897 lines
20 KiB
897 lines
20 KiB
var _feed_cur_page = 0;
var _infscroll_disable = 0;
var _infscroll_request_sent = 0;
var feed_under_pointer = undefined;
var mouse_is_down = false;
var mouse_y = 0;
var mouse_x = 0;
var resize_enabled = false;
var selection_disabled = false;
var counters_last_request = 0;
function toggle_sortable_feedlist(enabled) {
try {
if (enabled) {
Sortable.create('feedList', {onChange: feedlist_dragsorted, only: "feedCat"});
} else {
} catch (e) {
exception_error("toggle_sortable_feedlist", e);
function viewCategory(cat) {
viewfeed(cat, '', true);
return false;
function render_offline_feedlist() {
try {
var tmp = "<ul class=\"feedList\" id=\"feedList\">";
var rs = db.execute("SELECT id,title,has_icon FROM feeds ORDER BY title");
while (rs.isValidRow()) {
var id = rs.field(0);
var title = rs.field(1);
var has_icon = rs.field(2);
var rs_u = db.execute("SELECT SUM(unread) FROM articles WHERE feed_id = ?",
var unread = 0;
if (rs.isValidRow()) {
unread = rs_u.field(0);
if (!unread) unread = 0;
var feed_icon = "";
if (has_icon) {
feed_icon = "<img id='FIMG-"+id+"' src='" + "icons/" + id + ".ico'>";
} else {
feed_icon = "<img id='FIMG-"+id+"' src='images/blank_icon.gif'>";
var row_class = "feed";
if (unread > 0) {
row_class += "Unread";
fctr_class = "feedCtrHasUnread";
} else {
fctr_class = "feedCtrNoUnread";
var link = "<a title=\"FIXME\" id=\"FEEDL-"+id+"\""+
"href=\"javascript:viewfeed('"+id+"', '', false, '', false, 0);\">"+
title + "</a>";
tmp += "<li id='FEEDR-"+id+"' class="+row_class+">" + feed_icon +
"<span id=\"FEEDN-"+id+"\">" + link + "</span>";
tmp += " <span class='"+fctr_class+"' id=\"FEEDCTR-"+id+"\">" +
"(<span id=\"FEEDU-"+id+"\">"+unread+"</span>)</span>";
tmp += "</li>";
tmp += "</ul>";
} catch (e) {
exception_error("render_offline_feedlist", e);
function render_feedlist(data) {
try {
var f = document.getElementById("feeds-frame");
f.innerHTML = data;
cache_inject("FEEDLIST", data, getInitParam("num_feeds"));
} catch (e) {
exception_error("render_feedlist", e);
function feedlist_callback2(transport) {
try {
if (!transport_error_check(transport)) return;
} catch (e) {
exception_error("feedlist_callback2", e);
function viewNextFeedPage() {
try {
//if (!getActiveFeedId()) return;
debug("viewNextFeedPage: calling viewfeed(), p: " + _feed_cur_page+1);
viewfeed(getActiveFeedId(), undefined, activeFeedIsCat(), undefined,
undefined, _feed_cur_page+1);
} catch (e) {
exception_error("viewNextFeedPage", e);
function viewfeed_offline(feed_id, subop, is_cat, subop_param, skip_history, offset) {
try {
setActiveFeedId(feed_id, is_cat);
if (!is_cat) {
var feedr = document.getElementById("FEEDR-" + feed_id);
if (feedr && !feedr.className.match("Selected")) {
feedr.className = feedr.className + "Selected";
} else {
var feedr = document.getElementById("FCAT-" + feed_id);
if (feedr && !feedr.className.match("Selected")) {
feedr.className = feedr.className + "Selected";
var f = document.getElementById("headlines-frame");
try {
if (reply.offset == 0) {
debug("resetting headlines scrollTop");
f.scrollTop = 0;
} catch (e) { };
var container = document.getElementById("headlines-frame");
var tmp = "";
rs = db.execute("SELECT title FROM feeds WHERE id = ?", [feed_id]);
if (rs.isValidRow()) {
var feed_title = rs.field(0);
if (offset == 0) {
tmp += "<div id=\"headlinesContainer\">";
tmp += "<div class=\"headlinesSubToolbar\">";
tmp += "<div id=\"subtoolbar_ftitle\">";
tmp += feed_title;
tmp += "</div>";
