { $label_id = -$feed - 11; return getLabelUnread($link, $label_id, $owner_uid); } if ($match_part) { if ($n_feed != 0) { $from_qpart = "ttrss_user_entries,ttrss_feeds,ttrss_entries"; $feeds_qpart = "ttrss_user_entries.feed_id = ttrss_feeds.id AND"; } else { $from_qpart = "ttrss_user_entries,ttrss_entries"; $feeds_qpart = ''; } $query = "SELECT count(int_id) AS unread FROM $from_qpart WHERE ttrss_user_entries.ref_id = ttrss_entries.id AND $age_qpart AND $feeds_qpart $unread_qpart AND ($match_part) AND ttrss_user_entries.owner_uid = $owner_uid"; $result = db_query($link, $query); } else { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT COUNT(post_int_id) AS unread FROM ttrss_tags,ttrss_user_entries,ttrss_entries WHERE tag_name = '$feed' AND post_int_id = int_id AND ref_id = ttrss_entries.id AND $unread_qpart AND $age_qpart AND ttrss_tags.owner_uid = " . $owner_uid); } $unread = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "unread"); return $unread; } function getGlobalUnread($link, $user_id = false) { if (!$user_id) { $user_id = $_SESSION["uid"]; } $result = db_query($link, "SELECT SUM(value) AS c_id FROM ttrss_counters_cache WHERE owner_uid = '$user_id' AND feed_id > 0"); $c_id = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "c_id"); return $c_id; } function getGlobalCounters($link, $global_unread = -1) { $ret_arr = array(); if ($global_unread == -1) { $global_unread = getGlobalUnread($link); } $cv = array("id" => "global-unread", "counter" => $global_unread); array_push($ret_arr, $cv); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT COUNT(id) AS fn FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); $subscribed_feeds = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "fn"); $cv = array("id" => "subscribed-feeds", "counter" => $subscribed_feeds); array_push($ret_arr, $cv); return $ret_arr; } function getSubscribedFeeds($link) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT COUNT(id) AS fn FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); return db_fetch_result($result, 0, "fn"); } function getTagCounters($link) { $ret_arr = array(); $age_qpart = getMaxAgeSubquery(); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT tag_name,SUM((SELECT COUNT(int_id) FROM ttrss_user_entries,ttrss_entries WHERE int_id = post_int_id AND ref_id = id AND $age_qpart AND unread = true)) AS count FROM ttrss_tags WHERE owner_uid = ".$_SESSION['uid']." GROUP BY tag_name ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 55"); $tags = array(); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $tags[$line["tag_name"]] += $line["count"]; } foreach (array_keys($tags) as $tag) { $unread = $tags[$tag]; $tag = htmlspecialchars($tag); $cv = array("id" => $tag, "kind" => "tag", "counter" => $unread); array_push($ret_arr, $cv); } return $ret_arr; } function getVirtCounters($link) { $ret_arr = array(); for ($i = 0; $i >= -4; $i--) { $count = getFeedUnread($link, $i); $cv = array("id" => $i, "counter" => $count); // if (get_pref($link, 'EXTENDED_FEEDLIST')) // $cv["xmsg"] = getFeedArticles($link, $i)." ".__("total"); array_push($ret_arr, $cv); } return $ret_arr; } function getLabelCounters($link, $descriptions = false) { $ret_arr = array(); $age_qpart = getMaxAgeSubquery(); $owner_uid = $_SESSION["uid"]; $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id, caption FROM ttrss_labels2 WHERE owner_uid = '$owner_uid'"); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $id = -$line["id"] - 11; $label_name = $line["caption"]; $count = getFeedUnread($link, $id); $cv = array("id" => $id, "counter" => $count); if ($descriptions) $cv["description"] = $label_name; // if (get_pref($link, 'EXTENDED_FEEDLIST')) // $cv["xmsg"] = getFeedArticles($link, $id)." ".__("total"); array_push($ret_arr, $cv); } return $ret_arr; } function getFeedCounters($link, $active_feed = false) { $ret_arr = array(); $age_qpart = getMaxAgeSubquery(); $query = "SELECT ttrss_feeds.id, ttrss_feeds.title, ".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(ttrss_feeds.last_updated,1,19) AS last_updated, last_error, value AS count FROM ttrss_feeds, ttrss_counters_cache WHERE ttrss_feeds.owner_uid = ".$_SESSION["uid"]." AND ttrss_counters_cache.feed_id = id"; $result = db_query($link, $query); $fctrs_modified = false; while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $id = $line["id"]; $count = $line["count"]; $last_error = htmlspecialchars($line["last_error"]); $last_updated = make_local_datetime($link, $line['last_updated'], false); $has_img = feed_has_icon($id); if (date('Y') - date('Y', strtotime($line['last_updated'])) > 2) $last_updated = ''; $cv = array("id" => $id, "updated" => $last_updated, "counter" => $count, "has_img" => (int) $has_img); if ($last_error) $cv["error"] = $last_error; // if (get_pref($link, 'EXTENDED_FEEDLIST')) // $cv["xmsg"] = getFeedArticles($link, $id)." ".__("total"); if ($active_feed && $id == $active_feed) $cv["title"] = truncate_string($line["title"], 30); array_push($ret_arr, $cv); } return $ret_arr; } function get_pgsql_version($link) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT version() AS version"); $version = split(" ", db_fetch_result($result, 0, "version")); return $version[1]; } function print_error_xml($code, $add_msg = "") { global $ERRORS; $error_msg = $ERRORS[$code]; if ($add_msg) { $error_msg = "$error_msg; $add_msg"; } print ""; print ""; print ""; } /** * Subscribes the user to the given feed * * @param resource $link Database connection * @param string $url Feed URL to subscribe to * @param integer $cat_id Category ID the feed shall be added to * @param string $auth_login (optional) Feed username * @param string $auth_pass (optional) Feed password * * @return integer Status code: * 0 - OK, Feed already exists * 1 - OK, Feed added * 2 - Invalid URL * 3 - URL content is HTML, no feeds available * 4 - URL content is HTML which contains multiple feeds. * Here you should call extractfeedurls in rpc-backend * to get all possible feeds. * 5 - Couldn't download the URL content. */ function subscribe_to_feed($link, $url, $cat_id = 0, $auth_login = '', $auth_pass = '') { $url = fix_url($url); if (!validate_feed_url($url)) return 2; if (!fetch_file_contents($url)) return 5; if (url_is_html($url)) { $feedUrls = get_feeds_from_html($url); if (count($feedUrls) == 0) { return 3; } else if (count($feedUrls) > 1) { return 4; } //use feed url as new URL $url = key($feedUrls); } if ($cat_id == "0" || !$cat_id) { $cat_qpart = "NULL"; } else { $cat_qpart = "'$cat_id'"; } $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE feed_url = '$url' AND owner_uid = ".$_SESSION["uid"]); if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { $result = db_query($link, "INSERT INTO ttrss_feeds (owner_uid,feed_url,title,cat_id, auth_login,auth_pass) VALUES ('".$_SESSION["uid"]."', '$url', '[Unknown]', $cat_qpart, '$auth_login', '$auth_pass')"); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE feed_url = '$url' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); $feed_id = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "id"); if ($feed_id) { update_rss_feed($link, $feed_id, true); } return 1; } else { return 0; } } function print_feed_select($link, $id, $default_id = "", $attributes = "", $include_all_feeds = true) { print ""; } function print_feed_cat_select($link, $id, $default_id = "", $attributes = "", $include_all_cats = true) { print ""; } function checkbox_to_sql_bool($val) { return ($val == "on") ? "true" : "false"; } function getFeedCatTitle($link, $id) { if ($id == -1) { return __("Special"); } else if ($id < -10) { return __("Labels"); } else if ($id > 0) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT ttrss_feed_categories.title FROM ttrss_feeds, ttrss_feed_categories WHERE ttrss_feeds.id = '$id' AND cat_id = ttrss_feed_categories.id"); if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) { return db_fetch_result($result, 0, "title"); } else { return __("Uncategorized"); } } else { return "getFeedCatTitle($id) failed"; } } function getFeedIcon($id) { switch ($id) { case 0: return "images/archive.png"; break; case -1: return "images/mark_set.png"; break; case -2: return "images/pub_set.png"; break; case -3: return "images/fresh.png"; break; case -4: return "images/tag.png"; break; default: if ($id < -10) { return "images/label.png"; } else { return ICONS_URL . "/$id.ico"; } break; } } function getFeedTitle($link, $id) { if ($id == -1) { return __("Starred articles"); } else if ($id == -2) { return __("Published articles"); } else if ($id == -3) { return __("Fresh articles"); } else if ($id == -4) { return __("All articles"); } else if ($id === 0 || $id === "0") { return __("Archived articles"); } else if ($id < -10) { $label_id = -$id - 11; $result = db_query($link, "SELECT caption FROM ttrss_labels2 WHERE id = '$label_id'"); if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) { return db_fetch_result($result, 0, "caption"); } else { return "Unknown label ($label_id)"; } } else if ($id > 0) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT title FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$id'"); if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) { return db_fetch_result($result, 0, "title"); } else { return "Unknown feed ($id)"; } } else { return $id; } } function get_session_cookie_name() { return ((!defined('TTRSS_SESSION_NAME')) ? "ttrss_sid" : TTRSS_SESSION_NAME); } function make_init_params($link) { $params = array(); $params["theme"] = get_user_theme($link); $params["theme_options"] = get_user_theme_options($link); $params["daemon_enabled"] = ENABLE_UPDATE_DAEMON; $params["sign_progress"] = theme_image($link, "images/indicator_white.gif"); $params["sign_progress_tiny"] = theme_image($link, "images/indicator_tiny.gif"); $params["sign_excl"] = theme_image($link, "images/sign_excl.png"); $params["sign_info"] = theme_image($link, "images/sign_info.png"); foreach (array("ON_CATCHUP_SHOW_NEXT_FEED", "HIDE_READ_FEEDS", "ENABLE_FEED_CATS", "FEEDS_SORT_BY_UNREAD", "CONFIRM_FEED_CATCHUP", "CDM_AUTO_CATCHUP", "FRESH_ARTICLE_MAX_AGE", "DEFAULT_ARTICLE_LIMIT", "HIDE_READ_SHOWS_SPECIAL", "HIDE_FEEDLIST", "COMBINED_DISPLAY_MODE") as $param) { $params[strtolower($param)] = (int) get_pref($link, $param); } $params["icons_url"] = ICONS_URL; $params["cookie_lifetime"] = SESSION_COOKIE_LIFETIME; $params["default_view_mode"] = get_pref($link, "_DEFAULT_VIEW_MODE"); $params["default_view_limit"] = (int) get_pref($link, "_DEFAULT_VIEW_LIMIT"); $params["default_view_order_by"] = get_pref($link, "_DEFAULT_VIEW_ORDER_BY"); $params["prefs_active_tab"] = get_pref($link, "_PREFS_ACTIVE_TAB"); $params["infobox_disable_overlay"] = get_pref($link, "_INFOBOX_DISABLE_OVERLAY"); $params["bw_limit"] = (int) $_SESSION["bw_limit"]; $params["offline_enabled"] = (int) get_pref($link, "ENABLE_OFFLINE_READING"); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cf FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); $num_feeds = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "cf"); $params["num_feeds"] = (int) $num_feeds; $params["collapsed_feedlist"] = (int) get_pref($link, "_COLLAPSED_FEEDLIST"); return $params; } function print_runtime_info($link) { print ""; } function make_runtime_info($link) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cf FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); $num_feeds = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "cf"); $data = array(); $data['num_feeds'] = (int) $num_feeds; $data['last_article_id'] = getLastArticleId($link); $data['cdm_expanded'] = get_pref($link, 'CDM_EXPANDED'); if (ENABLE_UPDATE_DAEMON) { $data['daemon_is_running'] = (int) file_is_locked("update_daemon.lock"); if (time() - $_SESSION["daemon_stamp_check"] > 30) { $stamp = (int) @file_get_contents(LOCK_DIRECTORY . "/update_daemon.stamp"); if ($stamp) { $stamp_delta = time() - $stamp; if ($stamp_delta > 1800) { $stamp_check = 0; } else { $stamp_check = 1; $_SESSION["daemon_stamp_check"] = time(); } $data['daemon_stamp_ok'] = $stamp_check; $stamp_fmt = date("Y.m.d, G:i", $stamp); $data['daemon_stamp'] = $stamp_fmt; } } } if (CHECK_FOR_NEW_VERSION && $_SESSION["access_level"] >= 10) { if ($_SESSION["last_version_check"] + 86400 + rand(-1000, 1000) < time()) { $new_version_details = @check_for_update($link); $data['new_version_available'] = (int) $new_version_details != ""; $_SESSION["last_version_check"] = time(); } } return $data; } function getSearchSql($search, $match_on) { $search_query_part = ""; $keywords = split(" ", $search); $query_keywords = array(); if ($match_on == "both") { foreach ($keywords as $k) { if (strpos($k, "-") === 0) { $k = substr($k, 1); $not = "NOT"; } else { $not = ""; } array_push($query_keywords, "(UPPER(ttrss_entries.title) $not LIKE UPPER('%$k%') OR UPPER(ttrss_entries.content) $not LIKE UPPER('%$k%'))"); } $search_query_part = implode("AND", $query_keywords) . " AND "; } else if ($match_on == "title") { foreach ($keywords as $k) { if (strpos($k, "-") === 0) { $k = substr($k, 1); $not = "NOT"; } else { $not = ""; } array_push($query_keywords, "(UPPER(ttrss_entries.title) $not LIKE UPPER('%$k%'))"); } $search_query_part = implode("AND", $query_keywords) . " AND "; } else if ($match_on == "content") { foreach ($keywords as $k) { if (strpos($k, "-") === 0) { $k = substr($k, 1); $not = "NOT"; } else { $not = ""; } array_push($query_keywords, "(UPPER(ttrss_entries.content) $not LIKE UPPER('%$k%'))"); } } $search_query_part = implode("AND", $query_keywords); return $search_query_part; } function queryFeedHeadlines($link, $feed, $limit, $view_mode, $cat_view, $search, $search_mode, $match_on, $override_order = false, $offset = 0, $owner_uid = 0) { if (!$owner_uid) $owner_uid = $_SESSION["uid"]; $ext_tables_part = ""; if ($search) { if (SPHINX_ENABLED) { $ids = join(",", @sphinx_search($search, 0, 500)); if ($ids) $search_query_part = "ref_id IN ($ids) AND "; else $search_query_part = "ref_id = -1 AND "; } else { $search_query_part = getSearchSql($search, $match_on); $search_query_part .= " AND "; } } else { $search_query_part = ""; } $view_query_part = ""; if ($view_mode == "adaptive" || $view_query_part == "noscores") { if ($search) { $view_query_part = " "; } else if ($feed != -1) { $unread = getFeedUnread($link, $feed, $cat_view); if ($unread > 0) { $view_query_part = " unread = true AND "; } } } if ($view_mode == "marked") { $view_query_part = " marked = true AND "; } if ($view_mode == "published") { $view_query_part = " published = true AND "; } if ($view_mode == "unread") { $view_query_part = " unread = true AND "; } if ($view_mode == "updated") { $view_query_part = " (last_read is null and unread = false) AND "; } if ($limit > 0) { $limit_query_part = "LIMIT " . $limit; } $vfeed_query_part = ""; // override query strategy and enable feed display when searching globally if ($search && $search_mode == "all_feeds") { $query_strategy_part = "ttrss_entries.id > 0"; $vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,"; /* tags */ } else if (preg_match("/^-?[0-9][0-9]*$/", $feed) == false) { $query_strategy_part = "ttrss_entries.id > 0"; $vfeed_query_part = "(SELECT title FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = feed_id) as feed_title,"; } else if ($feed > 0 && $search && $search_mode == "this_cat") { $vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,"; $tmp_result = false; if ($cat_view) { $tmp_result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE cat_id = '$feed'"); } else { $tmp_result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE cat_id = (SELECT cat_id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed') AND id != '$feed'"); } $cat_siblings = array(); if (db_num_rows($tmp_result) > 0) { while ($p = db_fetch_assoc($tmp_result)) { array_push($cat_siblings, "feed_id = " . $p["id"]); } $query_strategy_part = sprintf("(feed_id = %d OR %s)", $feed, implode(" OR ", $cat_siblings)); } else { $query_strategy_part = "ttrss_entries.id > 0"; } } else if ($feed > 0) { if ($cat_view) { if ($feed > 0) { $query_strategy_part = "cat_id = '$feed'"; } else { $query_strategy_part = "cat_id IS NULL"; } $vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,"; } else { $query_strategy_part = "feed_id = '$feed'"; } } else if ($feed == 0 && !$cat_view) { // archive virtual feed $query_strategy_part = "feed_id IS NULL"; } else if ($feed == 0 && $cat_view) { // uncategorized $query_strategy_part = "cat_id IS NULL"; $vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,"; } else if ($feed == -1) { // starred virtual feed $query_strategy_part = "marked = true"; $vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,"; } else if ($feed == -2) { // published virtual feed OR labels category if (!$cat_view) { $query_strategy_part = "published = true"; $vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,"; } else { $vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,"; $ext_tables_part = ",ttrss_labels2,ttrss_user_labels2"; $query_strategy_part = "ttrss_labels2.id = ttrss_user_labels2.label_id AND ttrss_user_labels2.article_id = ref_id"; } } else if ($feed == -3) { // fresh virtual feed $query_strategy_part = "unread = true"; $intl = get_pref($link, "FRESH_ARTICLE_MAX_AGE", $owner_uid); if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") { $query_strategy_part .= " AND updated > NOW() - INTERVAL '$intl hour' "; } else { $query_strategy_part .= " AND updated > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $intl HOUR) "; } $vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,"; } else if ($feed == -4) { // all articles virtual feed $query_strategy_part = "true"; $vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,"; } else if ($feed <= -10) { // labels $label_id = -$feed - 11; $query_strategy_part = "label_id = '$label_id' AND ttrss_labels2.id = ttrss_user_labels2.label_id AND ttrss_user_labels2.article_id = ref_id"; $vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,"; $ext_tables_part = ",ttrss_labels2,ttrss_user_labels2"; } else { $query_strategy_part = "id > 0"; // dumb } if (get_pref($link, "SORT_HEADLINES_BY_FEED_DATE", $owner_uid)) { $date_sort_field = "updated"; } else { $date_sort_field = "date_entered"; } if (get_pref($link, 'REVERSE_HEADLINES', $owner_uid)) { $order_by = "$date_sort_field"; } else { $order_by = "$date_sort_field DESC"; } if ($view_mode != "noscores") { $order_by = "score DESC, $order_by"; } if ($override_order) { $order_by = $override_order; } $feed_title = ""; if ($search) { $feed_title = "Search results"; } else { if ($cat_view) { $feed_title = getCategoryTitle($link, $feed); } else { if ((int)$feed == $feed && $feed > 0) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT title,site_url,last_error FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed' AND owner_uid = $owner_uid"); $feed_title = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "title"); $feed_site_url = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "site_url"); $last_error = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "last_error"); } else { $feed_title = getFeedTitle($link, $feed); } } } $content_query_part = "content as content_preview,"; if (preg_match("/^-?[0-9][0-9]*$/", $feed) != false) { if ($feed >= 0) { $feed_kind = "Feeds"; } else { $feed_kind = "Labels"; } if ($limit_query_part) { $offset_query_part = "OFFSET $offset"; } if ($vfeed_query_part && get_pref($link, 'VFEED_GROUP_BY_FEED', $owner_uid)) { if (!$override_order) { $order_by = "ttrss_feeds.title, $order_by"; } } if ($feed != "0") { $from_qpart = "ttrss_entries,ttrss_user_entries,ttrss_feeds$ext_tables_part"; $feed_check_qpart = "ttrss_user_entries.feed_id = ttrss_feeds.id AND"; } else { $from_qpart = "ttrss_entries,ttrss_user_entries$ext_tables_part LEFT JOIN ttrss_feeds ON (feed_id = ttrss_feeds.id)"; } $query = "SELECT DISTINCT date_entered, guid, ttrss_entries.id,ttrss_entries.title, updated, note, unread,feed_id,marked,published,link,last_read,orig_feed_id, ".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(last_read,1,19) as last_read_noms, $vfeed_query_part $content_query_part ".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(updated,1,19) as updated_noms, author,score FROM $from_qpart WHERE $feed_check_qpart ttrss_user_entries.ref_id = ttrss_entries.id AND ttrss_user_entries.owner_uid = '$owner_uid' AND $search_query_part $view_query_part $query_strategy_part ORDER BY $order_by $limit_query_part $offset_query_part"; if ($_REQUEST["debug"]) print $query; $result = db_query($link, $query); } else { // browsing by tag $feed_kind = "Tags"; $result = db_query($link, "SELECT guid, note, ttrss_entries.id as id,title, updated, unread,feed_id,orig_feed_id, marked,link,last_read, ".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(last_read,1,19) as last_read_noms, $vfeed_query_part $content_query_part ".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(updated,1,19) as updated_noms, score FROM ttrss_entries,ttrss_user_entries,ttrss_tags WHERE ref_id = ttrss_entries.id AND ttrss_user_entries.owner_uid = '$owner_uid' AND post_int_id = int_id AND tag_name = '$feed' AND $view_query_part $search_query_part $query_strategy_part ORDER BY $order_by $limit_query_part"); } return array($result, $feed_title, $feed_site_url, $last_error); } function generate_syndicated_feed($link, $owner_uid, $feed, $is_cat, $limit, $search, $search_mode, $match_on, $view_mode = false) { $note_style = "float : right; background-color : #fff7d5; border-width : 1px; ". "padding : 5px; border-style : dashed; border-color : #e7d796;". "margin-bottom : 1em; color : #9a8c59;"; if (!$limit) $limit = 30; if (get_pref($link, "SORT_HEADLINES_BY_FEED_DATE", $owner_uid)) { $date_sort_field = "updated"; } else { $date_sort_field = "date_entered"; } $qfh_ret = queryFeedHeadlines($link, $feed, $limit, $view_mode, $is_cat, $search, $search_mode, $match_on, "$date_sort_field DESC", 0, $owner_uid); $result = $qfh_ret[0]; $feed_title = htmlspecialchars($qfh_ret[1]); $feed_site_url = $qfh_ret[2]; $last_error = $qfh_ret[3]; // if (!$feed_site_url) $feed_site_url = "http://localhost/"; print " $feed_title $feed_site_url Feed generated by Tiny Tiny RSS"; while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { print ""; print "" . htmlspecialchars($line["guid"]) . ""; print "" . htmlspecialchars($line["link"]) . ""; $tags = get_article_tags($link, $line["id"], $owner_uid); foreach ($tags as $tag) { print "" . htmlspecialchars($tag) . ""; } $rfc822_date = date('r', strtotime($line["updated"])); print "$rfc822_date"; if ($line["author"]) { print "" . htmlspecialchars($line["author"]) . ""; } print "<![CDATA[" . htmlspecialchars($line["title"]) . "]]>"; print ""; print $line["note"]; print ""; } print sanitize_rss($link, $line["content_preview"], false, $owner_uid); print "]]>"; $enclosures = get_article_enclosures($link, $line["id"]); foreach ($enclosures as $e) { $type = htmlspecialchars($e['content_type']); $url = htmlspecialchars($e['content_url']); $length = $e['duration']; print ""; } print ""; } print ""; } function getCategoryTitle($link, $cat_id) { if ($cat_id == -1) { return __("Special"); } else if ($cat_id == -2) { return __("Labels"); } else { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT title FROM ttrss_feed_categories WHERE id = '$cat_id'"); if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) { return db_fetch_result($result, 0, "title"); } else { return "Uncategorized"; } } } function sanitize_rss($link, $str, $force_strip_tags = false, $owner = false, $site_url = false) { global $purifier; if (!