	Copyright (c) 2004-2010, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
	Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
	see: http://dojotoolkit.org/license for details

if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo.number"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojo.number"] = true;

dojo.requireLocalization("dojo.cldr", "number", null, "ROOT,ar,ca,cs,da,de,el,en,en-au,en-gb,es,fi,fr,he,hu,it,ja,ko,nb,nl,pl,pt,pt-pt,ru,sk,sl,sv,th,tr,zh");

dojo.number = {
	// summary: localized formatting and parsing routines for Number

dojo.number.__FormatOptions = function(){
	//	pattern: String?
	//		override [formatting pattern](http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Number_Format_Patterns)
	//		with this string.  Default value is based on locale.  Overriding this property will defeat
	//		localization.  Literal characters in patterns are not supported.
	//	type: String?
	//		choose a format type based on the locale from the following:
	//		decimal, scientific (not yet supported), percent, currency. decimal by default.
	//	places: Number?
	//		fixed number of decimal places to show.  This overrides any
	//		information in the provided pattern.
	//	round: Number?
	//		5 rounds to nearest .5; 0 rounds to nearest whole (default). -1
	//		means do not round.
	//	locale: String?
	//		override the locale used to determine formatting rules
	//	fractional: Boolean?
	//		If false, show no decimal places, overriding places and pattern settings.
	this.pattern = pattern;
	this.type = type;
	this.places = places;
	this.round = round;
	this.locale = locale;
	this.fractional = fractional;

dojo.number.format = function(/*Number*/value, /*dojo.number.__FormatOptions?*/options){
	// summary:
	//		Format a Number as a String, using locale-specific settings
	// description:
	//		Create a string from a Number using a known localized pattern.
	//		Formatting patterns appropriate to the locale are chosen from the
	//		[Common Locale Data Repository](http://unicode.org/cldr) as well as the appropriate symbols and
	//		delimiters.
	//		If value is Infinity, -Infinity, or is not a valid JavaScript number, return null.
	// value:
	//		the number to be formatted

	options = dojo.mixin({}, options || {});
	var locale = dojo.i18n.normalizeLocale(options.locale),
		bundle = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dojo.cldr", "number", locale);
	options.customs = bundle;
	var pattern = options.pattern || bundle[(options.type || "decimal") + "Format"];
	if(isNaN(value) || Math.abs(value) == Infinity){ return null; } // null
	return dojo.number._applyPattern(value, pattern, options); // String

//dojo.number._numberPatternRE = /(?:[#0]*,?)*[#0](?:\.0*#*)?/; // not precise, but good enough
dojo.number._numberPatternRE = /[#0,]*[#0](?:\.0*#*)?/; // not precise, but good enough

dojo.number._applyPattern = function(/*Number*/value, /*String*/pattern, /*dojo.number.__FormatOptions?*/options){
	// summary:
	//		Apply pattern to format value as a string using options. Gives no
	//		consideration to local customs.
	// value:
	//		the number to be formatted.
	// pattern:
	//		a pattern string as described by
	//		[unicode.org TR35](http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Number_Format_Patterns)
	// options: dojo.number.__FormatOptions?
	//		_applyPattern is usually called via `dojo.number.format()` which
	//		populates an extra property in the options parameter, "customs".
	//		The customs object specifies group and decimal parameters if set.

	//TODO: support escapes
	options = options || {};
	var group = options.customs.group,
		decimal = options.customs.decimal,
		patternList = pattern.split(';'),
		positivePattern = patternList[0];
	pattern = patternList[(value < 0) ? 1 : 0] || ("-" + positivePattern);

	//TODO: only test against unescaped
	if(pattern.indexOf('%') != -1){
		value *= 100;
	}else if(pattern.indexOf('\u2030') != -1){
		value *= 1000; // per mille
	}else if(pattern.indexOf('\u00a4') != -1){
		group = options.customs.currencyGroup || group;//mixins instead?
		decimal = options.customs.currencyDecimal || decimal;// Should these be mixins instead?
		pattern = pattern.replace(/\u00a4{1,3}/, function(match){
			var prop = ["symbol", "currency", "displayName"][match.length-1];
			return options[prop] || options.currency || "";
	}else if(pattern.indexOf('E') != -1){
		throw new Error("exponential notation not supported");
	//TODO: support @ sig figs?
	var numberPatternRE = dojo.number._numberPatternRE;
	var numberPattern = positivePattern.match(numberPatternRE);
		throw new Error("unable to find a number expression in pattern: "+pattern);
	if(options.fractional === false){ options.places = 0; }
	return pattern.replace(numberPatternRE,
		dojo.number._formatAbsolute(value, numberPattern[0], {decimal: decimal, group: group, places: options.places, round: options.round}));

