var total_unread = 0; var first_run = true; var display_tags = false; var global_unread = -1; var active_title_text = ""; var current_subtitle = ""; var daemon_enabled = false; var daemon_refresh_only = false; //var _qfd_deleted_feed = 0; var firsttime_update = true; var cookie_lifetime = 0; var active_feed_id = 0; var active_feed_is_cat = false; var number_of_feeds = 0; var sanity_check_done = false; var _hfd_scrolltop = 0; var hotkey_prefix = false; var init_params = new Object(); function tagsAreDisplayed() { return display_tags; } function toggleTags(show_all) { try { debug("toggleTags: " + show_all + "; " + display_tags); var p = document.getElementById("dispSwitchPrompt"); if (!show_all && !display_tags) { displayDlg("printTagCloud"); } else if (show_all) { closeInfoBox(); display_tags = true; p.innerHTML = __("display feeds"); notify_progress("Loading, please wait...", true); updateFeedList(); } else if (display_tags) { display_tags = false; p.innerHTML = __("tag cloud"); notify_progress("Loading, please wait...", true); updateFeedList(); } } catch (e) { exception_error("toggleTags", e); } } function dlg_frefresh_callback(transport, deleted_feed) { if (getActiveFeedId() == deleted_feed) { var h = document.getElementById("headlines-frame"); if (h) { h.innerHTML = "
" + __('No feed selected.') + "
"; } } setTimeout('updateFeedList(false, false)', 50); closeInfoBox(); } function refetch_callback2(transport) { try { var date = new Date(); parse_counters_reply(transport, true); debug("refetch_callback2: done"); /* if (!daemon_enabled && !daemon_refresh_only) { notify_info("All feeds updated."); updateTitle(""); } else { //notify(""); } */ } catch (e) { exception_error("refetch_callback", e); updateTitle(""); } } function backend_sanity_check_callback(transport) { try { if (sanity_check_done) { fatalError(11, "Sanity check request received twice. This can indicate "+ "presence of Firebug or some other disrupting extension. "+ "Please disable it and try again."); return; } if (!transport.responseXML) { fatalError(3, "[D001, Received reply is not XML]: " + transport.responseText); return; } var reply = transport.responseXML.firstChild.firstChild; if (!reply) { fatalError(3, "[D002, Invalid RPC reply]: " + transport.responseText); return; } var error_code = reply.getAttribute("error-code"); if (error_code && error_code != 0) { return fatalError(error_code, reply.getAttribute("error-msg")); } debug("sanity check ok"); var params = reply.nextSibling; if (params) { debug('reading init-params...'); var param = params.firstChild; while (param) { var k = param.getAttribute("key"); var v = param.getAttribute("value"); debug(k + " => " + v); init_params[k] = v; param = param.nextSibling; } } sanity_check_done = true; init_second_stage(); } catch (e) { exception_error("backend_sanity_check_callback", e); } } function scheduleFeedUpdate(force) { debug("in scheduleFeedUpdate"); /* if (!daemon_enabled && !daemon_refresh_only) { notify_progress("Updating feeds...", true); } */ var query_str = "backend.php?op=rpc&subop="; if (force) { query_str = query_str + "forceUpdateAllFeeds"; } else { query_str = query_str + "updateAllFeeds"; } var omode; if (firsttime_update && !navigator.userAgent.match("Opera")) { firsttime_update = false; omode = "T"; } else { if (display_tags) { omode = "tl"; } else { omode = "flc"; } } query_str = query_str + "&omode=" + omode; query_str = query_str + "&uctr=" + global_unread; var date = new Date(); var timestamp = Math.round(date.getTime() / 1000); query_str = query_str + "&ts=" + timestamp debug("REFETCH query: " + query_str); new Ajax.Request(query_str, { onComplete: function(transport) { refetch_callback2(transport); } }); } function updateFeedList(silent, fetch) { // if (silent != true) { // notify("Loading feed list..."); // } debug("updateFeedList"); var query_str = "backend.php?op=feeds"; if (display_tags) { query_str = query_str + "&tags=1"; } if (getActiveFeedId() && !activeFeedIsCat()) { query_str = query_str + "&actid=" + getActiveFeedId(); } var date = new Date(); var timestamp = Math.round(date.getTime() / 1000); query_str = query_str + "&ts=" + timestamp if (fetch) query_str = query_str + "&fetch=yes"; // var feeds_frame = document.getElementById("feeds-frame"); // feeds_frame.src = query_str; debug("updateFeedList Q=" + query_str); new Ajax.Request(query_str, { onComplete: function(transport) { feedlist_callback2(transport); } }); } function catchupAllFeeds() { var str = __("Mark all articles as read?"); if (getInitParam("confirm_feed_catchup") != 1 || confirm(str)) { var query_str = "backend.php?op=feeds&subop=catchupAll"; notify_progress("Marking all feeds as read..."); debug("catchupAllFeeds Q=" + query_str); new Ajax.Request(query_str, { onComplete: function(transport) { feedlist_callback2(transport); } }); global_unread = 0; updateTitle(""); } } function viewCurrentFeed(subop) { // if (getActiveFeedId()) { if (getActiveFeedId() != undefined) { viewfeed(getActiveFeedId(), subop, active_feed_is_cat); } else { disableContainerChildren("headlinesToolbar", false, document); // viewfeed(-1, subop); // FIXME } return false; // block unneeded form submits } function viewfeed(feed, subop) { var f = window.frames["feeds-frame"]; f.viewfeed(feed, subop); } function timeout() { scheduleFeedUpdate(false); var refresh_time = getInitParam("feeds_frame_refresh"); if (!refresh_time) refresh_time = 600; setTimeout("timeout()", refresh_time*1000); } function resetSearch() { var searchbox = document.getElementById("searchbox") if (searchbox.value != "" && getActiveFeedId()) { searchbox.value = ""; viewfeed(getActiveFeedId(), ""); } } function searchCancel() { closeInfoBox(true); } function search() { closeInfoBox(); viewCurrentFeed(0, ""); } // if argument is undefined, current subtitle is not updated // use blank string to clear subtitle function updateTitle(s) { var tmp = "Tiny Tiny RSS"; if (s != undefined) { current_subtitle = s; } if (global_unread > 0) { tmp = tmp + " (" + global_unread + ")"; } if (current_subtitle) { tmp = tmp + " - " + current_subtitle; } if (active_title_text.length > 0) { tmp = tmp + " > " + active_title_text; } document.title = tmp; } function genericSanityCheck() { // if (!Ajax.getTransport()) fatalError(1); setCookie("ttrss_vf_test", "TEST"); if (getCookie("ttrss_vf_test") != "TEST") { fatalError(2); } return true; } function init() { try { // this whole shebang is based on if (arguments.callee.done) return; arguments.callee.done = true; disableContainerChildren("headlinesToolbar", true); Form.disable("main_toolbar_form"); if (!genericSanityCheck()) return; if (getURLParam('debug')) { document.getElementById('debug_output').style.display = 'block'; debug('debug mode activated'); } var params = "&ua=" + param_escape(navigator.userAgent); new Ajax.Request("backend.php?op=rpc&subop=sanityCheck" + params, { onComplete: function(transport) { backend_sanity_check_callback(transport); } }); } catch (e) { exception_error("init", e); } } function resize_headlines() { var h_frame = document.getElementById("headlines-frame"); var c_frame = document.getElementById("content-frame"); var f_frame = document.getElementById("footer"); var feeds_frame = document.getElementById("feeds-holder"); if (!c_frame || !h_frame) return; if (feeds_frame && getInitParam("theme") == "compat") { = f_frame.offsetHeight + "px"; } if (getInitParam("theme") == "3pane") { debug("resize_headlines: HOR-mode"); = '35%'; = c_frame.offsetWidth - 1 + "px"; } else { debug("resize_headlines: VER-mode"); if (!is_msie()) { = 30 + "%"; = h_frame.offsetTop + h_frame.offsetHeight + 1 + "px"; = h_frame.offsetHeight + "px"; } else { = document.documentElement.clientHeight * 0.3 + "px"; = h_frame.offsetTop + h_frame.offsetHeight + 1 + "px"; var c_bottom = document.documentElement.clientHeight; if (f_frame) { c_bottom = f_frame.offsetTop; } = c_bottom - (h_frame.offsetTop + h_frame.offsetHeight + 1) + "px"; = h_frame.offsetHeight + "px"; } } } function