var total_unread = 0; var global_unread = -1; var firsttime_update = true; var _active_feed_id = 0; var _active_feed_is_cat = false; var hotkey_prefix = false; var hotkey_prefix_pressed = false; var init_params = {}; var _force_scheduled_update = false; var last_scheduled_update = false; var _rpc_seq = 0; function next_seq() { _rpc_seq += 1; return _rpc_seq; } function get_seq() { return _rpc_seq; } function activeFeedIsCat() { return _active_feed_is_cat; } function getActiveFeedId() { try { //console.log("gAFID: " + _active_feed_id); return _active_feed_id; } catch (e) { exception_error("getActiveFeedId", e); } } function setActiveFeedId(id, is_cat) { try { _active_feed_id = id; if (is_cat != undefined) { _active_feed_is_cat = is_cat; } selectFeed(id, is_cat); } catch (e) { exception_error("setActiveFeedId", e); } } function updateFeedList() { try { // $("feeds-holder").innerHTML = "<div id=\"feedlistLoading\">" + // __("Loading, please wait...") + "</div>";"feedlistLoading"); if (dijit.byId("feedTree")) { dijit.byId("feedTree").destroyRecursive(); } var store = new{ url: "backend.php?op=feeds"}); var treeModel = new fox.FeedStoreModel({ store: store, query: { "type": "feed" }, rootId: "root", rootLabel: "Feeds", childrenAttrs: ["items"] }); var tree = new fox.FeedTree({ persist: false, model: treeModel, onOpen: function (item, node) { var id = String(; var cat_id = id.substr(id.indexOf(":")+1); new Ajax.Request("backend.php", { parameters: "backend.php?op=feeds&method=collapse&cid=" + param_escape(cat_id) + "&mode=0" } ); }, onClose: function (item, node) { var id = String(; var cat_id = id.substr(id.indexOf(":")+1); new Ajax.Request("backend.php", { parameters: "backend.php?op=feeds&method=collapse&cid=" + param_escape(cat_id) + "&mode=1" } ); }, onClick: function (item, node) { var id = String(; var is_cat = id.match("^CAT:"); var feed = id.substr(id.indexOf(":")+1); viewfeed(feed, '', is_cat); return false; }, openOnClick: false, showRoot: false, id: "feedTree", }, "feedTree"); /* var menu = new dijit.Menu({id: 'feedMenu'}); menu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({ label: "Simple menu item" })); // menu.bindDomNode(tree.domNode); */ var tmph = dojo.connect(dijit.byId('feedMenu'), '_openMyself', function (event) { console.log(dijit.getEnclosingWidget(; dojo.disconnect(tmph); }); $("feeds-holder").appendChild(tree.domNode); var tmph = dojo.connect(tree, 'onLoad', function() { dojo.disconnect(tmph); Element.hide("feedlistLoading"); tree.collapseHiddenCats(); feedlist_init(); // var node = dijit.byId("feedTree")._itemNodesMap['FEED:-2'][0].domNode // menu.bindDomNode(node); loading_set_progress(25); }); tree.startup(); } catch (e) { exception_error("updateFeedList", e); } } function catchupAllFeeds() { var str = __("Mark all articles as read?"); if (getInitParam("confirm_feed_catchup") != 1 || confirm(str)) { var query_str = "backend.php?op=feeds&method=catchupAll"; notify_progress("Marking all feeds as read..."); //console.log("catchupAllFeeds Q=" + query_str); new Ajax.Request("backend.php", { parameters: query_str, onComplete: function(transport) { feedlist_callback2(transport); } }); global_unread = 0; updateTitle(""); } } function viewCurrentFeed(method) { if (getActiveFeedId() != undefined) { viewfeed(getActiveFeedId(), method, activeFeedIsCat()); } return false; // block unneeded form submits } function timeout() { if (getInitParam("bw_limit") == "1") return; try { var date = new Date(); var ts = Math.round(date.getTime() / 1000); if (ts - last_scheduled_update > 10 || _force_scheduled_update) { //console.log("timeout()"); window.clearTimeout(counter_timeout_id); var query_str = "?op=rpc&method=getAllCounters&seq=" + next_seq(); var omode; if (firsttime_update && !navigator.userAgent.match("Opera")) { firsttime_update = false; omode = "T"; } else { omode = "flc"; } query_str = query_str + "&omode=" + omode; if (!