393 lines
8.0 KiB
393 lines
8.0 KiB
This program is Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Andrew Dolgov <cthulhoo@gmail.com>
Licensed under GPL v.2 or (at your preference) any later version.
var xmlhttp = false;
var total_unread = 0;
var first_run = true;
var search_query = "";
var search_mode = "";
var display_tags = false;
/*@cc_on @*/
/*@if (@_jscript_version >= 5)
// JScript gives us Conditional compilation, we can cope with old IE versions.
// and security blocked creation of the objects.
try {
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
} catch (e) {
try {
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} catch (E) {
xmlhttp = false;
@end @*/
if (!xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest!='undefined') {
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
function toggleTags() {
display_tags = !display_tags;
var p = document.getElementById("dispSwitchPrompt");
if (display_tags) {
p.innerHTML = "display feeds";
} else {
p.innerHTML = "display tags";
function feedlist_callback() {
var container = document.getElementById('feeds');
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {
if (first_run) {
if (getCookie("ttrss_vf_actfeed")) {
viewfeed(getCookie("ttrss_vf_actfeed"), 0, "");
first_run = false;
} else {
function refetch_callback() {
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {
document.title = "Tiny Tiny RSS";
notify("All feeds updated.");
if (!xmlhttp.responseXML) {
notify("refetch_callback: backend did not return valid XML");
var reply = xmlhttp.responseXML.firstChild;
if (!reply) {
notify("refetch_callback: backend did not return expected XML object");
var f_document = window.frames["feeds-frame"].document;
for (var l = 0; l < reply.childNodes.length; l++) {
var id = reply.childNodes[l].getAttribute("id");
var ctr = reply.childNodes[l].getAttribute("counter");
var feedctr = f_document.getElementById("FEEDCTR-" + id);
var feedu = f_document.getElementById("FEEDU-" + id);
var feedr = f_document.getElementById("FEEDR-" + id);
if (feedctr && feedu && feedr) {
feedu.innerHTML = ctr;
if (ctr > 0) {
feedctr.className = "odd";
if (!feedr.className.match("Unread")) {
feedr.className = feedr.className + "Unread";
} else {
feedctr.className = "invisible";
feedr.className = feedr.className.replace("Unread", "");
function updateFeed(feed_id) {
var query_str = "backend.php?op=rpc&subop=updateFeed&feed=" + feed_id;
if (xmlhttp_ready(xmlhttp)) {
xmlhttp.open("GET", query_str, true);
} else {
function scheduleFeedUpdate(force) {
notify("Updating feeds in background...");
document.title = "Tiny Tiny RSS - Updating...";
var query_str = "backend.php?op=rpc&subop=";
if (force) {
query_str = query_str + "forceUpdateAllFeeds";
} else {
query_str = query_str + "updateAllFeeds";
if (xmlhttp_ready(xmlhttp)) {
xmlhttp.open("GET", query_str, true);
} else {
function updateFeedList(silent, fetch) {
// if (silent != true) {
// notify("Loading feed list...");
// }
var query_str = "backend.php?op=feeds";
if (display_tags) {
query_str = query_str + "&tags=1";
if (getActiveFeedId()) {
query_str = query_str + "&actid=" + getActiveFeedId();
if (fetch) query_str = query_str + "&fetch=yes";
var feeds_frame = document.getElementById("feeds-frame");
feeds_frame.src = query_str;
function catchupAllFeeds() {
var query_str = "backend.php?op=feeds&subop=catchupAll";
notify("Marking all feeds as read...");
var feeds_frame = document.getElementById("feeds-frame");
feeds_frame.src = query_str;
function viewCurrentFeed(skip, subop) {
if (getActiveFeedId()) {
viewfeed(getActiveFeedId(), skip, subop);
function viewfeed(feed, skip, subop) {
