$reply = [];
$rgba_cache = [];
$topmost_article_ids = [];
if (!$offset) $offset = 0;
if ($method == "undefined") $method = "";
$method_split = explode(":", $method);
if ($method == "ForceUpdate" && $feed > 0 && is_numeric($feed)) {
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds
SET last_updated = '1970-01-01', last_update_started = '1970-01-01'
WHERE id = ?");
if ($method_split[0] == "MarkAllReadGR") {
$this->_catchup($method_split[1], false);
// FIXME: might break tag display?
if (is_numeric($feed) && $feed > 0 && !$cat_view) {
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1");
if (!$sth->fetch()) {
$reply['content'] = "
".__('No feed selected.');
$reply['headlines']['content'] .= "
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT ".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(MAX(last_updated), 1, 19) AS last_updated FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE owner_uid = ?");
$row = $sth->fetch();
$last_updated = TimeHelper::make_local_datetime($row["last_updated"], false);
$reply['headlines']['content'] .= sprintf(__("Feeds last updated at %s"), $last_updated);
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT COUNT(id) AS num_errors
FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE last_error != '' AND owner_uid = ?");
$row = $sth->fetch();
$num_errors = $row["num_errors"];
if ($num_errors > 0) {
$reply['headlines']['content'] .= "
$reply['headlines']['content'] .= "".
__('Some feeds have update errors (click for details)')."";
$reply['headlines']['content'] .= "
$reply['headlines-info'] = array("count" => 0,
"unread" => 0,
"disable_cache" => true);
return $reply;
private function _generate_error_feed($error) {
$reply = array();
$reply['headlines']['id'] = -7;
$reply['headlines']['is_cat'] = false;
$reply['headlines']['toolbar'] = '';
$reply['headlines']['content'] = "
". $error . "
$reply['headlines-info'] = array("count" => 0,
"unread" => 0,
"disable_cache" => true);
return $reply;
function subscribeToFeed() {
print json_encode([
"cat_select" => \Controls\select_feeds_cats("cat")
function search() {
print json_encode([
"show_language" => Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql",
"show_syntax_help" => count(PluginHost::getInstance()->get_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_SEARCH)) == 0,
"all_languages" => Pref_Feeds::get_ts_languages(),
"default_language" => get_pref(Prefs::DEFAULT_SEARCH_LANGUAGE)
function updatedebugger() {
header("Content-type: text/html");
$xdebug = isset($_REQUEST["xdebug"]) ? (int)$_REQUEST["xdebug"] : 1;
$feed_id = (int)$_REQUEST["feed_id"];
$do_update = ($_REQUEST["action"] ?? "") == "do_update";
$csrf_token = $_POST["csrf_token"];
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = ? AND owner_uid = ?");
$sth->execute([$feed_id, $_SESSION['uid']]);
if (!$sth->fetch()) {
print "Access denied.";
Feed Debugger
= javascript_tag("js/utility.js") ?>
= javascript_tag("js/common.js") ?>
= javascript_tag("lib/dojo/dojo.js") ?>
= javascript_tag("lib/dojo/tt-rss-layer.js") ?>
Feed Debugger: = "$feed_id: " . $this->_get_title($feed_id) ?>
function ($result) use (&$search_qpart, &$search_words) {
if (!empty($result)) {
list($search_qpart, $search_words) = $result;
return true;
// fall back in case of no plugins
if (empty($search_qpart)) {
list($search_qpart, $search_words) = self::_search_to_sql($search[0], $search[1], $owner_uid);
} else {
$search_qpart = "true";
// TODO: all this interval stuff needs some generic generator function
switch ($mode) {
case "1day":
if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
$date_qpart = "date_entered < NOW() - INTERVAL '1 day' ";
} else {
$date_qpart = "date_entered < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) ";
case "1week":
if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
$date_qpart = "date_entered < NOW() - INTERVAL '1 week' ";
} else {
$date_qpart = "date_entered < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 WEEK) ";
case "2week":
if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
$date_qpart = "date_entered < NOW() - INTERVAL '2 week' ";
} else {
$date_qpart = "date_entered < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 WEEK) ";
$date_qpart = "true";
if (is_numeric($feed)) {
if ($cat_view) {
if ($feed >= 0) {
if ($feed > 0) {
$children = self::_get_child_cats($feed, $owner_uid);
array_push($children, $feed);
$children = array_map("intval", $children);
$children = join(",", $children);
$cat_qpart = "cat_id IN ($children)";
} else {
$cat_qpart = "cat_id IS NULL";
$sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_user_entries
SET unread = false, last_read = NOW() WHERE ref_id IN
(SELECT DISTINCT id FROM ttrss_entries, ttrss_user_entries WHERE ref_id = id
AND owner_uid = ? AND unread = true AND feed_id IN
(SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE $cat_qpart) AND $date_qpart AND $search_qpart) as tmp)");
} else if ($feed == -2) {
$sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_user_entries
SET unread = false,last_read = NOW() WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM ttrss_user_labels2, ttrss_entries WHERE article_id = ref_id AND id = ref_id AND $date_qpart AND $search_qpart) > 0
AND unread = true AND owner_uid = ?");
} else if ($feed > 0) {
$sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_user_entries
SET unread = false, last_read = NOW() WHERE ref_id IN
(SELECT DISTINCT id FROM ttrss_entries, ttrss_user_entries WHERE ref_id = id
AND owner_uid = ? AND unread = true AND feed_id = ? AND $date_qpart AND $search_qpart) as tmp)");
