if ($subop == "ForceUpdate" && sprintf("%d", $feed) > 0) {
update_generic_feed($link, $feed, $cat_view);
if ($subop == "MarkAllRead") {
catchup_feed($link, $feed, $cat_view);
$search = db_escape_string($_GET["search"]);
$search_mode = db_escape_string($_GET["smode"]);
if ($search) {
$search_query_part = "(upper(ttrss_entries.title) LIKE upper('%$search%')
OR ttrss_entries.content LIKE '%$search%') AND";
} else {
$search_query_part = "";
$view_query_part = "";
if ($view_mode == "Adaptive") {
if ($search) {
$view_query_part = " ";
} else if ($feed != -1) {
$unread = getFeedUnread($link, $feed);
if ($unread > 0) {
$view_query_part = " unread = true AND ";
if ($view_mode == "Starred") {
$view_query_part = " marked = true AND ";
if ($view_mode == "Unread") {
$view_query_part = " unread = true AND ";
if ($limit && $limit != "All") {
$limit_query_part = "LIMIT " . $limit;
$vfeed_query_part = "";
// override query strategy and enable feed display when searching globally
if ($search && $search_mode == "All feeds") {
$query_strategy_part = "ttrss_entries.id > 0";
$vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,";
} else if (preg_match("/^-?[0-9][0-9]*$/", $feed) == false) {
$query_strategy_part = "ttrss_entries.id > 0";
$vfeed_query_part = "(SELECT title FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE
id = feed_id) as feed_title,";
} else if ($feed >= 0 && $search && $search_mode == "This category") {
$vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,";
$tmp_result = db_query($link, "SELECT id
FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE cat_id =
(SELECT cat_id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed') AND id != '$feed'");
$cat_siblings = array();
if (db_num_rows($tmp_result) > 0) {
while ($p = db_fetch_assoc($tmp_result)) {
array_push($cat_siblings, "feed_id = " . $p["id"]);
$query_strategy_part = sprintf("(feed_id = %d OR %s)",
$feed, implode(" OR ", $cat_siblings));
} else {
$query_strategy_part = "ttrss_entries.id > 0";
} else if ($feed >= 0) {
if ($cat_view) {
if ($feed > 0) {
$query_strategy_part = "cat_id = '$feed'";
} else {
$query_strategy_part = "cat_id IS NULL";
$vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,";
} else {
$tmp_result = db_query($link, "SELECT id
FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE parent_feed = '$feed'
ORDER BY cat_id,title");
$parent_ids = array();
if (db_num_rows($tmp_result) > 0) {
while ($p = db_fetch_assoc($tmp_result)) {
array_push($parent_ids, "feed_id = " . $p["id"]);
$query_strategy_part = sprintf("(feed_id = %d OR %s)",
$feed, implode(" OR ", $parent_ids));
$vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,";
} else {
$query_strategy_part = "feed_id = '$feed'";
} else if ($feed == -1) { // starred virtual feed
$query_strategy_part = "marked = true";
$vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,";
} else if ($feed <= -10) { // labels
$label_id = -$feed - 11;
$tmp_result = db_query($link, "SELECT sql_exp FROM ttrss_labels
WHERE id = '$label_id'");
$query_strategy_part = db_fetch_result($tmp_result, 0, "sql_exp");
$vfeed_query_part = "ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title,";
} else {
$query_strategy_part = "id > 0"; // dumb
$order_by = "updated DESC";
// if ($feed < -10) {
// $order_by = "feed_id,updated DESC";
// }
$feed_title = "";
if ($search && $search_mode == "All feeds") {
$feed_title = "Global search results ($search)";
} else if ($search && preg_match('/^-?[0-9][0-9]*$/', $feed) == false) {
$feed_title = "Feed search results ($search, $feed)";
} else if (preg_match('/^-?[0-9][0-9]*$/', $feed) == false) {
$feed_title = $feed;
} else if (preg_match('/^-?[0-9][0-9]*$/', $feed) != false && $feed >= 0) {
if ($cat_view) {
if ($feed != 0) {
$result = db_query($link, "SELECT title FROM ttrss_feed_categories
WHERE id = '$feed' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
$feed_title = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "title");
} else {
$feed_title = "Uncategorized";
} else {
$result = db_query($link, "SELECT title,site_url,last_error FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE id = '$feed' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
$feed_title = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "title");
$feed_site_url = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "site_url");
$last_error = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "last_error");
} else if ($feed == -1) {
$feed_title = "Starred articles";
} else if ($feed < -10) {
$label_id = -$feed - 11;
$result = db_query($link, "SELECT description FROM ttrss_labels
WHERE id = '$label_id'");
$feed_title = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "description");
} else {
$feed_title = "?";
if ($feed < -10) error_reporting (0);
if (preg_match("/^-?[0-9][0-9]*$/", $feed) != false) {
if ($feed >= 0) {
$feed_kind = "Feeds";
} else {
$feed_kind = "Labels";
$query = "SELECT
SUBSTRING(updated,1,16) as updated,
SUBSTRING(last_read,1,19) as last_read_noms,
SUBSTRING(updated,1,19) as updated_noms
ttrss_user_entries.feed_id = ttrss_feeds.id AND
ttrss_user_entries.ref_id = ttrss_entries.id AND
ttrss_user_entries.owner_uid = '".$_SESSION["uid"]."' AND
$query_strategy_part ORDER BY $order_by
$result = db_query($link, $query);
if ($_GET["debug"]) print $query;
} else {
// browsing by tag
$feed_kind = "Tags";
$result = db_query($link, "SELECT
ttrss_entries.id as id,title,
SUBSTRING(updated,1,16) as updated,
SUBSTRING(last_read,1,19) as last_read_noms,
SUBSTRING(updated,1,19) as updated_noms
ref_id = ttrss_entries.id AND
ttrss_user_entries.owner_uid = '".$_SESSION["uid"]."' AND
post_int_id = int_id AND tag_name = '$feed' AND
$query_strategy_part ORDER BY $order_by
if (!$result) {
print "
Could not display feed (query failed). Please check label match syntax or local configuration.