$owner) $owner = $_SESSION["uid"]; $res = trim($str); if (!$res) return ''; if (get_pref($link, "STRIP_UNSAFE_TAGS", $owner) || $force_strip_tags) { $res = $purifier->purify($res); } if (get_pref($link, "STRIP_IMAGES", $owner)) { $res = preg_replace('/]+>/is', '', $res); } $charset_hack = ' '; $res = trim($res); if (!$res) return ''; libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadHTML($charset_hack . $res); $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); $entries = $xpath->query('(//a[@href]|//img[@src])'); $br_inserted = 0; foreach ($entries as $entry) { if ($site_url) { if ($entry->hasAttribute('href')) $entry->setAttribute('href', rewrite_relative_url($site_url, $entry->getAttribute('href'))); if ($entry->hasAttribute('src')) $entry->setAttribute('src', rewrite_relative_url($site_url, $entry->getAttribute('src'))); } if (strtolower($entry->nodeName) == "a") { if (get_pref($link, 'OPEN_LINKS_IN_NEW_WINDOW', $owner)) { $entry->setAttribute("target", "_blank"); } } if (strtolower($entry->nodeName) == "img" && !$br_inserted) { $br = $doc->createElement("br"); if ($entry->parentNode->nextSibling) { $entry->parentNode->insertBefore($br, $entry->nextSibling); $br_inserted = 1; } } } $node = $doc->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0); return $doc->saveXML($node); } /** * Send by mail a digest of last articles. * * @param mixed $link The database connection. * @param integer $limit The maximum number of articles by digest. * @return boolean Return false if digests are not enabled. */ function send_headlines_digests($link, $limit = 100) { if (!DIGEST_ENABLE) return false; $user_limit = DIGEST_EMAIL_LIMIT; $days = 1; print "Sending digests, batch of max $user_limit users, days = $days, headline limit = $limit\n\n"; if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") { $interval_query = "last_digest_sent < NOW() - INTERVAL '$days days'"; } else if (DB_TYPE == "mysql") { $interval_query = "last_digest_sent < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $days DAY)"; } $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id,email FROM ttrss_users WHERE email != '' AND (last_digest_sent IS NULL OR $interval_query)"); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if (get_pref($link, 'DIGEST_ENABLE', $line['id'], false)) { print "Sending digest for UID:" . $line['id'] . " - " . $line["email"] . " ... "; $do_catchup = get_pref($link, 'DIGEST_CATCHUP', $line['id'], false); $tuple = prepare_headlines_digest($link, $line["id"], $days, $limit); $digest = $tuple[0]; $headlines_count = $tuple[1]; $affected_ids = $tuple[2]; $digest_text = $tuple[3]; if ($headlines_count > 0) { $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->PluginDir = "lib/phpmailer/"; $mail->SetLanguage("en", "lib/phpmailer/language/"); $mail->CharSet = "UTF-8"; $mail->From = DIGEST_FROM_ADDRESS; $mail->FromName = DIGEST_FROM_NAME; $mail->AddAddress($line["email"], $line["login"]); if (DIGEST_SMTP_HOST) { $mail->Host = DIGEST_SMTP_HOST; $mail->Mailer = "smtp"; $mail->SMTPAuth = DIGEST_SMTP_LOGIN != ''; $mail->Username = DIGEST_SMTP_LOGIN; $mail->Password = DIGEST_SMTP_PASSWORD; } $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->Subject = DIGEST_SUBJECT; $mail->Body = $digest; $mail->AltBody = $digest_text; $rc = $mail->Send(); if (!$rc) print "ERROR: " . $mail->ErrorInfo; print "RC=$rc\n"; if ($rc && $do_catchup) { print "Marking affected articles as read...\n"; catchupArticlesById($link, $affected_ids, 0, $line["id"]); } } else { print "No headlines\n"; } db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_users SET last_digest_sent = NOW() WHERE id = " . $line["id"]); } } print "All done.\n"; } function prepare_headlines_digest($link, $user_id, $days = 1, $limit = 100) { require_once "lib/MiniTemplator.class.php"; $tpl = new MiniTemplator; $tpl_t = new MiniTemplator; $tpl->readTemplateFromFile("templates/digest_template_html.txt"); $tpl_t->readTemplateFromFile("templates/digest_template.txt"); $tpl->setVariable('CUR_DATE', date('Y/m/d')); $tpl->setVariable('CUR_TIME', date('G:i')); $tpl_t->setVariable('CUR_DATE', date('Y/m/d')); $tpl_t->setVariable('CUR_TIME', date('G:i')); $affected_ids = array(); if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") { $interval_query = "ttrss_entries.date_updated > NOW() - INTERVAL '$days days'"; } else if (DB_TYPE == "mysql") { $interval_query = "ttrss_entries.date_updated > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $days DAY)"; } $result = db_query($link, "SELECT ttrss_entries.title, ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title, date_updated, ttrss_user_entries.ref_id, link, SUBSTRING(content, 1, 120) AS excerpt, ".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(last_updated,1,19) AS last_updated FROM ttrss_user_entries,ttrss_entries,ttrss_feeds WHERE ref_id = ttrss_entries.id AND feed_id = ttrss_feeds.id AND include_in_digest = true AND $interval_query AND ttrss_user_entries.owner_uid = $user_id AND unread = true ORDER BY ttrss_feeds.title, date_updated DESC LIMIT $limit"); $cur_feed_title = ""; $headlines_count = db_num_rows($result); $headlines = array(); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($headlines, $line); } for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($headlines); $i++) { $line = $headlines[$i]; array_push($affected_ids, $line["ref_id"]); $updated = make_local_datetime($link, $line['last_updated'], false, $user_id); $tpl->setVariable('FEED_TITLE', $line["feed_title"]); $tpl->setVariable('ARTICLE_TITLE', $line["title"]); $tpl->setVariable('ARTICLE_LINK', $line["link"]); $tpl->setVariable('ARTICLE_UPDATED', $updated); $tpl->setVariable('ARTICLE_EXCERPT', truncate_string(strip_tags($line["excerpt"]), 100)); $tpl->addBlock('article'); $tpl_t->setVariable('FEED_TITLE', $line["feed_title"]); $tpl_t->setVariable('ARTICLE_TITLE', $line["title"]); $tpl_t->setVariable('ARTICLE_LINK', $line["link"]); $tpl_t->setVariable('ARTICLE_UPDATED', $updated); // $tpl_t->setVariable('ARTICLE_EXCERPT', // truncate_string(strip_tags($line["excerpt"]), 100)); $tpl_t->addBlock('article'); if ($headlines[$i]['feed_title'] != $headlines[$i+1]['feed_title']) { $tpl->addBlock('feed'); $tpl_t->addBlock('feed'); } } $tpl->addBlock('digest'); $tpl->generateOutputToString($tmp); $tpl_t->addBlock('digest'); $tpl_t->generateOutputToString($tmp_t); return array($tmp, $headlines_count, $affected_ids, $tmp_t); } function check_for_update($link) { $releases_feed = "http://tt-rss.org/releases.rss"; if (!CHECK_FOR_NEW_VERSION || $_SESSION["access_level"] < 10) { return; } if (DEFAULT_UPDATE_METHOD == "1") { $rss = new SimplePie(); $rss->set_useragent(SELF_USER_AGENT); $rss->set_feed_url($fetch_url); $rss->set_output_encoding('UTF-8'); $rss->init(); } else { $rss = fetch_rss($releases_feed); } if ($rss) { if (DEFAULT_UPDATE_METHOD == "1") { $items = $rss->get_items(); } else { $items = $rss->items; if (!$items || !is_array($items)) $items = $rss->entries; if (!$items || !is_array($items)) $items = $rss; } if (!is_array($items) || count($items) == 0) { return; } $latest_item = $items[0]; if (DEFAULT_UPDATE_METHOD == "1") { $last_title = $latest_item->get_title(); } else { $last_title = $latest_item["title"]; } $latest_version = trim(preg_replace("/(Milestone)|(completed)/", "", $last_title)); if (DEFAULT_UPDATE_METHOD == "1") { $release_url = sanitize_rss($link, $latest_item->get_link()); $content = sanitize_rss($link, $latest_item->get_description()); } else { $release_url = sanitize_rss($link, $latest_item["link"]); $content = sanitize_rss($link, $latest_item["description"]); } if (version_compare(VERSION, $latest_version) == -1) { return sprintf("New version of Tiny-Tiny RSS (%s) is available:", $latest_version)."
"; } else { return false; } } } function markArticlesById($link, $ids, $cmode) { $tmp_ids = array(); foreach ($ids as $id) { array_push($tmp_ids, "ref_id = '$id'"); } $ids_qpart = join(" OR ", $tmp_ids); if ($cmode == 0) { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET marked = false,last_read = NOW() WHERE ($ids_qpart) AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); } else if ($cmode == 1) { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET marked = true WHERE ($ids_qpart) AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); } else { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET marked = NOT marked,last_read = NOW() WHERE ($ids_qpart) AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); } } function publishArticlesById($link, $ids, $cmode) { $tmp_ids = array(); foreach ($ids as $id) { array_push($tmp_ids, "ref_id = '$id'"); } $ids_qpart = join(" OR ", $tmp_ids); if ($cmode == 0) { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET published = false,last_read = NOW() WHERE ($ids_qpart) AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); } else if ($cmode == 1) { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET published = true WHERE ($ids_qpart) AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); } else { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET published = NOT published,last_read = NOW() WHERE ($ids_qpart) AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); } } function catchupArticlesById($link, $ids, $cmode, $owner_uid = false) { if (!$owner_uid) $owner_uid = $_SESSION["uid"]; if (count($ids) == 0) return; $tmp_ids = array(); foreach ($ids as $id) { array_push($tmp_ids, "ref_id = '$id'"); } $ids_qpart = join(" OR ", $tmp_ids); if ($cmode == 0) { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET unread = false,last_read = NOW() WHERE ($ids_qpart) AND owner_uid = $owner_uid"); } else if ($cmode == 1) { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET unread = true WHERE ($ids_qpart) AND owner_uid = $owner_uid"); } else { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET unread = NOT unread,last_read = NOW() WHERE ($ids_qpart) AND owner_uid = $owner_uid"); } /* update ccache */ $result = db_query($link, "SELECT DISTINCT feed_id FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE ($ids_qpart) AND owner_uid = $owner_uid"); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { ccache_update($link, $line["feed_id"], $owner_uid); } } function catchupArticleById($link, $id, $cmode) { if ($cmode == 0) { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET unread = false,last_read = NOW() WHERE ref_id = '$id' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); } else if ($cmode == 1) { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET unread = true WHERE ref_id = '$id' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); } else { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET unread = NOT unread,last_read = NOW() WHERE ref_id = '$id' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); } $feed_id = getArticleFeed($link, $id); ccache_update($link, $feed_id, $_SESSION["uid"]); } function make_guid_from_title($title) { return preg_replace("/[ \"\',.:;]/", "-", mb_strtolower(strip_tags($title), 'utf-8')); } function print_headline_subtoolbar($link, $feed_site_url, $feed_title, $feed_id, $is_cat, $search, $match_on, $search_mode, $view_mode) { # print "
"; $page_prev_link = "viewFeedGoPage(-1)"; $page_next_link = "viewFeedGoPage(1)"; $page_first_link = "viewFeedGoPage(0)"; $catchup_page_link = "catchupPage()"; $catchup_feed_link = "catchupCurrentFeed()"; $catchup_sel_link = "catchupSelection()"; $archive_sel_link = "archiveSelection()"; $delete_sel_link = "deleteSelection()"; $sel_all_link = "selectArticles('all')"; $sel_unread_link = "selectArticles('unread')"; $sel_none_link = "selectArticles('none')"; $sel_inv_link = "selectArticles('invert')"; $tog_unread_link = "selectionToggleUnread()"; $tog_marked_link = "selectionToggleMarked()"; $tog_published_link = "selectionTogglePublished()"; print "