init_second_stage() { try { cookie_lifetime = getCookie("ttrss_cltime"); delCookie("ttrss_vf_test"); // document.onresize = resize_headlines; resize_headlines(); var toolbar = document.forms["main_toolbar_form"]; dropboxSelect(toolbar.view_mode, getInitParam("default_view_mode")); dropboxSelect(toolbar.limit, getInitParam("default_view_limit")); daemon_enabled = getInitParam("daemon_enabled") == 1; daemon_refresh_only = getInitParam("daemon_refresh_only") == 1; setTimeout('updateFeedList(false, false)', 50); debug("second stage ok"); } catch (e) { exception_error("init_second_stage", e); } } function quickMenuChange() { var chooser = document.getElementById("quickMenuChooser"); var opid = chooser[chooser.selectedIndex].value; chooser.selectedIndex = 0; quickMenuGo(opid); } function quickMenuGo(opid) { try { if (opid == "qmcPrefs") { gotoPreferences(); } if (opid == "qmcSearch") { displayDlg("search", getActiveFeedId() + ":" + activeFeedIsCat()); return; } if (opid == "qmcAddFeed") { displayDlg("quickAddFeed"); return; } if (opid == "qmcEditFeed") { editFeedDlg(getActiveFeedId()); } if (opid == "qmcRemoveFeed") { var actid = getActiveFeedId(); if (activeFeedIsCat()) { alert(__("You can't unsubscribe from the category.")); return; } if (!actid) { alert(__("Please select some feed first.")); return; } var fn = getFeedName(actid); var pr = __("Unsubscribe from %s?").replace("%s", fn); if (confirm(pr)) { unsubscribeFeed(actid); } return; } if (opid == "qmcClearFeed") { var actid = getActiveFeedId(); if (!actid) { alert(__("Please select some feed first.")); return; } if (activeFeedIsCat() || actid < 0) { alert(__("You can't clear this type of feed.")); return; } var fn = getFeedName(actid); var pr = __("Erase all non-starred articles in %s?").replace("%s", fn); if (confirm(pr)) { clearFeedArticles(actid); } return; } if (opid == "qmcUpdateFeeds") { scheduleFeedUpdate(true); return; } if (opid == "qmcCatchupAll") { catchupAllFeeds(); return; } if (opid == "qmcShowOnlyUnread") { toggleDispRead(); return; } if (opid == "qmcAddFilter") { displayDlg("quickAddFilter", getActiveFeedId()); } if (opid == "qmcRescoreFeed") { rescoreCurrentFeed(); } if (opid == "qmcHKhelp") {"hotkey_help_overlay"); } } catch (e) { exception_error("quickMenuGo", e); } } function unsubscribeFeed(feed_id) { notify_progress("Removing feed..."); var query = "backend.php?op=pref-feeds&quiet=1&subop=remove&ids=" + feed_id; new Ajax.Request(query, { onComplete: function(transport) { dlg_frefresh_callback(transport, feed_id); } }); return false; } function updateFeedTitle(t) { active_title_text = t; updateTitle(); } function toggleDispRead() { try { var hide_read_feeds = (getInitParam("hide_read_feeds") == "1"); hide_read_feeds = !hide_read_feeds; debug("toggle_disp_read => " + hide_read_feeds); hideOrShowFeeds(getFeedsContext().document, hide_read_feeds); storeInitParam("hide_read_feeds", hide_read_feeds, true); } catch (e) { exception_error("toggleDispRead", e); } } function parse_runtime_info(elem) { if (!elem) { debug("parse_runtime_info: elem is null, aborting"); return; } var param = elem.firstChild; debug("parse_runtime_info: " + param); while (param) { var k = param.getAttribute("key"); var v = param.getAttribute("value"); debug("RI: " + k + " => " + v); if (k == "new_version_available") { var icon = document.getElementById("newVersionIcon"); if (icon) { if (v == "1") { = "inline"; } else { = "none"; } } } var error_flag; if (k == "daemon_is_running" && v != 1) { notify_error("Update daemon is not running.", true); error_flag = true; } if (k == "daemon_stamp_ok" && v != 1) { notify_error("Update daemon is not updating feeds.", true); error_flag = true; } if (!error_flag) { notify(''); } /* var w = document.getElementById("noDaemonWarning"); if (w) { if (k == "daemon_is_running" && v != 1) { = "block"; } else { = "none"; } } */ param = param.nextSibling; } } function catchupCurrentFeed() { var fn = getFeedName(getActiveFeedId(), active_feed_is_cat); var str = __("Mark