$sth->execute([$owner_uid, $feed]);
} else if ($feed < 0 && $feed > LABEL_BASE_INDEX) { // special, like starred
if ($feed == -1) {
$sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_user_entries
SET unread = false, last_read = NOW() WHERE ref_id IN
(SELECT DISTINCT id FROM ttrss_entries, ttrss_user_entries WHERE ref_id = id
AND owner_uid = ? AND unread = true AND marked = true AND $date_qpart AND $search_qpart) as tmp)");
if ($feed == -2) {
$sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_user_entries
SET unread = false, last_read = NOW() WHERE ref_id IN
(SELECT DISTINCT id FROM ttrss_entries, ttrss_user_entries WHERE ref_id = id
AND owner_uid = ? AND unread = true AND published = true AND $date_qpart AND $search_qpart) as tmp)");
if ($feed == -3) {
$intl = (int) get_pref(Prefs::FRESH_ARTICLE_MAX_AGE);
if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
$match_part = "date_entered > NOW() - INTERVAL '$intl hour' ";
} else {
$match_part = "date_entered > DATE_SUB(NOW(),
$sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_user_entries
SET unread = false, last_read = NOW() WHERE ref_id IN
(SELECT DISTINCT id FROM ttrss_entries, ttrss_user_entries WHERE ref_id = id
AND owner_uid = ? AND score >= 0 AND unread = true AND $date_qpart AND $match_part AND $search_qpart) as tmp)");
if ($feed == -4) {
$sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_user_entries
SET unread = false, last_read = NOW() WHERE ref_id IN
(SELECT DISTINCT id FROM ttrss_entries, ttrss_user_entries WHERE ref_id = id
AND owner_uid = ? AND unread = true AND $date_qpart AND $search_qpart) as tmp)");
} else if ($feed < LABEL_BASE_INDEX) { // label
$label_id = Labels::feed_to_label_id($feed);
$sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_user_entries
SET unread = false, last_read = NOW() WHERE ref_id IN
(SELECT DISTINCT ttrss_entries.id FROM ttrss_entries, ttrss_user_entries, ttrss_user_labels2 WHERE ref_id = id
AND label_id = ? AND ref_id = article_id
AND owner_uid = ? AND unread = true AND $date_qpart AND $search_qpart) as tmp)");
$sth->execute([$label_id, $owner_uid]);
} else { // tag
$sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_user_entries
SET unread = false, last_read = NOW() WHERE ref_id IN
(SELECT DISTINCT ttrss_entries.id FROM ttrss_entries, ttrss_user_entries, ttrss_tags WHERE ref_id = ttrss_entries.id
AND post_int_id = int_id AND tag_name = ?
AND ttrss_user_entries.owner_uid = ? AND unread = true AND $date_qpart AND $search_qpart) as tmp)");
$sth->execute([$feed, $owner_uid]);
static function _get_counters($feed, $is_cat = false, $unread_only = false,
$owner_uid = false) {
$n_feed = (int) $feed;
$need_entries = false;
$pdo = Db::pdo();
if (!$owner_uid) $owner_uid = $_SESSION["uid"];
if ($unread_only) {
$unread_qpart = "unread = true";
} else {
$unread_qpart = "true";
$match_part = "";
if ($is_cat) {
return self::_get_cat_unread($n_feed, $owner_uid);
} else if ($n_feed == -6) {
return 0;
} else if ($feed != "0" && $n_feed == 0) {
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT SUM((SELECT COUNT(int_id)
FROM ttrss_user_entries,ttrss_entries WHERE int_id = post_int_id
AND ref_id = id AND $unread_qpart)) AS count FROM ttrss_tags
WHERE owner_uid = ? AND tag_name = ?");
$sth->execute([$owner_uid, $feed]);
$row = $sth->fetch();
return $row["count"];
} else if ($n_feed == -1) {
$match_part = "marked = true";
} else if ($n_feed == -2) {
$match_part = "published = true";
} else if ($n_feed == -3) {
$match_part = "unread = true AND score >= 0";
$intl = (int) get_pref(Prefs::FRESH_ARTICLE_MAX_AGE, $owner_uid);
if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
$match_part .= " AND date_entered > NOW() - INTERVAL '$intl hour' ";
} else {
$match_part .= " AND date_entered > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $intl HOUR) ";
$need_entries = true;
} else if ($n_feed == -4) {
$match_part = "true";
} else if ($n_feed >= 0) {
if ($n_feed != 0) {
$match_part = sprintf("feed_id = %d", $n_feed);
} else {
$match_part = "feed_id IS NULL";
} else if ($feed < LABEL_BASE_INDEX) {
$label_id = Labels::feed_to_label_id($feed);
return self::_get_label_unread($label_id, $owner_uid);
if ($match_part) {
if ($need_entries) {
$from_qpart = "ttrss_user_entries,ttrss_entries";
$from_where = "ttrss_entries.id = ttrss_user_entries.ref_id AND";
} else {
$from_qpart = "ttrss_user_entries";
$from_where = "";
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT count(int_id) AS unread
FROM $from_qpart WHERE
$unread_qpart AND $from_where ($match_part) AND ttrss_user_entries.owner_uid = ?");
$row = $sth->fetch();
return $row["unread"];
} else {
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT COUNT(post_int_id) AS unread
FROM ttrss_tags,ttrss_user_entries,ttrss_entries
WHERE tag_name = ? AND post_int_id = int_id AND ref_id = ttrss_entries.id
AND $unread_qpart AND ttrss_tags.owner_uid = ,");
$sth->execute([$feed, $owner_uid]);
$row = $sth->fetch();
return $row["unread"];
function add() {
$feed = clean($_REQUEST['feed']);
$cat = clean($_REQUEST['cat']);
$need_auth = isset($_REQUEST['need_auth']);
$login = $need_auth ? clean($_REQUEST['login']) : '';
$pass = $need_auth ? clean($_REQUEST['pass']) : '';
$rc = Feeds::_subscribe($feed, $cat, $login, $pass);
print json_encode(array("result" => $rc));
* @return array (code => Status code, message => error message if available)
* 0 - OK, Feed already exists
* 1 - OK, Feed added
* 2 - Invalid URL
* 3 - URL content is HTML, no feeds available
* 4 - URL content is HTML which contains multiple feeds.