_force_scheduled_update) query_str = query_str + "&last_article_id=" + getInitParam("last_article_id"); //console.log("[timeout]" + query_str); new Ajax.Request("backend.php", { parameters: query_str, onComplete: function(transport) { handle_rpc_json(transport, !_force_scheduled_update); _force_scheduled_update = false; } }); last_scheduled_update = ts; } } catch (e) { exception_error("timeout", e); } setTimeout("timeout()", 3000); } function search() { var query = "backend.php?op=dlg&method=search¶m=" + param_escape(getActiveFeedId() + ":" + activeFeedIsCat()); if (dijit.byId("searchDlg")) dijit.byId("searchDlg").destroyRecursive(); dialog = new dijit.Dialog({ id: "searchDlg", title: __("Search"), style: "width: 600px", execute: function() { if (this.validate()) { _search_query = dojo.objectToQuery(this.attr('value')); this.hide(); viewCurrentFeed(); } }, href: query});; } function updateTitle() { var tmp = "Tiny Tiny RSS"; if (global_unread > 0) { tmp = tmp + " (" + global_unread + ")"; } if (window.fluid) { if (global_unread > 0) { window.fluid.dockBadge = global_unread; } else { window.fluid.dockBadge = ""; } } document.title = tmp; } function genericSanityCheck() { setCookie("ttrss_test", "TEST"); if (getCookie("ttrss_test") != "TEST") { return fatalError(2); } return true; } function init() { try { dojo.registerModulePath("fox", "../../js/"); dojo.require("fox.FeedTree"); if (typeof themeBeforeLayout == 'function') { themeBeforeLayout(); } dojo.parser.parse(); dojo.addOnLoad(function() { updateFeedList(); closeArticlePanel(); if (typeof themeAfterLayout == 'function') { themeAfterLayout(); } }); if (!genericSanityCheck()) return false; loading_set_progress(20); var hasAudio = !!((myAudioTag = document.createElement('audio')).canPlayType); new Ajax.Request("backend.php", { parameters: {op: "rpc", method: "sanityCheck", hasAudio: hasAudio}, onComplete: function(transport) { backend_sanity_check_callback(transport); } }); } catch (e) { exception_error("init", e); } } function init_second_stage() { try { delCookie("ttrss_test"); var toolbar = document.forms["main_toolbar_form"]; dijit.getEnclosingWidget(toolbar.view_mode).attr('value', getInitParam("default_view_mode")); dijit.getEnclosingWidget(toolbar.order_by).attr('value', getInitParam("default_view_order_by")); feeds_sort_by_unread = getInitParam("feeds_sort_by_unread") == 1; loading_set_progress(30); // can't use cache_clear() here because viewfeed might not have initialized yet if ('sessionStorage' in window && window['sessionStorage'] !== null) sessionStorage.clear(); console.log("second stage ok"); } catch (e) { exception_error("init_second_stage", e); } } function quickMenuGo(opid) { try { if (opid == "qmcPrefs") { gotoPreferences(); } if (opid == "qmcTagCloud") { displayDlg("printTagCloud"); } if (opid == "qmcTagSelect") { displayDlg("printTagSelect"); } if (opid == "qmcSearch") { search(); return; } if (opid == "qmcAddFeed") { quickAddFeed(); return; } if (opid == "qmcDigest") { window.location.href = "digest.php"; return; } if (opid == "qmcEditFeed") { if (activeFeedIsCat()) alert(__("You can't edit this kind of feed.")); else editFeed(getActiveFeedId()); return; } if (opid == "qmcRemoveFeed") { var actid = getActiveFeedId(); if (activeFeedIsCat()) { alert(__("You can't unsubscribe from the category.")); return; } if (!actid) { alert(__("Please select some feed first.")); return; } var fn = getFeedName(actid); var pr = __("Unsubscribe from %s?").replace("%s", fn); if (confirm(pr)) { unsubscribeFeed(actid); } return; } if (opid == "qmcCatchupAll") { catchupAllFeeds(); return; } if (opid == "qmcShowOnlyUnread") { toggleDispRead(); return; } if (opid == "qmcAddFilter") { quickAddFilter(); return; } if (opid == "qmcAddLabel") { addLabel(); return; } if (opid == "qmcRescoreFeed") { rescoreCurrentFeed(); return; } if (opid == "qmcHKhelp") { //"hotkey_help_overlay"); Effect.Appear("hotkey_help_overlay", {duration : 0.3}); } if (opid == "qmcAbout") { dialog = new dijit.Dialog({ title: __("About..."), style: "width: 400px", href: "backend.php?op=dlg&method=about", });; } } catch (e) { exception_error("quickMenuGo", e); } } function toggleDispRead() { try { var hide = !