126 lines
4.6 KiB
126 lines
4.6 KiB
define("dijit/_OnDijitClickMixin", [
"dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
"dojo/keys", // keys.ENTER keys.SPACE
"dojo/_base/declare", // declare
"dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie")
"dojo/_base/unload", // unload.addOnWindowUnload
"dojo/_base/window" // win.doc.addEventListener win.doc.attachEvent win.doc.detachEvent
], function(on, array, keys, declare, has, unload, win){
// module:
// dijit/_OnDijitClickMixin
// summary:
// Mixin so you can pass "ondijitclick" to this.connect() method,
// as a way to handle clicks by mouse, or by keyboard (SPACE/ENTER key)
// Keep track of where the last keydown event was, to help avoid generating
// spurious ondijitclick events when:
// 1. focus is on a <button> or <a>
// 2. user presses then releases the ENTER key
// 3. onclick handler fires and shifts focus to another node, with an ondijitclick handler
// 4. onkeyup event fires, causing the ondijitclick handler to fire
var lastKeyDownNode = null;
var keydownCallback = function(evt){
lastKeyDownNode = evt.srcElement;
win.doc.attachEvent('onkeydown', keydownCallback);
win.doc.detachEvent('onkeydown', keydownCallback);
win.doc.addEventListener('keydown', function(evt){
lastKeyDownNode = evt.target;
}, true);
// Custom a11yclick (a.k.a. ondijitclick) event
var a11yclick = function(node, listener){
// pass through, the browser already generates click event on SPACE/ENTER key
return on(node, "click", listener);
// Don't fire the click event unless both the keydown and keyup occur on this node.
// Avoids problems where focus shifted to this node or away from the node on keydown,
// either causing this node to process a stray keyup event, or causing another node
// to get a stray keyup event.
function clickKey(/*Event*/ e){
return (e.keyCode == keys.ENTER || e.keyCode == keys.SPACE) &&
!e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey && !e.metaKey;
var handles = [
on(node, "keypress", function(e){
//console.log(this.id + ": onkeydown, e.target = ", e.target, ", lastKeyDownNode was ", lastKeyDownNode, ", equality is ", (e.target === lastKeyDownNode));
// needed on IE for when focus changes between keydown and keyup - otherwise dropdown menus do not work
lastKeyDownNode = e.target;
// Prevent viewport scrolling on space key in IE<9.
// (Reproducible on test_Button.html on any of the first dijit.form.Button examples)
// Do this onkeypress rather than onkeydown because onkeydown.preventDefault() will
// suppress the onkeypress event, breaking _HasDropDown
on(node, "keyup", function(e){
//console.log(this.id + ": onkeyup, e.target = ", e.target, ", lastKeyDownNode was ", lastKeyDownNode, ", equality is ", (e.target === lastKeyDownNode));
if(clickKey(e) && e.target == lastKeyDownNode){ // === breaks greasemonkey
//need reset here or have problems in FF when focus returns to trigger element after closing popup/alert
lastKeyDownNode = null;
listener.call(this, e);
on(node, "click", function(e){
// and connect for mouse clicks too (or touch-clicks on mobile)
listener.call(this, e);
return {
remove: function(){
array.forEach(handles, function(h){ h.remove(); });
return declare("dijit._OnDijitClickMixin", null, {
connect: function(
/*Object|null*/ obj,
/*String|Function*/ event,
/*String|Function*/ method){
// summary:
// Connects specified obj/event to specified method of this object
// and registers for disconnect() on widget destroy.
// description:
// Provide widget-specific analog to connect.connect, except with the
// implicit use of this widget as the target object.
// This version of connect also provides a special "ondijitclick"
// event which triggers on a click or space or enter keyup.
// Events connected with `this.connect` are disconnected upon
// destruction.
// returns:
// A handle that can be passed to `disconnect` in order to disconnect before
// the widget is destroyed.
// example:
// | var btn = new dijit.form.Button();
// | // when foo.bar() is called, call the listener we're going to
// | // provide in the scope of btn
// | btn.connect(foo, "bar", function(){
// | console.debug(this.toString());
// | });
// tags:
// protected
return this.inherited(arguments, [obj, event == "ondijitclick" ? a11yclick : event, method]);