"; print __('Select:')." ".__('All').", ".__('Unread').", ".__('Invert').", ".__('None').""; print " "; print ""; print "
"; print "
"; if ($feed_site_url) { $target = "target=\"_blank\""; print "". truncate_string($feed_title,30).""; } else { if ($feed_id < -10) { $label_id = -11-$feed_id; $result = db_query($link, "SELECT fg_color, bg_color FROM ttrss_labels2 WHERE id = '$label_id' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); if (db_num_rows($result) != 0) { $fg_color = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "fg_color"); $bg_color = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "bg_color"); print ""; print $feed_title; print ""; } else { print $feed_title; } } else { print $feed_title; } } if ($search) { $search_q = "&q=$search&m=$match_on&smode=$search_mode"; } else { $search_q = ""; } // Adaptive doesn't really make any sense for generated feeds // All Articles is the default, so no need to insert it either if ($view_mode == "adaptive" || $view_mode == "all_articles") $view_mode = ""; else $view_mode = "&view-mode=$view_mode"; $rss_link = htmlspecialchars(get_self_url_prefix() . "/backend.php?op=rss&id=$feed_id&is_cat=$is_cat$view_mode$search_q"); #print " # # "; print " "; print "
"; } function outputFeedList($link, $special = true) { $feedlist = array(); $enable_cats = get_pref($link, 'ENABLE_FEED_CATS'); $feedlist['identifier'] = 'id'; $feedlist['label'] = 'name'; $feedlist['items'] = array(); $owner_uid = $_SESSION["uid"]; /* virtual feeds */ if ($special) { if ($enable_cats) { $cat_hidden = get_pref($link, "_COLLAPSED_SPECIAL"); $cat = feedlist_init_cat($link, -1, $cat_hidden); } else { $cat['items'] = array(); } foreach (array(-4, -3, -1, -2, 0) as $i) { array_push($cat['items'], feedlist_init_feed($link, $i)); } if ($enable_cats) { array_push($feedlist['items'], $cat); } else { $feedlist['items'] = array_merge($feedlist['items'], $cat['items']); } $result = db_query($link, "SELECT * FROM ttrss_labels2 WHERE owner_uid = '$owner_uid' ORDER by caption"); if (get_pref($link, 'ENABLE_FEED_CATS')) { $cat_hidden = get_pref($link, "_COLLAPSED_LABELS"); $cat = feedlist_init_cat($link, -2, $cat_hidden); } else { $cat['items'] = array(); } while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $label_id = -$line['id'] - 11; $count = getFeedUnread($link, $label_id); array_push($cat['items'], feedlist_init_feed($link, $label_id, false, $count)); } if ($enable_cats) { array_push($feedlist['items'], $cat); } else { $feedlist['items'] = array_merge($feedlist['items'], $cat['items']); } } /* if (get_pref($link, 'ENABLE_FEED_CATS')) { if (get_pref($link, "FEEDS_SORT_BY_UNREAD")) { $order_by_qpart = "order_id,category,unread DESC,title"; } else { $order_by_qpart = "order_id,category,title"; } } else { if (get_pref($link, "FEEDS_SORT_BY_UNREAD")) { $order_by_qpart = "unread DESC,title"; } else { $order_by_qpart = "title"; } } */ /* real feeds */ if ($enable_cats) $order_by_qpart = "ttrss_feed_categories.order_id,category, ttrss_feeds.order_id,title"; else $order_by_qpart = "title"; $age_qpart = getMaxAgeSubquery(); $query = "SELECT ttrss_feeds.id, ttrss_feeds.title, ".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(last_updated,1,19) AS last_updated_noms, cat_id,last_error, ttrss_feed_categories.title AS category, ttrss_feed_categories.collapsed, value AS unread FROM ttrss_feeds LEFT JOIN ttrss_feed_categories ON (ttrss_feed_categories.id = cat_id) LEFT JOIN ttrss_counters_cache ON (ttrss_feeds.id = feed_id) WHERE ttrss_feeds.owner_uid = '$owner_uid' ORDER BY $order_by_qpart"; $result = db_query($link, $query); $actid = $_REQUEST["actid"]; if (db_num_rows($result) > 0) { $category = ""; if (!$enable_cats) $cat['items'] = array(); else $cat = false; while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $feed = htmlspecialchars(trim($line["title"])); if (!$feed) $feed = "[Untitled]"; $feed_id = $line["id"]; $unread = $line["unread"]; $cat_id = $line["cat_id"]; $tmp_category = $line["category"]; if (!$tmp_category) $tmp_category = __("Uncategorized"); if ($category != $tmp_category && $enable_cats) { $category = $tmp_category; $collapsed = sql_bool_to_bool($line["collapsed"]); // workaround for NULL category if ($category == __("Uncategorized")) { $collapsed = get_pref($link, "_COLLAPSED_UNCAT"); } if ($cat) array_push($feedlist['items'], $cat); $cat = feedlist_init_cat($link, $cat_id, $collapsed); } $updated = make_local_datetime($link, $line["updated_noms"], false); array_push($cat['items'], feedlist_init_feed($link, $feed_id, $feed, $unread, $line['last_error'], $updated)); } if ($enable_cats) { array_push($feedlist['items'], $cat); } else { $feedlist['items'] = array_merge($feedlist['items'], $cat['items']); } } return $feedlist; } function get_article_tags($link, $id, $owner_uid = 0) { global $memcache; $a_id = db_escape_string($id); if (!$owner_uid) $owner_uid = $_SESSION["uid"]; $query = "SELECT DISTINCT tag_name, owner_uid as owner FROM ttrss_tags WHERE post_int_id = (SELECT int_id FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE ref_id = '$a_id' AND owner_uid = '$owner_uid' LIMIT 1) ORDER BY tag_name"; $obj_id = md5("TAGS:$owner_uid:$id"); $tags = array(); if ($memcache && $obj = $memcache->get($obj_id)) { $tags = $obj; } else { /* check cache first */ $result = db_query($link, "SELECT tag_cache FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE ref_id = '$id' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); $tag_cache = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "tag_cache"); if ($tag_cache) { $tags = explode(",", $tag_cache); } else { /* do it the hard way */ $tmp_result = db_query($link, $query); while ($tmp_line = db_fetch_assoc($tmp_result)) { array_push($tags, $tmp_line["tag_name"]); } /* update the cache */ $tags_str = db_escape_string(join(",", $tags)); db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET tag_cache = '$tags_str' WHERE ref_id = '$id' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); } if ($memcache) $memcache->add($obj_id, $tags, 0, 3600); } return $tags; } function trim_value(&$value) { $value = trim($value); } function trim_array($array) { $tmp = $array; array_walk($tmp, 'trim_value'); return $tmp; } function tag_is_valid($tag) { if ($tag == '') return false; if (preg_match("/^[0-9]*$/", $tag)) return false; if (mb_strlen($tag) > 250) return false; if (function_exists('iconv')) { $tag = iconv("utf-8", "utf-8", $tag); } if (!$tag) return false; return true; } function render_login_form($link, $mobile = 0) { switch ($mobile) { case 0: require_once "login_form.php"; break; case 1: require_once "mobile/login_form.php"; break; case 2: require_once "mobile/classic/login_form.php"; } } // from http://developer.apple.com/internet/safari/faq.html function no_cache_incantation() { header("Expires: Mon, 22 Dec 1980 00:00:00 GMT"); // Happy birthday to me :) header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); // always modified header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); // HTTP/1.0 } function format_warning($msg, $id = "") { global $link; return "
"; } function format_notice($msg) { global $link; return "
"; } function format_error($msg) { global $link; return "
"; } function print_notice($msg) { return print format_notice($msg); } function print_warning($msg) { return print format_warning($msg); } function print_error($msg) { return print format_error($msg); } function T_sprintf() { $args = func_get_args(); return vsprintf(__(array_shift($args)), $args); } function format_inline_player($link, $url, $ctype) { $entry = ""; if (($ctype == __("audio/mpeg")) && (get_pref($link, "ENABLE_FLASH_PLAYER")) ) { $entry .= " "; } /* if (substr($ctype,0,6)=="audio/" || $ctype=="application/ogg" || $ctype=="application/x-ogg") { $entry .= " "; if (($ctype == __("audio/mpeg")) && (get_pref($link, "ENABLE_FLASH_PLAYER")) ) { $entry .= "".__('Switch to Flash Player').""; $entry .= ""; } } elseif (substr($ctype,0,6)=="video/") { $entry .= ""; } */ return $entry; } function outputArticleXML($link, $id, $feed_id, $mark_as_read = true, $zoom_mode = false) { /* we can figure out feed_id from article id anyway, why do we * pass feed_id here? let's ignore the argument :( */ $result = db_query($link, "SELECT feed_id FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE ref_id = '$id'"); $feed_id = (int) db_fetch_result($result, 0, "feed_id"); if (!$zoom_mode) { print "
"; } else { $feed_icon = " "; } $feed_site_url = $line['site_url']; $num_comments = $line["num_comments"]; $entry_comments = ""; if ($num_comments > 0) { if ($line["comments"]) { $comments_url = $line["comments"]; } else { $comments_url = $line["link"]; } $entry_comments = "$num_comments comments"; } else { if ($line["comments"] && $line["link"] != $line["comments"]) { $entry_comments = "comments"; } } if ($zoom_mode) { header("Content-Type: text/html"); print " Tiny Tiny RSS - ".$line["title"]." "; } print "
" . truncate_string(strip_tags($line['title']), 15) . "
"; print "
"; print "
"; print "
".__('View in a new tab')."
"; print "
"; print "
".__('Open original article')."
"; print "
"; print "
"; $entry_author = $line["author"]; if ($entry_author) { $entry_author = __(" - ") . $entry_author; } $parsed_updated = make_local_datetime($link, $line["updated"], true, false, true); print "
"; if ($line["link"]) { print ""; } else { print "
" . $line["title"] . "$entry_author
"; } $tags_str = format_tags_string(get_article_tags($link, $id), $id); if (!$entry_comments) $entry_comments = " "; # placeholder print "
Tags "; if (!$zoom_mode) { print "$tags_str (+)"; print "Zoom"; $note_escaped = htmlspecialchars($line['note'], ENT_QUOTES); print "PubNote"; if (DIGEST_ENABLE) { print "Zoom"; } print "Zoom"; } else { $tags_str = strip_tags($tags_str); print "$tags_str"; } print "
"; print "
"; if ($line["orig_feed_id"]) { $tmp_result = db_query($link, "SELECT * FROM ttrss_archived_feeds WHERE id = ".$line["orig_feed_id"]); if (db_num_rows($tmp_result) != 0) { print "
"; print __("Originally from:"); print " "; $tmp_line = db_fetch_assoc($tmp_result); print "" . $tmp_line['title'] . ""; print " "; print ""; print ""; print "
"; } } print "
"; print ""; print "
"; $article_content = sanitize_rss($link, $line["content"], false, false, $feed_site_url); print "
"; if ($line['note']) { print format_article_note($id, $line['note']); } print "
"; print $article_content; print_article_enclosures($link, $id, $always_display_enclosures, $article_content); print "
"; print "
"; } if (!$zoom_mode) { print "]]>
"; } else { print "
"; print ""; } } function outputHeadlinesList($link, $feed, $subop, $view_mode, $limit, $cat_view, $next_unread_feed, $offset, $vgr_last_feed = false, $override_order = false) { $disable_cache = false; $timing_info = getmicrotime(); $topmost_article_ids = array(); if (!$offset) { $offset = 0; } if ($subop == "undefined") $subop = ""; $subop_split = split(":", $subop); if ($subop == "CatchupSelected") { $ids = split(",", db_escape_string($_REQUEST["ids"])); $cmode = sprintf("%d", $_REQUEST["cmode"]); catchupArticlesById($link, $ids, $cmode); } if ($subop == "ForceUpdate" && sprintf("%d", $feed) > 0 && !$cat_view) { update_generic_feed($link, $feed, $cat_view, true); } if ($subop == "MarkAllRead") { catchup_feed($link, $feed, $cat_view); if (get_pref($link, 'ON_CATCHUP_SHOW_NEXT_FEED')) { if ($next_unread_feed) { $feed = $next_unread_feed; } } } if ($subop_split[0] == "MarkAllReadGR") { catchup_feed($link, $subop_split[1], false); } // FIXME: might break tag display? if ($feed > 0 && !$cat_view) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed' LIMIT 1"); if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { print "
".__('Feed not found.')."
