'url:dijit/form/templates/ValidationTextBox.html':"<div class=\"dijit dijitReset dijitInline dijitLeft\"\n\tid=\"widget_${id}\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t><div class='dijitReset dijitValidationContainer'\n\t\t><input class=\"dijitReset dijitInputField dijitValidationIcon dijitValidationInner\" value=\"&#935; \" type=\"text\" tabIndex=\"-1\" readonly=\"readonly\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t/></div\n\t><div class=\"dijitReset dijitInputField dijitInputContainer\"\n\t\t><input class=\"dijitReset dijitInputInner\" data-dojo-attach-point='textbox,focusNode' autocomplete=\"off\"\n\t\t\t${!nameAttrSetting} type='${type}'\n\t/></div\n></div>\n"}});
define("dijit/form/ValidationTextBox", [
	"dojo/_base/declare", // declare
	"dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
	"dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
], function(declare, kernel, i18n, TextBox, Tooltip, template){

	// module:
	//		dijit/form/ValidationTextBox

	var __Constraints = {
		// locale: String
		//		locale used for validation, picks up value from this widget's lang attribute
		// _flags_: anything
		//		various flags passed to pattern function

	var ValidationTextBox;
	return ValidationTextBox = declare("dijit.form.ValidationTextBox", TextBox, {
		// summary:
		//		Base class for textbox widgets with the ability to validate content of various types and provide user feedback.

		templateString: template,

		// required: Boolean
		//		User is required to enter data into this field.
		required: false,

		// promptMessage: String
		//		If defined, display this hint string immediately on focus to the textbox, if empty.
		//		Also displays if the textbox value is Incomplete (not yet valid but will be with additional input).
		//		Think of this like a tooltip that tells the user what to do, not an error message
		//		that tells the user what they've done wrong.
		//		Message disappears when user starts typing.
		promptMessage: "",

		// invalidMessage: String
		//		The message to display if value is invalid.
		//		The translated string value is read from the message file by default.
		//		Set to "" to use the promptMessage instead.
		invalidMessage: "$_unset_$",

		// missingMessage: String
		//		The message to display if value is empty and the field is required.
		//		The translated string value is read from the message file by default.
		//		Set to "" to use the invalidMessage instead.
		missingMessage: "$_unset_$",

		// message: String
		//		Currently error/prompt message.
		//		When using the default tooltip implementation, this will only be
		//		displayed when the field is focused.
		message: "",

		// constraints: __Constraints
		//		user-defined object needed to pass parameters to the validator functions
		constraints: {},

		// pattern: [extension protected] String|Function(constraints) returning a string.
		//		This defines the regular expression used to validate the input.
		//		Do not add leading ^ or $ characters since the widget adds these.
		//		A function may be used to generate a valid pattern when dependent on constraints or other runtime factors.
		//		set('pattern', String|Function).
		pattern: ".*",

		// regExp: Deprecated [extension protected] String.  Use "pattern" instead.
		regExp: "",

		regExpGen: function(/*__Constraints*/ /*===== constraints =====*/){
			// summary:
			//		Deprecated.  Use set('pattern', Function) instead.

		// state: [readonly] String
		//		Shows current state (ie, validation result) of input (""=Normal, Incomplete, or Error)
		state: "",

		// tooltipPosition: String[]
		//		See description of `dijit/Tooltip.defaultPosition` for details on this parameter.
		tooltipPosition: [],

		_deprecateRegExp: function(attr, value){
			if(value != ValidationTextBox.prototype[attr]){
				kernel.deprecated("ValidationTextBox id="", set('" + attr + "', ...) is deprecated.  Use set('pattern', ...) instead.", "", "2.0");
				this.set('pattern', value);
		_setRegExpGenAttr: function(/*Function*/ newFcn){
			this._deprecateRegExp("regExpGen", newFcn);
			this.regExpGen = this._getPatternAttr; // backward compat with this.regExpGen(this.constraints)
		_setRegExpAttr: function(/*String*/ value){
			this._deprecateRegExp("regExp", value);

		_setValueAttr: function(){
			// summary:
			//		Hook so set('value', ...) works.

		validator: function(/*anything*/ value, /*__Constraints*/ constraints){
			// summary:
			//		Overridable function used to validate the text input against the regular expression.
			// tags:
			//		protected
			return (new RegExp("^(?:" + this._getPatternAttr(constraints) + ")"+(this.required?"":"?")+"$")).test(value) &&
				(!this.required || !this._isEmpty(value)) &&
				(this._isEmpty(value) || this.parse(value, constraints) !== undefined); // Boolean

		_isValidSubset: function(){
			// summary:
			//		Returns true if the value is either already valid or could be made valid by appending characters.
			//		This is used for validation while the user [may be] still typing.
			return == 0;

		isValid: function(/*Boolean*/ /*===== isFocused =====*/){
			// summary:
			//		Tests if value is valid.
			//		Can override with your own routine in a subclass.
			// tags:
			//		protected
			return this.validator(this.textbox.value, this.constraints);