* Here you should call extractfeedurls in rpc-backend
* to get all possible feeds.
* 5 - Couldn't download the URL content.
* 6 - Content is an invalid XML.
static function _subscribe($url, $cat_id = 0,
$auth_login = '', $auth_pass = '') {
global $fetch_last_error;
global $fetch_last_error_content;
global $fetch_last_content_type;
$pdo = Db::pdo();
$url = UrlHelper::validate($url);
if (!$url) return array("code" => 2);
$contents = @UrlHelper::fetch($url, false, $auth_login, $auth_pass);
function ($result) use (&$contents) {
$contents = $result;
$contents, $url, $auth_login, $auth_pass);
if (empty($contents)) {
if (preg_match("/cloudflare\.com/", $fetch_last_error_content)) {
$fetch_last_error .= " (feed behind Cloudflare)";
return array("code" => 5, "message" => $fetch_last_error);
if (mb_strpos($fetch_last_content_type, "html") !== false && self::_is_html($contents)) {
$feedUrls = self::_get_feeds_from_html($url, $contents);
if (count($feedUrls) == 0) {
return array("code" => 3);
} else if (count($feedUrls) > 1) {
return array("code" => 4, "feeds" => $feedUrls);
//use feed url as new URL
$url = key($feedUrls);
if (!$cat_id) $cat_id = null;
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE feed_url = ? AND owner_uid = ?");
$sth->execute([$url, $_SESSION['uid']]);
if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
return array("code" => 0, "feed_id" => (int) $row["id"]);
} else {
$sth = $pdo->prepare(
"INSERT INTO ttrss_feeds
(owner_uid,feed_url,title,cat_id, auth_login,auth_pass,update_method,auth_pass_encrypted)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0, false)");
$sth->execute([$_SESSION['uid'], $url, "[Unknown]", $cat_id, (string)$auth_login, (string)$auth_pass]);
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE feed_url = ?
AND owner_uid = ?");
$sth->execute([$url, $_SESSION['uid']]);
$row = $sth->fetch();
$feed_id = $row["id"];
if ($feed_id) {
return array("code" => 1, "feed_id" => (int) $feed_id);
static function _get_icon_file($feed_id) {
return Config::get(Config::ICONS_DIR) . "/$feed_id.ico";
static function _has_icon($id) {
return is_file(Config::get(Config::ICONS_DIR) . "/$id.ico") && filesize(Config::get(Config::ICONS_DIR) . "/$id.ico") > 0;
static function _get_icon($id) {
switch ($id) {
case 0:
return "archive";
case -1:
return "star";
case -2:
return "rss_feed";
case -3:
return "whatshot";
case -4:
return "inbox";
case -6:
return "restore";
if ($id < LABEL_BASE_INDEX) {
return "label";
} else {
$icon = self::_get_icon_file($id);
if ($icon && file_exists($icon)) {
return Config::get(Config::ICONS_URL) . "/" . basename($icon) . "?" . filemtime($icon);
return false;
static function _find_by_url($feed_url, $owner_uid) {
$sth = Db::pdo()->prepare("SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE
feed_url = ? AND owner_uid = ?");
$sth->execute([$feed_url, $owner_uid]);
if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
return $row["id"];
return false;
static function _get_title($id, $cat = false) {
$pdo = Db::pdo();
if ($cat) {
return self::_get_cat_title($id);
} else if ($id == -1) {
return __("Starred articles");
} else if ($id == -2) {
return __("Published articles");
} else if ($id == -3) {
return __("Fresh articles");
} else if ($id == -4) {
return __("All articles");
} else if ($id === 0 || $id === "0") {
return __("Archived articles");
} else if ($id == -6) {
return __("Recently read");
} else if ($id < LABEL_BASE_INDEX) {
$label_id = Labels::feed_to_label_id($id);
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT caption FROM ttrss_labels2 WHERE id = ?");
if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
return $row["caption"];
} else {
return "Unknown label ($label_id)";
} else if (is_numeric($id) && $id > 0) {
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT title FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = ?");
if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
return $row["title"];
} else {
return "Unknown feed ($id)";
} else {
return $id;
// only real cats
static function _get_cat_marked($cat, $owner_uid = false) {
if (!$owner_uid) $owner_uid = $_SESSION["uid"];
$pdo = Db::pdo();
if ($cat >= 0) {
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN marked THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS marked
FROM ttrss_user_entries
WHERE feed_id IN (SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE (cat_id = :cat OR (:cat IS NULL AND cat_id IS NULL))
AND owner_uid = :uid)
AND owner_uid = :uid");
$sth->execute(["cat" => $cat ? $cat : null, "uid" => $owner_uid]);
$row = $sth->fetch();
return $row["marked"];
} else {
return 0;
static function _get_cat_unread($cat, $owner_uid = false) {
if (!$owner_uid) $owner_uid = $_SESSION["uid"];
$pdo = Db::pdo();
if ($cat >= 0) {
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN unread THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS unread
FROM ttrss_user_entries
WHERE feed_id IN (SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE (cat_id = :cat OR (:cat IS NULL AND cat_id IS NULL))
AND owner_uid = :uid)
AND owner_uid = :uid");
$sth->execute(["cat" => $cat ? $cat : null, "uid" => $owner_uid]);
$row = $sth->fetch();
return $row["unread"];
} else if ($cat == -1) {
return 0;
} else if ($cat == -2) {
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT article_id) AS unread
FROM ttrss_user_entries ue, ttrss_user_labels2 l
WHERE article_id = ref_id AND unread IS true AND ue.owner_uid = :uid");
$sth->execute(["uid" => $owner_uid]);
$row = $sth->fetch();
return $row["unread"];
// only accepts real cats (>= 0)
static function _get_cat_children_unread($cat, $owner_uid = false) {
if (!$owner_uid) $owner_uid = $_SESSION["uid"];
$pdo = Db::pdo();
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM ttrss_feed_categories WHERE parent_cat = ?