"; return; } } if (preg_match("/^-?[0-9][0-9]*$/", $feed) != false) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT rtl_content FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) { $rtl_content = sql_bool_to_bool(db_fetch_result($result, 0, "rtl_content")); } else { $rtl_content = false; } if ($rtl_content) { $rtl_tag = "dir=\"RTL\""; } else { $rtl_tag = ""; } } else { $rtl_tag = ""; $rtl_content = false; } /// START ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @$search = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["query"]); if ($search) { $disable_cache = true; } @$search_mode = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["search_mode"]); @$match_on = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["match_on"]); if (!$match_on) { $match_on = "both"; } $real_offset = $offset * $limit; if ($_REQUEST["debug"]) $timing_info = print_checkpoint("H0", $timing_info); $qfh_ret = queryFeedHeadlines($link, $feed, $limit, $view_mode, $cat_view, $search, $search_mode, $match_on, $override_order, $real_offset); if ($_REQUEST["debug"]) $timing_info = print_checkpoint("H1", $timing_info); $result = $qfh_ret[0]; $feed_title = $qfh_ret[1]; $feed_site_url = $qfh_ret[2]; $last_error = $qfh_ret[3]; $vgroup_last_feed = $vgr_last_feed; /* if ($feed == -2) { $feed_site_url = article_publish_url($link); } */ /// STOP ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// print ""; if (!$result) { print "
".__("Could not display feed (query failed). Please check label match syntax or local configuration.")."
"; return; } if (db_num_rows($result) > 0) { print_headline_subtoolbar($link, $feed_site_url, $feed_title, $feed, $cat_view, $search, $match_on, $search_mode, $view_mode); // print "
"; } } print "]]> 0) { $lnum = $limit*$offset; $num_unread = 0; $cur_feed_title = ''; $fresh_intl = get_pref($link, "FRESH_ARTICLE_MAX_AGE") * 60 * 60; while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $class = ($lnum % 2) ? "even" : "odd"; $id = $line["id"]; $feed_id = $line["feed_id"]; $labels = get_article_labels($link, $id); $labels_str = ""; $labels_str .= format_article_labels($labels, $id); $labels_str .= ""; if (count($topmost_article_ids) < 3) { array_push($topmost_article_ids, $id); } if ($line["last_read"] == "" && !sql_bool_to_bool($line["unread"])) { $update_pic = "\"Updated\""; } else { $update_pic = "\"Updated\""; } if (sql_bool_to_bool($line["unread"]) && time() - strtotime($line["updated_noms"]) < $fresh_intl) { $update_pic = "\"Fresh\""; } if ($line["unread"] == "t" || $line["unread"] == "1") { $class .= " Unread"; ++$num_unread; $is_unread = true; } else { $is_unread = false; } if ($line["marked"] == "t" || $line["marked"] == "1") { $marked_pic = "\"Unstar"; } else { $marked_pic = "\"Star"; } if ($line["published"] == "t" || $line["published"] == "1") { $published_pic = "\"Unpublish"; } else { $published_pic = "\"Publish"; } # $content_link = "" . # $line["title"] . ""; # $content_link = "" . # $line["title"] . ""; # $content_link = "" . # $line["title"] . ""; $updated_fmt = make_local_datetime($link, $line["updated_noms"], false); if (get_pref($link, 'SHOW_CONTENT_PREVIEW')) { $content_preview = truncate_string(strip_tags($line["content_preview"]), 100); } $score = $line["score"]; $score_pic = theme_image($link, "images/" . get_score_pic($score)); /* $score_title = __("(Click to change)"); $score_pic = ""; */ $score_pic = ""; if ($score > 500) { $hlc_suffix = "H"; } else if ($score < -100) { $hlc_suffix = "L"; } else { $hlc_suffix = ""; } $entry_author = $line["author"]; if ($entry_author) { $entry_author = " - $entry_author"; } $has_feed_icon = feed_has_icon($feed_id); if ($has_feed_icon) { $feed_icon_img = "\"\""; } else { //$feed_icon_img = "\"\""; $feed_icon_img = ""; } if (!get_pref($link, 'COMBINED_DISPLAY_MODE')) { if (get_pref($link, 'VFEED_GROUP_BY_FEED')) { if ($feed_id != $vgroup_last_feed && $line["feed_title"]) { $cur_feed_title = $line["feed_title"]; $vgroup_last_feed = $feed_id; $cur_feed_title = htmlspecialchars($cur_feed_title); $vf_catchup_link = "(".__('mark as read').")"; print "
". "
". "". $line["feed_title"]." $vf_catchup_link
"; } } $mouseover_attrs = "onmouseover='postMouseIn($id)' onmouseout='postMouseOut($id)'"; print "
"; print "
"; print "
"; print ""; print "$marked_pic"; print "$published_pic"; print "
"; print "
"; print "" . $line["title"]; if (get_pref($link, 'SHOW_CONTENT_PREVIEW')) { if ($content_preview) { print " - $content_preview"; } } print ""; print $labels_str; /* if (!get_pref($link, 'VFEED_GROUP_BY_FEED')) { if (@$line["feed_title"]) { print " (". $line["feed_title"].") "; } } */ print "
"; print "
"; print "$updated_fmt"; print $score_pic; if ($line["feed_title"] && !get_pref($link, 'VFEED_GROUP_BY_FEED')) { print " $feed_icon_img"; } print "
"; print "
"; } else { if (get_pref($link, 'VFEED_GROUP_BY_FEED') && $line["feed_title"]) { if ($feed_id != $vgroup_last_feed) { $cur_feed_title = $line["feed_title"]; $vgroup_last_feed = $feed_id; $cur_feed_title = htmlspecialchars($cur_feed_title); $vf_catchup_link = "(".__('mark as read').")"; $has_feed_icon = feed_has_icon($feed_id); if ($has_feed_icon) { $feed_icon_img = "\"\""; } else { //$feed_icon_img = "\"\""; } print "
". "
". "". $line["feed_title"]." $vf_catchup_link
"; } } $expand_cdm = get_pref($link, 'CDM_EXPANDED'); $mouseover_attrs = "onmouseover='postMouseIn($id)' onmouseout='postMouseOut($id)'"; print "
"; print "
"; print "
"; print "$updated_fmt"; print "$score_pic"; if (!get_pref($link, "VFEED_GROUP_BY_FEED") && $line["feed_title"]) { print "$feed_icon_img"; } print "
"; print "
"; print ""; print "$marked_pic"; print "$published_pic"; print " ".$line["title"]. " $entry_author"; print $labels_str; if (!$expand_cdm) $content_hidden = "style=\"display : none\""; else $excerpt_hidden = "style=\"display : none\""; print " - $content_preview"; print ""; print "
"; print "
"; print "
"; if ($line["orig_feed_id"]) { $tmp_result = db_query($link, "SELECT * FROM ttrss_archived_feeds WHERE id = ".$line["orig_feed_id"]); if (db_num_rows($tmp_result) != 0) { print "
"; print __("Originally from:"); print " "; $tmp_line = db_fetch_assoc($tmp_result); print "" . $tmp_line['title'] . ""; print " "; print ""; print ""; print "
"; } } // FIXME: make this less of a hack $feed_site_url = false; if ($line["feed_id"]) { $tmp_result = db_query($link, "SELECT site_url FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = " . $line["feed_id"]); if (db_num_rows($tmp_result) == 1) { $feed_site_url = db_fetch_result($tmp_result, 0, "site_url"); } } if ($expand_cdm) { $article_content = sanitize_rss($link, $line["content_preview"], false, false, $feed_site_url); if (!$article_content) $article_content = " "; } else { $article_content = ''; } print "
"; if ($line['note']) { print format_article_note($id, $line['note']); } print "
"; print "$article_content"; $tmp_result = db_query($link, "SELECT always_display_enclosures FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = ". (($line['feed_id'] == null) ? $line['orig_feed_id'] : $line['feed_id'])." AND owner_uid = ".$_SESSION["uid"]); $always_display_enclosures = sql_bool_to_bool(db_fetch_result($tmp_result, 0, "always_display_enclosures")); print_article_enclosures($link, $id, $always_display_enclosures, $article_content); print "
"; print "
"; $tags_str = format_tags_string(get_article_tags($link, $id), $id); print "Tags $tags_str (+)"; print "
"; print "Zoom"; if (DIGEST_ENABLE) { print "Zoom"; } $note_escaped = htmlspecialchars($line['note'], ENT_QUOTES); print "PubNote"; print "Dismiss"; print "
"; print "
"; print "
"; print "
"; } ++$lnum; } } else { $message = ""; switch ($view_mode) { case "unread": $message = __("No unread articles found to display."); break; case "updated": $message = __("No updated articles found to display."); break; case "marked": $message = __("No starred articles found to display."); break; default: if ($feed < -10) { $message = __("No articles found to display. You can assign articles to labels manually (see the Actions menu above) or use a filter."); } else { $message = __("No articles found to display."); } } if (!$offset && $message) { print "
$message"; print "

"; $result = db_query($link, "SELECT ".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(MAX(last_updated), 1, 19) AS last_updated FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE owner_uid = " . $_SESSION['uid']); $last_updated = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "last_updated"); $last_updated = make_local_datetime($link, $last_updated, false); printf(__("Feeds last updated at %s"), $last_updated); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT COUNT(id) AS num_errors FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE last_error != '' AND owner_uid = ".$_SESSION["uid"]); $num_errors = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "num_errors"); if ($num_errors > 0) { print "
"; print "". __('Some feeds have update errors (click for details)').""; } print "

"; } } # if (!$offset) { # if ($headlines_count > 0) print "
"; # print "
"; # } print "]]>"; return array($topmost_article_ids, $headlines_count, $feed, $disable_cache, $vgroup_last_feed); } // from here: http://www.roscripts.com/Create_tag_cloud-71.html function printTagCloud($link) { $query = "SELECT tag_name, COUNT(post_int_id) AS count FROM ttrss_tags WHERE owner_uid = ".$_SESSION["uid"]." GROUP BY tag_name ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 50"; $result = db_query($link, $query); $tags = array(); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $tags[$line["tag_name"]] = $line["count"]; } ksort($tags); $max_size = 32; // max font size in pixels $min_size = 11; // min font size in pixels // largest and smallest array values $max_qty = max(array_values($tags)); $min_qty = min(array_values($tags)); // find the range of values $spread = $max_qty - $min_qty; if ($spread == 0) { // we don't want to divide by zero $spread = 1; } // set the font-size increment $step = ($max_size - $min_size) / ($spread); // loop through the tag array foreach ($tags as $key => $value) { // calculate font-size // find the $value in excess of $min_qty // multiply by the font-size increment ($size) // and add the $min_size set above $size = round($min_size + (($value - $min_qty) * $step)); $key_escaped = str_replace("'", "\\'", $key); echo "' . $key . ' '; } } function print_checkpoint($n, $s) { $ts = getmicrotime(); echo sprintf("", $ts - $s); return $ts; } function sanitize_tag($tag) { $tag = trim($tag); $tag = mb_strtolower($tag, 'utf-8'); $tag = preg_replace('/[\"\+\>\<]/', "", $tag); // $tag = str_replace('"', "", $tag); // $tag = str_replace("+", " ", $tag); $tag = str_replace("technorati tag: ", "", $tag); return $tag; } function get_self_url_prefix() { $url_path = ""; if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != "on") { $url_path = "http://"; } else { $url_path = "https://"; } $url_path .= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); return $url_path; } function opml_publish_url($link){ $url_path = get_self_url_prefix(); $url_path .= "/opml.php?op=publish&key=" . get_feed_access_key($link, 'OPML:Publish', false, $_SESSION["uid"]); return $url_path; } /** * Purge a feed contents, marked articles excepted. * * @param mixed $link The database connection. * @param integer $id The id of the feed to purge. * @return void */ function clear_feed_articles($link, $id) { if ($id != 0) { $result = db_query($link, "DELETE FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE feed_id = '$id' AND marked = false AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); } else { $result = db_query($link, "DELETE FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE feed_id IS NULL AND marked = false AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); } $result = db_query($link, "DELETE FROM ttrss_entries WHERE (SELECT COUNT(int_id) FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE ref_id = id) = 0"); ccache_update($link, $id, $_SESSION['uid']); } // function clear_feed_articles /** * Compute the Mozilla Firefox feed adding URL from server HOST and REQUEST_URI. * * @return string The Mozilla Firefox feed adding URL. */ function add_feed_url() { $url_path = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != "on" ? 'http://' : 'https://') . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], PHP_URL_PATH); $url_path .= "?op=pref-feeds&quiet=1&subop=add&feed_url=%s"; return $url_path; } // function add_feed_url /** * Encrypt a password in SHA1. * * @param string $pass The password to encrypt. * @param string $login A optionnal login. * @return string The encrypted password. */ function encrypt_password($pass, $login = '') { if ($login) { return "SHA1X:" . sha1("$login:$pass"); } else { return "SHA1:" . sha1($pass); } } // function encrypt_password /** * Update a feed batch. * Used by daemons to update n feeds by run. * Only update feed needing a update, and not being processed * by another process. * * @param mixed $link Database link * @param integer $limit Maximum number of feeds in update batch. Default to DAEMON_FEED_LIMIT. * @param boolean $from_http Set to true if you call this function from http to disable cli specific code. * @param boolean $debug Set to false to disable debug output. Default to true. * @return void */ function update_daemon_common($link, $limit = DAEMON_FEED_LIMIT, $from_http = false, $debug = true) { // Process all other feeds using last_updated and interval parameters // Test if the user has loggued in recently. If not, it does not update its feeds. if (DAEMON_UPDATE_LOGIN_LIMIT > 0) { if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") { $login_thresh_qpart = "AND ttrss_users.last_login >= NOW() - INTERVAL '".DAEMON_UPDATE_LOGIN_LIMIT." days'"; } else { $login_thresh_qpart = "AND ttrss_users.last_login >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ".DAEMON_UPDATE_LOGIN_LIMIT." DAY)"; } } else { $login_thresh_qpart = ""; } // Test if the feed need a update (update interval exceded). if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") { $update_limit_qpart = "AND (( ttrss_feeds.update_interval = 0 AND ttrss_feeds.last_updated < NOW() - CAST((ttrss_user_prefs.value || ' minutes') AS INTERVAL) ) OR ( ttrss_feeds.update_interval > 0 AND ttrss_feeds.last_updated < NOW() - CAST((ttrss_feeds.update_interval || ' minutes') AS INTERVAL) ) OR ttrss_feeds.last_updated IS NULL)"; } else { $update_limit_qpart = "AND (( ttrss_feeds.update_interval = 0 AND ttrss_feeds.last_updated < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL CONVERT(ttrss_user_prefs.value, SIGNED INTEGER) MINUTE) ) OR ( ttrss_feeds.update_interval > 0 AND ttrss_feeds.last_updated < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ttrss_feeds.update_interval MINUTE) ) OR ttrss_feeds.last_updated IS NULL)"; } // Test if feed is currently being updated by another process. if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") { $updstart_thresh_qpart = "AND (ttrss_feeds.last_update_started IS NULL OR ttrss_feeds.last_update_started < NOW() - INTERVAL '120 seconds')"; } else { $updstart_thresh_qpart = "AND (ttrss_feeds.last_update_started IS NULL OR ttrss_feeds.last_update_started < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 120 SECOND))"; } // Test if there is a limit to number of updated feeds $query_limit = ""; if($limit) $query_limit = sprintf("LIMIT %d", $limit); $random_qpart = sql_random_function(); // We search for feed needing update. $result = db_query($link, "SELECT ttrss_feeds.feed_url,ttrss_feeds.id, ttrss_feeds.owner_uid, ".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(ttrss_feeds.last_updated,1,19) AS last_updated, ttrss_feeds.update_interval FROM ttrss_feeds, ttrss_users, ttrss_user_prefs WHERE ttrss_feeds.owner_uid = ttrss_users.id AND ttrss_users.id = ttrss_user_prefs.owner_uid AND ttrss_user_prefs.pref_name = 'DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL' $login_thresh_qpart $update_limit_qpart $updstart_thresh_qpart ORDER BY $random_qpart $query_limit"); $user_prefs_cache = array(); if($debug) _debug(sprintf("Scheduled %d feeds to update...\n", db_num_rows($result))); // Here is a little cache magic in order to minimize risk of double feed updates. $feeds_to_update = array(); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $feeds_to_update[$line['id']] = $line; } // We update the feed last update started date before anything else. // There is no lag due to feed contents downloads // It prevent an other process to update the same feed. $feed_ids = array_keys($feeds_to_update); if($feed_ids) { db_query($link, sprintf("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_update_started = NOW() WHERE id IN (%s)", implode(',', $feed_ids))); } // For each feed, we call the feed update function. while ($line = array_pop($feeds_to_update)) { if($debug) _debug("Feed: " . $line["feed_url"] . ", " . $line["last_updated"]); update_rss_feed($link, $line["id"], true); sleep(1); // prevent flood (FIXME make this an option?) } // Send feed digests by email if needed. if (DAEMON_SENDS_DIGESTS) send_headlines_digests($link); } // function update_daemon_common function sanitize_article_content($text) { # we don't support CDATA sections in articles, they break our own escaping $text = preg_replace("/\[\[CDATA/", "", $text); $text = preg_replace("/\]\]\>/", "", $text); return $text; } function load_filters($link, $feed, $owner_uid, $action_id = false) { $filters = array(); global $memcache; $obj_id = md5("FILTER:$feed:$owner_uid:$action_id"); if ($memcache && $obj = $memcache->get($obj_id)) { return $obj; } else { if ($action_id) $ftype_query_part = "action_id = '$action_id' AND"; $result = db_query($link, "SELECT reg_exp, ttrss_filter_types.name AS name, ttrss_filter_actions.name AS action, inverse, action_param, filter_param FROM ttrss_filters,ttrss_filter_types,ttrss_filter_actions WHERE enabled = true AND $ftype_query_part owner_uid = $owner_uid AND ttrss_filter_types.id = filter_type AND ttrss_filter_actions.id = action_id AND (feed_id IS NULL OR feed_id = '$feed') ORDER BY reg_exp"); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if (!$filters[$line["name"]]) $filters[$line["name"]] = array(); $filter["reg_exp"] = $line["reg_exp"]; $filter["action"] = $line["action"]; $filter["action_param"] = $line["action_param"]; $filter["filter_param"] = $line["filter_param"]; $filter["inverse"] = sql_bool_to_bool($line["inverse"]); array_push($filters[$line["name"]], $filter); } if ($memcache) $memcache->add($obj_id, $filters, 0, 3600*8); return $filters; } } function get_score_pic($score) { if ($score > 100) { return "score_high.png"; } else if ($score > 0) { return "score_half_high.png"; } else if ($score < -100) { return "score_low.png"; } else if ($score < 0) { return "score_half_low.png"; } else { return "score_neutral.png"; } } function rounded_table_start($classname, $header = " ") { print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print "
 "; } function rounded_table_end($footer = " ") { print " 
"; } function feed_has_icon($id) { return is_file(ICONS_DIR . "/$id.ico") && filesize(ICONS_DIR . "/$id.ico") > 0; } function init_connection($link) { if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") { pg_query($link, "set client_encoding = 'UTF-8'"); pg_set_client_encoding("UNICODE"); pg_query($link, "set datestyle = 'ISO, european'"); pg_query($link, "set TIME ZONE 0"); } else { db_query($link, "SET time_zone = '+0:0'"); if (defined('MYSQL_CHARSET') && MYSQL_CHARSET) { db_query($link, "SET NAMES " . MYSQL_CHARSET); // db_query($link, "SET CHARACTER SET " . MYSQL_CHARSET); } } } function update_feedbrowser_cache($link) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT feed_url,title, COUNT(id) AS subscribers FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE (SELECT COUNT(id) = 0 FROM ttrss_feeds AS tf WHERE tf.feed_url = ttrss_feeds.feed_url AND (private IS true OR feed_url LIKE '%:%@%/%')) GROUP BY feed_url, title ORDER BY subscribers DESC LIMIT 1000"); db_query($link, "BEGIN"); db_query($link, "DELETE FROM ttrss_feedbrowser_cache"); $count = 0; while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $subscribers = db_escape_string($line["subscribers"]); $feed_url = db_escape_string($line["feed_url"]); $title = db_escape_string($line["title"]); $tmp_result = db_query($link, "SELECT subscribers FROM ttrss_feedbrowser_cache WHERE feed_url = '$feed_url'"); if (db_num_rows($tmp_result) == 0) { db_query($link, "INSERT INTO ttrss_feedbrowser_cache (feed_url, title, subscribers) VALUES ('$feed_url', '$title', '$subscribers')"); ++$count; } } db_query($link, "COMMIT"); return $count; } function ccache_zero($link, $feed_id, $owner_uid) { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_counters_cache SET value = 0, updated = NOW() WHERE feed_id = '$feed_id' AND owner_uid = '$owner_uid'"); } function ccache_zero_all($link, $owner_uid) { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_counters_cache SET value = 0 WHERE owner_uid = '$owner_uid'"); db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_cat_counters_cache SET value = 0 WHERE owner_uid = '$owner_uid'"); } function ccache_remove($link, $feed_id, $owner_uid, $is_cat = false) { if (!$is_cat) { $table = "ttrss_counters_cache"; } else { $table = "ttrss_cat_counters_cache"; } db_query($link, "DELETE FROM $table WHERE feed_id = '$feed_id' AND owner_uid = '$owner_uid'"); } function ccache_update_all($link, $owner_uid) { if (get_pref($link, 'ENABLE_FEED_CATS', $owner_uid)) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT feed_id FROM ttrss_cat_counters_cache WHERE feed_id > 0 AND owner_uid = '$owner_uid'"); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { ccache_update($link, $line["feed_id"], $owner_uid, true); } /* We have to manually include category 0 */ ccache_update($link, 0, $owner_uid, true); } else { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT feed_id FROM ttrss_counters_cache WHERE feed_id > 0 AND owner_uid = '$owner_uid'"); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { print ccache_update($link, $line["feed_id"], $owner_uid); } } } function ccache_find($link, $feed_id, $owner_uid, $is_cat = false, $no_update = false) { if (!is_numeric($feed_id)) return; if (!$is_cat) { $table = "ttrss_counters_cache"; if ($feed_id > 0) { $tmp_result = db_query($link, "SELECT owner_uid FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed_id'"); $owner_uid = db_fetch_result($tmp_result, 0, "owner_uid"); } } else { $table = "ttrss_cat_counters_cache"; } if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") { $date_qpart = "updated > NOW() - INTERVAL '15 minutes'"; } else if (DB_TYPE == "mysql") { $date_qpart = "updated > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 15 MINUTE)"; } $result = db_query($link, "SELECT value FROM $table WHERE owner_uid = '$owner_uid' AND feed_id = '$feed_id' LIMIT 1"); if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) { return db_fetch_result($result, 0, "value"); } else { if ($no_update) { return -1; } else { return ccache_update($link, $feed_id, $owner_uid, $is_cat); } } } function ccache_update($link, $feed_id, $owner_uid, $is_cat = false, $update_pcat = true) { if (!is_numeric($feed_id)) return; if (!$is_cat && $feed_id > 0) { $tmp_result = db_query($link, "SELECT owner_uid FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed_id'"); $owner_uid = db_fetch_result($tmp_result, 0, "owner_uid"); } $prev_unread = ccache_find($link, $feed_id, $owner_uid, $is_cat, true); /* When updating a label, all we need to do is recalculate feed counters * because labels are not cached */ if ($feed_id < 0) { ccache_update_all($link, $owner_uid); return; } if (!$is_cat) { $table = "ttrss_counters_cache"; } else { $table = "ttrss_cat_counters_cache"; } if ($is_cat && $feed_id >= 0) { if ($feed_id != 0) { $cat_qpart = "cat_id = '$feed_id'"; } else { $cat_qpart = "cat_id IS NULL"; } /* Recalculate counters for child feeds */ $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE owner_uid = '$owner_uid' AND $cat_qpart"); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { ccache_update($link, $line["id"], $owner_uid, false, false); } $result = db_query($link, "SELECT SUM(value) AS sv FROM ttrss_counters_cache, ttrss_feeds WHERE id = feed_id AND $cat_qpart AND ttrss_feeds.owner_uid = '$owner_uid'"); $unread = (int) db_fetch_result($result, 0, "sv"); } else { $unread = (int) getFeedArticles($link, $feed_id, $is_cat, true, $owner_uid); } db_query($link, "BEGIN"); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT feed_id FROM $table WHERE owner_uid = '$owner_uid' AND feed_id = '$feed_id' LIMIT 1"); if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) { db_query($link, "UPDATE $table SET value = '$unread', updated = NOW() WHERE feed_id = '$feed_id' AND owner_uid = '$owner_uid'"); } else { db_query($link, "INSERT INTO $table (feed_id, value, owner_uid, updated) VALUES ($feed_id, $unread, $owner_uid, NOW())"); } db_query($link, "COMMIT"); if ($feed_id > 0 && $prev_unread != $unread) { if (!