<?php class Flattr extends Plugin { private $link; private $host; function init($host) { $this->link = $host->get_link(); $this->host = $host; $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_ARTICLE_BUTTON, $this); } function about() { return array(1.1, "Share articles on Flattr (if they exist in their catalogue)", "F. Eitel, N. Honing"); } function hook_article_button($line) { $rv = ""; $article_link = $line['link']; if ($article_link) { $encoded = urlencode($article_link); $r = file_get_contents("https://api.flattr.com/rest/v2/things/lookup/?url=$encoded"); $response = json_decode($r, true); $image = "<img src=\"".theme_image($this->link, 'plugins/flattr/flattr.png')."\" class='tagsPic' style=\"cursor : pointer\" title='".__('Flattr this article.')."'>"; // if Flattr has it in the catalogue, we display the button if ($response and array_key_exists('link', $response)) { $rv = "<a id='flattr' target='_blank' href='" . $response['link'] . "'> . $image . </a>"; } else { // We can't submit a thing to the catalogue without giving a Flattr user id (who would be the owner) // see http://developers.flattr.net/auto-submit //$rv = "<a id='flattr' href='https://flattr.com/submit/auto?url=" . $encoded . "'>" . $image . "</a>"; $rv = ''; // Another useful thing would be any rel=payment link (which would have the user id as well), // but tt-rss is not checking that (yet), I believe. See http://developers.flattr.net/feed } } return $rv; } } ?>