AND owner_uid = ?");
$sth->execute([$cat, $owner_uid]);
$unread = 0;
while ($line = $sth->fetch()) {
$unread += self::_get_cat_unread($line["id"], $owner_uid);
$unread += self::_get_cat_children_unread($line["id"], $owner_uid);
return $unread;
static function _get_global_unread($user_id = false) {
if (!$user_id) $user_id = $_SESSION["uid"];
$pdo = Db::pdo();
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN unread THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS count
FROM ttrss_user_entries ue
WHERE ue.owner_uid = ?");
$row = $sth->fetch();
return $row["count"];
static function _get_cat_title($cat_id) {
if ($cat_id == -1) {
return __("Special");
} else if ($cat_id == -2) {
return __("Labels");
} else {
$pdo = Db::pdo();
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT title FROM ttrss_feed_categories WHERE
id = ?");
if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
return $row["title"];
} else {
return __("Uncategorized");
private static function _get_label_unread($label_id, $owner_uid = false) {
if (!$owner_uid) $owner_uid = $_SESSION["uid"];
$pdo = Db::pdo();
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT COUNT(ref_id) AS unread FROM ttrss_user_entries, ttrss_user_labels2
WHERE owner_uid = ? AND unread = true AND label_id = ? AND article_id = ref_id");
$sth->execute([$owner_uid, $label_id]);
if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
return $row["unread"];
} else {
return 0;
static function _get_headlines($params) {
$pdo = Db::pdo();
// WARNING: due to highly dynamic nature of this query its going to quote parameters
// right before adding them to SQL part
$feed = $params["feed"];
$limit = isset($params["limit"]) ? $params["limit"] : 30;
$view_mode = $params["view_mode"];
$cat_view = isset($params["cat_view"]) ? $params["cat_view"] : false;
$search = isset($params["search"]) ? $params["search"] : false;
$search_language = isset($params["search_language"]) ? $params["search_language"] : "";
$override_order = isset($params["override_order"]) ? $params["override_order"] : false;
$offset = isset($params["offset"]) ? $params["offset"] : 0;
$owner_uid = isset($params["owner_uid"]) ? $params["owner_uid"] : $_SESSION["uid"];
$since_id = isset($params["since_id"]) ? $params["since_id"] : 0;
$include_children = isset($params["include_children"]) ? $params["include_children"] : false;
$ignore_vfeed_group = isset($params["ignore_vfeed_group"]) ? $params["ignore_vfeed_group"] : false;
$override_strategy = isset($params["override_strategy"]) ? $params["override_strategy"] : false;
$override_vfeed = isset($params["override_vfeed"]) ? $params["override_vfeed"] : false;
$start_ts = isset($params["start_ts"]) ? $params["start_ts"] : false;
$check_first_id = isset($params["check_first_id"]) ? $params["check_first_id"] : false;
$skip_first_id_check = isset($params["skip_first_id_check"]) ? $params["skip_first_id_check"] : false;
//$order_by = isset($params["order_by"]) ? $params["order_by"] : false;
$ext_tables_part = "";
$limit_query_part = "";
$query_error_override = "";
$search_words = [];
if ($search) {
$search_query_part = "";
function ($result) use (&$search_query_part, &$search_words) {
if (!empty($result)) {
list($search_query_part, $search_words) = $result;
return true;
// fall back in case of no plugins
if (!$search_query_part) {
list($search_query_part, $search_words) = self::_search_to_sql($search, $search_language, $owner_uid);
if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
$test_sth = $pdo->prepare("select $search_query_part
FROM ttrss_entries, ttrss_user_entries WHERE id = ref_id limit 1");
try {
} catch (PDOException $e) {
// looks like tsquery syntax is invalid
$search_query_part = "false";
$query_error_override = T_sprintf("Incorrect search syntax: %s.", implode(" ", $search_words));
$search_query_part .= " AND ";
} else {
$search_query_part = "";
if ($since_id) {
$since_id_part = "ttrss_entries.id > ".$pdo->quote($since_id)." AND ";
} else {
$since_id_part = "";
$view_query_part = "";
if ($view_mode == "adaptive") {
if ($search) {
$view_query_part = " ";
} else if ($feed != -1) {
$unread = getFeedUnread($feed, $cat_view);
if ($cat_view && $feed > 0 && $include_children)
$unread += self::_get_cat_children_unread($feed);
if ($unread > 0) {
$view_query_part = " unread = true AND ";
if ($view_mode == "marked") {
$view_query_part = " marked = true AND ";
if ($view_mode == "has_note") {
$view_query_part = " (note IS NOT NULL AND note != '') AND ";
if ($view_mode == "published") {
$view_query_part = " published = true AND ";
if ($view_mode == "unread" && $feed != -6) {
$view_query_part = " unread = true AND ";
if ($limit > 0) {
$limit_query_part = "LIMIT " . (int)$limit;
$allow_archived = false;
$vfeed_query_part = "";
/* tags */
if (!is_numeric($feed)) {
$query_strategy_part = "true";
$vfeed_query_part = "(SELECT title FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE
id = feed_id) as feed_title,";
} else if ($feed > 0) {
if ($cat_view) {
if ($feed > 0) {
if ($include_children) {
# sub-cats
$subcats = self::_get_child_cats($feed, $owner_uid);
array_push($subcats, $feed);
$subcats = array_map("intval", $subcats);
$query_strategy_part = "cat_id IN (".