		_isEmpty: function(value){
			// summary:
			//		Checks for whitespace
			return (this.trim ? /^\s*$/ : /^$/).test(value); // Boolean

		getErrorMessage: function(/*Boolean*/ /*===== isFocused =====*/){
			// summary:
			//		Return an error message to show if appropriate
			// tags:
			//		protected
			var invalid = this.invalidMessage == "$_unset_$" ? this.messages.invalidMessage :
				!this.invalidMessage ? this.promptMessage : this.invalidMessage;
			var missing = this.missingMessage == "$_unset_$" ? this.messages.missingMessage :
				!this.missingMessage ? invalid : this.missingMessage;
			return (this.required && this._isEmpty(this.textbox.value)) ? missing : invalid; // String

		getPromptMessage: function(/*Boolean*/ /*===== isFocused =====*/){
			// summary:
			//		Return a hint message to show when widget is first focused
			// tags:
			//		protected
			return this.promptMessage; // String

		_maskValidSubsetError: true,
		validate: function(/*Boolean*/ isFocused){
			// summary:
			//		Called by oninit, onblur, and onkeypress.
			// description:
			//		Show missing or invalid messages if appropriate, and highlight textbox field.
			// tags:
			//		protected
			var message = "";
			var isValid = this.disabled || this.isValid(isFocused);
			if(isValid){ this._maskValidSubsetError = true; }
			var isEmpty = this._isEmpty(this.textbox.value);
			var isValidSubset = !isValid && isFocused && this._isValidSubset();
			this._set("state", isValid ? "" : (((((!this._hasBeenBlurred || isFocused) && isEmpty) || isValidSubset) && (this._maskValidSubsetError || (isValidSubset && !this._hasBeenBlurred && isFocused))) ? "Incomplete" : "Error"));
			this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-invalid", isValid ? "false" : "true");

			if(this.state == "Error"){
				this._maskValidSubsetError = isFocused && isValidSubset; // we want the error to show up after a blur and refocus
				message = this.getErrorMessage(isFocused);
			}else if(this.state == "Incomplete"){
				message = this.getPromptMessage(isFocused); // show the prompt whenever the value is not yet complete
				this._maskValidSubsetError = !this._hasBeenBlurred || isFocused; // no Incomplete warnings while focused
			}else if(isEmpty){
				message = this.getPromptMessage(isFocused); // show the prompt whenever there's no error and no text
			this.set("message", message);

			return isValid;

		displayMessage: function(/*String*/ message){
			// summary:
			//		Overridable method to display validation errors/hints.
			//		By default uses a tooltip.
			// tags:
			//		extension
			if(message && this.focused){, this.domNode, this.tooltipPosition, !this.isLeftToRight());

		_refreshState: function(){
			// Overrides TextBox._refreshState()

		//////////// INITIALIZATION METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////

		constructor: function(params /*===== , srcNodeRef =====*/){
			// summary:
			//		Create the widget.
			// params: Object|null
			//		Hash of initialization parameters for widget, including scalar values (like title, duration etc.)
			//		and functions, typically callbacks like onClick.
			//		The hash can contain any of the widget's properties, excluding read-only properties.
			// srcNodeRef: DOMNode|String?
			//		If a srcNodeRef (DOM node) is specified, replace srcNodeRef with my generated DOM tree.

			this.constraints = {};
			this.baseClass += ' dijitValidationTextBox';

		startup: function(){
			this._refreshState(); // after all _set* methods have run

		_setConstraintsAttr: function(/*__Constraints*/ constraints){
			if(!constraints.locale && this.lang){
				constraints.locale = this.lang;
			this._set("constraints", constraints);

		_setPatternAttr: function(/*String|Function*/ pattern){
			this._set("pattern", pattern); // don't set on INPUT to avoid native HTML5 validation

		_getPatternAttr: function(/*__Constraints*/ constraints){
			// summary:
			//		Hook to get the current regExp and to compute the partial validation RE.
			var p = this.pattern;
			var type = (typeof p).toLowerCase();
			if(type == "function"){
				p = this.pattern(constraints || this.constraints);
			if(p != this._lastRegExp){
				var partialre = "";
				this._lastRegExp = p;
				// parse the regexp and produce a new regexp that matches valid subsets
				// if the regexp is .* then there's no use in matching subsets since everything is valid
				if(p != ".*"){
							case '{':
							case '+':
							case '?':
							case '*':
							case '^':
							case '$':
							case '|':
							case '(':
								partialre += re;
							case ")":
								partialre += "|$)";
								partialre += "(?:"+re+"|$)";
				try{ // this is needed for now since the above regexp parsing needs more test verification
				}catch(e){ // should never be here unless the original RE is bad or the parsing is bad
					partialre = this.pattern;
					console.warn('RegExp error in ' + this.declaredClass + ': ' + this.pattern);
				} // should never be here unless the original RE is bad or the parsing is bad
				this._partialre = "^(?:" + partialre + ")$";
			return p;

		postMixInProperties: function(){
			this.messages = i18n.getLocalization("dijit.form", "validate", this.lang);
			this._setConstraintsAttr(this.constraints); // this needs to happen now (and later) due to codependency on _set*Attr calls attachPoints

		_setDisabledAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ value){
			this.inherited(arguments);	// call FormValueWidget._setDisabledAttr()

		_setRequiredAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ value){
			this._set("required", value);
			this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-required", value);

		_setMessageAttr: function(/*String*/ message){
			this._set("message", message);

			// Overrides dijit/form/TextBox.reset() by also
			// hiding errors about partial matches
			this._maskValidSubsetError = true;

		_onBlur: function(){
			// the message still exists but for back-compat, and to erase the tooltip
			// (if the message is being displayed as a tooltip), call displayMessage('')