$is_cat) { /* Update parent category */ if ($update_pcat) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT cat_id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE owner_uid = '$owner_uid' AND id = '$feed_id'"); $cat_id = (int) db_fetch_result($result, 0, "cat_id"); ccache_update($link, $cat_id, $owner_uid, true); } } } else if ($feed_id < 0) { ccache_update_all($link, $owner_uid); } return $unread; } function label_find_id($link, $label, $owner_uid) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_labels2 WHERE caption = '$label' AND owner_uid = '$owner_uid' LIMIT 1"); if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) { return db_fetch_result($result, 0, "id"); } else { return 0; } } function get_article_labels($link, $id) { global $memcache; $obj_id = md5("LABELS:$id:" . $_SESSION["uid"]); $rv = array(); if ($memcache && $obj = $memcache->get($obj_id)) { return $obj; } else { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT label_cache FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE ref_id = '$id' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); $label_cache = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "label_cache"); if ($label_cache) { $label_cache = json_decode($label_cache, true); if ($label_cache["no-labels"] == 1) return $rv; else return $label_cache; } $result = db_query($link, "SELECT DISTINCT label_id,caption,fg_color,bg_color FROM ttrss_labels2, ttrss_user_labels2 WHERE id = label_id AND article_id = '$id' AND owner_uid = ".$_SESSION["uid"] . " ORDER BY caption"); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $rk = array($line["label_id"], $line["caption"], $line["fg_color"], $line["bg_color"]); array_push($rv, $rk); } if ($memcache) $memcache->add($obj_id, $rv, 0, 3600); if (count($rv) > 0) label_update_cache($link, $id, $rv); else label_update_cache($link, $id, array("no-labels" => 1)); } return $rv; } function label_find_caption($link, $label, $owner_uid) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT caption FROM ttrss_labels2 WHERE id = '$label' AND owner_uid = '$owner_uid' LIMIT 1"); if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) { return db_fetch_result($result, 0, "caption"); } else { return ""; } } function label_update_cache($link, $id, $labels = false, $force = false) { if ($force) label_clear_cache($link, $id); if (!$labels) $labels = get_article_labels($link, $id); $labels = db_escape_string(json_encode($labels)); db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET label_cache = '$labels' WHERE ref_id = '$id'"); } function label_clear_cache($link, $id) { db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET label_cache = '' WHERE ref_id = '$id'"); } function label_remove_article($link, $id, $label, $owner_uid) { $label_id = label_find_id($link, $label, $owner_uid); if (!$label_id) return; $result = db_query($link, "DELETE FROM ttrss_user_labels2 WHERE label_id = '$label_id' AND article_id = '$id'"); label_clear_cache($link, $id); } function label_add_article($link, $id, $label, $owner_uid) { global $memcache; if ($memcache) { $obj_id = md5("LABELS:$id:$owner_uid"); $memcache->delete($obj_id); } $label_id = label_find_id($link, $label, $owner_uid); if (!$label_id) return; $result = db_query($link, "SELECT article_id FROM ttrss_labels2, ttrss_user_labels2 WHERE label_id = id AND label_id = '$label_id' AND article_id = '$id' AND owner_uid = '$owner_uid' LIMIT 1"); if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { db_query($link, "INSERT INTO ttrss_user_labels2 (label_id, article_id) VALUES ('$label_id', '$id')"); } label_clear_cache($link, $id); } function label_remove($link, $id, $owner_uid) { global $memcache; if (!$owner_uid) $owner_uid = $_SESSION["uid"]; if ($memcache) { $obj_id = md5("LABELS:$id:$owner_uid"); $memcache->delete($obj_id); } db_query($link, "BEGIN"); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT caption FROM ttrss_labels2 WHERE id = '$id'"); $caption = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "caption"); $result = db_query($link, "DELETE FROM ttrss_labels2 WHERE id = '$id' AND owner_uid = " . $owner_uid); if (db_affected_rows($link, $result) != 0 && $caption) { /* Remove access key for the label */ $ext_id = -11 - $id; db_query($link, "DELETE FROM ttrss_access_keys WHERE feed_id = '$ext_id' AND owner_uid = $owner_uid"); /* Disable filters that reference label being removed */ db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_filters SET enabled = false WHERE action_param = '$caption' AND action_id = 7 AND owner_uid = " . $owner_uid); /* Remove cached data */ db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET label_cache = '' WHERE label_cache LIKE '%$caption%' AND owner_uid = " . $owner_uid); } db_query($link, "COMMIT"); } function label_create($link, $caption) { db_query($link, "BEGIN"); $result = false; $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_labels2 WHERE caption = '$caption' AND owner_uid = ". $_SESSION["uid"]); if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { $result = db_query($link, "INSERT INTO ttrss_labels2 (caption,owner_uid) VALUES ('$caption', '".$_SESSION["uid"]."')"); $result = db_affected_rows($link, $result) != 0; } db_query($link, "COMMIT"); return $result; } function print_labels_headlines_dropdown($link, $feed_id) { print ""; $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id, caption FROM ttrss_labels2 WHERE owner_uid = '".$_SESSION["uid"]."' ORDER BY caption"); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $label_id = $line["id"]; $label_caption = $line["caption"]; $id = $line["id"]; if ($feed_id < -10 && $feed_id == -11-$label_id) { print ""; } else { print ""; } } } function format_tags_string($tags, $id) { $tags_str = ""; $tags_nolinks_str = ""; $num_tags = 0; /* if (get_user_theme($link) == "3pane") { $tag_limit = 3; } else { $tag_limit = 6; } */ $tag_limit = 6; $formatted_tags = array(); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $num_tags++; $tag_escaped = str_replace("'", "\\'", $tag); if (mb_strlen($tag) > 30) { $tag = truncate_string($tag, 30); } $tag_str = "$tag"; array_push($formatted_tags, $tag_str); $tmp_tags_str = implode(", ", $formatted_tags); if ($num_tags == $tag_limit || mb_strlen($tmp_tags_str) > 150) { break; } } $tags_str = implode(", ", $formatted_tags); if ($num_tags < count($tags)) { $tags_str .= ", …"; } if ($num_tags == 0) { $tags_str = __("no tags"); } return $tags_str; } function format_article_labels($labels, $id) { $labels_str = ""; foreach ($labels as $l) { $labels_str .= sprintf("%s", $l[2], $l[3], $l[1]); } return $labels_str; } function format_article_note($id, $note) { $note_escaped = htmlspecialchars($note, ENT_QUOTES); $str = "
"; $str .= $note; $str .= "
"; $str .= "". __('edit note').""; $str .= "
"; $str .= "
"; return $str; } function toggle_collapse_cat($link, $cat_id, $mode) { if ($cat_id > 0) { $mode = bool_to_sql_bool($mode); db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_feed_categories SET collapsed = $mode WHERE id = '$cat_id' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); } else { $pref_name = ''; switch ($cat_id) { case -1: $pref_name = '_COLLAPSED_SPECIAL'; break; case -2: $pref_name = '_COLLAPSED_LABELS'; break; case 0: $pref_name = '_COLLAPSED_UNCAT'; break; } if ($pref_name) { if ($mode) { set_pref($link, $pref_name, 'true'); } else { set_pref($link, $pref_name, 'false'); } } } } function remove_feed($link, $id, $owner_uid) { if ($id > 0) { /* save starred articles in Archived feed */ db_query($link, "BEGIN"); /* prepare feed if necessary */ $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_archived_feeds WHERE id = '$id'"); if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { db_query($link, "INSERT INTO ttrss_archived_feeds (id, owner_uid, title, feed_url, site_url) SELECT id, owner_uid, title, feed_url, site_url from ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$id'"); } db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET feed_id = NULL, orig_feed_id = '$id' WHERE feed_id = '$id' AND marked = true AND owner_uid = $owner_uid"); /* Remove access key for the feed */ db_query($link, "DELETE FROM ttrss_access_keys WHERE feed_id = '$id' AND owner_uid = $owner_uid"); /* remove the feed */ db_query($link, "DELETE FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$id' AND owner_uid = $owner_uid"); db_query($link, "COMMIT"); /* if (file_exists(ICONS_DIR . "/$id.ico")) { unlink(ICONS_DIR . "/$id.ico"); } */ ccache_remove($link, $id, $owner_uid); } else { label_remove($link, -11-$id, $owner_uid); ccache_remove($link, -11-$id, $owner_uid); } } function add_feed_category($link, $feed_cat) { if (!$feed_cat) return false; db_query($link, "BEGIN"); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_feed_categories WHERE title = '$feed_cat' AND owner_uid = ".$_SESSION["uid"]); if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { $result = db_query($link, "INSERT INTO ttrss_feed_categories (owner_uid,title) VALUES ('".$_SESSION["uid"]."', '$feed_cat')"); db_query($link, "COMMIT"); return true; } return false; } function remove_feed_category($link, $id, $owner_uid) { db_query($link, "DELETE FROM ttrss_feed_categories WHERE id = '$id' AND owner_uid = $owner_uid"); ccache_remove($link, $id, $owner_uid, true); } function archive_article($link, $id, $owner_uid) { db_query($link, "BEGIN"); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT feed_id FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE ref_id = '$id' AND owner_uid = $owner_uid"); if (db_num_rows($result) != 0) { /* prepare the archived table */ $feed_id = (int) db_fetch_result($result, 0, "feed_id"); if ($feed_id) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_archived_feeds WHERE id = '$feed_id'"); if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { db_query($link, "INSERT INTO ttrss_archived_feeds (id, owner_uid, title, feed_url, site_url) SELECT id, owner_uid, title, feed_url, site_url from ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed_id'"); } db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET orig_feed_id = feed_id, feed_id = NULL WHERE ref_id = '$id' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); } } db_query($link, "COMMIT"); } function getArticleFeed($link, $id) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT feed_id FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE ref_id = '$id' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); if (db_num_rows($result) != 0) { return db_fetch_result($result, 0, "feed_id"); } else { return 0; } } function make_url_from_parts($parts) { $url = $parts['scheme'] . '://' . $parts['host']; if ($parts['path']) $url .= $parts['path']; if ($parts['query']) $url .= '?' . $parts['query']; return $url; } /** * Fixes incomplete URLs by prepending "http://". * Also replaces feed:// with http://, and * prepends a trailing slash if the url is a domain name only. * * @param string $url Possibly incomplete URL * * @return string Fixed URL. */ function fix_url($url) { if (strpos($url, '://') === false) { $url = 'http://' . $url; } else if (substr($url, 0, 5) == 'feed:') { $url = 'http:' . substr($url, 5); } //prepend slash if the URL has no slash in it // "http://www.example" -> "http://www.example/" if (strpos($url, '/', strpos($url, ':') + 3) === false) { $url .= '/'; } return $url; } function validate_feed_url($url) { $parts = parse_url($url); return ($parts['scheme'] == 'http' || $parts['scheme'] == 'feed' || $parts['scheme'] == 'https'); } function get_article_enclosures($link, $id) { global $memcache; $query = "SELECT * FROM ttrss_enclosures WHERE post_id = '$id' AND content_url != ''"; $obj_id = md5("ENCLOSURES:$id"); $rv = array(); if ($memcache && $obj = $memcache->get($obj_id)) { $rv = $obj; } else { $result = db_query($link, $query); if (db_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($rv, $line); } if ($memcache) $memcache->add($obj_id, $rv, 0, 3600); } } return $rv; } function api_get_feeds($link, $cat_id, $unread_only, $limit, $offset) { $feeds = array(); /* Labels */ if ($cat_id == -4 || $cat_id == -2) { $counters = getLabelCounters($link, true); foreach (array_values($counters) as $cv) { $unread = $cv["counter"]; if ($unread || !