implode(",", $subcats).")";
} else {
$query_strategy_part = "cat_id = " . $pdo->quote((string)$feed);
} else {
$query_strategy_part = "cat_id IS NULL";
$vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,";
} else {
$query_strategy_part = "feed_id = " . $pdo->quote((string)$feed);
} else if ($feed == 0 && !$cat_view) { // archive virtual feed
$query_strategy_part = "feed_id IS NULL";
$allow_archived = true;
} else if ($feed == 0 && $cat_view) { // uncategorized
$query_strategy_part = "cat_id IS NULL AND feed_id IS NOT NULL";
$vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,";
} else if ($feed == -1) { // starred virtual feed
$query_strategy_part = "marked = true";
$vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,";
$allow_archived = true;
if (!$override_order) {
$override_order = "last_marked DESC, date_entered DESC, updated DESC";
} else if ($feed == -2) { // published virtual feed OR labels category
if (!$cat_view) {
$query_strategy_part = "published = true";
$vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,";
$allow_archived = true;
if (!$override_order) {
$override_order = "last_published DESC, date_entered DESC, updated DESC";
} else {
$vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,";
$ext_tables_part = "ttrss_labels2,ttrss_user_labels2,";
$query_strategy_part = "ttrss_labels2.id = ttrss_user_labels2.label_id AND
ttrss_user_labels2.article_id = ref_id";
} else if ($feed == -6) { // recently read
$query_strategy_part = "unread = false AND last_read IS NOT NULL";
if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
$query_strategy_part .= " AND last_read > NOW() - INTERVAL '1 DAY' ";
} else {
$query_strategy_part .= " AND last_read > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) ";
$vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,";
$allow_archived = true;
$ignore_vfeed_group = true;
if (!$override_order) $override_order = "last_read DESC";
} else if ($feed == -3) { // fresh virtual feed
$query_strategy_part = "unread = true AND score >= 0";
$intl = (int) get_pref(Prefs::FRESH_ARTICLE_MAX_AGE, $owner_uid);
if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
$query_strategy_part .= " AND date_entered > NOW() - INTERVAL '$intl hour' ";
} else {
$query_strategy_part .= " AND date_entered > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $intl HOUR) ";
$vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,";
} else if ($feed == -4) { // all articles virtual feed
$allow_archived = true;
$query_strategy_part = "true";
$vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,";
} else if ($feed <= LABEL_BASE_INDEX) { // labels
$label_id = Labels::feed_to_label_id($feed);
$query_strategy_part = "label_id = ".$pdo->quote($label_id)." AND
ttrss_labels2.id = ttrss_user_labels2.label_id AND
ttrss_user_labels2.article_id = ref_id";
$vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,";
$ext_tables_part = "ttrss_labels2,ttrss_user_labels2,";
$allow_archived = true;
} else {
$query_strategy_part = "true";
$order_by = "score DESC, date_entered DESC, updated DESC";
if ($override_order) {
$order_by = $override_order;
if ($override_strategy) {
$query_strategy_part = $override_strategy;
if ($override_vfeed) {
$vfeed_query_part = $override_vfeed;
$feed_title = "";
$feed_site_url = "";
$last_error = "";
$last_updated = "";
if ($search) {
$feed_title = T_sprintf("Search results: %s", $search);
} else {
if ($cat_view) {
$feed_title = self::_get_cat_title($feed);
} else {
if (is_numeric($feed) && $feed > 0) {
$ssth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT title,site_url,last_error,last_updated
FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = ? AND owner_uid = ?");
$ssth->execute([$feed, $owner_uid]);
$row = $ssth->fetch();
$feed_title = $row["title"];
$feed_site_url = $row["site_url"];
$last_error = $row["last_error"];
$last_updated = $row["last_updated"];
} else {
$feed_title = self::_get_title($feed);
$content_query_part = "content, ";
if ($limit_query_part) {
$offset_query_part = "OFFSET " . (int)$offset;
} else {
$offset_query_part = "";
if ($start_ts) {
$start_ts_formatted = date("Y/m/d H:i:s", strtotime($start_ts));
$start_ts_query_part = "date_entered >= '$start_ts_formatted' AND";
} else {
$start_ts_query_part = "";
$first_id = 0;
if (is_numeric($feed)) {
// proper override_order applied above
if ($vfeed_query_part && !$ignore_vfeed_group && get_pref(Prefs::VFEED_GROUP_BY_FEED, $owner_uid)) {
if (!(in_array($feed, self::NEVER_GROUP_BY_DATE) && !$cat_view)) {
$yyiw_desc = $order_by == "date_reverse" ? "" : "desc";
$yyiw_order_qpart = "yyiw $yyiw_desc, ";
} else {
$yyiw_order_qpart = "";
if (!$override_order) {
$order_by = "$yyiw_order_qpart ttrss_feeds.title, $order_by";
} else {
$order_by = "$yyiw_order_qpart ttrss_feeds.title, $override_order";
if (!$allow_archived) {
$from_qpart = "${ext_tables_part}ttrss_entries LEFT JOIN ttrss_user_entries ON (ref_id = ttrss_entries.id), ttrss_feeds";
$feed_check_qpart = "ttrss_user_entries.feed_id = ttrss_feeds.id AND";
} else {
$from_qpart = "${ext_tables_part}ttrss_entries LEFT JOIN ttrss_user_entries ON (ref_id = ttrss_entries.id)
LEFT JOIN ttrss_feeds ON (feed_id = ttrss_feeds.id)";
$feed_check_qpart = "";
if ($vfeed_query_part) $vfeed_query_part .= "favicon_avg_color,";
$first_id_query_strategy_part = $query_strategy_part;
if ($feed == -3)
