require({cache:{ 'url:dijit/templates/Calendar.html':"\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t${!dayCellsHtml}\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\t\t${!dateRowsHtml}\n\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n
\n"}}); define("dijit/CalendarLite", [ "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach "dojo/_base/declare", // declare "dojo/cldr/supplemental", // cldrSupplemental.getFirstDayOfWeek "dojo/date", // date "dojo/date/locale", "dojo/date/stamp", // stamp.fromISOString "dojo/dom", // dom.setSelectable "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.contains "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.getObject, lang.hitch "dojo/sniff", // has("ie") has("webkit") "dojo/string", // string.substitute "./_WidgetBase", "./_TemplatedMixin", "dojo/text!./templates/Calendar.html", "./hccss" // not used directly, but sets CSS class on ], function(array, declare, cldrSupplemental, date, locale, stamp, dom, domClass, event, lang, has, string, _WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, template){ // module: // dijit/CalendarLite var CalendarLite = declare("dijit.CalendarLite", [_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin], { // summary: // Lightweight version of Calendar widget aimed towards mobile use // // description: // A simple GUI for choosing a date in the context of a monthly calendar. // This widget can't be used in a form because it doesn't serialize the date to an // `` field. For a form element, use dijit/form/DateTextBox instead. // // Note that the parser takes all dates attributes passed in the // [RFC 3339 format](, e.g. `2005-06-30T08:05:00-07:00` // so that they are serializable and locale-independent. // // Also note that this widget isn't keyboard accessible; use dijit.Calendar for that // example: // | var calendar = new dijit.CalendarLite({}, dojo.byId("calendarNode")); // // example: // |
// Template for main calendar templateString: template, // Template for cell for a day of the week (ex: M) dowTemplateString: '${d}', // Templates for a single date (ex: 13), and for a row for a week (ex: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26) dateTemplateString: '', weekTemplateString: '${d}${d}${d}${d}${d}${d}${d}', // value: Date // The currently selected Date, initially set to invalid date to indicate no selection. value: new Date(""), // TODO: for 2.0 make this a string (ISO format) rather than a Date // datePackage: String // JavaScript namespace to find calendar routines. If unspecified, uses Gregorian calendar routines // at dojo/date and dojo/date/locale. datePackage: "", // TODO: for 2.0, replace datePackage with dateModule and dateLocalModule attributes specifying MIDs, // or alternately just get rid of this completely and tell user to use module ID remapping // via require // dayWidth: String // How to represent the days of the week in the calendar header. See locale dayWidth: "narrow", // tabIndex: String // Order fields are traversed when user hits the tab key tabIndex: "0", // currentFocus: Date // Date object containing the currently focused date, or the date which would be focused // if the calendar itself was focused. Also indicates which year and month to display, // i.e. the current "page" the calendar is on. currentFocus: new Date(), baseClass:"dijitCalendar", _isValidDate: function(/*Date*/ value){ // summary: // Runs various tests on the value, checking that it's a valid date, rather // than blank or NaN. // tags: // private return value && !isNaN(value) && typeof value == "object" && value.toString() != this.constructor.prototype.value.toString(); }, _getValueAttr: function(){ // summary: // Support get('value') // this.value is set to 1AM, but return midnight, local time for back-compat if(this.value && !isNaN(this.value)){ var value = new this.dateClassObj(this.value); value.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); // If daylight savings pushes midnight to the previous date, fix the Date // object to point at 1am so it will represent the correct day. See #9366 if(value.getDate() < this.value.getDate()){ value = this.dateModule.add(value, "hour", 1); } return value; }else{ return null; } }, _setValueAttr: function(/*Date|Number*/ value, /*Boolean*/ priorityChange){ // summary: // Support set("value", ...) // description: // Set the current date and update the UI. If the date is disabled, the value will // not change, but the display will change to the corresponding month. // value: // Either a Date or the number of seconds since 1970. // tags: // protected if(typeof value == "string"){ value = stamp.fromISOString(value); } value = this._patchDate(value); if(this._isValidDate(value) && !this.isDisabledDate(value, this.lang)){ this._set("value", value); // Set focus cell to the new value. Arguably this should only happen when there isn't a current // focus point. This will also repopulate the grid to new month/year if necessary. this.set("currentFocus", value); // Mark the selected date this._markSelectedDates([value]); if(this._created && (priorityChange || typeof priorityChange == "undefined")){ this.onChange(this.get('value')); } }else{ // clear value, and mark all dates as unselected this._set("value", null); this._markSelectedDates([]); } }, _patchDate: