345 lines
8.8 KiB
Executable File
345 lines
8.8 KiB
Executable File
use andreskrey\Readability\Readability;
use andreskrey\Readability\Configuration;
class Af_Readability extends Plugin {
/* @var PluginHost $host */
private $host;
function about() {
return array(1.0,
"Try to inline article content using Readability",
function flags() {
return array("needs_curl" => true);
function save() {
$enable_share_anything = checkbox_to_sql_bool($_POST["enable_share_anything"] ?? "");
$this->host->set($this, "enable_share_anything", $enable_share_anything);
echo __("Data saved.");
function init($host)
$this->host = $host;
$host->add_hook($host::HOOK_ARTICLE_FILTER, $this);
$host->add_hook($host::HOOK_PREFS_TAB, $this);
$host->add_hook($host::HOOK_PREFS_EDIT_FEED, $this);
$host->add_hook($host::HOOK_PREFS_SAVE_FEED, $this);
$host->add_hook($host::HOOK_ARTICLE_BUTTON, $this);
// Note: we have to install the hook even if disabled because init() is being run before plugin data has loaded
// so we can't check for our storage-set options here
$host->add_hook($host::HOOK_GET_FULL_TEXT, $this);
$host->add_filter_action($this, "action_inline", __("Inline content"));
$host->add_filter_action($this, "action_inline_append", __("Append content"));
function get_js() {
return file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/init.js");
function hook_article_button($line) {
return "<i class='material-icons' onclick=\"Plugins.Af_Readability.embed(".$line["id"].")\"
style='cursor : pointer' title='".__('Toggle full article text')."'>description</i>";
function hook_prefs_tab($args) {
if ($args != "prefFeeds") return;
$enable_share_anything = sql_bool_to_bool($this->host->get($this, "enable_share_anything"));
<div dojoType='dijit.layout.AccordionPane'
title="<i class='material-icons'>extension</i> <?= __('Readability settings (af_readability)') ?>">
<h2><?= __("Global settings") ?></h2>
<?= format_notice("Enable for specific feeds in the feed editor.") ?>
<form dojoType='dijit.form.Form'>
<?= \Controls\pluginhandler_tags($this, "save") ?>
<script type='dojo/method' event='onSubmit' args='evt'>
if (this.validate()) {
new Ajax.Request('backend.php', {
parameters: dojo.objectToQuery(this.getValues()),
onComplete: function(transport) {
<label class='checkbox'>
<?= \Controls\checkbox_tag("enable_share_anything", $enable_share_anything) ?>
<?= __("Provide full-text services to core code (bookmarklets) and other plugins") ?>
<?= \Controls\submit_tag(__("Save")) ?>
/* cleanup */
$enabled_feeds = $this->filter_unknown_feeds(
$append_feeds = $this->filter_unknown_feeds(
$this->host->set($this, "enabled_feeds", $enabled_feeds);
$this->host->set($this, "append_feeds", $append_feeds);
<?php if (count($enabled_feeds) > 0) { ?>
<h3><?= __("Currently enabled for (click to edit):") ?></h3>
<ul class='panel panel-scrollable list list-unstyled'>
<?php foreach ($enabled_feeds as $f) { ?>
<i class='material-icons'>rss_feed</i>
<a href='#' onclick="CommonDialogs.editFeed(<?= $f ?>)">
<?= Feeds::_get_title($f) . " " . (in_array($f, $append_feeds) ? __("(append)") : "") ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
function hook_prefs_edit_feed($feed_id) {
$enabled_feeds = $this->get_stored_array("enabled_feeds");
$append_feeds = $this->get_stored_array("append_feeds");
<header><?= __("Readability") ?></header>
<label class='checkbox'>
<?= \Controls\checkbox_tag("af_readability_enabled", in_array($feed_id, $enabled_feeds)) ?>
<?= __('Inline article content') ?>
<label class='checkbox'>
<?= \Controls\checkbox_tag("af_readability_append", in_array($feed_id, $append_feeds)) ?>
<?= __('Append to summary, instead of replacing it') ?>
function hook_prefs_save_feed($feed_id) {
$enabled_feeds = $this->get_stored_array("enabled_feeds");
$append_feeds = $this->get_stored_array("append_feeds");