$first_id_query_strategy_part = "true";
if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
$sanity_interval_qpart = "date_entered >= NOW() - INTERVAL '1 hour' AND";
$yyiw_qpart = "to_char(date_entered, 'IYYY-IW') AS yyiw";
$distinct_columns = str_replace("desc", "", strtolower($order_by));
$distinct_qpart = "DISTINCT ON (id, $distinct_columns)";
} else {
$sanity_interval_qpart = "date_entered >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 hour) AND";
$yyiw_qpart = "date_format(date_entered, '%Y-%u') AS yyiw";
$distinct_qpart = "DISTINCT"; //fallback
// except for Labels category
if (get_pref(Prefs::HEADLINES_NO_DISTINCT, $owner_uid) && !($feed == -2 && $cat_view)) {
$distinct_qpart = "";
if (!$search && !$skip_first_id_check) {
// if previous topmost article id changed that means our current pagination is no longer valid
$query = "SELECT
ttrss_user_entries.owner_uid = ".$pdo->quote($owner_uid)." AND
$first_id_query_strategy_part ORDER BY $order_by LIMIT 1";
if (!empty($_REQUEST["debug"])) {
print "\n*** FIRST ID QUERY ***\n$query\n";
$res = $pdo->query($query);
if (!empty($res) && $row = $res->fetch()) {
$first_id = (int)$row["id"];
if ($offset > 0 && $first_id && $check_first_id && $first_id != $check_first_id) {
return array(-1, $feed_title, $feed_site_url, $last_error, $last_updated, $search_words, $first_id, $vfeed_query_part != "", $query_error_override);
$query = "SELECT $distinct_qpart
ttrss_entries.id AS id,
last_marked, last_published,
(SELECT count(id) FROM ttrss_enclosures WHERE post_id = ttrss_entries.id) AS num_enclosures
ttrss_user_entries.owner_uid = ".$pdo->quote($owner_uid)." AND
$query_strategy_part ORDER BY $order_by
$limit_query_part $offset_query_part";
//if ($_REQUEST["debug"]) print $query;
if (!empty($_REQUEST["debug"])) {
print "\n*** HEADLINES QUERY ***\n$query\n";
$res = $pdo->query($query);
} else {
// browsing by tag
if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
$distinct_columns = str_replace("desc", "", strtolower($order_by));
$distinct_qpart = "DISTINCT ON (id, $distinct_columns)";
} else {
$distinct_qpart = "DISTINCT"; //fallback
$query = "SELECT $distinct_qpart
ttrss_entries.id as id,
(SELECT hide_images FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = feed_id) AS hide_images,
last_marked, last_published,
author, score
FROM ttrss_entries, ttrss_user_entries, ttrss_tags
ref_id = ttrss_entries.id AND
ttrss_user_entries.owner_uid = ".$pdo->quote($owner_uid)." AND
post_int_id = int_id AND
tag_name = ".$pdo->quote($feed)." AND
$query_strategy_part ORDER BY $order_by
$limit_query_part $offset_query_part";
//if ($_REQUEST["debug"]) print $query;
if (!empty($_REQUEST["debug"])) {
print "\n*** TAGS QUERY ***\n$query\n";
$res = $pdo->query($query);
return array($res, $feed_title, $feed_site_url, $last_error, $last_updated, $search_words, $first_id, $vfeed_query_part != "", $query_error_override);
static function _get_parent_cats($cat, $owner_uid) {
$rv = array();
$pdo = Db::pdo();
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT parent_cat FROM ttrss_feed_categories
WHERE id = ? AND parent_cat IS NOT NULL AND owner_uid = ?");
$sth->execute([$cat, $owner_uid]);
while ($line = $sth->fetch()) {
array_push($rv, (int)$line["parent_cat"]);
$rv = array_merge($rv, self::_get_parent_cats($line["parent_cat"], $owner_uid));
return $rv;
static function _get_child_cats($cat, $owner_uid) {
$rv = array();
$pdo = Db::pdo();
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM ttrss_feed_categories
WHERE parent_cat = ? AND owner_uid = ?");
$sth->execute([$cat, $owner_uid]);
while ($line = $sth->fetch()) {
array_push($rv, $line["id"]);
$rv = array_merge($rv, self::_get_child_cats($line["id"], $owner_uid));
return $rv;
static function _cats_of(array $feeds, int $owner_uid, bool $with_parents = false) {
if (count($feeds) == 0)
return [];
$pdo = Db::pdo();
$feeds_qmarks = arr_qmarks($feeds);
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT cat_id, fc.parent_cat FROM ttrss_feeds f LEFT JOIN ttrss_feed_categories fc
ON (fc.id = f.cat_id)
WHERE f.owner_uid = ? AND f.id IN ($feeds_qmarks)");
$sth->execute(array_merge([$owner_uid], $feeds));
$rv = [];
if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
array_push($rv, (int)$row["cat_id"]);
if ($with_parents && $row["parent_cat"])
$rv = array_merge($rv,
self::_get_parent_cats($row["cat_id"], $owner_uid));
$rv = array_unique($rv);
return $rv;
static function _cat_of_feed($feed) {
$pdo = Db::pdo();
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT cat_id FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE id = ?");
if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
return $row["cat_id"];
} else {
return false;
private function _color_of($name) {
$colormap = [ "#1cd7d7","#d91111","#1212d7","#8e16e5","#7b7b7b",
"#479af2","#f36b14","#10c7e9","#1e8fe7","#e22727" ];
$sum = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($name); $i++) {
$sum += ord($name[$i]);
$sum %= count($colormap);
return $colormap[$sum];
private static function _get_feeds_from_html($url, $content) {
$url = UrlHelper::validate($url);
$baseUrl = substr($url, 0, strrpos($url, '/') + 1);
$feedUrls = [];
$doc = new DOMDocument();
if (@$doc->loadHTML($content)) {
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$entries = $xpath->query('/html/head/link[@rel="alternate" and '.