var sel_all_link = "javascript:selectTableRowsByIdPrefix('headlinesList', 'RROW-', 'RCHK-', true, '', true)";
var sel_unread_link = "javascript:selectTableRowsByIdPrefix('headlinesList', 'RROW-', 'RCHK-', true, 'Unread', true)";
var sel_none_link = "javascript:selectTableRowsByIdPrefix('headlinesList', 'RROW-', 'RCHK-', false)";
var sel_inv_link = "javascript:invertHeadlineSelection()";
tmp += __('Select:')+
" <a href=\""+sel_all_link+"\">"+__('All')+"</a>, "+
"<a href=\""+sel_unread_link+"\">"+__('Unread')+"</a>, "+
"<a href=\""+sel_inv_link+"\">"+__('Invert')+"</a>, "+
"<a href=\""+sel_none_link+"\">"+__('None')+"</a>";
tmp += " ";
tmp += "</div>";
tmp += "<div id=\"headlinesInnerContainer\" onscroll=\"headlines_scroll_handler()\">";
tmp += "<table class=\"headlinesList\" id=\"headlinesList\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
var rs = db.execute("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE feed_id = ?", [feed_id]);
var line_num = 0;
while (rs.isValidRow()) {
var id = rs.fieldByName("id");
var feed_id = rs.fieldByName("feed_id");
var marked_pic;
var row_class = (line_num % 2) ? "even" : "odd";
if (rs.fieldByName("unread") == "1") {
row_class += "Unread";
if (rs.fieldByName("marked") == "1") {
marked_pic = "<img id=\"FMPIC-"+id+"\" "+
"src=\"images/mark_set.png\" class=\"markedPic\""+
"alt=\"Unstar article\" onclick='javascript:tMark("+id+")'>";
} else {
marked_pic = "<img id=\"FMPIC-"+id+"\" "+
"src=\"images/mark_unset.png\" class=\"markedPic\""+
"alt=\"Star article\" onclick='javascript:tMark("+id+")'>";
var mouseover_attrs = "onmouseover='postMouseIn($id)' "+
tmp += "<tr class='"+row_class+"' id='RROW-"+id+"' "+mouseover_attrs+">";
tmp += "<td class='hlUpdPic'> </td>";
tmp += "<td class='hlSelectRow'>"+
"<input type=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"tSR(this)\" id=\"RCHK-"+id+"\"></td>";
tmp += "<td class='hlMarkedPic'>"+marked_pic+"</td>";
tmp += "<td onclick='view("+id+","+feed_id+")' "+
"class='hlContent' valign='middle'>";
tmp += "<a id=\"RTITLE-$id\" href=\"" +
param_escape(rs.fieldByName("link")) + "\"" +
"onclick=\"return view("+id+","+feed_id+");\">"+
var content_preview = truncate_string(strip_tags(rs.fieldByName("content")),
tmp += "<span class=\"contentPreview\"> - "+content_preview+"</span>";
tmp += "</a>";
tmp += "</td>";
tmp += "<td class=\"hlUpdated\" onclick='view("+id+","+feed_id+")'>"+
tmp += "</tr>";
if (offset == 0) {
tmp += "</table>";
tmp += "</div></div>";
if (offset == 0) {
container.innerHTML = tmp;
} else {
var ids = getSelectedArticleIds2();
//container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML + tmp;
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
} catch (e) {
exception_error("viewfeed_offline", e);
function viewfeed(feed, subop, is_cat, subop_param, skip_history, offset) {
try {
if (offline_mode) return viewfeed_offline(feed, subop, is_cat, subop_param,
skip_history, offset);
// if (!offset) page_offset = 0;
last_requested_article = 0;
//counters_last_request = 0;
if (feed == getActiveFeedId()) {
cache_invalidate("F:" + feed);
/* if (getInitParam("theme") == "" || getInitParam("theme") == "compact") {
if (getInitParam("hide_feedlist") == 1) {
} */
var force_nocache = false;
var page_offset = 0;
if (offset > 0) {
page_offset = offset;
} else {
page_offset = 0;
_feed_cur_page = 0;
_infscroll_disable = 0;
if (getActiveFeedId() != feed) {
_feed_cur_page = 0;
active_post_id = 0;
_infscroll_disable = 0;
if (page_offset != 0 && !subop) {