all articles in %s as read?").replace("%s", fn); /* if (active_feed_is_cat) { str = "Mark all articles in this category as read?"; } */ if (getInitParam("confirm_feed_catchup") != 1 || confirm(str)) { return viewCurrentFeed('MarkAllRead') } } function editFeedDlg(feed) { try { if (!feed) { alert(__("Please select some feed first.")); return; } if ((feed <= 0 && feed > -10) || activeFeedIsCat() || tagsAreDisplayed()) { alert(__("You can't edit this kind of feed.")); return; } var query = ""; if (feed > 0) { query = "backend.php?op=pref-feeds&subop=editfeed&id=" + param_escape(feed); } else { query = "backend.php?op=pref-labels&subop=edit&id=" + param_escape(-feed-11); } disableHotkeys(); new Ajax.Request(query, { onComplete: function(transport) { infobox_callback2(transport); } }); } catch (e) { exception_error("editFeedDlg", e); } } /* this functions duplicate those of prefs.js feed editor, with some differences because there is no feedlist */ function feedEditCancel() { closeInfoBox(); return false; } function feedEditSave() { try { // FIXME: add parameter validation var query = Form.serialize("edit_feed_form"); notify_progress("Saving feed..."); new Ajax.Request("backend.php", { parameters: query, onComplete: function(transport) { dlg_frefresh_callback(transport); } }); closeInfoBox(); return false; } catch (e) { exception_error("feedEditSave (main)", e); } } function labelEditCancel() { closeInfoBox(); return false; } function labelEditSave() { try { closeInfoBox(); notify_progress("Saving label..."); query = Form.serialize("label_edit_form"); new Ajax.Request("backend.php?" + query, { onComplete: function(transport) { dlg_frefresh_callback(transport); } }); return false; } catch (e) { exception_error("feedEditSave (main)", e); } } function clearFeedArticles(feed_id) { notify_progress("Clearing feed..."); var query = "backend.php?op=pref-feeds&quiet=1&subop=clear&id=" + feed_id; new Ajax.Request(query, { onComplete: function(transport) { dlg_frefresh_callback(transport, feed_id); } }); return false; } /* function toggle_feedlist() { try { debug("toggle_feedlist"); var fl = document.getElementById("feeds-holder"); if (!Element.visible(fl)) {; = 30; fl.scrollTop = _hfd_scrolltop; } else { _hfd_scrolltop = fl.scrollTop; Element.hide(fl); // Effect.Fade(fl, {duration : 0.2, // queue: { position: 'end', scope: 'FLFADEQ', limit: 1 }}); } } catch (e) { exception_error(e, "toggle_feedlist"); } } */ function collapse_feedlist() { try { debug("toggle_feedlist"); var theme = getInitParam("theme"); if (theme != "" && theme != "compact" && theme != "graycube" && theme != "compat") return; var fl = document.getElementById("feeds-holder"); var fh = document.getElementById("headlines-frame"); var fc = document.getElementById("content-frame"); var ft = document.getElementById("toolbar"); var ff = document.getElementById("footer"); var fhdr = document.getElementById("header"); var fbtn = document.getElementById("collapse_feeds_btn"); if (!Element.visible(fl)) {; fbtn.value = "<<"; if (theme != "graycube") { = fl.offsetWidth + "px"; = fl.offsetWidth + "px"; if (fc) = fl.offsetWidth + "px"; if (ff && theme != "compat") = (fl.offsetWidth-1) + "px"; if (theme == "compact") = (fl.offsetWidth + 10) + "px"; } else { = fl.offsetWidth + 40 + "px"; = fl.offsetWidth + 40 +"px"; if (fc) = fl.offsetWidth + 40 + "px"; } setCookie("ttrss_vf_fclps", "0"); } else { Element.hide(fl); fbtn.value = ">>"; if (theme != "graycube") { = "0px"; = "0px"; if (fc) = "0px"; if (ff) = "0px"; if (theme == "compact") = "10px"; } else { = "20px"; = "20px"; if (fc) = "20px"; } setCookie("ttrss_vf_fclps", "1"); } } catch (e) { exception_error(e, "toggle_feedlist"); } } function viewModeChanged() { cache_empty(); return viewCurrentFeed(0, '') } function viewLimitChanged() { cache_empty(); return viewCurrentFeed(0, '') } function adjustArticleScore(id, score) { try { var pr = prompt(__("Assign score to article:"), score); if (pr != undefined) { var query = "backend.php?op=rpc&subop=setScore&id=" + id + "&score=" + pr; new Ajax.Request(query, { onComplete: function(transport) { viewCurrentFeed(); } }); } } catch (e) { exception_error(e, "adjustArticleScore"); } } function rescoreCurrentFeed() { var actid = getActiveFeedId(); if (activeFeedIsCat() || actid < 0 || tagsAreDisplayed()) { alert(__("You can't rescore this kind of feed.")); return; } if (!actid) { alert(__("Please select some feed first.")); return; } var fn = getFeedName(actid); var pr = __("Rescore articles in %s?").replace("%s", fn); if (confirm(pr)) { notify_progress("Rescoring articles..."); var query = "backend.php?op=pref-feeds&subop=rescore&quiet=1&ids=" + actid; new Ajax.Request(query, { onComplete: function(transport) { viewCurrentFeed(); } }); } } function hotkey_handler(e) { try { var keycode; var shift_key = false; var feedlist = document.getElementById('feedList'); try { shift_key = e.shiftKey; } catch (e) { } if (window.event) { keycode = window.event.keyCode; } else if (e) { keycode = e.which; } if (keycode == 27) { // escape if (Element.visible("hotkey_help_overlay")) { Element.hide("hotkey_help_overlay"); } hotkey_prefix = false; closeInfoBox(); } if (!hotkeys_enabled) { debug("hotkeys disabled"); return; } if (keycode == 16) return; // ignore lone shift if ((keycode == 70 || keycode == 67 || keycode == 71) && !hotkey_prefix) { hotkey_prefix = keycode; debug("KP: PREFIX=" + keycode); return; } if (Element.visible("hotkey_help_overlay")) { Element.hide("hotkey_help_overlay"); } /* Global hotkeys */ if (!hotkey_prefix) { if (keycode == 68 && shift_key) { // d if (!debug_mode_enabled) { document.getElementById('debug_output').style.display = 'block'; debug('debug mode activated'); } else { document.getElementById('debug_output').style.display = 'none'; } debug_mode_enabled = !debug_mode_enabled; return; } if (keycode == 191 && shift_key) { // ? if (!Element.visible("hotkey_help_overlay")) {"hotkey_help_overlay"); } else { Element.hide("hotkey_help_overlay"); } return; } if (keycode == 191) { // / return displayDlg("search", getActiveFeedId()); } if (keycode == 74) { // j var feed = getActiveFeedId(); var new_feed = getRelativeFeedId(feedlist, feed, 'prev'); if (new_feed) viewfeed(new_feed, ''); return; } if (keycode == 75) { // k var feed = getActiveFeedId(); var new_feed = getRelativeFeedId(feedlist, feed, 'next'); if (new_feed) viewfeed(new_feed, ''); return; } if (keycode == 78 || keycode == 40) { // n, down if (typeof moveToPost != 'undefined') { return moveToPost('next'); } } if (keycode == 80 || keycode == 38) { // p, up if (typeof moveToPost != 'undefined') { return moveToPost('prev'); } } if (keycode == 83 && shift_key) { // S var id = getActiveArticleId(); if (id) { togglePub(id); } return; } if (keycode == 83) { // s var id = getActiveArticleId(); if (id) { toggleMark(id); } return; } if (keycode == 85) { // u var id = getActiveArticleId(); if (id) { toggleUnread(id); } return; } if (keycode == 84 && shift_key) { // t var id = getActiveArticleId(); if (id) { editArticleTags(id, getActiveFeedId(), isCdmMode()); } } if (keycode == 84) { // t var id = getActiveArticleId(); if (id) { var cb = document.getElementById("RCHK-" + id); if (cb) { cb.checked = !cb.checked; toggleSelectRowById(cb, "RROW-" + id); } } } if (keycode == 79) { // o if (getActiveArticleId()) { openArticleInNewWindow(getActiveArticleId()); } } } /* Prefix f */ if (hotkey_prefix == 70) { // f hotkey_prefix = false; if (keycode == 65) { // a return toggleDispRead(); } if (keycode == 85 && shift_key) { // r return scheduleFeedUpdate(true); } if (keycode == 85) { // u if (getActiveFeedId()) { return viewfeed(getActiveFeedId(), "ForceUpdate"); } } if (keycode == 69) { // e return editFeedDlg(getActiveFeedId()); } if (keycode == 83) { // s return displayDlg("quickAddFeed"); } if (keycode == 67 && shift_key) { // C if (typeof catchupAllFeeds != 'undefined') { return catchupAllFeeds(); } } if (keycode == 67) { // c if (getActiveFeedId()) { return