$unread_only) { $row = array( "id" => $cv["id"], "title" => $cv["description"], "unread" => $cv["counter"], "cat_id" => -2, ); array_push($feeds, $row); } } } /* Virtual feeds */ if ($cat_id == -4 || $cat_id == -1) { foreach (array(-1, -2, -3, -4, 0) as $i) { $unread = getFeedUnread($link, $i); if ($unread || !$unread_only) { $title = getFeedTitle($link, $i); $row = array( "id" => $i, "title" => $title, "unread" => $unread, "cat_id" => -1, ); array_push($feeds, $row); } } } /* Real feeds */ if ($limit) { $limit_qpart = "LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset"; } else { $limit_qpart = ""; } if ($cat_id == -4 || $cat_id == -3) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id, feed_url, cat_id, title, ". SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(last_updated,1,19) AS last_updated FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"] . " ORDER BY cat_id, title " . $limit_qpart); } else { if ($cat_id) $cat_qpart = "cat_id = '$cat_id'"; else $cat_qpart = "cat_id IS NULL"; $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id, feed_url, cat_id, title, ". SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(last_updated,1,19) AS last_updated FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE $cat_qpart AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"] . " ORDER BY cat_id, title " . $limit_qpart); } while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $unread = getFeedUnread($link, $line["id"]); $has_icon = feed_has_icon($line['id']); if ($unread || !$unread_only) { $row = array( "feed_url" => $line["feed_url"], "title" => $line["title"], "id" => (int)$line["id"], "unread" => (int)$unread, "has_icon" => $has_icon, "cat_id" => (int)$line["cat_id"], "last_updated" => strtotime($line["last_updated"]) ); array_push($feeds, $row); } } return $feeds; } function api_get_headlines($link, $feed_id, $limit, $offset, $filter, $is_cat, $show_excerpt, $show_content, $view_mode, $order) { /* do not rely on params below */ $search = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["search"]); $search_mode = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["search_mode"]); $match_on = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["match_on"]); $qfh_ret = queryFeedHeadlines($link, $feed_id, $limit, $view_mode, $is_cat, $search, $search_mode, $match_on, $order, $offset); $result = $qfh_ret[0]; $feed_title = $qfh_ret[1]; $headlines = array(); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $is_updated = ($line["last_read"] == "" && ($line["unread"] != "t" && $line["unread"] != "1")); $headline_row = array( "id" => (int)$line["id"], "unread" => sql_bool_to_bool($line["unread"]), "marked" => sql_bool_to_bool($line["marked"]), "published" => sql_bool_to_bool($line["published"]), "updated" => strtotime($line["updated"]), "is_updated" => $is_updated, "title" => $line["title"], "link" => $line["link"], "feed_id" => $line["feed_id"], "tags" => get_article_tags($link, $line["id"]), ); if ($show_excerpt) { $excerpt = truncate_string(strip_tags($line["content_preview"]), 100); $headline_row["excerpt"] = $excerpt; } if ($show_content) { $headline_row["content"] = $line["content_preview"]; } array_push($headlines, $headline_row); } return $headlines; } function generate_dashboard_feed($link) { print ""; print ""; print '".__('No feed selected.'); print "

"; $result = db_query($link, "SELECT ".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(MAX(last_updated), 1, 19) AS last_updated FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE owner_uid = " . $_SESSION['uid']); $last_updated = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "last_updated"); $last_updated = make_local_datetime($link, $last_updated, false); printf(__("Feeds last updated at %s"), $last_updated); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT COUNT(id) AS num_errors FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE last_error != '' AND owner_uid = ".$_SESSION["uid"]); $num_errors = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "num_errors"); if ($num_errors > 0) { print "
"; print "". __('Some feeds have update errors (click for details)').""; } print "

"; print "]]>
"; print "
"; print " 0, "vgroup_last_feed" => '', "unread" => 0, "disable_cache" => true); print json_encode($info); print "]]>"; } function save_email_address($link, $email) { // FIXME: implement persistent storage of emails if (!$_SESSION['stored_emails']) $_SESSION['stored_emails'] = array(); if (!in_array($email, $_SESSION['stored_emails'])) array_push($_SESSION['stored_emails'], $email); } function update_feed_access_key($link, $feed_id, $is_cat, $owner_uid = false) { if (!$owner_uid) $owner_uid = $_SESSION["uid"]; $sql_is_cat = bool_to_sql_bool($is_cat); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT access_key FROM ttrss_access_keys WHERE feed_id = '$feed_id' AND is_cat = $sql_is_cat AND owner_uid = " . $owner_uid); if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) { $key = db_escape_string(sha1(uniqid(rand(), true))); db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_access_keys SET access_key = '$key' WHERE feed_id = '$feed_id' AND is_cat = $sql_is_cat AND owner_uid = " . $owner_uid); return $key; } else { return get_feed_access_key($link, $feed_id, $is_cat, $owner_uid); } } function get_feed_access_key($link, $feed_id, $is_cat, $owner_uid = false) { if (!$owner_uid) $owner_uid = $_SESSION["uid"]; $sql_is_cat = bool_to_sql_bool($is_cat); $result = db_query($link, "SELECT access_key FROM ttrss_access_keys WHERE feed_id = '$feed_id' AND is_cat = $sql_is_cat AND owner_uid = " . $owner_uid); if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) { return db_fetch_result($result, 0, "access_key"); } else { $key = db_escape_string(sha1(uniqid(rand(), true))); $result = db_query($link, "INSERT INTO ttrss_access_keys (access_key, feed_id, is_cat, owner_uid) VALUES ('$key', '$feed_id', $sql_is_cat, '$owner_uid')"); return $key; } return false; } /** * Extracts RSS/Atom feed URLs from the given HTML URL. * * @param string $url HTML page URL * * @return array Array of feeds. Key is the full URL, value the title */ function get_feeds_from_html($url) { $url = fix_url($url); $baseUrl = substr($url, 0, strrpos($url, '/') + 1); libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadHTMLFile($url); $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); $entries = $xpath->query('/html/head/link[@rel="alternate"]'); $feedUrls = array(); foreach ($entries as $entry) { if ($entry->hasAttribute('href')) { $title = $entry->getAttribute('title'); if ($title == '') { $title = $entry->getAttribute('type'); } $feedUrl = rewrite_relative_url( $baseUrl, $entry->getAttribute('href') ); $feedUrls[$feedUrl] = $title; } } return $feedUrls; } /** * Checks if the content behind the given URL is a HTML file * * @param string $url URL to check * * @return boolean True if the URL contains HTML content */ function url_is_html($url) { $content = substr(fetch_file_contents($url, false), 0, 1000); if (stripos($content, '') === false && stripos($content, '"; while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $issel = ($line["caption"] == $value) ? "selected=\"1\"" : ""; print ""; } print ""; print ""; } function print_article_enclosures($link, $id, $always_display_enclosures, $article_content) { $result = get_article_enclosures($link, $id); if (count($result) > 0) { $entries_html = array(); $entries = array(); foreach ($result as $line) { $url = $line["content_url"]; $ctype = $line["content_type"]; if (!$ctype) $ctype = __("unknown type"); $filename = substr($url, strrpos($url, "/")+1); $entry = format_inline_player($link, $url, $ctype); $entry .= " " . $filename . " (" . $ctype . ")" . ""; array_push($entries_html, $entry); $entry = array(); $entry["type"] = $ctype; $entry["filename"] = $filename; $entry["url"] = $url; array_push($entries, $entry); } print "
"; if (!get_pref($link, "STRIP_IMAGES")) { if ($always_display_enclosures || !preg_match("/\"".htmlspecialchars($entry["filename"])."\"

"; } } } } if (count($entries) == 1) { print __("Attachment:") . " "; } else { print __("Attachments:") . " "; } print join(", ", $entries_html); print "
"; } } function getLastArticleId($link) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT MAX(ref_id) AS id FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) { return db_fetch_result($result, 0, "id"); } else { return -1; } } function build_url($parts) { return $parts['scheme'] . "://" . $parts['host'] . $parts['path']; } /** * Converts a (possibly) relative URL to a absolute one. * * @param string $url Base URL (i.e. from where the document is) * @param string $rel_url Possibly relative URL in the document * * @return string Absolute URL */ function rewrite_relative_url($url, $rel_url) { if (strpos($rel_url, "://") !== false) { return $rel_url; } else if (strpos($rel_url, "/") === 0) { $parts = parse_url($url); $parts['path'] = $rel_url; return build_url($parts); } else { $parts = parse_url($url); if (!isset($parts['path'])) { $parts['path'] = '/'; } $dir = $parts['path']; if (substr($dir, -1) !== '/') { $dir = dirname($parts['path']); $dir !== '/' && $dir .= '/'; } $parts['path'] = $dir . $rel_url; return build_url($parts); } } function sphinx_search($query, $offset = 0, $limit = 30) { $sphinxClient = new SphinxClient(); $sphinxClient->SetServer('localhost', 9312); $sphinxClient->SetConnectTimeout(1); $sphinxClient->SetFieldWeights(array('title' => 70, 'content' => 30, 'feed_title' => 20)); $sphinxClient->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2); $sphinxClient->SetRankingMode(SPH_RANK_PROXIMITY_BM25); $sphinxClient->SetLimits($offset, $limit, 1000); $sphinxClient->SetArrayResult(false); $sphinxClient->SetFilter('owner_uid', array($_SESSION['uid'])); $result = $sphinxClient->Query($query, SPHINX_INDEX); $ids = array(); if (is_array($result['matches'])) { foreach (array_keys($result['matches']) as $int_id) { $ref_id = $result['matches'][$int_id]['attrs']['ref_id']; array_push($ids, $ref_id); } } return $ids; } function cleanup_tags($link, $days = 14, $limit = 1000) { if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") { $interval_query = "date_updated < NOW() - INTERVAL '$days days'"; } else if (DB_TYPE == "mysql") { $interval_query = "date_updated < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $days DAY)"; } $tags_deleted = 0; while ($limit > 0) { $limit_part = 500; $query = "SELECT ttrss_tags.id AS id FROM ttrss_tags, ttrss_user_entries, ttrss_entries WHERE post_int_id = int_id AND $interval_query AND ref_id = ttrss_entries.id AND tag_cache != '' LIMIT $limit_part"; $result = db_query($link, $query); $ids = array(); while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($ids, $line['id']); } if (count($ids) > 0) { $ids = join(",", $ids); print "."; $tmp_result = db_query($link, "DELETE FROM ttrss_tags WHERE id IN ($ids)"); $tags_deleted += db_affected_rows($link, $tmp_result); } else { break; } $limit -= $limit_part; } print "\n"; return $tags_deleted; } function feedlist_init_cat($link, $cat_id, $hidden = false) { $obj = array(); $cat_id = (int) $cat_id; if ($cat_id > 0) { $cat_unread = ccache_find($link, $cat_id, $_SESSION["uid"], true); } else if ($cat_id == 0 || $cat_id == -2) { $cat_unread = getCategoryUnread($link, $cat_id); } $obj['id'] = 'CAT:' . $cat_id; $obj['items'] = array(); $obj['name'] = getCategoryTitle($link, $cat_id); $obj['type'] = 'feed'; $obj['unread'] = (int) $cat_unread; $obj['hidden'] = $hidden; $obj['bare_id'] = $cat_id; return $obj; } function feedlist_init_feed($link, $feed_id, $title = false, $unread = false, $error = '', $updated = '') { $obj = array(); $feed_id = (int) $feed_id; if (!$title) $title = getFeedTitle($link, $feed_id, false); if ($unread === false) $unread = getFeedUnread($link, $feed_id, false); $obj['id'] = 'FEED:' . $feed_id; $obj['name'] = $title; $obj['unread'] = (int) $unread; $obj['type'] = 'feed'; $obj['error'] = $error; $obj['updated'] = $updated; $obj['icon'] = getFeedIcon($feed_id); $obj['bare_id'] = $feed_id; return $obj; } ?>