(getInitParam("hide_read_feeds") == "1"); hideOrShowFeeds(hide); var query = "?op=rpc&method=setpref&key=HIDE_READ_FEEDS&value=" + param_escape(hide); setInitParam("hide_read_feeds", hide); new Ajax.Request("backend.php", { parameters: query, onComplete: function(transport) { } }); } catch (e) { exception_error("toggleDispRead", e); } } function parse_runtime_info(data) { //console.log("parsing runtime info..."); for (k in data) { var v = data[k]; // console.log("RI: " + k + " => " + v); if (k == "new_version_available") { var icon = $("newVersionIcon"); if (icon) { if (v == "1") { = "inline"; } else { = "none"; } } return; } if (k == "daemon_is_running" && v != 1) { notify_error("<span onclick=\"javascript:explainError(1)\">Update daemon is not running.</span>", true); return; } if (k == "daemon_stamp_ok" && v != 1) { notify_error("<span onclick=\"javascript:explainError(3)\">Update daemon is not updating feeds.</span>", true); return; } if (k == "max_feed_id" || k == "num_feeds") { if (init_params[k] != v) { console.log("feed count changed, need to reload feedlist."); updateFeedList(); } } init_params[k] = v; notify(''); } } function catchupCurrentFeed() { var fn = getFeedName(getActiveFeedId(), activeFeedIsCat()); var str = __("Mark all articles in %s as read?").replace("%s", fn); if (getInitParam("confirm_feed_catchup") != 1 || confirm(str)) { return viewCurrentFeed('MarkAllRead'); } } function catchupFeedInGroup(id) { try { var title = getFeedName(id); var str = __("Mark all articles in %s as read?").replace("%s", title); if (getInitParam("confirm_feed_catchup") != 1 || confirm(str)) { return viewCurrentFeed('MarkAllReadGR:' + id); } } catch (e) { exception_error("catchupFeedInGroup", e); } } function collapse_feedlist() { try { if (!Element.visible('feeds-holder')) {'feeds-holder');'feeds-holder_splitter'); $("collapse_feeds_btn").innerHTML = "<<"; } else { Element.hide('feeds-holder'); Element.hide('feeds-holder_splitter'); $("collapse_feeds_btn").innerHTML = ">>"; } dijit.byId("main").resize(); query = "?op=rpc&method=setpref&key=_COLLAPSED_FEEDLIST&value=true"; new Ajax.Request("backend.php", { parameters: query }); } catch (e) { exception_error("collapse_feedlist", e); } } function viewModeChanged() { return viewCurrentFeed(''); } function viewLimitChanged() { return viewCurrentFeed(''); } /* function adjustArticleScore(id, score) { try { var pr = prompt(__("Assign score to article:"), score); if (pr != undefined) { var query = "?op=rpc&method=setScore&id=" + id + "&score=" + pr; new Ajax.Request("backend.php", { parameters: query, onComplete: function(transport) { viewCurrentFeed(); } }); } } catch (e) { exception_error("adjustArticleScore", e); } } */ function rescoreCurrentFeed() { var actid = getActiveFeedId(); if (activeFeedIsCat() || actid < 0) { alert(__("You can't rescore this kind of feed.")); return; } if (!actid) { alert(__("Please select some feed first.")); return; } var fn = getFeedName(actid); var pr = __("Rescore articles in %s?").replace("%s", fn); if (confirm(pr)) { notify_progress("Rescoring articles..."); var query = "?op=pref-feeds&method=rescore&quiet=1&ids=" + actid; new Ajax.Request("backend.php", { parameters: query, onComplete: function(transport) { viewCurrentFeed(); } }); } } function hotkey_handler(e) { try { if ( == "INPUT" || == "TEXTAREA") return; var keycode = false; var shift_key = false; var cmdline = $('cmdline'); try { shift_key = e.shiftKey; } catch (e) { } if (window.event) { keycode = window.event.keyCode; } else if (e) { keycode = e.which; } var keychar = String.fromCharCode(keycode); if (keycode == 27) { // escape if (Element.visible("hotkey_help_overlay")) { Element.hide("hotkey_help_overlay"); } hotkey_prefix = false; } if (keycode == 16) return; // ignore lone shift if (keycode == 17) return; // ignore lone ctrl if ((keycode == 70 || keycode == 67 || keycode == 71 || keycode == 65) && !hotkey_prefix) { var date = new Date(); var ts = Math.round(date.getTime() / 1000); hotkey_prefix = keycode; hotkey_prefix_pressed = ts; cmdline.innerHTML = keychar;; console.log("KP: PREFIX=" + keycode + " CHAR=" + keychar + " TS=" + ts); return true; } if (Element.visible("hotkey_help_overlay")) { Element.hide("hotkey_help_overlay"); } /* Global hotkeys */ Element.hide(cmdline); if (!hotkey_prefix) { if (keycode == 27) { // escape closeArticlePanel(); return; } if (keycode == 69) { // e var id = getActiveArticleId(); emailArticle(id); } if ((keycode == 191 || keychar == '?') && shift_key) { // ? if (!Element.visible("hotkey_help_overlay")) { Effect.Appear("hotkey_help_overlay", {duration : 0.3, to : 0.9}); } else { Element.hide("hotkey_help_overlay"); } return false; } if (keycode == 191 || keychar == '/') { // / search(); return false; } if (keycode == 74 && !shift_key) { // j var rv = dijit.byId("feedTree").getPreviousFeed( getActiveFeedId(), activeFeedIsCat()); if (rv) viewfeed(rv[0], '', rv[1]); return; } if (keycode == 75) { // k var rv = dijit.byId("feedTree").getNextFeed( getActiveFeedId(), activeFeedIsCat()); if (rv) viewfeed(rv[0], '', rv[1]); return; } if (shift_key && keycode == 40) { // shift-down catchupRelativeToArticle(1); return; } if (shift_key && keycode == 38) { // shift-up catchupRelativeToArticle(0); return; } if (shift_key && keycode == 78) { // N scrollArticle(50); return; } if (shift_key && keycode == 80) { // P scrollArticle(-50); return; } if (keycode == 68 && shift_key) { // shift-D dismissSelectedArticles(); return; } if (keycode == 88 && shift_key) { // shift-X dismissReadArticles(); return; } if (keycode == 78 || keycode == 40) { // n, down if (typeof moveToPost != 'undefined') { moveToPost('next'); return false; } } if (keycode == 80 || keycode == 38) { // p, up if (typeof moveToPost != 'undefined') { moveToPost('prev'); return false; } } if (keycode == 83 && shift_key) { // S selectionTogglePublished(undefined, false, true); return; } if (keycode == 83) { // s selectionToggleMarked(undefined, false, true); return; } if (keycode == 85) { // u selectionToggleUnread(undefined, false, true); return; } if (keycode == 84 && shift_key) { // T var id = getActiveArticleId(); if (id) { editArticleTags(id, getActiveFeedId(), isCdmMode()); return; } } if (keycode == 9) { // tab var id = getArticleUnderPointer(); if (id) { var cb = $("RCHK-" + id); if (cb) { cb.checked = !cb.checked; toggleSelectRowById(cb, "RROW-" + id); return false; } } } if (keycode == 79) { // o if (getActiveArticleId()) { openArticleInNewWindow(getActiveArticleId()); return; } } if (keycode == 81 && shift_key) { // Q if (typeof catchupAllFeeds != 'undefined') { catchupAllFeeds(); return; } } if (keycode == 88 && !shift_key) { // x if (activeFeedIsCat()) { dijit.byId("feedTree").collapseCat(getActiveFeedId()); return; } } } /* Prefix a */ if (hotkey_prefix == 65) { // a hotkey_prefix = false; if (keycode == 65) { // a selectArticles('all'); return; } if (keycode == 85) { // u selectArticles('unread'); return; } if (keycode == 73) { // i selectArticles('invert'); return; } if (keycode == 78) { // n selectArticles('none'); return; } } /* Prefix f */ if (hotkey_prefix == 70) { // f hotkey_prefix = false; if (keycode == 81) { // q if (getActiveFeedId()) { catchupCurrentFeed(); return; } } if (keycode == 82) { // r if (getActiveFeedId()) { viewfeed(getActiveFeedId(), '', activeFeedIsCat()); return; } } if (keycode == 65) { // a toggleDispRead(); return false; } if (keycode == 85) { // u if (getActiveFeedId()) { viewfeed(getActiveFeedId(), ''); return false; } } if (keycode == 69) { // e if (activeFeedIsCat()) alert(__("You can't edit this kind of feed.")); else editFeed(getActiveFeedId()); return; return false; } if (keycode == 83) { // s quickAddFeed(); return false; } if (keycode == 67 && shift_key) { // C if (typeof catchupAllFeeds != 'undefined') { catchupAllFeeds(); return false; } } if (keycode == 67) { // c if (getActiveFeedId()) { catchupCurrentFeed(); return false; } } if (keycode == 88) { // x reverseHeadlineOrder(); return; } } /* Prefix c */ if (hotkey_prefix == 67) { // c hotkey_prefix = false; if (keycode == 70) { // f quickAddFilter(); return false; } if (keycode == 76) { // l addLabel(); return false; } if (keycode == 83) { // s if (typeof collapse_feedlist != 'undefined') { collapse_feedlist(); return false; } } if (keycode == 77) { // m // TODO: sortable feedlist return; } if (keycode == 78) { // n catchupRelativeToArticle(1); return; } if (keycode == 80) { // p catchupRelativeToArticle(0); return; } } /* Prefix g */ if (hotkey_prefix == 71) { // g hotkey_prefix = false; if (keycode == 65) { // a viewfeed(-4); return false; } if (keycode == 83) { // s viewfeed(-1); return false; } if (keycode == 80 && shift_key) { // P gotoPreferences(); return false; } if (keycode == 80) { // p viewfeed(-2); return false; } if (keycode == 70) { // f viewfeed(-3); return false; } if (keycode == 84) { // t displayDlg("printTagCloud"); return false; } } /* Cmd */ if (hotkey_prefix == 224 || hotkey_prefix == 91) { // f hotkey_prefix = false; return; } if (hotkey_prefix) { console.log("KP: PREFIX=" + hotkey_prefix + " CODE=" + keycode + " CHAR=" + keychar); } else { console.log("KP: CODE=" + keycode + " CHAR=" + keychar); } } catch (e) { exception_error("hotkey_handler", e); } } function inPreferences() { return false; } function reverseHeadlineOrder() { try { var query_str = "?op=rpc&method=togglepref&key=REVERSE_HEADLINES"; new Ajax.Request("backend.php", { parameters: query_str, onComplete: function(transport) { viewCurrentFeed(); } }); } catch (e) { exception_error("reverseHeadlineOrder", e); } } function scheduleFeedUpdate(id, is_cat) { try { if (!id) { id = getActiveFeedId(); is_cat = activeFeedIsCat(); } if (!id) { alert(__("Please select some feed first.")); return; } var query = "?op=rpc&method=scheduleFeedUpdate&id=" + param_escape(id) + "&is_cat=" + param_escape(is_cat); console.log(query); new Ajax.Request("backend.php", { parameters: query, onComplete: function(transport) { handle_rpc_json(transport); var reply = JSON.parse(transport.responseText); var message = reply['message']; if (message) { notify_info(message); return; } } }); } catch (e) { exception_error("scheduleFeedUpdate", e); } } function newVersionDlg() { try { var query = "backend.php?op=dlg&method=newVersion"; if (dijit.byId("newVersionDlg")) dijit.byId("newVersionDlg").destroyRecursive(); dialog = new dijit.Dialog({ id: "newVersionDlg", title: __("New version available!"), style: "width: 600px", href: query, });; } catch (e) { exception_error("newVersionDlg", e); } } function handle_rpc_json(transport, scheduled_call) { try { var reply = JSON.parse(transport.responseText); if (reply) { var error = reply['error']; if (error) { var code = error['code']; var msg = error['msg']; console.warn("[handle_rpc_json] received fatal error " + code + "/" + msg); if (code != 0) { fatalError(code, msg); return false; } } var seq = reply['seq']; if (seq) { if (get_seq() != seq) { console.log("[handle_rpc_json] sequence mismatch: " + seq + " (want: " + get_seq() + ")"); return true; } } var message = reply['message']; if (message) { if (message == "UPDATE_COUNTERS") { console.log("need to refresh counters..."); setInitParam("last_article_id", -1); _force_scheduled_update = true; } } var counters = reply['counters']; if (counters) parse_counters(counters, scheduled_call); var runtime_info = reply['runtime-info'];; if (runtime_info) parse_runtime_info(runtime_info); hideOrShowFeeds(getInitParam("hide_read_feeds") == 1); } else { notify_error("Error communicating with server."); } } catch (e) { notify_error("Error communicating with server."); console.log(e); //exception_error("handle_rpc_json", e, transport); } return true; }