'use strict' /* global __, ngettext */ define(["dojo/_base/declare"], function (declare) { return declare("fox.AppBase", null, { _initParams: [], _rpc_seq: 0, hotkey_prefix: 0, hotkey_prefix_pressed: false, hotkey_prefix_timeout: 0, constructor: function() { window.onerror = this.Error.onWindowError; }, getInitParam: function(k) { return this._initParams[k]; }, setInitParam: function(k, v) { this._initParams[k] = v; }, enableCsrfSupport: function() { Ajax.Base.prototype.initialize = Ajax.Base.prototype.initialize.wrap( function (callOriginal, options) { if (App.getInitParam("csrf_token") != undefined) { Object.extend(options, options || { }); if (Object.isString(options.parameters)) options.parameters = options.parameters.toQueryParams(); else if (Object.isHash(options.parameters)) options.parameters = options.parameters.toObject(); options.parameters["csrf_token"] = App.getInitParam("csrf_token"); } return callOriginal(options); } ); }, urlParam: function(param) { return String(window.location.href).parseQuery()[param]; }, next_seq: function() { this._rpc_seq += 1; return this._rpc_seq; }, get_seq: function() { return this._rpc_seq; }, setLoadingProgress: function(p) { loading_progress += p; if (dijit.byId("loading_bar")) dijit.byId("loading_bar").update({progress: loading_progress}); if (loading_progress >= 90) { $("overlay").hide(); } }, keyeventToAction: function(event) { const hotkeys_map = App.getInitParam("hotkeys"); const keycode = event.which; const keychar = String.fromCharCode(keycode).toLowerCase(); if (keycode == 27) { // escape and drop prefix this.hotkey_prefix = false; } if (keycode == 16 || keycode == 17) return; // ignore lone shift / ctrl if (!this.hotkey_prefix && hotkeys_map[0].indexOf(keychar) != -1) { this.hotkey_prefix = keychar; $("cmdline").innerHTML = keychar; Element.show("cmdline"); window.clearTimeout(this.hotkey_prefix_timeout); this.hotkey_prefix_timeout = window.setTimeout(() => { this.hotkey_prefix = false; Element.hide("cmdline"); }, 3 * 1000); event.stopPropagation(); return false; } Element.hide("cmdline"); let hotkey_name = keychar.search(/[a-zA-Z0-9]/) != -1 ? keychar : "(" + keycode + ")"; // ensure ^*char notation if (event.shiftKey) hotkey_name = "*" + hotkey_name; if (event.ctrlKey) hotkey_name = "^" + hotkey_name; if (event.altKey) hotkey_name = "+" + hotkey_name; if (event.metaKey) hotkey_name = "%" + hotkey_name; const hotkey_full = this.hotkey_prefix ? this.hotkey_prefix + " " + hotkey_name : hotkey_name; this.hotkey_prefix = false; let action_name = false; for (const sequence in hotkeys_map[1]) { if (hotkeys_map[1].hasOwnProperty(sequence)) { if (sequence == hotkey_full) { action_name = hotkeys_map[1][sequence]; break; } } } console.log('keyeventToAction', hotkey_full, '=>', action_name); return action_name; }, cleanupMemory: function(root) { const dijits = dojo.query("[widgetid]", dijit.byId(root).domNode).map(dijit.byNode); dijits.each(function (d) { dojo.destroy(d.domNode); }); $$("#" + root + " *").each(function (i) { i.parentNode ? i.parentNode.removeChild(i) : true; }); }, helpDialog: function(topic) { const query = "backend.php?op=backend&method=help&topic=" + encodeURIComponent(topic); if (dijit.byId("helpDlg")) dijit.byId("helpDlg").destroyRecursive(); const dialog = new dijit.Dialog({ id: "helpDlg", title: __("Help"), style: "width: 600px", href: query, }); dialog.show(); }, displayDlg: function(title, id, param, callback) { Notify.progress("Loading, please wait...", true); const query = {op: "dlg", method: id, param: param}; xhrPost("backend.php", query, (transport) => { try { const content = transport.responseText; let dialog = dijit.byId("infoBox"); if (!dialog) { dialog = new dijit.Dialog({ title: title, id: 'infoBox', style: "width: 600px", onCancel: function () { return true; }, onExecute: function () { return true; }, onClose: function () { return true; }, content: content }); } else { dialog.attr('title', title); dialog.attr('content', content); } dialog.show(); Notify.close(); if (callback) callback(transport); } catch (e) { this.Error.report(e); } }); return false; }, handleRpcJson: function(transport) { const netalert = $$("#toolbar .net-alert")[0]; try { const reply = JSON.parse(transport.responseText); if (reply) { const error = reply['error']; if (error) { const code = error['code']; const msg = error['message']; console.warn("[handleRpcJson] received fatal error ", code, msg); if (code != 0) { /* global ERRORS */ this.Error.fatal(ERRORS[code], {info: msg, code: code}); return false; } } const seq = reply['seq']; if (seq && this.get_seq() != seq) { console.log("[handleRpcJson] sequence mismatch: ", seq, '!