function shareArticle(id) { try { if (dijit.byId("shareArticleDlg")) dijit.byId("shareArticleDlg").destroyRecursive(); var query = "backend.php?op=pluginhandler&plugin=share&method=shareArticle¶m=" + param_escape(id); dialog = new dijit.Dialog({ id: "shareArticleDlg", title: __("Share article by URL"), style: "width: 600px", newurl: function() { if (confirm(__("Generate new share URL for this article?"))) { notify_progress("Trying to change URL...", true); var query = "op=pluginhandler&plugin=share&method=newkey&id=" + param_escape(id); new Ajax.Request("backend.php", { parameters: query, onComplete: function(transport) { var reply = JSON.parse(transport.responseText); var new_link =; var e = $('gen_article_url'); if (new_link) { e.innerHTML = e.innerHTML.replace(/\&key=.*$/, "&key=" + new_link); e.href = e.href.replace(/\&key=.*$/, "&key=" + new_link); new Effect.Highlight(e); var img = $("SHARE-IMG-" + id); if (img) img.src = img.src.replace("notshared.png", "share.png"); notify(''); } else { notify_error("Could not change URL."); } } }); } }, unshare: function() { if (confirm(__("Remove sharing for this article?"))) { notify_progress("Trying to unshare...", true); var query = "op=pluginhandler&plugin=share&method=unshare&id=" + param_escape(id); new Ajax.Request("backend.php", { parameters: query, onComplete: function(transport) { notify("Article unshared."); var img = $("SHARE-IMG-" + id); if (img) img.src = img.src.replace("share.png", "notshared.png"); dialog.hide(); } }); } }, href: query});; var img = $("SHARE-IMG-" + id); if (img) img.src = img.src.replace("notshared.png", "share.png"); } catch (e) { exception_error("shareArticle", e); } }