print "
if (!$cat_view && file_exists("../icons/$feed.ico") && filesize("../icons/$feed.ico") > 0) {
print "
print "$feed_title
print "Back, ";
print "Update, ";
print "Mark as read";
print ")";
print "
if (db_num_rows($result) > 0) {
print "
$lnum = 0;
error_reporting (DEFAULT_ERROR_LEVEL);
$num_unread = 0;
while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$class = ($lnum % 2) ? "even" : "odd";
$id = $line["id"];
$feed_id = $line["feed_id"];
if ($line["last_read"] == "" &&
($line["unread"] != "t" && $line["unread"] != "1")) {
$update_pic = "
} else {
$update_pic = "
if ($line["unread"] == "t" || $line["unread"] == "1") {
$class .= "Unread";
$is_unread = true;
} else {
$is_unread = false;
if ($line["marked"] == "t" || $line["marked"] == "1") {
$marked_pic = "
} else {
$marked_pic = "
$content_link = "" .
$line["title"] . "";
if (get_pref($link, 'HEADLINES_SMART_DATE')) {
$updated_fmt = smart_date_time(strtotime($line["updated"]));
} else {
$short_date = get_pref($link, 'SHORT_DATE_FORMAT');
$updated_fmt = date($short_date, strtotime($line["updated"]));
print "- ";
print "$marked_pic";
print $content_link;
if ($line["feed_title"]) {
print " (".
print " — $updated_fmt";
print "
print "
} else {
print "
No articles found.
function render_article($link) {
$id = db_escape_string($_GET["id"]);
$feed_id = db_escape_string($_GET["feed"]);
$result = db_query($link, "SELECT rtl_content FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE id = '$feed_id' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) {
$rtl_content = sql_bool_to_bool(db_fetch_result($result, 0, "rtl_content"));
} else {
$rtl_content = false;
if ($rtl_content) {
$rtl_tag = "dir=\"RTL\"";
$rtl_class = "RTL";
} else {
$rtl_tag = "";
$rtl_class = "";
$result = db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries
SET unread = false,last_read = NOW()
WHERE ref_id = '$id' AND feed_id = '$feed_id' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
$result = db_query($link, "SELECT title,link,content,feed_id,comments,int_id,
SUBSTRING(updated,1,16) as updated,
(SELECT icon_url FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = feed_id) as icon_url,
FROM ttrss_entries,ttrss_user_entries
WHERE id = '$id' AND ref_id = id");
if ($result) {
$line = db_fetch_assoc($result);
$num_comments = $line["num_comments"];
$entry_comments = "";
if ($num_comments > 0) {
if ($line["comments"]) {
$comments_url = $line["comments"];
} else {
$comments_url = $line["link"];
$entry_comments = "
$num_comments comments";
} else {
if ($line["comments"] && $line["link"] != $line["comments"]) {
$entry_comments = "
$tmp_result = db_query($link, "SELECT DISTINCT tag_name FROM
ttrss_tags WHERE post_int_id = " . $line["int_id"] . "
ORDER BY tag_name");
$tags_str = "";
$f_tags_str = "";
$num_tags = 0;
while ($tmp_line = db_fetch_assoc($tmp_result)) {
$tag = $tmp_line["tag_name"];
$tag_str = "
$tag, ";
$tags_str .= $tag_str;
$tags_str = preg_replace("/, $/", "", $tags_str);
$parsed_updated = date(get_pref($link, 'SHORT_DATE_FORMAT'),
print "
if (file_exists("../icons/$feed_id.ico") && filesize("../icons/$feed_id.ico") > 0) {
print "
$feed_link = "
print truncate_string($line["title"], 30);
print "
$parsed_updated ($feed_link)";
print "
if ($num_tags > 0) {
print "
Tags: $tags_str
print $line["content"];
print "