<?php /************************************************* Snoopy - the PHP net client Author: Monte Ohrt <monte@ispi.net> Copyright (c): 1999-2000 ispi, all rights reserved Version: 1.0 (plus - see SJM comments below) * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA You may contact the author of Snoopy by e-mail at: monte@ispi.net Or, write to: Monte Ohrt CTO, ispi 237 S. 70th suite 220 Lincoln, NE 68510 The latest version of Snoopy can be obtained from: http://snoopy.sourceforge.com SJM - alpha-grade changes based on the version of Snoopy released with MagpieRSS 0.7 comments to steve@minutillo.com Two additions: 1) If this is PHP 4.3 or greater, and 'openssl' is available, use the PHP built in SSL support for "https" instead of calling curl externally. Use of external curl can still be forced by setting $use_curl = true. ref: http://us2.php.net/fsockopen 2) HTTP Digest Authentication. If you set a username and password, basic auth will be tried first. If that fails, and the server sends back an WWW-Authenticate: Digest header, the request will be retried with the appropriate digest response. Only qop=auth is supported, with MD5 as the algorithm. I realize that sending basic auth first, and then following up with a digest challenge-response kind of defeats the purpose in terms of security. ref: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2617.html *************************************************/ class Snoopy { /**** Public variables ****/ /* user definable vars */ var $host = "www.php.net"; // host name we are connecting to var $port = 80; // port we are connecting to var $proxy_host = ""; // proxy host to use var $proxy_port = ""; // proxy port to use var $agent = "Snoopy v1.0"; // agent we masquerade as var $referer = ""; // referer info to pass var $cookies = array(); // array of cookies to pass // $cookies["username"]="joe"; var $rawheaders = array(); // array of raw headers to send // $rawheaders["Content-type"]="text/html"; var $maxredirs = 5; // http redirection depth maximum. 0 = disallow var $lastredirectaddr = ""; // contains address of last redirected address var $offsiteok = true; // allows redirection off-site var $maxframes = 0; // frame content depth maximum. 0 = disallow var $expandlinks = true; // expand links to fully qualified URLs. // this only applies to fetchlinks() // or submitlinks() var $passcookies = true; // pass set cookies back through redirects // NOTE: this currently does not respect // dates, domains or paths. var $user = ""; // user for http authentication var $pass = ""; // password for http authentication // http accept types var $accept = "image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*"; var $results = ""; // where the content is put var $error = ""; // error messages sent here var $response_code = ""; // response code returned from server var $headers = array(); // headers returned from server sent here var $maxlength = 500000; // max return data length (body) var $read_timeout = 0; // timeout on read operations, in seconds // supported only since PHP 4 Beta 4 // set to 0 to disallow timeouts var $timed_out = false; // if a read operation timed out var $status = 0; // http request status var $curl_path = "/usr/bin/curl"; // Snoopy will use cURL for fetching // SSL content if a full system path to // the cURL binary is supplied here. // set to false if you do not have // cURL installed. See http://curl.haxx.se // for details on installing cURL. // Snoopy does *not* use the cURL // library functions built into php, // as these functions are not stable // as of this Snoopy release. // SJM - always use curl for HTTPS requests? var $use_curl = false; // send Accept-encoding: gzip? var $use_gzip = true; /**** Private variables ****/ var $_maxlinelen = 4096; // max line length (headers) var $_scheme = "http"; // default scheme var $_httpmethod = "GET"; // default http request method var $_httpversion = "HTTP/1.0"; // default http request version var $_submit_method = "POST"; // default submit method var $_submit_type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; // default submit type var $_mime_boundary = ""; // MIME boundary for multipart/form-data submit type var $_redirectaddr = false; // will be set if page fetched is a redirect var $_redirectdepth = 0; // increments on an http redirect var $_trieddigest = false; // have we tried Digest auth yet? var $_frameurls = array(); // frame src urls var $_framedepth = 0; // increments on frame depth var $_isproxy = false; // set if using a proxy server var $_fp_timeout = 30; // timeout for socket connection /*======================================================================*\ Function: fetch Purpose: fetch the contents of a web page (and possibly other protocols in the future like ftp, nntp, gopher, etc.) Input: $URI the location of the page to fetch Output: $this->results the output text from the fetch \*======================================================================*/ function fetch($URI) { //preg_match("|^([^:]+)://([^:/]+)(:[\d]+)*(.*)|",$URI,$URI_PARTS); $URI_PARTS = parse_url($URI); if (!empty($URI_PARTS["user"])) $this->user = urldecode($URI_PARTS["user"]); if (!empty($URI_PARTS["pass"])) $this->pass = urldecode($URI_PARTS["pass"]); $this->_scheme = $URI_PARTS["scheme"]; switch($URI_PARTS["scheme"]) { case "http": case "https": break; default: // not a valid protocol $this->error = 'Invalid protocol "'.$URI_PARTS["scheme"].'"\n'; return false; } if($URI_PARTS["scheme"] == "https") { // SJM - if they really want curl, or it isn't PHP 4.3 yet, or openssl extension isn't loaded if($use_curl || !function_exists('file_get_contents') || !extension_loaded('openssl')) { if(!$this->curl_path || (!is_executable($this->curl_path))) { $this->error = "Bad curl ($this->curl_path), can't fetch HTTPS \n"; return false; } $this->host = $URI_PARTS["host"]; if(!empty($URI_PARTS["port"])) $this->port = $URI_PARTS["port"]; if($this->_isproxy) { // using proxy, send entire URI $this->_curlrequest($URI,$URI,$this->_httpmethod); } else { $path = $URI_PARTS["path"].($URI_PARTS["query"] ? "?".$URI_PARTS["query"] : ""); // no proxy, send only the path $this->_curlrequest($path, $URI, $this->_httpmethod); } if($this->_redirectaddr) { /* url was redirected, check if we've hit the max depth */ if($this->maxredirs > $this->_redirectdepth) { // only follow redirect if it's on this site, or offsiteok is true if(preg_match("|^http://".preg_quote($this->host)."|i",$this->_redirectaddr) || $this->offsiteok) { /* follow the redirect */ $this->_redirectdepth++; $this->lastredirectaddr=$this->_redirectaddr; $this->fetch($this->_redirectaddr); } } } if($this->_framedepth < $this->maxframes && count($this->_frameurls) > 0) { $frameurls = $this->_frameurls; $this->_frameurls = array(); while(list(,$frameurl) = each($frameurls)) { if($this->_framedepth < $this->maxframes) { $this->fetch($frameurl); $this->_framedepth++; } else break; } } return true; } } // SJM - else drop through and treat https as http $this->host = $URI_PARTS["host"]; if(!empty($URI_PARTS["port"])) $this->port = $URI_PARTS["port"]; // SJM - if it's https, default the port to 443 if($URI_PARTS["scheme"] == "https") { if(empty($URI_PARTS["port"])) { $this->port = 443; } } if($this->_connect($fp)) { if($this->_isproxy) { // using proxy, send entire URI $this->_httprequest($URI,$fp,$URI,$this->_httpmethod); } else { $path = $URI_PARTS["path"].(isset($URI_PARTS["query"]) ? "?".$URI_PARTS["query"] : ""); // no proxy, send only the path $this->_httprequest($path, $fp, $URI, $this->_httpmethod); } $this->_disconnect($fp); if($this->_redirectaddr) { /* url was redirected, check if we've hit the max depth */ if($this->maxredirs > $this->_redirectdepth) { // only follow redirect if it's on this site, or offsiteok is true if(preg_match("|^http://".preg_quote($this->host)."|i",$this->_redirectaddr) || $this->offsiteok) { /* follow the redirect */ $this->_redirectdepth++; $this->lastredirectaddr=$this->_redirectaddr; $this->fetch($this->_redirectaddr); } } } if($this->_framedepth < $this->maxframes && count($this->_frameurls) > 0) { $frameurls = $this->_frameurls; $this->_frameurls = array(); while(list(,$frameurl) = each($frameurls)) { if($this->_framedepth < $this->maxframes) { $this->fetch($frameurl); $this->_framedepth++; } else break; } } } else { return false; } return true; } /*======================================================================*\ Private functions \*======================================================================*/ /*======================================================================*\ Function: _striplinks Purpose: strip the hyperlinks from an html document Input: $document document to strip. Output: $match an array of the links \*======================================================================*/ function _striplinks($document) { preg_match_all("'<\s*a\s+.