
523 lines
9.5 KiB

* font generated with
* all icons are Material Design icons by Google
* see README for more about flat theme icons
@import "../variables";
@font-face {
font-family: 'flat-icon';
src:url('fonts/flat-icon.eot?#iefix90nq1s') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('fonts/flat-icon.ttf?90nq1s') format('truetype'),
url('fonts/flat-icon.woff?90nq1s') format('woff'),
url('fonts/flat-icon.svg?90nq1s#flat-icon') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
[class^="flat-"], [class*=" flat-"] {
font-family: 'flat-icon';
speak: none;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
font-variant: normal;
text-transform: none;
line-height: 1;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
// dijit icon classes
.dijitEditorIcon {
font-size: 16px;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
// icon classes and dijit aliases
.flat-drop-left:before {
content: "\f000";
.flat-drop-right:before {
content: "\f001";
.flat-drop-down:before {
content: "\f002";
.flat-drop-up:before {
content: "\f003";
.flat-chevron-left:before {
content: "\f004";
.flat-chevron-right:before {
content: "\f005";
.flat-chevron-down:before {
content: "\f006";
.flat-chevron-up:before {
content: "\f007";
.flat-arrow-left:before {
content: "\f008";
.flat-arrow-right:before {
content: "\f009";
.flat-arrow-down:before {
content: "\f00a";
.flat-arrow-up:before {
content: "\f00b";
.flat-check:before {
content: "\f00c";
.flat-check-circle:before {
content: "\f00d";
.flat-close:before {
content: "\f00e";
.flat-close-circle:before {
content: "\f00f";
.flat-close-circle-o:before {
content: "\f010";
.flat-add:before {
content: "\f011";
.flat-remove:before {
content: "\f012";
.flat-add-circle:before {
content: "\f013";
.flat-remove-circle:before {
content: "\f014";
.flat-add-circle-o:before {
content: "\f015";
.flat-remove-circle-o:before {
content: "\f016";
.flat-error:before {
content: "\f017";
.flat-error-o:before {
content: "\f018";
.flat-warning:before {
content: "\f019";
.flat-report:before {
content: "\f01a";
.flat-help:before {
content: "\f01b";
.flat-no-symbol:before {
content: "\f01c";
.flat-update:before {
content: "\f01d";
.flat-calendar:before {
content: "\f01e";
.flat-clock:before {
content: "\f01f";
.flat-folder:before {
content: "\f020";
.flat-folder-open:before {
content: "\f021";
.flat-edit:before {
content: "\f022";
.flat-save:before {
content: "\f023";
.flat-print:before {
content: "\f024";
.flat-delete:before {
content: "\f025";
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content: "\f026";
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content: "\f027";
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content: "\f028";
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content: "\f029";
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content: "\f02a";
.flat-page-remove-o:before {
content: "\f02b";
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content: "\f02c";
.flat-mail:before {
content: "\f02d";
.flat-storage:before {
content: "\f02e";
.flat-settings:before {
content: "\f02f";
.flat-search:before {
content: "\f030";
.flat-bookmark:before {
content: "\f031";
.flat-menu:before {
content: "\f032";
.flat-application:before {
content: "\f033";
.flat-key:before {
content: "\f034";
.flat-table:before {
content: "\f035";
.flat-grid:before {
content: "\f036";
.flat-chart:before {
content: "\f037";
.flat-filter:before {
content: "\f038";
.flat-function:before {
content: "\f039";
.flat-user:before {
content: "\f03a";
.flat-users:before {
content: "\f03b";
.flat-connector:before {
content: "\f03c";
.flat-documents:before {
content: "\f03d";
.flat-edit-property:before {
content: "\f03e";
.flat-task:before {
content: "\f03f";
.flat-task-new:before {
content: "\f040";
.flat-task-edit:before {
content: "\f041";
.flat-sample:before {
content: "\f042";
.flat-package:before {
content: "\f043";
.flat-undo:before {
content: "\f044";
.flat-redo:before {
content: "\f045";
.flat-copy:before {
content: "\f046";
.flat-cut:before {
content: "\f047";
.flat-paste:before {
content: "\f048";
.flat-bold:before {
content: "\f049";
.flat-italic:before {
content: "\f04a";
.flat-underline:before {
content: "\f04b";
.flat-strikethrough:before {
content: "\f04c";
.flat-clear-format:before {
content: "\f04d";
.flat-quote:before {
content: "\f04e";
.flat-superscript:before {
content: "\f04f";
.flat-subscript:before {
content: "\f050";
.flat-color-text:before {
content: "\f051";
.flat-color-fill:before {
content: "\f052";
.flat-color-highlight:before {
content: "\f053";
.flat-font-size:before {
content: "\f054";
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content: "\f055";
.flat-align-justify:before {
content: "\f056";
.flat-align-left:before {
content: "\f057";
.flat-align-right:before {
content: "\f058";
.flat-indent:before {
content: "\f059";
.flat-outdent:before {
content: "\f05a";
.flat-sort:before {
content: "\f05b";
.flat-keyboard-space:before {
content: "\f05c";
.flat-keyboard-tab:before {
content: "\f05d";
.flat-list-bullet:before {
content: "\f05e";
.flat-list-number:before {
content: "\f05f";
.flat-list-bullet-indent:before {
content: "\f060";
.flat-list-bullet-outdent:before {
content: "\f061";
.flat-list-number-indent:before {
content: "\f062";
.flat-list-number-outdent:before {
content: "\f063";
.flat-code:before {
content: "\f064";
.flat-link:before {
content: "\f065";
.flat-unlink:before {
content: "\f066";
.flat-fullscreen:before {
content: "\f067";
.flat-fullscreen-exit:before {
content: "\f068";
.flat-image:before {
content: "\f069";
.flat-page-new:before {
content: "\f06a";
.flat-toggle-dir:before {
content: "\f06b";
.flat-left-to-right:before {
content: "\f06c";
.flat-right-to-left:before {
content: "\f06d";
.flat-select-all:before {
content: "\f06e";
.flat-wikiword:before {
content: "\f06f";
// animations and transformations
@keyframes spin-right {
from {transform: rotate(0);}
to {transform: rotate(360deg);}
@keyframes spin-left {
from {transform: rotate(360deg);}
to {transform: rotate(0);}
// genaric icon spin class
.icon-spin {
animation: spin-right 2s infinite linear;
// loading
.dijitIconLoading {
font-size: 24px;
&:before {
// may want to add a another "spinning" icon
// which is more loady and less refreshy
content: "\f01d";
animation: spin-left 2s linear infinite;
.dj_ie8 .dijitIconLoading,
.dj_ie9 .dijitIconLoading {
background: url('images/loadingAnimation.gif') no-repeat;
height: 20px;
width: 20px;
&:before {
content: "";
// rtl
.dijitRtl .dijitEditorIconUndo {
&:before {
content: "\f044";
.dijitRtl .dijitEditorIconRedo {
&:before {
content: "\f044";
.dijitRtl .dijitEditorIconTabIndent {
&:before {
transform: rotate(180deg);
.dijitRtl .dijitEditorIconInsertUnorderedList,
.dijitRtl .dijitEditorIconInsertOrderedList {
transform: scale(-1, 1);
:root .dijitRtl .dijitEditorIconInsertUnorderedList,
:root .dijitRtl .dijitEditorIconInsertOrderedList {
filter: none;