'(contains(@type,"rss") or contains(@type,"atom"))]|/html/head/link[@rel="feed"]');
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
if ($entry->hasAttribute('href')) {
$title = $entry->getAttribute('title');
if ($title == '') {
$title = $entry->getAttribute('type');
$feedUrl = rewrite_relative_url(
$baseUrl, $entry->getAttribute('href')
$feedUrls[$feedUrl] = $title;
return $feedUrls;
static function _is_html($content) {
return preg_match("/beginTransaction();
} catch (Exception $e) {
$tr_in_progress = true;
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM ttrss_feed_categories
WHERE (parent_cat = :parent OR (:parent IS NULL AND parent_cat IS NULL))
AND title = :title AND owner_uid = :uid");
$sth->execute([':parent' => $parent_cat_id, ':title' => $feed_cat, ':uid' => $_SESSION['uid']]);
if (!$sth->fetch()) {
$sth = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO ttrss_feed_categories (owner_uid,title,parent_cat,order_id)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)");
$sth->execute([$_SESSION['uid'], $feed_cat, $parent_cat_id, (int)$order_id]);
if (!$tr_in_progress) $pdo->commit();
return true;
return false;
static function _get_access_key($feed_id, $is_cat, $owner_uid = false) {
if (!$owner_uid) $owner_uid = $_SESSION["uid"];
$is_cat = bool_to_sql_bool($is_cat);
$pdo = Db::pdo();
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT access_key FROM ttrss_access_keys
WHERE feed_id = ? AND is_cat = ?
AND owner_uid = ?");
$sth->execute([$feed_id, $is_cat, $owner_uid]);
if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
return $row["access_key"];
} else {
$key = uniqid_short();
$sth = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO ttrss_access_keys
(access_key, feed_id, is_cat, owner_uid)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)");
$sth->execute([$key, $feed_id, $is_cat, $owner_uid]);
return $key;
* Purge a feed old posts.
* @param mixed $feed_id The id of the purged feed.
* @param mixed $purge_interval Olderness of purged posts.
* @access public
* @return mixed
static function _purge($feed_id, $purge_interval) {
if (!$purge_interval) $purge_interval = self::_get_purge_interval($feed_id);
$pdo = Db::pdo();
$owner_uid = false;
$rows_deleted = 0;
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT owner_uid FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = ?");
if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
$owner_uid = $row["owner_uid"];
if (Config::get(Config::FORCE_ARTICLE_PURGE) != 0) {
Debug::log("purge_feed: FORCE_ARTICLE_PURGE is set, overriding interval to " . Config::get(Config::FORCE_ARTICLE_PURGE), Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
$purge_unread = true;
$purge_interval = Config::get(Config::FORCE_ARTICLE_PURGE);
} else {
$purge_unread = get_pref(Prefs::PURGE_UNREAD_ARTICLES, $owner_uid);
$purge_interval = (int) $purge_interval;
Debug::log("purge_feed: interval $purge_interval days for feed $feed_id, owner: $owner_uid, purge unread: $purge_unread", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
if ($purge_interval <= 0) {
Debug::log("purge_feed: purging disabled for this feed, nothing to do.", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
if (!$purge_unread)
$query_limit = " unread = false AND ";
$query_limit = "";
if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
$sth = $pdo->prepare("DELETE FROM ttrss_user_entries
USING ttrss_entries
WHERE ttrss_entries.id = ref_id AND
marked = false AND
feed_id = ? AND
ttrss_entries.date_updated < NOW() - INTERVAL '$purge_interval days'");
} else {
$sth = $pdo->prepare("DELETE FROM ttrss_user_entries
USING ttrss_user_entries, ttrss_entries
WHERE ttrss_entries.id = ref_id AND
marked = false AND
feed_id = ? AND
ttrss_entries.date_updated < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $purge_interval DAY)");
$rows_deleted = $sth->rowCount();
Debug::log("purge_feed: deleted $rows_deleted articles.", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
} else {
Debug::log("purge_feed: owner of $feed_id not found", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);
return $rows_deleted;
private static function _get_purge_interval($feed_id) {
$pdo = Db::pdo();
$sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT purge_interval, owner_uid FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE id = ?");
if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
$purge_interval = $row["purge_interval"];
$owner_uid = $row["owner_uid"];
if ($purge_interval == 0)
$purge_interval = get_pref(Prefs::PURGE_OLD_DAYS, $owner_uid);
return $purge_interval;
} else {
return -1;
private static function _search_to_sql($search, $search_language, $owner_uid) {
$keywords = str_getcsv(trim($search), " ");
$query_keywords = array();
$search_words = array();
$search_query_leftover = array();
$pdo = Db::pdo();
if ($search_language)
$search_language = $pdo->quote(mb_strtolower($search_language));
$search_language = $pdo->quote(mb_strtolower(get_pref(Prefs::DEFAULT_SEARCH_LANGUAGE, $owner_uid)));
foreach ($keywords as $k) {
if (strpos($k, "-") === 0) {
$k = substr($k, 1);
$not = "NOT";
} else {
$not = "";
$commandpair = explode(":", mb_strtolower($k), 2);
switch ($commandpair[0]) {
case "title":
if ($commandpair[1]) {
array_push($query_keywords, "($not (LOWER(ttrss_entries.title) LIKE ".
$pdo->quote('%' . mb_strtolower($commandpair[1]) . '%') ."))");
} else {
array_push($query_keywords, "(UPPER(ttrss_entries.title) $not LIKE UPPER('%$k%')
OR UPPER(ttrss_entries.content) $not LIKE UPPER(".$pdo->quote("%$k%")."))");
array_push($search_words, $k);
case "author":
if ($commandpair[1]) {
array_push($query_keywords, "($not (LOWER(author) LIKE ".