*href\s*=\s* # find <a href= ([\"\'])? # find single or double quote (?(1) (.*?)\\1 | ([^\s\>]+)) # if quote found, match up to next matching # quote, otherwise match up to next space 'isx",$document,$links); // catenate the non-empty matches from the conditional subpattern while(list($key,$val) = each($links[2])) { if(!empty($val)) $match[] = $val; } while(list($key,$val) = each($links[3])) { if(!empty($val)) $match[] = $val; } // return the links return $match; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _stripform Purpose: strip the form elements from an html document Input: $document document to strip. Output: $match an array of the links \*======================================================================*/ function _stripform($document) { preg_match_all("'<\/?(FORM|INPUT|SELECT|TEXTAREA|(OPTION))[^<>]*>(?(2)(.*(?=<\/?(option|select)[^<>]*>[\r\n]*)|(?=[\r\n]*))|(?=[\r\n]*))'Usi",$document,$elements); // catenate the matches $match = implode("\r\n",$elements[0]); // return the links return $match; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _striptext Purpose: strip the text from an html document Input: $document document to strip. Output: $text the resulting text \*======================================================================*/ function _striptext($document) { // I didn't use preg eval (//e) since that is only available in PHP 4.0. // so, list your entities one by one here. I included some of the // more common ones. $search = array("'<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>'si", // strip out javascript "'<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>'si", // strip out html tags "'([\r\n])[\s]+'", // strip out white space "'&(quote|#34);'i", // replace html entities "'&(amp|#38);'i", "'&(lt|#60);'i", "'&(gt|#62);'i", "'&(nbsp|#160);'i", "'&(iexcl|#161);'i", "'&(cent|#162);'i", "'&(pound|#163);'i", "'&(copy|#169);'i" ); $replace = array( "", "", "\\1", "\"", "&", "<", ">", " ", chr(161), chr(162), chr(163), chr(169)); $text = preg_replace($search,$replace,$document); return $text; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _expandlinks Purpose: expand each link into a fully qualified URL Input: $links the links to qualify $URI the full URI to get the base from Output: $expandedLinks the expanded links \*======================================================================*/ function _expandlinks($links,$URI) { preg_match("/^[^\?]+/",$URI,$match); $match = preg_replace("|/[^\/\.]+\.[^\/\.]+$|","",$match[0]); $search = array( "|^http://".preg_quote($this->host)."|i", "|^(?!http://)(\/)?(?!mailto:)|i", "|/\./|", "|/[^\/]+/\.\./|" ); $replace = array( "", $match."/", "/", "/" ); $expandedLinks = preg_replace($search,$replace,$links); return $expandedLinks; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _httprequest Purpose: go get the http data from the server Input: $url the url to fetch $fp the current open file pointer $URI the full URI $body body contents to send if any (POST) Output: \*======================================================================*/ function _httprequest($url,$fp,$URI,$http_method,$content_type="",$body="") { if($this->passcookies && $this->_redirectaddr) $this->setcookies(); $URI_PARTS = parse_url($URI); if(empty($url)) $url = "/"; $headers = $http_method." ".$url." ".$this->_httpversion."\r\n"; if(!empty($this->agent)) $headers .= "User-Agent: ".$this->agent."\r\n"; if(!empty($this->host) && !isset($this->rawheaders['Host'])) $headers .= "Host: ".$this->host."\r\n"; if(!empty($this->accept)) $headers .= "Accept: ".$this->accept."\r\n"; if($this->use_gzip) { // make sure PHP was built with --with-zlib // and we can handle gzipp'ed data if ( function_exists(gzinflate) ) { $headers .= "Accept-encoding: gzip\r\n"; } else { trigger_error( "use_gzip is on, but PHP was built without zlib support.". " Requesting file(s) without gzip encoding.", E_USER_NOTICE); } } if(!empty($this->referer)) $headers .= "Referer: ".$this->referer."\r\n"; if(!empty($this->cookies)) { if(!is_array($this->cookies)) $this->cookies = (array)$this->cookies; reset($this->cookies); if ( count($this->cookies) > 0 ) { $cookie_headers .