var date = new Date();
var timestamp = Math.round(date.getTime() / 1000);
debug("<b>" + _infscroll_request_sent + " : " + timestamp + "</b>");
if (_infscroll_request_sent && _infscroll_request_sent + 30 > timestamp) {
debug("infscroll request in progress, aborting");
_infscroll_request_sent = timestamp;
var toolbar_form = document.forms["main_toolbar_form"];
var toolbar_query = Form.serialize("main_toolbar_form");
if (toolbar_form.query) {
if (toolbar_form.query.value != "") {
force_nocache = true;
toolbar_form.query.value = "";
var query = "backend.php?op=viewfeed&feed=" + feed + "&" +
toolbar_query + "&subop=" + param_escape(subop);
if (document.getElementById("search_form")) {
var search_query = Form.serialize("search_form");
query = query + "&" + search_query;
force_nocache = true;
// debug("IS_CAT_STORED: " + activeFeedIsCat() + ", IS_CAT: " + is_cat);
if (subop == "MarkAllRead") {
var show_next_feed = getInitParam("on_catchup_show_next_feed") == "1";
if (show_next_feed) {
if (!activeFeedIsCat()) {
var feedlist = document.getElementById('feedList');
var next_unread_feed = getRelativeFeedId(feedlist,
feed, "next", true);
if (!next_unread_feed) {
next_unread_feed = getRelativeFeedId(feedlist,
-3, "next", true);
if (next_unread_feed) {
query = query + "&nuf=" + param_escape(next_unread_feed);
feed = next_unread_feed;
} else {
var next_unread_feed = getNextUnreadCat(feed);
/* we don't need to specify that our next feed is actually
a category, because we're in the is_cat mode by definition
already */
if (next_unread_feed && show_next_feed) {
query = query + "&nuf=" + param_escape(next_unread_feed);
feed = next_unread_feed;
if (is_cat) {
query = query + "&cat=1";
if (page_offset != 0) {
query = query + "&skip=" + page_offset;
// to prevent duplicate feed titles when showing grouped vfeeds
if (vgroup_last_feed) {
query = query + "&vgrlf=" + param_escape(vgroup_last_feed);
var date = new Date();
var timestamp = Math.round(date.getTime() / 1000);
query = query + "&ts=" + timestamp
disableContainerChildren("headlinesToolbar", false);
// for piggybacked counters
if (tagsAreDisplayed()) {
query = query + "&omode=lt";
} else {
query = query + "&omode=flc";
if (!async_counters_work) {
query = query + "&csync=true";
var container = document.getElementById("headlinesInnerContainer");
/* if (container && page_offset == 0 && !isCdmMode()) {
new Effect.Fade(container, {duration: 1, to: 0.01,
queue: { position:'end', scope: 'FEEDL-' + feed, limit: 1 } } );
} */
var unread_ctr = -1;
if (!is_cat) unread_ctr = get_feed_unread(feed);
var cache_check = false;
if (unread_ctr != -1 && !page_offset && !force_nocache && !subop) {
var cache_prefix = "";
if (is_cat) {
cache_prefix = "C:";
} else {
cache_prefix = "F:";
cache_check = cache_check_param(cache_prefix + feed, unread_ctr);
debug("headline cache check: " + cache_check);
if (cache_check) {
var f = document.getElementById("headlines-frame");
setActiveFeedId(feed, is_cat);
if (!is_cat) {
var feedr = document.getElementById("FEEDR-" + feed);
if (feedr && !feedr.className.match("Selected")) {
feedr.className = feedr.className + "Selected";
} else {
var feedr = document.getElementById("FCAT-" + feed_id);
if (feedr && !feedr.className.match("Selected")) {
feedr.className = feedr.className + "Selected";
f.innerHTML = cache_find_param(cache_prefix + feed, unread_ctr);
} else {
if (!page_offset) {
notify_progress("Loading, please wait...", true);
new Ajax.Request(query, {
onComplete: function(transport) {
