<?php require_once "functions.php"; define('EXPECTED_CONFIG_VERSION', 22); define('SCHEMA_VERSION', 84); if (!file_exists("config.php")) { print "<b>Fatal Error</b>: You forgot to copy <b>config.php-dist</b> to <b>config.php</b> and edit it.\n"; exit; } require_once "config.php"; require_once "sanity_config.php"; if (CONFIG_VERSION != EXPECTED_CONFIG_VERSION) { $err_msg = "config: your config file version is incorrect. See config.php-dist.\n"; } $purifier_cache_dir = CACHE_DIR . "/htmlpurifier"; if (!is_writable($purifier_cache_dir)) { $err_msg = "config: HTMLPurifier cache directory should be writable by anyone (chmod -R 777 $purifier_cache_dir)"; } if (GENERATED_CONFIG_CHECK != EXPECTED_CONFIG_VERSION) { $err_msg = "config: your sanity_config.php is outdated, please recreate it using ./utils/regen_config_checks.sh"; } foreach ($requred_defines as $d) { if (!defined($d)) { $err_msg = "config: required constant $d is not defined. Please check config.php"; } } if (defined('RSS_BACKEND_TYPE')) { print "<b>Fatal error</b>: RSS_BACKEND_TYPE is deprecated. Please remove this option from config.php\n"; exit; } if (file_exists("xml-export.php") || file_exists("xml-import.php")) { print "<b>Fatal Error</b>: XML Import/Export tools (<b>xml-export.php</b> and <b>xml-import.php</b>) could be used maliciously. Please remove them from your TT-RSS instance.\n"; exit; } if (SINGLE_USER_MODE && DAEMON_UPDATE_LOGIN_LIMIT > 0) { print "<b>Fatal Error</b>: Please set DAEMON_UPDATE_LOGIN_LIMIT to 0 in single user mode.\n"; exit; } if (!defined('SESSION_EXPIRE_TIME')) { $err_msg = "config: SESSION_EXPIRE_TIME is undefined"; } if (SESSION_EXPIRE_TIME < 60) { $err_msg = "config: SESSION_EXPIRE_TIME is too low (less than 60)"; } if (SESSION_EXPIRE_TIME < SESSION_COOKIE_LIFETIME) { $err_msg = "config: SESSION_EXPIRE_TIME should be greater or equal to" . "SESSION_COOKIE_LIFETIME"; } /* if (defined('DISABLE_SESSIONS')) { $err_msg = "config: you have enabled DISABLE_SESSIONS. Please disable this option."; } */ if (DATABASE_BACKED_SESSIONS && SINGLE_USER_MODE) { $err_msg = "config: DATABASE_BACKED_SESSIONS is incompatible with SINGLE_USER_MODE"; } if (DATABASE_BACKED_SESSIONS && DB_TYPE == "mysql") { $err_msg = "config: DATABASE_BACKED_SESSIONS are currently broken with MySQL"; } if (SINGLE_USER_MODE) { $link = db_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME); if ($link) { $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_users WHERE id = 1"); if (db_num_rows($result) != 1) { $err_msg = "config: SINGLE_USER_MODE is enabled but default admin account (UID=1) is not found."; } } } if (defined('MAIL_FROM')) { $err_msg = "config: MAIL_FROM has been split into DIGEST_FROM_NAME and DIGEST_FROM_ADDRESS"; } if (!defined('COUNTERS_MAX_AGE')) { $err_msg = "config: option COUNTERS_MAX_AGE expected, but not defined"; } if (defined('DAEMON_REFRESH_ONLY')) { $err_msg = "config: option DAEMON_REFRESH_ONLY is obsolete. Please remove this option and read about other ways to update feeds on the <a href='http://tt-rss.org/wiki/UpdatingFeeds'>wiki</a>."; } if (defined('ENABLE_SIMPLEPIE')) { $err_msg = "config: ENABLE_SIMPLEPIE is obsolete and replaced with DEFAULT_UPDATE_METHOD. Please adjust your config.php."; } if (!defined('DEFAULT_UPDATE_METHOD') || (DEFAULT_UPDATE_METHOD != 0 && DEFAULT_UPDATE_METHOD != 1)) { $err_msg = "config: DEFAULT_UPDATE_METHOD should be either 0 or 1."; } if (!is_writable(ICONS_DIR)) { $err_msg = "config: your ICONS_DIR (" . ICONS_DIR . ") is not writable.\n"; } if (ini_get("open_basedir")) { $err_msg = "php.ini: open_basedir is not supported."; } if (!ini_get("allow_url_fopen")) { $err_msg = "php.ini: allow_url_fopen is required."; } if (!function_exists("json_encode")) { $err_msg = "PHP: json functions not found."; } if (DB_TYPE == "mysql" && !function_exists("mysql_connect")) { $err_msg = "PHP: MySQL functions not found."; } if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql" && !function_exists("pg_connect")) { $err_msg = "PHP: PostgreSQL functions not found."; } if (!function_exists("mb_strlen")) { $err_msg = "PHP: mbstring functions not found."; } if (ini_get("safe_mode")) { $err_msg = "php.ini: Safe mode is not supported. If you wish to continue, remove this test from sanity_check.php and proceeed at your own risk. Please note that your bug reports will not be accepted or reviewed."; } if (PUBSUBHUBBUB_HUB && !function_exists("curl_init")) { $err_msg = "PUBSUBHUBBUB_HUB is defined, but CURL functions are not found. CURL is required for PubSubHubbub support."; } if (!class_exists("DOMDocument")) { $err_msg = "PHP: DOMDocument extension not found."; } if (!ISCONFIGURED) { $err_msg = "config: please read config.php completely."; } if ($err_msg) { print "<b>Fatal Error</b>: $err_msg\n"; exit; } ?>