dojo.number.round = function(/*Number*/value, /*Number?*/places, /*Number?*/increment){
	//	summary:
	//		Rounds to the nearest value with the given number of decimal places, away from zero
	//	description:
	//		Rounds to the nearest value with the given number of decimal places, away from zero if equal.
	//		Similar to Number.toFixed(), but compensates for browser quirks. Rounding can be done by
	//		fractional increments also, such as the nearest quarter.
	//		NOTE: Subject to floating point errors.  See dojox.math.round for experimental workaround.
	//	value:
	//		The number to round
	//	places:
	//		The number of decimal places where rounding takes place.  Defaults to 0 for whole rounding.
	//		Must be non-negative.
	//	increment:
	//		Rounds next place to nearest value of increment/10.  10 by default.
	//	example:
	//		>>> dojo.number.round(-0.5)
	//		-1
	//		>>> dojo.number.round(162.295, 2)
	//		162.29  // note floating point error.  Should be 162.3
	//		>>> dojo.number.round(10.71, 0, 2.5)
	//		10.75
	var factor = 10 / (increment || 10);
	return (factor * +value).toFixed(places) / factor; // Number

if((0.9).toFixed() == 0){
	// (isIE) toFixed() bug workaround: Rounding fails on IE when most significant digit
	// is just after the rounding place and is >=5
		var round = dojo.number.round;
		dojo.number.round = function(v, p, m){
			var d = Math.pow(10, -p || 0), a = Math.abs(v);
			if(!v || a >= d || a * Math.pow(10, p + 1) < 5){
				d = 0;
			return round(v, p, m) + (v > 0 ? d : -d);

dojo.number.__FormatAbsoluteOptions = function(){
	//	decimal: String?
	//		the decimal separator
	//	group: String?
	//		the group separator
	//	places: Number?|String?
	//		number of decimal places.  the range "n,m" will format to m places.
	//	round: Number?
	//		5 rounds to nearest .5; 0 rounds to nearest whole (default). -1
	//		means don't round.
	this.decimal = decimal;
	this.group = group;
	this.places = places;
	this.round = round;

dojo.number._formatAbsolute = function(/*Number*/value, /*String*/pattern, /*dojo.number.__FormatAbsoluteOptions?*/options){
	// summary: 
	//		Apply numeric pattern to absolute value using options. Gives no
	//		consideration to local customs.
	// value:
	//		the number to be formatted, ignores sign
	// pattern:
	//		the number portion of a pattern (e.g. `#,##0.00`)
	options = options || {};
	if(options.places === true){options.places=0;}
	if(options.places === Infinity){options.places=6;} // avoid a loop; pick a limit

	var patternParts = pattern.split("."),
		comma = typeof options.places == "string" && options.places.indexOf(","),
		maxPlaces = options.places;
		maxPlaces = options.places.substring(comma + 1);
	}else if(!(maxPlaces >= 0)){
		maxPlaces = (patternParts[1] || []).length;
	if(!(options.round < 0)){
		value = dojo.number.round(value, maxPlaces, options.round);

	var valueParts = String(Math.abs(value)).split("."),
		fractional = valueParts[1] || "";
	if(patternParts[1] || options.places){
			options.places = options.places.substring(0, comma);
		// Pad fractional with trailing zeros
		var pad = options.places !== undefined ? options.places : (patternParts[1] && patternParts[1].lastIndexOf("0") + 1);
		if(pad > fractional.length){
			valueParts[1] = dojo.string.pad(fractional, pad, '0', true);

		// Truncate fractional
		if(maxPlaces < fractional.length){
			valueParts[1] = fractional.substr(0, maxPlaces);
		if(valueParts[1]){ valueParts.pop(); }