headlines_callback2(transport, page_offset);
} });
} catch (e) {
exception_error("viewfeed", e);
function toggleCollapseCat_af(effect) {
//var caption = elem.id.replace("FCATLIST-", "");
try {
var elem = effect.element;
var cat = elem.id.replace("FCATLIST-", "");
var cap = document.getElementById("FCAP-" + cat);
if (Element.visible(elem)) {
cap.innerHTML = cap.innerHTML.replace("…", "");
} else {
if (cap.innerHTML.lastIndexOf("…") != cap.innerHTML.length-3) {
cap.innerHTML = cap.innerHTML + "…";
} catch (e) {
exception_error("toggleCollapseCat_af", e);
function toggleCollapseCat(cat) {
try {
var cat_elem = document.getElementById("FCAT-" + cat);
var cat_list = document.getElementById("FCATLIST-" + cat).parentNode;
var caption = document.getElementById("FCAP-" + cat);
/* if (cat_list.className.match("invisible")) {
cat_list.className = "";
caption.innerHTML = caption.innerHTML.replace("...", "");
if (cat == 0) {
setCookie("ttrss_vf_uclps", "0");
} else {
cat_list.className = "invisible";
caption.innerHTML = caption.innerHTML + "...";
if (cat == 0) {
setCookie("ttrss_vf_uclps", "1");
} */
if (cat == 0) {
if (Element.visible("FCATLIST-" + cat)) {
setCookie("ttrss_vf_uclps", "1");
} else {
setCookie("ttrss_vf_uclps", "0");
if (cat == -2) {
if (Element.visible("FCATLIST-" + cat)) {
setCookie("ttrss_vf_lclps", "1");
} else {
setCookie("ttrss_vf_lclps", "0");
if (cat == -1) {
if (Element.visible("FCATLIST-" + cat)) {
setCookie("ttrss_vf_vclps", "1");
} else {
setCookie("ttrss_vf_vclps", "0");
Effect.toggle('FCATLIST-' + cat, 'blind', { duration: 0.5,
afterFinish: toggleCollapseCat_af });
new Ajax.Request("backend.php?op=feeds&subop=collapse&cid=" +
} catch (e) {
exception_error("toggleCollapseCat", e);
function feedlist_dragsorted(ctr) {
try {
var elem = document.getElementById("feedList");
var cats = elem.getElementsByTagName("LI");
var ordered_cats = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < cats.length; i++) {
if (cats[i].id && cats[i].id.match("FCAT-")) {
ordered_cats.push(cats[i].id.replace("FCAT-", ""));
if (ordered_cats.length > 0) {
var query = "backend.php?op=feeds&subop=catsort&corder=" +
new Ajax.Request(query);
} catch (e) {
exception_error("feedlist_dragsorted", e);
function feedlist_init() {
try {
// if (arguments.callee.done) return;
// arguments.callee.done = true;
debug("in feedlist init");
hideOrShowFeeds(getInitParam("hide_read_feeds") == 1);
document.onkeydown = hotkey_handler;
document.onmousemove = mouse_move_handler;
document.onmousedown = mouse_down_handler;
document.onmouseup = mouse_up_handler;
setTimeout("timeout()", 1);
if (typeof correctPNG != 'undefined') {
if (getActiveFeedId()) {
//debug("some feed is open on feedlist refresh, reloading");
//setTimeout("viewCurrentFeed()", 100);
} else {
if (getInitParam("cdm_auto_catchup") != 1 && get_feed_unread(-3) > 0) {
setTimeout("viewfeed(-3)", 100);
} else {
if (getInitParam("theme") == "") {
setTimeout("hide_footer()", 5000);
} catch (e) {
exception_error("feedlist/init", e);
function hide_footer_af(effect) {
try {
var c = document.getElementById("content-frame");
if (c) {
c.style.bottom = "0px";
var ioa = document.getElementById("inline_orig_article");
if (ioa) {
ioa.height = c.offsetHeight;
} else {
var h = document.getElementById("headlines-frame");
if (h) {
h.style.bottom = "0px";
} catch (e) {
exception_error("hide_footer_af", e);
function hide_footer() {
try {
if (Element.visible("footer")) {
new Effect.Fade("footer", { afterFinish: hide_footer_af });