catchupCurrentFeed(); } } } /* Prefix c */ if (hotkey_prefix == 67) { // c hotkey_prefix = false; if (keycode == 70) { // f return displayDlg("quickAddFilter", getActiveFeedId()); } if (keycode == 83) { // s if (typeof collapse_feedlist != 'undefined') { return collapse_feedlist(); } } } /* Prefix g */ if (hotkey_prefix == 71) { // g hotkey_prefix = false; if (keycode == 83) { // s return viewfeed(-1); } if (keycode == 80 && shift_key) { // P return gotoPreferences(); } if (keycode == 80) { // p return viewfeed(-2); } if (keycode == 70) { // f return viewfeed(-3); } } /* if (keycode == 48) { // 0 return setHotkeyZone(0); } if (keycode == 49) { // 1 return setHotkeyZone(1); } if (keycode == 50) { // 2 return setHotkeyZone(2); } if (keycode == 51) { // 3 return setHotkeyZone(3); } if (keycode == 82) { // r return scheduleFeedUpdate(true); } if (keycode == 83) { // s return displayDlg("search", getActiveFeedId()); } if (keycode == 85) { // u if (getActiveFeedId()) { return viewfeed(getActiveFeedId(), "ForceUpdate"); } } if (keycode == 65) { // a return toggleDispRead(); } var feedlist = document.getElementById('feedList'); if (keycode == 74) { // j var feed = getActiveFeedId(); var new_feed = getRelativeFeedId(feedlist, feed, 'prev'); if (new_feed) viewfeed(new_feed, ''); } if (keycode == 75) { // k var feed = getActiveFeedId(); var new_feed = getRelativeFeedId(feedlist, feed, 'next'); if (new_feed) viewfeed(new_feed, ''); } if (shift_key && (keycode == 78 || keycode == 40)) { // shift - n, down return catchupRelativeToArticle(1); } if (shift_key && (keycode == 80 || keycode == 38)) { // shift - p, up return catchupRelativeToArticle(0); } if (keycode == 78 || keycode == 40) { // n, down if (typeof moveToPost != 'undefined') { return moveToPost('next'); } } if (keycode == 80 || keycode == 38) { // p, up if (typeof moveToPost != 'undefined') { return moveToPost('prev'); } } if (keycode == 68 && shift_key) { // d if (!debug_mode_enabled) { document.getElementById('debug_output').style.display = 'block'; debug('debug mode activated'); } else { document.getElementById('debug_output').style.display = 'none'; } debug_mode_enabled = !debug_mode_enabled; } if (keycode == 191 && shift_key) { // ? if (!Element.visible("hotkey_help_overlay")) {"hotkey_help_overlay"); } else { Element.hide("hotkey_help_overlay"); } } if (keycode == 69 && shift_key) { // e return editFeedDlg(getActiveFeedId()); } if (keycode == 70 && shift_key) { // f if (getActiveFeedId()) { return catchupCurrentFeed(); } } if (keycode == 80 && shift_key) { // p if (getActiveFeedId()) { return catchupPage(); } } if (keycode == 86) { // v if (getActiveArticleId()) { openArticleInNewWindow(getActiveArticleId()); } } if (keycode == 84) { // t var id = getActiveArticleId(); if (id) { var cb = document.getElementById("RCHK-" + id); if (cb) { cb.checked = !cb.checked; toggleSelectRowById(cb, "RROW-" + id); } } } if (keycode == 67) { // c var id = getActiveArticleId(); if (id) { toggleUnread(id, 0); } } if (keycode == 67 && shift_key) { // c if (typeof collapse_feedlist != 'undefined') { return collapse_feedlist(); } } if (keycode == 81 && shift_key) { // shift + q if (typeof catchupAllFeeds != 'undefined') { return catchupAllFeeds(); } } if (keycode == 73 && shift_key) { // shift + i if (document.getElementById("subtoolbar_search")) { if (Element.visible("subtoolbar_search")) { Element.hide("subtoolbar_search");"subtoolbar_ftitle"); setTimeout("Element.focus('subtoolbar_search_box')", 100); } else {"subtoolbar_search"); Element.hide("subtoolbar_ftitle"); } } } if (keycode == 27) { // escape if (Element.visible("hotkey_help_overlay")) { Element.hide("hotkey_help_overlay"); } } */ if (typeof localHotkeyHandler != 'undefined') { try { return localHotkeyHandler(e); } catch (e) { exception_error("hotkey_handler, local:", e); } } if (hotkey_prefix) { debug("KP: PREFIX=" + hotkey_prefix + " CODE=" + keycode); } else { debug("KP: CODE=" + keycode); } } catch (e) { exception_error("hotkey_handler", e); } }