= 'Cookie: '; foreach ( $this->cookies as $cookieKey => $cookieVal ) { $cookie_headers .= $cookieKey."=".urlencode($cookieVal)."; "; } $headers .= substr($cookie_headers,0,-2) . "\r\n"; } } if(!empty($this->rawheaders)) { if(!is_array($this->rawheaders)) $this->rawheaders = (array)$this->rawheaders; while(list($headerKey,$headerVal) = each($this->rawheaders)) $headers .= $headerKey.": ".$headerVal; } if(!empty($content_type)) { $headers .= "Content-type: $content_type"; if ($content_type == "multipart/form-data") $headers .= "; boundary=".$this->_mime_boundary; $headers .= "\r\n"; } if(!empty($body)) $headers .= "Content-length: ".strlen($body)."\r\n"; if(!empty($this->user) || !empty($this->pass)) $headers .= "Authorization: Basic ".base64_encode($this->user.":".$this->pass)."\r\n"; $headers .= "\r\n"; // set the read timeout if needed if ($this->read_timeout > 0) socket_set_timeout($fp, $this->read_timeout); $this->timed_out = false; fwrite($fp,$headers.$body,strlen($headers.$body)); $this->_redirectaddr = false; unset($this->headers); // content was returned gzip encoded? $is_gzipped = false; while($currentHeader = fgets($fp,$this->_maxlinelen)) { if ($this->read_timeout > 0 && $this->_check_timeout($fp)) { $this->status=-100; return false; } // if($currentHeader == "\r\n") if(preg_match("/^\r?\n$/", $currentHeader) ) break; if(!$this->_tried_digest && preg_match("/^WWW-Authenticate: Digest (.*)/", $currentHeader, $matches)) { // SJM - we got a Digest challenge. Try to respond... $digestheader = $matches[1]; preg_match("/nonce=\"(.*?)\"/", $digestheader, $matches); $nonce = $matches[1]; preg_match("/realm=\"(.*?)\"/", $digestheader, $matches); $realm = $matches[1]; $cnonce = md5(microtime()); $a1 = $this->user . ":" . $realm . ":" . $this->pass; $a2 = $http_method . ":" . $url; $ha1 = md5($a1); $ha2 = md5($a2); $response = md5($ha1 . ":" . $nonce . ":00000001:" . $cnonce . ":auth:" . $ha2); $auth = 'Digest username="' . $this->user . '", '; $auth .= 'realm="' . $realm . '", '; $auth .= 'nonce="' . $nonce . '", '; $auth .= 'uri="' . $url . '", '; $auth .= 'response="' . $response . '", '; $auth .= 'algorithm="MD5", '; $auth .= 'cnonce="' . $cnonce . '", '; $auth .= 'nc=00000001, '; $auth .= 'qop="auth"'; // SJM - treat Digest challenge as a redirect. set flag so we don't keep retrying. $this->_tried_digest = true; $this->rawheaders["Authorization"]=$auth . "\r\n"; $this->user = ""; $this->pass = ""; $this->_redirectaddr = $URI_PARTS['scheme'] . '://' . $this->host . $url; } // if a header begins with Location: or URI:, set the redirect if(preg_match("/^(Location:|URI:)/i",$currentHeader)) { // get URL portion of the redirect preg_match("/^(Location:|URI:)\s+(.*)/",chop($currentHeader),$matches); // look for :// in the Location header to see if hostname is included if(!preg_match("|\:\/\/|",$matches[2])) { // no host in the path, so prepend $this->_redirectaddr = $URI_PARTS["scheme"]."://".$this->host.":".$this->port; // eliminate double slash if(!preg_match("|^/|",$matches[2])) $this->_redirectaddr .= "/".$matches[2]; else $this->_redirectaddr .= $matches[2]; } else $this->_redirectaddr = $matches[2]; } if(preg_match("|^HTTP/|",$currentHeader)) { if(preg_match("|^HTTP/[^\s]*\s(.*?)\s|",$currentHeader, $status)) { $this->status= $status[1]; } $this->response_code = $currentHeader; } if (preg_match("/Content-Encoding: gzip/", $currentHeader) ) { $is_gzipped = true; } $this->headers[] = $currentHeader; } # $results = fread($fp, $this->maxlength); $results = ""; while ( $data = fread($fp, $this->maxlength) ) { $results .= $data; if ( strlen($results) > $this->maxlength ) { break; } } // gunzip if ( $is_gzipped ) { // per http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.gzencode.php $results = substr($results, 10); $results = gzinflate($results); } if ($this->read_timeout > 0 && $this->_check_timeout($fp)) { $this->status=-100; return false; } // check if there is a a redirect meta tag if(preg_match("'<meta[\s]*http-equiv[^>]*?content[\s]*=[\s]*[\"\']?\d+;[\s]+URL[\s]*=[\s]*([^\"\']*?)[\"\']?>'i",$results,$match)) { $this->_redirectaddr = $this->_expandlinks($match[1],$URI); } // have we hit our frame depth and is there frame src to fetch? if(($this->_framedepth < $this->maxframes) && preg_match_all("'<frame\s+.*src[\s]*=[\'\"]?