	// Pad whole with leading zeros
	var patternDigits = patternParts[0].replace(',', '');
	pad = patternDigits.indexOf("0");
	if(pad != -1){
		pad = patternDigits.length - pad;
		if(pad > valueParts[0].length){
			valueParts[0] = dojo.string.pad(valueParts[0], pad);

		// Truncate whole
		if(patternDigits.indexOf("#") == -1){
			valueParts[0] = valueParts[0].substr(valueParts[0].length - pad);

	// Add group separators
	var index = patternParts[0].lastIndexOf(','),
		groupSize, groupSize2;
	if(index != -1){
		groupSize = patternParts[0].length - index - 1;
		var remainder = patternParts[0].substr(0, index);
		index = remainder.lastIndexOf(',');
		if(index != -1){
			groupSize2 = remainder.length - index - 1;
	var pieces = [];
	for(var whole = valueParts[0]; whole;){
		var off = whole.length - groupSize;
		pieces.push((off > 0) ? whole.substr(off) : whole);
		whole = (off > 0) ? whole.slice(0, off) : "";
			groupSize = groupSize2;
			delete groupSize2;
	valueParts[0] = pieces.reverse().join(options.group || ",");

	return valueParts.join(options.decimal || ".");

dojo.number.__RegexpOptions = function(){
	//	pattern: String?
	//		override [formatting pattern](http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Number_Format_Patterns)
	//		with this string.  Default value is based on locale.  Overriding this property will defeat
	//		localization.
	//	type: String?
	//		choose a format type based on the locale from the following:
	//		decimal, scientific (not yet supported), percent, currency. decimal by default.
	//	locale: String?
	//		override the locale used to determine formatting rules
	//	strict: Boolean?
	//		strict parsing, false by default.  Strict parsing requires input as produced by the format() method.
	//		Non-strict is more permissive, e.g. flexible on white space, omitting thousands separators
	//	places: Number|String?
	//		number of decimal places to accept: Infinity, a positive number, or
	//		a range "n,m".  Defined by pattern or Infinity if pattern not provided.
	this.pattern = pattern;
	this.type = type;
	this.locale = locale;
	this.strict = strict;
	this.places = places;
dojo.number.regexp = function(/*dojo.number.__RegexpOptions?*/options){
	//	summary:
	//		Builds the regular needed to parse a number
	//	description:
	//		Returns regular expression with positive and negative match, group
	//		and decimal separators
	return dojo.number._parseInfo(options).regexp; // String

dojo.number._parseInfo = function(/*Object?*/options){
	options = options || {};
	var locale = dojo.i18n.normalizeLocale(options.locale),
		bundle = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dojo.cldr", "number", locale),
		pattern = options.pattern || bundle[(options.type || "decimal") + "Format"],
//TODO: memoize?
		group = bundle.group,
		decimal = bundle.decimal,
		factor = 1;

	if(pattern.indexOf('%') != -1){
		factor /= 100;
	}else if(pattern.indexOf('\u2030') != -1){
		factor /= 1000; // per mille
		var isCurrency = pattern.indexOf('\u00a4') != -1;
			group = bundle.currencyGroup || group;
			decimal = bundle.currencyDecimal || decimal;

	//TODO: handle quoted escapes
	var patternList = pattern.split(';');
	if(patternList.length == 1){
		patternList.push("-" + patternList[0]);

	var re = dojo.regexp.buildGroupRE(patternList, function(pattern){
		pattern = "(?:"+dojo.regexp.escapeString(pattern, '.')+")";
		return pattern.replace(dojo.number._numberPatternRE, function(format){
			var flags = {
				signed: false,
				separator: options.strict ? group : [group,""],
				fractional: options.fractional,
				decimal: decimal,
				exponent: false

				parts = format.split('.'),
				places = options.places;

			// special condition for percent (factor != 1)
			// allow decimal places even if not specified in pattern
			if(parts.length == 1 && factor != 1){
			    parts[1] = "###";
			if(parts.length == 1 || places === 0){
				flags.fractional = false;
				if(places === undefined){ places = options.pattern ? parts[1].lastIndexOf('0') + 1 : Infinity; }
				if(places && options.fractional == undefined){flags.fractional = true;} // required fractional, unless otherwise specified
				if(!options.places && (places < parts[1].length)){ places += "," + parts[1].length; }
				flags.places = places;
			var groups = parts[0].split(',');
			if(groups.length > 1){
				flags.groupSize = groups.pop().length;
				if(groups.length > 1){
					flags.groupSize2 = groups.pop().length;
			return "("+dojo.number._realNumberRegexp(flags)+")";
	}, true);

