link = $host->get_link(); $this->host = $host; $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_PREFS_TAB, $this); $host->add_command("update-self", "update tt-rss installation to latest version", $this); } function update_self_step($link, $step, $params, $force = false) { // __FILE__ is in plugins/updater so we need to go one level up $work_dir = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); $parent_dir = dirname($work_dir); if (!chdir($work_dir)) { array_push($log, "Unable to change to work directory: $work_dir"); $stop = true; break; } $stop = false; $log = array(); if (!is_array($params)) $params = array(); switch ($step) { case 0: array_push($log, "Work directory: $work_dir"); if (!is_writable($work_dir) && !is_writable("$parent_dir")) { $user = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid()); $user = $user["name"]; array_push($log, "Both tt-rss and parent directories should be writable as current user ($user)."); $stop = true; break; } if (!file_exists("$work_dir/config.php") || !file_exists("$work_dir/include/sanity_check.php")) { array_push($log, "Work directory $work_dir doesn't look like tt-rss installation."); $stop = true; break; } if (!is_writable(sys_get_temp_dir())) { array_push($log, "System temporary directory should be writable as current user."); $stop = true; break; } array_push($log, "Checking for tar..."); $system_rc = 0; system("tar --version >/dev/null", $system_rc); if ($system_rc != 0) { array_push($log, "Could not run tar executable (RC=$system_rc)."); $stop = true; break; } array_push($log, "Checking for latest version..."); $version_info = json_decode(fetch_file_contents(""), true); if (!is_array($version_info)) { array_push($log, "Unable to fetch version information."); $stop = true; break; } $target_version = $version_info["version"]; $target_dir = "$parent_dir/tt-rss-$target_version"; array_push($log, "Target version: $target_version"); $params["target_version"] = $target_version; if (version_compare(VERSION, $target_version) != -1 && !$force) { array_push($log, "Your Tiny Tiny RSS installation is up to date."); $stop = true; break; } if (file_exists($target_dir)) { array_push($log, "Target directory $target_dir already exists."); $stop = true; break; } break; case 1: $target_version = $params["target_version"]; array_push($log, "Downloading checksums..."); $md5sum_data = fetch_file_contents(""); if (!$md5sum_data) { array_push($log, "Could not download checksums."); $stop = true; break; } $md5sum_data = explode("\n", $md5sum_data); foreach ($md5sum_data as $line) { $pair = explode(" ", $line); if ($pair[1] == "tt-rss-$target_version.tar.gz") { $target_md5sum = $pair[0]; break; } } if (!$target_md5sum) { array_push($log, "Unable to locate checksum for target version."); $stop = true; break; } $params["target_md5sum"] = $target_md5sum; break; case 2: $target_version = $params["target_version"]; $target_md5sum = $params["target_md5sum"]; array_push($log, "Downloading distribution tarball..."); $tarball_url = "$target_version.tar.gz"; $data = fetch_file_contents($tarball_url); if (!$data) { array_push($log, "Could not download distribution tarball ($tarball_url)."); $stop = true; break; } array_push($log, "Verifying tarball checksum..."); $test_md5sum = md5($data); if ($test_md5sum != $target_md5sum) { array_push($log, "Downloaded checksum doesn't match (got $test_md5sum, expected $target_md5sum)."); $stop = true; break; } $tmp_file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'tt-rss'); array_push($log, "Saving download to $tmp_file"); if (!file_put_contents($tmp_file, $data)) { array_push($log, "Unable to save download."); $stop = true; break; } $params["tmp_file"] = $tmp_file; break; case 3: $tmp_file = $params["tmp_file"]; $target_version = $params["target_version"]; if (!chdir($parent_dir)) { array_push($log, "Unable to change into parent directory."); $stop = true; break; } $old_dir = tmpdirname($parent_dir, "tt-rss-old"); array_push($log, "Renaming tt-rss directory to ".basename($old_dir)); if (!rename($work_dir, $old_dir)) { array_push($log, "Unable to rename tt-rss directory."); $stop = true; break; } array_push($log, "Extracting tarball..."); system("tar zxf $tmp_file", $system_rc); if ($system_rc != 0) { array_push($log, "Error while extracting tarball (RC=$system_rc)."); $stop = true; break; } $target_dir = "$parent_dir/tt-rss-$target_version"; array_push($log, "Renaming target directory..."); if (!rename($target_dir, $work_dir)) { array_push($log, "Unable to rename target directory."); $stop = true; break; } if (!chdir($work_dir)) { array_push($log, "Unable to change to work directory: $work_dir"); $stop = true; break; } array_push($log, "Copying config.php..."); if (!copy("$old_dir/config.php", "$work_dir/config.php")) { array_push($log, "Unable to copy config.php to $work_dir."); $stop = true; break; } array_push($log, "Cleaning up..."); unlink($tmp_file); array_push($log, "Fixing permissions..."); $directories = array( CACHE_DIR, CACHE_DIR . "/htmlpurifier", CACHE_DIR . "/export", CACHE_DIR . "/images", CACHE_DIR . "/magpie", CACHE_DIR . "/simplepie", ICONS_DIR, LOCK_DIRECTORY); foreach ($directories as $dir) { array_push($log, "-> $dir"); chmod($dir, 0777); } array_push($log, "Upgrade completed."); array_push($log, "Your old tt-rss directory is saved at $old_dir. ". "Please migrate locally modified files (if any) and remove it."); array_push($log, "You might need to re-enter current directory in shell to see new files."); $stop = true; break; default: $stop = true; } return array("step" => $step, "stop" => $stop, "params" => $params, "log" => $log); } function update_self_cli($link, $force = false) { $step = 0; $stop = false; $params = array(); while (!$stop) { $rc = $this->update_self_step($link, $step, $params, $force); $params = $rc['params']; $stop = $rc['stop']; foreach ($rc['log'] as $line) { _debug($line); } ++$step; } } function update_self($args) { _debug("Warning: self-updating is experimental. Use at your own risk."); _debug("Please backup your tt-rss directory before continuing. Your database will not be modified."); _debug("Type 'yes' to continue."); if (read_stdin() != 'yes') exit; $this->update_self_cli($link, in_array("-force", $args)); } function get_prefs_js() { return file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/updater.js"); } function hook_prefs_tab($args) { if ($args != "prefPrefs") return; if (($_SESSION["access_level"] >= 10 || SINGLE_USER_MODE) && CHECK_FOR_NEW_VERSION) { print "