// notify("Loading headlines...");
var searchbox = document.getElementById("searchbox");
if (searchbox) {
search_query = searchbox.value;
} else {
search_query = "";
var searchmodebox = document.getElementById("searchmodebox");
if (searchmodebox) {
search_mode = searchmodebox.value;
} else {
search_mode = "";
setCookie("ttrss_vf_smode", search_mode);
var viewbox = document.getElementById("viewbox");
var view_mode;
if (viewbox) {
view_mode = viewbox[viewbox.selectedIndex].text;
} else {
view_mode = "All Posts";
setCookie("ttrss_vf_vmode", view_mode);
var limitbox = document.getElementById("limitbox");
var limit;
if (limitbox) {
limit = limitbox[limitbox.selectedIndex].text;
setCookie("ttrss_vf_limit", limit);
} else {
limit = "All";
var f_doc = frames["feeds-frame"].document;
// f_doc.getElementById("ACTFEEDID").innerHTML = feed;
if (subop == "MarkAllRead") {
var feedr = f_doc.getElementById("FEEDR-" + feed);
var feedctr = f_doc.getElementById("FEEDCTR-" + feed);
feedctr.className = "invisible";
if (feedr.className.match("Unread")) {
feedr.className = feedr.className.replace("Unread", "");
var query = "backend.php?op=viewfeed&feed=" + param_escape(feed) +
"&skip=" + param_escape(skip) + "&subop=" + param_escape(subop) +
"&view=" + param_escape(view_mode) + "&limit=" + limit +
"&smode=" + param_escape(search_mode);
if (search_query != "") {
query = query + "&search=" + param_escape(search_query);
var headlines_frame = parent.frames["headlines-frame"];
headlines_frame.location.href = query + "&addheader=true";
var feedr = document.getElementById("FEEDR-" + feed);
if (feedr) {
feedr.className = feedr.className + "Selected";
disableContainerChildren("headlinesToolbar", false, doc);
// notify("");
function timeout() {
setTimeout("timeout()", 1800*1000);
function resetSearch() {
var searchbox = document.getElementById("searchbox")
if (searchbox.value != "" && getActiveFeedId()) {
searchbox.value = "";
viewfeed(getActiveFeedId(), 0, "");
function search() {
viewCurrentFeed(0, "");
function localPiggieFunction(enable) {
if (enable) {
var query_str = "backend.php?op=feeds&subop=piggie";
if (xmlhttp_ready(xmlhttp)) {
xmlhttp.open("GET", query_str, true);
function localHotkeyHandler(keycode) {
/* if (keycode == 78) {
return moveToPost('next');
if (keycode == 80) {
return moveToPost('prev');
} */
if (keycode == 82) {
return scheduleFeedUpdate(true);
if (keycode == 85) {
return viewfeed(getActiveFeedId(), 0, "ForceUpdate");
// notify("KC: " + keycode);
function genericSanityCheck() {
if (!xmlhttp) {
document.getElementById("headlines").innerHTML =
"<b>Fatal error:</b> This program requires XmlHttpRequest " +
"to function properly. Your browser doesn't seem to support it.";
return false;
setCookie("ttrss_vf_test", "TEST");
if (getCookie("ttrss_vf_test") != "TEST") {
document.getElementById("headlines").innerHTML =
"<b>Fatal error:</b> This program requires cookies " +
"to function properly. Your browser doesn't seem to support them.";
return false;
return true;
function init() {
disableContainerChildren("headlinesToolbar", true);
if (!genericSanityCheck())
setCookie("ttrss_vf_actfeed", "");
updateFeedList(false, false);
document.onkeydown = hotkey_handler;
setTimeout("timeout()", 1800*1000);
var content = document.getElementById("content");
if (getCookie("ttrss_vf_vmode")) {
var viewbox = document.getElementById("viewbox");
viewbox.value = getCookie("ttrss_vf_vmode");
if (getCookie("ttrss_vf_limit")) {
var limitbox = document.getElementById("limitbox");
limitbox.value = getCookie("ttrss_vf_limit");
// if (getCookie("ttrss_vf_actfeed")) {
// viewfeed(getCookie("ttrss_vf_actfeed"), 0, '');
// }