		// substitute the currency symbol for the placeholder in the pattern
		re = re.replace(/([\s\xa0]*)(\u00a4{1,3})([\s\xa0]*)/g, function(match, before, target, after){
			var prop = ["symbol", "currency", "displayName"][target.length-1],
				symbol = dojo.regexp.escapeString(options[prop] || options.currency || "");
			before = before ? "[\\s\\xa0]" : "";
			after = after ? "[\\s\\xa0]" : "";
				if(before){before += "*";}
				if(after){after += "*";}
				return "(?:"+before+symbol+after+")?";
			return before+symbol+after;

//TODO: substitute localized sign/percent/permille/etc.?

	// normalize whitespace and return
	return {regexp: re.replace(/[\xa0 ]/g, "[\\s\\xa0]"), group: group, decimal: decimal, factor: factor}; // Object

dojo.number.__ParseOptions = function(){
	//	pattern: String?
	//		override [formatting pattern](http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Number_Format_Patterns)
	//		with this string.  Default value is based on locale.  Overriding this property will defeat
	//		localization.  Literal characters in patterns are not supported.
	//	type: String?
	//		choose a format type based on the locale from the following:
	//		decimal, scientific (not yet supported), percent, currency. decimal by default.
	//	locale: String?
	//		override the locale used to determine formatting rules
	//	strict: Boolean?
	//		strict parsing, false by default.  Strict parsing requires input as produced by the format() method.
	//		Non-strict is more permissive, e.g. flexible on white space, omitting thousands separators
	//	fractional: Boolean?|Array?
	//		Whether to include the fractional portion, where the number of decimal places are implied by pattern
	//		or explicit 'places' parameter.  The value [true,false] makes the fractional portion optional.
	this.pattern = pattern;
	this.type = type;
	this.locale = locale;
	this.strict = strict;
	this.fractional = fractional;
dojo.number.parse = function(/*String*/expression, /*dojo.number.__ParseOptions?*/options){
	// summary:
	//		Convert a properly formatted string to a primitive Number, using
	//		locale-specific settings.
	// description:
	//		Create a Number from a string using a known localized pattern.
	//		Formatting patterns are chosen appropriate to the locale
	//		and follow the syntax described by
	//		[unicode.org TR35](http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Number_Format_Patterns)
    	//		Note that literal characters in patterns are not supported.
	// expression:
	//		A string representation of a Number
	var info = dojo.number._parseInfo(options),
		results = (new RegExp("^"+info.regexp+"$")).exec(expression);
		return NaN; //NaN
	var absoluteMatch = results[1]; // match for the positive expression
			return NaN; //NaN
		// matched the negative pattern
		absoluteMatch =results[2];
		info.factor *= -1;

	// Transform it to something Javascript can parse as a number.  Normalize
	// decimal point and strip out group separators or alternate forms of whitespace
	absoluteMatch = absoluteMatch.
		replace(new RegExp("["+info.group + "\\s\\xa0"+"]", "g"), "").
		replace(info.decimal, ".");
	// Adjust for negative sign, percent, etc. as necessary
	return absoluteMatch * info.factor; //Number

dojo.number.__RealNumberRegexpFlags = function(){
	//	places: Number?
	//		The integer number of decimal places or a range given as "n,m".  If
	//		not given, the decimal part is optional and the number of places is
	//		unlimited.
	//	decimal: String?
	//		A string for the character used as the decimal point.  Default
	//		is ".".
	//	fractional: Boolean?|Array?
	//		Whether decimal places are used.  Can be true, false, or [true,
	//		false].  Default is [true, false] which means optional.
	//	exponent: Boolean?|Array?
	//		Express in exponential notation.  Can be true, false, or [true,
	//		false]. Default is [true, false], (i.e. will match if the
	//		exponential part is present are not).
	//	eSigned: Boolean?|Array?
	//		The leading plus-or-minus sign on the exponent.  Can be true,
	//		false, or [true, false].  Default is [true, false], (i.e. will
	//		match if it is signed or unsigned).  flags in regexp.integer can be
	//		applied.
	this.places = places;
	this.decimal = decimal;
	this.fractional = fractional;
	this.exponent = exponent;
	this.eSigned = eSigned;

dojo.number._realNumberRegexp = function(/*dojo.number.__RealNumberRegexpFlags?*/flags){
	// summary:
	//		Builds a regular expression to match a real number in exponential
	//		notation