=', this.get_seq()); return true; } const message = reply['message']; if (message == "UPDATE_COUNTERS") { console.log("need to refresh counters..."); Feeds.requestCounters(true); } const counters = reply['counters']; if (counters) Feeds.parseCounters(counters); const runtime_info = reply['runtime-info']; if (runtime_info) App.parseRuntimeInfo(runtime_info); if (netalert) netalert.hide(); return reply; } else { if (netalert) netalert.show(); Notify.error("Communication problem with server."); } } catch (e) { if (netalert) netalert.show(); Notify.error("Communication problem with server."); console.error(e); } return false; }, parseRuntimeInfo: function(data) { for (const k in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(k)) { const v = data[k]; console.log("RI:", k, "=>", v); if (k == "daemon_is_running" && v != 1) { Notify.error("Update daemon is not running.", true); return; } if (k == "update_result") { if (v) { Element.show("updates-available"); } else { Element.hide("updates-available"); } } if (k == "recent_log_events") { const alert = $$(".log-alert")[0]; if (alert) { v > 0 ? alert.show() : alert.hide(); } } if (k == "daemon_stamp_ok" && v != 1) { Notify.error("Update daemon is not updating feeds.", true); return; } if (k == "max_feed_id" || k == "num_feeds") { if (App.getInitParam(k) != v) { console.log("feed count changed, need to reload feedlist."); Feeds.reload(); } } this.setInitParam(k, v); } } PluginHost.run(PluginHost.HOOK_RUNTIME_INFO_LOADED, data); }, backendSanityCallback: function (transport) { const reply = JSON.parse(transport.responseText); /* global ERRORS */ if (!reply) { this.Error.fatal(ERRORS[3], {info: transport.responseText}); return; } if (reply['error']) { const code = reply['error']['code']; if (code && code != 0) { return this.Error.fatal(ERRORS[code], {code: code, info: reply['error']['message']}); } } console.log("sanity check ok"); const params = reply['init-params']; if (params) { console.log('reading init-params...'); for (const k in params) { if (params.hasOwnProperty(k)) { switch (k) { case "label_base_index": _label_base_index = parseInt(params[k]); break; case "cdm_auto_catchup": if (params[k] == 1) { const hl = $("headlines-frame"); if (hl) hl.addClassName("auto_catchup"); } break; case "hotkeys": // filter mnemonic definitions (used for help panel) from hotkeys map // i.e. *(191)|Ctrl-/ -> *(191) const tmp = []; for (const sequence in params[k][1]) { if (params[k][1].hasOwnProperty(sequence)) { const filtered = sequence.replace(/\|.*$/, ""); tmp[filtered] = params[k][1][sequence]; } } params[k][1] = tmp; break; } console.log("IP:", k, "=>", params[k]); this.setInitParam(k, params[k]); } } // PluginHost might not be available on non-index pages if (typeof PluginHost !== 'undefined') PluginHost.run(PluginHost.HOOK_PARAMS_LOADED, App._initParams); } this.initSecondStage(); }, toggleNightMode: function() { const link = $("theme_css"); if (link) { let user_theme = ""; let user_css = ""; if (link.getAttribute("href").indexOf("themes/night.css") == -1) { user_css = "themes/night.css?" + Date.now(); user_theme = "night.css"; } else { user_theme = "default.php"; user_css = "css/default.css?" + Date.now(); } $("main").fade({duration: 0.5, afterFinish: () => { link.setAttribute("href", user_css); $("main").appear({duration: 0.5}); xhrPost("backend.php", {op: "rpc", method: "setpref", key: "USER_CSS_THEME", value: user_theme}); }}); } }, explainError: function(code) { return this.displayDlg(__("Error explained"), "explainError", code); }, Error: { fatal: function (error, params) { params = params || {}; if (params.code) { if (params.code == 6) { window.location.href = "index.php"; return; } else if (params.code == 5) { window.location.href = "public.php?op=dbupdate"; return; } } return this.report(error, Object.extend({title: __("Fatal error")}, params)); }, report: function(error, params) { params = params || {}; if (!error) return; console.error("[Error.report]", error, params); const message = params.message ? params.message : error.toString(); try { xhrPost("backend.php", {op: "rpc", method: "log", file: params.filename ? params.filename : error.fileName, line: params.lineno ? params.lineno : error.lineNumber, msg: message, context: error.stack}, (transport) => { console.warn("[Error.report] log response", transport.responseText); }); } catch (re) { console.error("[Error.report] exception while saving logging error on server", re); } try { if (dijit.byId("exceptionDlg")) dijit.byId("exceptionDlg").destroyRecursive(); let stack_msg = ""; if (error.stack) stack_msg += `