$pdo->quote('%' . mb_strtolower($commandpair[1]) . '%')."))");
} else {
array_push($query_keywords, "(UPPER(ttrss_entries.title) $not LIKE UPPER('%$k%')
OR UPPER(ttrss_entries.content) $not LIKE UPPER(".$pdo->quote("%$k%")."))");
array_push($search_words, $k);
case "note":
if ($commandpair[1]) {
if ($commandpair[1] == "true")
array_push($query_keywords, "($not (note IS NOT NULL AND note != ''))");
else if ($commandpair[1] == "false")
array_push($query_keywords, "($not (note IS NULL OR note = ''))");
array_push($query_keywords, "($not (LOWER(note) LIKE ".
$pdo->quote('%' . mb_strtolower($commandpair[1]) . '%')."))");
} else {
array_push($query_keywords, "(UPPER(ttrss_entries.title) $not LIKE UPPER(".$pdo->quote("%$k%").")
OR UPPER(ttrss_entries.content) $not LIKE UPPER(".$pdo->quote("%$k%")."))");
if (!$not) array_push($search_words, $k);
case "star":
if ($commandpair[1]) {
if ($commandpair[1] == "true")
array_push($query_keywords, "($not (marked = true))");
array_push($query_keywords, "($not (marked = false))");
} else {
array_push($query_keywords, "(UPPER(ttrss_entries.title) $not LIKE UPPER(".$pdo->quote("%$k%").")
OR UPPER(ttrss_entries.content) $not LIKE UPPER(".$pdo->quote("%$k%")."))");
if (!$not) array_push($search_words, $k);
case "pub":
if ($commandpair[1]) {
if ($commandpair[1] == "true")
array_push($query_keywords, "($not (published = true))");
array_push($query_keywords, "($not (published = false))");
} else {
array_push($query_keywords, "(UPPER(ttrss_entries.title) $not LIKE UPPER('%$k%')
OR UPPER(ttrss_entries.content) $not LIKE UPPER(".$pdo->quote("%$k%")."))");
if (!$not) array_push($search_words, $k);
case "label":
if ($commandpair[1]) {
$label_id = Labels::find_id($commandpair[1], $_SESSION["uid"]);
if ($label_id) {
array_push($query_keywords, "($not
(ttrss_entries.id IN (
SELECT article_id FROM ttrss_user_labels2 WHERE
label_id = ".$pdo->quote($label_id).")))");
} else {
array_push($query_keywords, "(false)");
} else {
array_push($query_keywords, "(UPPER(ttrss_entries.title) $not LIKE UPPER(".$pdo->quote("%$k%").")
OR UPPER(ttrss_entries.content) $not LIKE UPPER(".$pdo->quote("%$k%")."))");
if (!$not) array_push($search_words, $k);
case "unread":
if ($commandpair[1]) {
if ($commandpair[1] == "true")
array_push($query_keywords, "($not (unread = true))");
array_push($query_keywords, "($not (unread = false))");
} else {
array_push($query_keywords, "(UPPER(ttrss_entries.title) $not LIKE UPPER(".$pdo->quote("%$k%").")
OR UPPER(ttrss_entries.content) $not LIKE UPPER(".$pdo->quote("%$k%")."))");
if (!$not) array_push($search_words, $k);
if (strpos($k, "@") === 0) {
$user_tz_string = get_pref(Prefs::USER_TIMEZONE, $_SESSION['uid']);
$orig_ts = strtotime(substr($k, 1));
$k = date("Y-m-d", TimeHelper::convert_timestamp($orig_ts, $user_tz_string, 'UTC'));
//$k = date("Y-m-d", strtotime(substr($k, 1)));
array_push($query_keywords, "(".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(updated,1,LENGTH('$k')) $not = '$k')");
} else {
if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
$k = mb_strtolower($k);
array_push($search_query_leftover, $not ? "!$k" : $k);
} else {
array_push($query_keywords, "(UPPER(ttrss_entries.title) $not LIKE UPPER(".$pdo->quote("%$k%").")
OR UPPER(ttrss_entries.content) $not LIKE UPPER(".$pdo->quote("%$k%")."))");
if (!$not) array_push($search_words, $k);
if (count($search_query_leftover) > 0) {
if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
// if there's no joiners consider this a "simple" search and
// concatenate everything with &, otherwise don't try to mess with tsquery syntax
if (preg_match("/[&|]/", implode(" " , $search_query_leftover))) {
$tsquery = $pdo->quote(implode(" ", $search_query_leftover));
} else {
$tsquery = $pdo->quote(implode(" & ", $search_query_leftover));
"(tsvector_combined @@ to_tsquery($search_language, $tsquery))");
if (count($query_keywords) > 0)
$search_query_part = implode("AND", $query_keywords);
$search_query_part = "false";
return array($search_query_part, $search_words);
static function _order_to_override_query($order) {
$query = "";
$skip_first_id = false;
function ($result) use (&$query, &$skip_first_id) {
list ($query, $skip_first_id) = $result;
if ($query) return [$query, $skip_first_id];
switch ($order) {
case "title":
$query = "ttrss_entries.title, date_entered, updated";
case "date_reverse":
$query = "updated";
$skip_first_id = true;
case "feed_dates":
$query = "updated DESC";
return [$query, $skip_first_id];
private function _mark_timestamp($label) {
if (empty($_REQUEST['timestamps']))
if (!$this->viewfeed_timestamp) $this->viewfeed_timestamp = hrtime(true);
if (!$this->viewfeed_timestamp_last) $this->viewfeed_timestamp_last = hrtime(true);
$timestamp = hrtime(true);
printf("[%4d ms, %4d abs] %s\n",
($timestamp - $this->viewfeed_timestamp_last) / 1e6,
($timestamp - $this->viewfeed_timestamp) / 1e6,
$this->viewfeed_timestamp_last = $timestamp;