([^\'\"\>]+)'i",$results,$match)) { $this->results[] = $results; for($x=0; $x<count($match[1]); $x++) $this->_frameurls[] = $this->_expandlinks($match[1][$x],$URI_PARTS["scheme"]."://".$this->host); } // have we already fetched framed content? elseif(is_array($this->results)) $this->results[] = $results; // no framed content else $this->results = $results; return true; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _curlrequest Purpose: go get the https data from the server using curl Input: $url the url to fetch $URI the full URI $body body contents to send if any (POST) Output: \*======================================================================*/ function _curlrequest($url,$URI,$http_method,$content_type="",$body="") { if($this->passcookies && $this->_redirectaddr) $this->setcookies(); $headers = array(); $URI_PARTS = parse_url($URI); if(empty($url)) $url = "/"; // GET ... header not needed for curl //$headers[] = $http_method." ".$url." ".$this->_httpversion; if(!empty($this->agent)) $headers[] = "User-Agent: ".$this->agent; if(!empty($this->host)) $headers[] = "Host: ".$this->host; if(!empty($this->accept)) $headers[] = "Accept: ".$this->accept; if(!empty($this->referer)) $headers[] = "Referer: ".$this->referer; if(!empty($this->cookies)) { if(!is_array($this->cookies)) $this->cookies = (array)$this->cookies; reset($this->cookies); if ( count($this->cookies) > 0 ) { $cookie_str = 'Cookie: '; foreach ( $this->cookies as $cookieKey => $cookieVal ) { $cookie_str .= $cookieKey."=".urlencode($cookieVal)."; "; } $headers[] = substr($cookie_str,0,-2); } } if(!empty($this->rawheaders)) { if(!is_array($this->rawheaders)) $this->rawheaders = (array)$this->rawheaders; while(list($headerKey,$headerVal) = each($this->rawheaders)) $headers[] = $headerKey.": ".$headerVal; } if(!empty($content_type)) { if ($content_type == "multipart/form-data") $headers[] = "Content-type: $content_type; boundary=".$this->_mime_boundary; else $headers[] = "Content-type: $content_type"; } if(!empty($body)) $headers[] = "Content-length: ".strlen($body); if(!empty($this->user) || !empty($this->pass)) $headers[] = "Authorization: BASIC ".base64_encode($this->user.":".$this->pass); for($curr_header = 0; $curr_header < count($headers); $curr_header++) $cmdline_params .= " -H \"".$headers[$curr_header]."\""; if(!empty($body)) $cmdline_params .= " -d \"$body\""; if($this->read_timeout > 0) $cmdline_params .= " -m ".$this->read_timeout; $headerfile = uniqid(time()); # accept self-signed certs // mbi: removed, as it breaks on older cURL's //$cmdline_params .= " -k"; exec($this->curl_path." -D \"/tmp/$headerfile\"".$cmdline_params." ".$URI,$results,$return); if($return) { $this->error = "Error: cURL could not retrieve the document, error $return."; return false; } $results = implode("\r\n",$results); $result_headers = file("/tmp/$headerfile"); $this->_redirectaddr = false; unset($this->headers); for($currentHeader = 0; $currentHeader < count($result_headers); $currentHeader++) { // if a header begins with Location: or URI:, set the redirect if(preg_match("/^(Location: |URI: )/i",$result_headers[$currentHeader])) { // get URL portion of the redirect preg_match("/^(Location: |URI:)(.*)/",chop($result_headers[$currentHeader]),$matches); // look for :// in the Location header to see if hostname is included if(!preg_match("|\:\/\/|",$matches[2])) { // no host in the path, so prepend $this->_redirectaddr = $URI_PARTS["scheme"]."://".$this->host.":".$this->port; // eliminate double slash if(!preg_match("|^/|",$matches[2])) $this->_redirectaddr .= "/".$matches[2]; else $this->_redirectaddr .= $matches[2]; } else $this->_redirectaddr = $matches[2]; } if(preg_match("|^HTTP/|",$result_headers[$currentHeader])) { $this->response_code = $result_headers[$currentHeader]; if(preg_match("|^HTTP/[^\s]*\s(.*?)\s|",$this->response_code, $match)) { $this->status= $match[1]; } } $this->headers[] = $result_headers[$currentHeader]; } // check if there is a a redirect meta tag if(preg_match("'<meta[\s]*http-equiv[^>]*?content[\s]*=[\s]*[\"\']?\d+;[\s]+URL[\s]*=[\s]*([^\"\']*?)[\"\']?>'i",$results,$match)) { $this->_redirectaddr = $this->_expandlinks($match[1],$URI); } // have we hit our frame depth and is there frame src to fetch? if(($this->_framedepth < $this->maxframes) && preg_match_all("'<frame\s+.*src[\s]*=[\'\"]?