	// assign default values to missing parameters
	flags = flags || {};
	//TODO: use mixin instead?
	if(!("places" in flags)){ flags.places = Infinity; }
	if(typeof flags.decimal != "string"){ flags.decimal = "."; }
	if(!("fractional" in flags) || /^0/.test(flags.places)){ flags.fractional = [true, false]; }
	if(!("exponent" in flags)){ flags.exponent = [true, false]; }
	if(!("eSigned" in flags)){ flags.eSigned = [true, false]; }

	var integerRE = dojo.number._integerRegexp(flags),
		decimalRE = dojo.regexp.buildGroupRE(flags.fractional,
			var re = "";
			if(q && (flags.places!==0)){
				re = "\\" + flags.decimal;
				if(flags.places == Infinity){ 
					re = "(?:" + re + "\\d+)?"; 
					re += "\\d{" + flags.places + "}"; 
			return re;

	var exponentRE = dojo.regexp.buildGroupRE(flags.exponent,
			if(q){ return "([eE]" + dojo.number._integerRegexp({ signed: flags.eSigned}) + ")"; }
			return ""; 

	var realRE = integerRE + decimalRE;
	// allow for decimals without integers, e.g. .25
	if(decimalRE){realRE = "(?:(?:"+ realRE + ")|(?:" + decimalRE + "))";}
	return realRE + exponentRE; // String

dojo.number.__IntegerRegexpFlags = function(){
	//	signed: Boolean?
	//		The leading plus-or-minus sign. Can be true, false, or `[true,false]`.
	//		Default is `[true, false]`, (i.e. will match if it is signed
	//		or unsigned).
	//	separator: String?
	//		The character used as the thousands separator. Default is no
	//		separator. For more than one symbol use an array, e.g. `[",", ""]`,
	//		makes ',' optional.
	//	groupSize: Number?
	//		group size between separators
	//	groupSize2: Number?
	//		second grouping, where separators 2..n have a different interval than the first separator (for India)
	this.signed = signed;
	this.separator = separator;
	this.groupSize = groupSize;
	this.groupSize2 = groupSize2;

dojo.number._integerRegexp = function(/*dojo.number.__IntegerRegexpFlags?*/flags){
	// summary: 
	//		Builds a regular expression that matches an integer

	// assign default values to missing parameters
	flags = flags || {};
	if(!("signed" in flags)){ flags.signed = [true, false]; }
	if(!("separator" in flags)){
		flags.separator = "";
	}else if(!("groupSize" in flags)){
		flags.groupSize = 3;

	var signRE = dojo.regexp.buildGroupRE(flags.signed,
		function(q){ return q ? "[-+]" : ""; },

	var numberRE = dojo.regexp.buildGroupRE(flags.separator,
				return "(?:\\d+)";

			sep = dojo.regexp.escapeString(sep);
			if(sep == " "){ sep = "\\s"; }
			else if(sep == "\xa0"){ sep = "\\s\\xa0"; }

			var grp = flags.groupSize, grp2 = flags.groupSize2;
			//TODO: should we continue to enforce that numbers with separators begin with 1-9?  See #6933
				var grp2RE = "(?:0|[1-9]\\d{0," + (grp2-1) + "}(?:[" + sep + "]\\d{" + grp2 + "})*[" + sep + "]\\d{" + grp + "})";
				return ((grp-grp2) > 0) ? "(?:" + grp2RE + "|(?:0|[1-9]\\d{0," + (grp-1) + "}))" : grp2RE;
			return "(?:0|[1-9]\\d{0," + (grp-1) + "}(?:[" + sep + "]\\d{" + grp + "})*)";

	return signRE + numberRE; // String
