409 lines
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409 lines
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* Trait QROptionsTrait
* @filesource QROptionsTrait.php
* @created 10.03.2018
* @package chillerlan\QRCode
* @author smiley <smiley@chillerlan.net>
* @copyright 2018 smiley
* @license MIT
namespace chillerlan\QRCode;
use function array_values, count, in_array, is_array, is_numeric, max, min, sprintf, strtolower;
trait QROptionsTrait{
* QR Code version number
* [1 ... 40] or QRCode::VERSION_AUTO
* @var int
protected $version = QRCode::VERSION_AUTO;
* Minimum QR version (if $version = QRCode::VERSION_AUTO)
* @var int
protected $versionMin = 1;
* Maximum QR version
* @var int
protected $versionMax = 40;
* Error correct level
* QRCode::ECC_X where X is
* L => 7%
* M => 15%
* Q => 25%
* H => 30%
* @var int
protected $eccLevel = QRCode::ECC_L;
* Mask Pattern to use
* [0...7] or QRCode::MASK_PATTERN_AUTO
* @var int
protected $maskPattern = QRCode::MASK_PATTERN_AUTO;
* Add a "quiet zone" (margin) according to the QR code spec
* @var bool
protected $addQuietzone = true;
* Size of the quiet zone
* internally clamped to [0 ... $moduleCount / 2], defaults to 4 modules
* @var int
protected $quietzoneSize = 4;
* Use this to circumvent the data mode detection and force the usage of the given mode.
* valid modes are: Number, AlphaNum, Kanji, Byte
* @see https://github.com/chillerlan/php-qrcode/issues/39
* @var string|null
protected $dataMode = null;
* @var string
protected $outputType = QRCode::OUTPUT_IMAGE_PNG;
* the FQCN of the custom QROutputInterface if $outputType is set to QRCode::OUTPUT_CUSTOM
* @var string|null
protected $outputInterface = null;
* /path/to/cache.file
* @var string|null
protected $cachefile = null;
* newline string [HTML, SVG, TEXT]
* @var string
protected $eol = PHP_EOL;
* size of a QR code pixel [SVG, IMAGE_*]
* HTML -> via CSS
* @var int
protected $scale = 5;
* a common css class
* @var string
protected $cssClass = '';
* SVG opacity
* @var float
protected $svgOpacity = 1.0;
* anything between <defs>
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/SVG/Element/defs
* @var string
protected $svgDefs = '<style>rect{shape-rendering:crispEdges}</style>';
* SVG viewBox size. a single integer number which defines width/height of the viewBox attribute.
* viewBox="0 0 x x"
* @see https://css-tricks.com/scale-svg/#article-header-id-3
* @var int|null
protected $svgViewBoxSize = null;
* string substitute for dark
* @var string
protected $textDark = '🔴';
* string substitute for light
* @var string
protected $textLight = '⭕';
* markup substitute for dark (CSS value)
* @var string
protected $markupDark = '#000';
* markup substitute for light (CSS value)
* @var string
protected $markupLight = '#fff';
* Return the image resource instead of a render if applicable.
* This option overrides other output options, such as $cachefile and $imageBase64.
* Supported by the following modules:
* - QRImage: resource
* - QRImagick: Imagick
* - QRFpdf: FPDF
* @see \chillerlan\QRCode\Output\QROutputInterface::dump()
* @var bool
protected $returnResource = false;
* toggle base64 or raw image data
* @var bool
protected $imageBase64 = true;
* toggle transparency, not supported by jpg
* @var bool
protected $imageTransparent = true;
* @see imagecolortransparent()
* @var array [R, G, B]
protected $imageTransparencyBG = [255, 255, 255];
* @see imagepng()
* @var int
protected $pngCompression = -1;
* @see imagejpeg()
* @var int
protected $jpegQuality = 85;
* Imagick output format
* @see Imagick::setType()
* @var string
protected $imagickFormat = 'png';
* Imagick background color (defaults to "transparent")
* @see \ImagickPixel::__construct()
* @var string|null
protected $imagickBG = null;
* Measurement unit for FPDF output: pt, mm, cm, in (defaults to "pt")
* @see \FPDF::__construct()
protected $fpdfMeasureUnit = 'pt';
* Module values map
* HTML, IMAGICK: #ABCDEF, cssname, rgb(), rgba()...
* IMAGE: [63, 127, 255] // R, G, B
* @var array|null
protected $moduleValues = null;
* clamp min/max version number
* @param int $versionMin
* @param int $versionMax
* @return void
protected function setMinMaxVersion(int $versionMin, int $versionMax):void{
$min = max(1, min(40, $versionMin));
$max = max(1, min(40, $versionMax));
$this->versionMin = min($min, $max);
$this->versionMax = max($min, $max);
* sets the minimum version number
* @param int $version
* @return void
protected function set_versionMin(int $version):void{
$this->setMinMaxVersion($version, $this->versionMax);
* sets the maximum version number
* @param int $version
* @return void
protected function set_versionMax(int $version):void{
$this->setMinMaxVersion($this->versionMin, $version);
* sets the error correction level
* @param int $eccLevel
* @return void
* @throws \chillerlan\QRCode\QRCodeException
protected function set_eccLevel(int $eccLevel):void{
throw new QRCodeException(sprintf('Invalid error correct level: %s', $eccLevel));
$this->eccLevel = $eccLevel;
* sets/clamps the mask pattern
* @param int $maskPattern
* @return void
protected function set_maskPattern(int $maskPattern):void{
if($maskPattern !== QRCode::MASK_PATTERN_AUTO){
$this->maskPattern = max(0, min(7, $maskPattern));
* sets the transparency background color
* @param mixed $imageTransparencyBG
* @return void
* @throws \chillerlan\QRCode\QRCodeException
protected function set_imageTransparencyBG($imageTransparencyBG):void{
// invalid value - set to white as default
if(!is_array($imageTransparencyBG) || count($imageTransparencyBG) < 3){
$this->imageTransparencyBG = [255, 255, 255];
foreach($imageTransparencyBG as $k => $v){
throw new QRCodeException('Invalid RGB value.');
// clamp the values
$this->imageTransparencyBG[$k] = max(0, min(255, (int)$v));
// use the array values to not run into errors with the spread operator (...$arr)
$this->imageTransparencyBG = array_values($this->imageTransparencyBG);
* sets/clamps the version number
* @param int $version
* @return void
protected function set_version(int $version):void{
if($version !== QRCode::VERSION_AUTO){
$this->version = max(1, min(40, $version));
* sets the FPDF measurement unit
* @codeCoverageIgnore
protected function set_fpdfMeasureUnit(string $unit):void{
$unit = strtolower($unit);
if(in_array($unit, ['cm', 'in', 'mm', 'pt'], true)){
$this->fpdfMeasureUnit = $unit;
// @todo throw or ignore silently?