$enable = checkbox_to_sql_bool($_POST["af_readability_enabled"] ?? "");
$append = checkbox_to_sql_bool($_POST["af_readability_append"] ?? "");
$enable_key = array_search($feed_id, $enabled_feeds);
$append_key = array_search($feed_id, $append_feeds);
if ($enable) {
if ($enable_key === false) {
array_push($enabled_feeds, $feed_id);
} else {
if ($enable_key !== false) {
if ($append) {
if ($append_key === false) {
array_push($append_feeds, $feed_id);
} else {
if ($append_key !== false) {
$this->host->set($this, "enabled_feeds", $enabled_feeds);
$this->host->set($this, "append_feeds", $append_feeds);
function hook_article_filter_action($article, $action) {
switch ($action) {
case "action_inline":
return $this->process_article($article, false);
case "action_append":
return $this->process_article($article, true);
public function extract_content($url) {
global $fetch_effective_url;
$tmp = UrlHelper::fetch([
"url" => $url,
"http_accept" => "text/*",
"type" => "text/html"]);
if ($tmp && mb_strlen($tmp) < 1024 * 500) {
$tmpdoc = new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8");
if (!@$tmpdoc->loadHTML($tmp))
return false;
// this is the worst hack yet :(
if (strtolower($tmpdoc->encoding) != 'utf-8') {
$tmp = preg_replace("/<meta.*?charset.*?\/?>/i", "", $tmp);
if (empty($tmpdoc->encoding)) {
$tmp = mb_convert_encoding($tmp, 'utf-8');
} else {
$tmp = mb_convert_encoding($tmp, 'utf-8', $tmpdoc->encoding);
try {
$r = new Readability(new Configuration());
if ($r->parse($tmp)) {
$tmpxpath = new DOMXPath($r->getDOMDOcument());
$entries = $tmpxpath->query('(//a[@href]|//img[@src])');
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
if ($entry->hasAttribute("href")) {
rewrite_relative_url($fetch_effective_url, $entry->getAttribute("href")));
if ($entry->hasAttribute("src")) {
rewrite_relative_url($fetch_effective_url, $entry->getAttribute("src")));
return $r->getContent();
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
return false;
function process_article($article, $append_mode) {
$extracted_content = $this->extract_content($article["link"]);
# let's see if there's anything of value in there
$content_test = trim(strip_tags(Sanitizer::sanitize($extracted_content)));
if ($content_test) {
if ($append_mode)
$article["content"] .= "<hr/>" . $extracted_content;
$article["content"] = $extracted_content;
return $article;
private function get_stored_array($name) {
$tmp = $this->host->get($this, $name);
if (!is_array($tmp)) $tmp = [];
return $tmp;
function hook_article_filter($article) {
$enabled_feeds = $this->get_stored_array("enabled_feeds");
$append_feeds = $this->get_stored_array("append_feeds");
$feed_id = $article["feed"]["id"];
if (!in_array($feed_id, $enabled_feeds))
return $article;
return $this->process_article($article, in_array($feed_id, $append_feeds));
function hook_get_full_text($link) {
$enable_share_anything = $this->host->get($this, "enable_share_anything");
if ($enable_share_anything) {
$extracted_content = $this->extract_content($link);
# let's see if there's anything of value in there
$content_test = trim(strip_tags(Sanitizer::sanitize($extracted_content)));
if ($content_test) {
return $extracted_content;
return false;
function api_version() {
return 2;
private function filter_unknown_feeds($enabled_feeds) {
$tmp = array();
foreach ($enabled_feeds as $feed) {
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = ? AND owner_uid = ?");
$sth->execute([$feed, $_SESSION['uid']]);
if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
array_push($tmp, $feed);
return $tmp;
function embed() {
$article_id = (int) $_REQUEST["id"];
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT link FROM ttrss_entries WHERE id = ?");
$ret = [];
if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
$ret["content"] = Sanitizer::sanitize($this->extract_content($row["link"]));
print json_encode($ret);