function(/*Date|Number*/ value){ // summary: // Convert Number into Date, or copy Date object. Then, round to nearest day, // setting to 1am to avoid issues when DST shift occurs at midnight, see #8521, #9366) if(value){ value = new this.dateClassObj(value); value.setHours(1, 0, 0, 0); } return value; }, _setText: function(node, text){ // summary: // This just sets the content of node to the specified text. // Can't do "node.innerHTML=text" because of an IE bug w/tables, see #3434. // tags: // private while(node.firstChild){ node.removeChild(node.firstChild); } node.appendChild(node.ownerDocument.createTextNode(text)); }, _populateGrid: function(){ // summary: // Fills in the calendar grid with each day (1-31). // Call this on creation, when moving to a new month. // tags: // private var month = new this.dateClassObj(this.currentFocus); month.setDate(1); var firstDay = month.getDay(), daysInMonth = this.dateModule.getDaysInMonth(month), daysInPreviousMonth = this.dateModule.getDaysInMonth(this.dateModule.add(month, "month", -1)), today = new this.dateClassObj(), dayOffset = cldrSupplemental.getFirstDayOfWeek(this.lang); if(dayOffset > firstDay){ dayOffset -= 7; } // Mapping from date (as specified by number returned from Date.valueOf()) to corresponding this._date2cell = {}; // Iterate through dates in the calendar and fill in date numbers and style info array.forEach(this.dateCells, function(template, idx){ var i = idx + dayOffset; var date = new this.dateClassObj(month), number, clazz = "dijitCalendar", adj = 0; if(i < firstDay){ number = daysInPreviousMonth - firstDay + i + 1; adj = -1; clazz += "Previous"; }else if(i >= (firstDay + daysInMonth)){ number = i - firstDay - daysInMonth + 1; adj = 1; clazz += "Next"; }else{ number = i - firstDay + 1; clazz += "Current"; } if(adj){ date = this.dateModule.add(date, "month", adj); } date.setDate(number); if(!, today, "date")){ clazz = "dijitCalendarCurrentDate " + clazz; } if(this.isDisabledDate(date, this.lang)){ clazz = "dijitCalendarDisabledDate " + clazz; template.setAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); }else{ clazz = "dijitCalendarEnabledDate " + clazz; template.removeAttribute("aria-disabled"); template.setAttribute("aria-selected", "false"); } var clazz2 = this.getClassForDate(date, this.lang); if(clazz2){ clazz = clazz2 + " " + clazz; } template.className = clazz + "Month dijitCalendarDateTemplate"; // Each cell has an associated integer value representing it's date var dateVal = date.valueOf(); this._date2cell[dateVal] = template; template.dijitDateValue = dateVal; // Set Date string (ex: "13"). this._setText(this.dateLabels[idx], date.getDateLocalized ? date.getDateLocalized(this.lang) : date.getDate()); }, this); }, _populateControls: function(){ // summary: // Fill in localized month, and prev/current/next years // tags: // protected var month = new this.dateClassObj(this.currentFocus); month.setDate(1); // set name of this month this.monthWidget.set("month", month); var y = month.getFullYear() - 1; var d = new this.dateClassObj(); array.forEach(["previous", "current", "next"], function(name){ d.setFullYear(y++); this._setText(this[name+"YearLabelNode"], this.dateLocaleModule.format(d, {selector:'year', locale:this.lang})); }, this); }, goToToday: function(){ // summary: // Sets calendar's value to today's date this.set('value', new this.dateClassObj()); }, constructor: function(params /*===== , srcNodeRef =====*/){ // summary: // Create the widget. // params: Object|null // Hash of initialization parameters for widget, including scalar values (like title, duration etc.) // and functions, typically callbacks like onClick. // The hash can contain any of the widget's properties, excluding read-only properties. // srcNodeRef: DOMNode|String? // If a srcNodeRef (DOM node) is specified, replace srcNodeRef with my generated DOM tree this.dateModule = params.datePackage ? lang.getObject(params.datePackage, false) : date; this.dateClassObj = this.dateModule.Date || Date; this.dateLocaleModule = params.datePackage ? lang.getObject(params.datePackage+".locale", false) : locale; }, _createMonthWidget: function(){ // summary: // Creates the drop down button that displays the current month and lets user pick a new one return CalendarLite._MonthWidget({ id: + "_mw", lang: this.lang, dateLocaleModule: this.dateLocaleModule }, this.monthNode); }, buildRendering: function(){ // Markup for days of the week (referenced from template) var d = this.dowTemplateString, dayNames = this.dateLocaleModule.getNames('days', this.dayWidth, 'standAlone', this.lang), dayOffset = cldrSupplemental.getFirstDayOfWeek(this.lang); this.dayCellsHtml = string.substitute([d,d,d,d,d,d,d].join(""), {d: ""}, function(){ return dayNames[dayOffset++ % 7]; }); // Markup for dates of the month (referenced from template), but without numbers filled in var r = string.substitute(this.weekTemplateString, {d: this.dateTemplateString}); this.dateRowsHtml = [r,r,r,r,r,r].join(""); // Instantiate from template. // dateCells and dateLabels arrays filled when _Templated parses my template. this.dateCells = []; this.dateLabels = []; this.inherited(arguments); dom.setSelectable(this.domNode, false); var dateObj = new this.dateClassObj(this.currentFocus); this.monthWidget = this._createMonthWidget(); this.set('currentFocus', dateObj, false); // draw the grid to the month specified by currentFocus }, postCreate: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this._connectControls(); }, _connectControls: function(){ // summary: // Set up connects for increment/decrement of months/years // tags: // protected var connect = lang.hitch(this, function(nodeProp, part, amount){ this.connect(this[nodeProp], "onclick", function(){ this._setCurrentFocusAttr(this.dateModule.add(this.currentFocus, part, amount)); }); }); connect("incrementMonth", "month", 1); connect("decrementMonth", "month", -1); connect("nextYearLabelNode", "year", 1); connect("previousYearLabelNode", "year", -1); }, _setCurrentFocusAttr: function(/*Date*/ date, /*Boolean*/ forceFocus){ // summary: // If the calendar currently has focus, then focuses specified date, // changing the currently displayed month/year if necessary. // If the calendar doesn't have focus, updates currently // displayed month/year, and sets the cell that will get focus // when Calendar is focused. // forceFocus: // If true, will focus() the cell even if calendar itself doesn't have focus var oldFocus = this.currentFocus, oldCell = this._getNodeByDate(oldFocus); date = this._patchDate(date); this._set("currentFocus", date); // If the focus is on a different month than the current calendar month, switch the displayed month. // Also will populate the grid initially, on Calendar creation. if(!this._date2cell || this.dateModule.difference(oldFocus, date, "month") != 0){ this._populateGrid(); this._populateControls(); this._markSelectedDates([this.value]); } // set tabIndex=0 on new cell, and focus it (but only if Calendar itself is focused) var newCell = this._getNodeByDate(date); newCell.setAttribute("tabIndex", this.tabIndex); if(this.focused || forceFocus){ newCell.focus(); } // set tabIndex=-1 on old focusable cell if(oldCell && oldCell != newCell){ if(has("webkit")){ // see #11064 about webkit bug oldCell.setAttribute("tabIndex", "-1"); }else{ oldCell.removeAttribute("tabIndex"); } } }, focus: function(){ // summary: // Focus the calendar by focusing one of the calendar cells this._setCurrentFocusAttr(this.currentFocus, true); }, _onDayClick: function(/*Event*/ evt){ // summary: // Handler for day clicks, selects the date if appropriate // tags: // protected event.stop(evt); for(var node =; node && !node.dijitDateValue; node = node.parentNode); if(node && !domClass.contains(node, "dijitCalendarDisabledDate")){ this.set('value', node.dijitDateValue); } }, _getNodeByDate : function(/*Date*/ value){ // summary: // Returns the cell corresponding to the date, or null if the date is not within the currently // displayed month. value = this._patchDate(value); return value && this._date2cell ? this._date2cell[value.valueOf()] : null; }, _markSelectedDates: function(/*Date[]*/ dates){ // summary: // Marks the specified cells as selected, and clears cells previously marked as selected. // For CalendarLite at most one cell is selected at any point, but this allows an array // for easy subclassing. // Function to mark a cell as selected or unselected function mark(/*Boolean*/ selected, /*DomNode*/ cell){ domClass.toggle(cell, "dijitCalendarSelectedDate", selected); cell.setAttribute("aria-selected", selected ? "true" : "false"); } // Clear previously selected cells. array.forEach(this._selectedCells || [], lang.partial(mark, false)); // Mark newly selected cells. Ignore dates outside the currently displayed month. this._selectedCells = array.filter(, this._getNodeByDate, this), function(n){ return n;}); array.forEach(this._selectedCells, lang.partial(mark, true)); }, onChange: function(/*Date*/ /*===== date =====*/){ // summary: // Called only when the selected date has changed }, isDisabledDate: function(/*===== dateObject, locale =====*/){ // summary: // May be overridden to disable certain dates in the calendar e.g. `` // dateObject: Date // locale: String? // tags: // extension /*===== return false; // Boolean =====*/ }, getClassForDate: function(/*===== dateObject, locale =====*/){ // summary: // May be overridden to return CSS classes to associate with the date entry for the given dateObject, // for example to indicate a holiday in specified locale. // dateObject: Date // locale: String? // tags: // extension /*===== return ""; // String =====*/ } }); CalendarLite._MonthWidget = declare("dijit.CalendarLite._MonthWidget", _WidgetBase, { // summary: // Displays name of current month padded to the width of the month // w/the longest name, so that changing months doesn't change width. // // Create as: // | new Calendar._MonthWidget({ // | lang: ..., // | dateLocaleModule: ... // | }) _setMonthAttr: function(month){ // summary: // Set the current month to display as a label var monthNames = this.dateLocaleModule.getNames('months', 'wide', 'standAlone', this.lang, month), spacer = (has("ie") == 6 ? "" : "
" +, function(s){ return "
" + s + "
"; }).join("") + "
"); // Set name of current month and also fill in spacer element with all the month names // (invisible) so that the maximum width will affect layout. But not on IE6 because then // the center overlaps the right (due to a browser bug). this.domNode.innerHTML = spacer + "
" + monthNames[month.getMonth()] + "
"; } }); return CalendarLite; });