} catch (e) {
exception_error("hide_footer", e);
function init_hidden_feedlist(theme) {
try {
if (theme != "" && theme != "compact") return;
var fl = document.getElementById("feeds-holder");
var fh = document.getElementById("headlines-frame");
var fc = document.getElementById("content-frame");
var ft = document.getElementById("toolbar");
var ff = document.getElementById("footer");
var fhdr = document.getElementById("header");
var fbtn = document.getElementById("toggle_feeds_btn");
if (fbtn) Element.show(fbtn);
fl.style.top = fh.offsetTop + "px";
fl.style.backgroundColor = "white"; //FIXME
fh.style.left = "0px";
ft.style.left = "0px";
if (fc) fc.style.left = "0px";
if (ff) ff.style.left = "0px";
if (theme == "compact") {
fhdr.style.left = "10px";
fl.style.top = (fh.offsetTop + 1) + "px";
} catch (e) {
exception_error("init_hidden_feedlist", e);
} */
function init_collapsable_feedlist(theme) {
try {
if (theme != "" && theme != "compact" && theme != "graycube" &&
theme != "compat") return;
var fbtn = document.getElementById("collapse_feeds_btn");
if (fbtn) Element.show(fbtn);
if (getCookie("ttrss_vf_fclps") == 1) {
} catch (e) {
exception_error("init_hidden_feedlist", e);
function mouse_move_handler(e) {
try {
var client_y;
var client_x;
if (window.event) {
client_y = window.event.clientY;
client_x = window.event.clientX;
} else if (e) {
client_x = e.screenX;
client_y = e.screenY;
if (mouse_is_down) {
if (mouse_y == 0) mouse_y = client_y;
if (mouse_x == 0) mouse_x = client_x;
resize_headlines(mouse_x - client_x, mouse_y - client_y);
mouse_y = client_y;
mouse_x = client_x;
return false;
} catch (e) {
exception_error("mouse_move_handler", e);
function enable_selection(b) {
selection_disabled = !b;
function enable_resize(b) {
resize_enabled = b;
function mouse_down_handler(e) {
try {
/* do not prevent right click */
if (e.button && e.button == 2) return;
if (resize_enabled) {
mouse_is_down = true;
mouse_x = 0;
mouse_y = 0;
document.onselectstart = function() { return false; };
return false;
if (selection_disabled) {
document.onselectstart = function() { return false; };
return false;
} catch (e) {
exception_error("mouse_move_handler", e);
function mouse_up_handler(e) {
try {
mouse_is_down = false;
if (!selection_disabled) {
document.onselectstart = null;
var e = document.getElementById("headlineActionsBody");
if (e) Element.hide(e);
} catch (e) {
exception_error("mouse_move_handler", e);
function request_counters_real() {
try {
if (offline_mode) return;
debug("requesting counters...");
var query = "backend.php?op=rpc&subop=getAllCounters";
if (tagsAreDisplayed()) {
query = query + "&omode=tl";
} else {
query = query + "&omode=flc";
new Ajax.Request(query, {
onComplete: function(transport) {
try {
all_counters_callback2(transport, true);
} catch (e) {
exception_error("viewfeed/getcounters", e);
} });
} catch (e) {
exception_error("request_counters_real", e);
function request_counters() {
try {
if (getInitParam("bw_limit") == "1") return;
var date = new Date();
var timestamp = Math.round(date.getTime() / 1000);
// if (getInitParam("sync_counters") == "1" ||
// timestamp - counters_last_request > 10) {
if (timestamp - counters_last_request > 15) {
debug("scheduling request of counters...");
window.setTimeout("request_counters_real()", 1000);
counters_last_request = timestamp;
} else {
debug("request_counters: rate limit reached: " + (timestamp - counters_last_request));
} catch (e) {
exception_error("request_counters", e);