([^\'\"\>]+)'i",$results,$match)) { $this->results[] = $results; for($x=0; $x<count($match[1]); $x++) $this->_frameurls[] = $this->_expandlinks($match[1][$x],$URI_PARTS["scheme"]."://".$this->host); } // have we already fetched framed content? elseif(is_array($this->results)) $this->results[] = $results; // no framed content else $this->results = $results; unlink("/tmp/$headerfile"); return true; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: setcookies() Purpose: set cookies for a redirection \*======================================================================*/ function setcookies() { for($x=0; $x<count($this->headers); $x++) { if(preg_match("/^set-cookie:[\s]+([^=]+)=([^;]+)/i", $this->headers[$x],$match)) $this->cookies[$match[1]] = $match[2]; } } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _check_timeout Purpose: checks whether timeout has occurred Input: $fp file pointer \*======================================================================*/ function _check_timeout($fp) { if ($this->read_timeout > 0) { $fp_status = socket_get_status($fp); if ($fp_status["timed_out"]) { $this->timed_out = true; return true; } } return false; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _connect Purpose: make a socket connection Input: $fp file pointer \*======================================================================*/ function _connect(&$fp) { if(!empty($this->proxy_host) && !empty($this->proxy_port)) { $this->_isproxy = true; $host = $this->proxy_host; $port = $this->proxy_port; } else { $host = $this->host; $port = $this->port; } $this->status = 0; if($this->_scheme == "https") { $host = "ssl://" . $host; } if($fp = fsockopen( $host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $this->_fp_timeout )) { // socket connection succeeded return true; } else { // socket connection failed $this->status = $errno; switch($errno) { case -3: $this->error="socket creation failed (-3)"; case -4: $this->error="dns lookup failure (-4)"; case -5: $this->error="connection refused or timed out (-5)"; default: $this->error="connection failed (".$errno.")"; } return false; } } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _disconnect Purpose: disconnect a socket connection Input: $fp file pointer \*======================================================================*/ function _disconnect($fp) { return(fclose($fp)); } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _prepare_post_body Purpose: Prepare post body according to encoding type Input: $formvars - form variables $formfiles - form upload files Output: post body \*======================================================================*/ function _prepare_post_body($formvars, $formfiles) { settype($formvars, "array"); settype($formfiles, "array"); if (count($formvars) == 0 && count($formfiles) == 0) return; switch ($this->_submit_type) { case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": reset($formvars); while(list($key,$val) = each($formvars)) { if (is_array($val) || is_object($val)) { while (list($cur_key, $cur_val) = each($val)) { $postdata .= urlencode($key)."[]=".urlencode($cur_val)."&"; } } else $postdata .= urlencode($key)."=".urlencode($val)."&"; } break; case "multipart/form-data": $this->_mime_boundary = "Snoopy".md5(uniqid(microtime())); reset($formvars); while(list($key,$val) = each($formvars)) { if (is_array($val) || is_object($val)) { while (list($cur_key, $cur_val) = each($val)) { $postdata .= "--".$this->_mime_boundary."\r\n"; $postdata .= "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"$key\[\]\"\r\n\r\n"; $postdata .= "$cur_val\r\n"; } } else { $postdata .= "--".$this->_mime_boundary."\r\n"; $postdata .= "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"$key\"\r\n\r\n"; $postdata .= "$val\r\n"; } } reset($formfiles); while (list($field_name, $file_names) = each($formfiles)) { settype($file_names, "array"); while (list(, $file_name) = each($file_names)) { if (!is_readable($file_name)) continue; $fp = fopen($file_name, "r"); $file_content = fread($fp, filesize($file_name)); fclose($fp); $base_name = basename($file_name); $postdata .= "--".$this->_mime_boundary."\r\n"; $postdata .= "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"$field_name\"; filename=\"$base_name\"\r\n\r\n"; $postdata .= "$file_content\r\n"; } } $postdata .= "--".$this->_mime_boundary."--\r\n"; break; } return $postdata; } } ?>