define("dijit/form/_ListMouseMixin", [ "dojo/_base/declare", // declare "dojo/mouse", "dojo/on", "dojo/touch", "./_ListBase" ], function(declare, mouse, on, touch, _ListBase){ // module: // dijit/form/_ListMouseMixin return declare( "dijit.form._ListMouseMixin", _ListBase, { // summary: // a Mixin to handle mouse or touch events for a focus-less menu // Abstract methods that must be defined externally: // // - onClick: item was chosen (mousedown somewhere on the menu and mouseup somewhere on the menu) // tags: // private postCreate: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this.own(on(this.domNode,, function(evt){ evt.preventDefault(); })); // prevent focus shift on list scrollbar press this._listConnect(, "_onMouseDown"); this._listConnect(touch.release, "_onMouseUp"); this._listConnect(mouse.enter, "_onMouseOver"); this._listConnect(mouse.leave, "_onMouseOut"); }, _onMouseDown: function(/*Event*/ evt, /*DomNode*/ target){ if(this._hoveredNode){ this.onUnhover(this._hoveredNode); this._hoveredNode = null; } this._isDragging = true; this._setSelectedAttr(target); }, _onMouseUp: function(/*Event*/ evt, /*DomNode*/ target){ this._isDragging = false; var selectedNode = this.selected; var hoveredNode = this._hoveredNode; if(selectedNode && target == selectedNode){ this.onClick(selectedNode); }else if(hoveredNode && target == hoveredNode){ // drag to select this._setSelectedAttr(hoveredNode); this.onClick(hoveredNode); } }, _onMouseOut: function(/*Event*/ evt, /*DomNode*/ target){ if(this._hoveredNode){ this.onUnhover(this._hoveredNode); this._hoveredNode = null; } if(this._isDragging){ this._cancelDrag = (new Date()).getTime() + 1000; // cancel in 1 second if no _onMouseOver fires } }, _onMouseOver: function(/*Event*/ evt, /*DomNode*/ target){ if(this._cancelDrag){ var time = (new Date()).getTime(); if(time > this._cancelDrag){ this._isDragging = false; } this._cancelDrag = null; } this._hoveredNode = target; this.onHover(target); if(this._isDragging){ this._setSelectedAttr(target); } } }); });