<?php /** * Tiny Tiny RSS plugin for LDAP authentication * @author hydrian (ben.tyger@tygerclan.net) * @copyright GPL2 * Requires php-ldap and PEAR Net::LDAP2 */ /** * Configuration * Put the following options in config.php and customize them for your environment * * define('LDAP_AUTH_SERVER_URI, 'ldaps://LDAPServerHostname:port/'); * define('LDAP_AUTH_USETLS, FALSE); // Enable TLS Support for ldaps:// * define('LDAP_AUTH_ALLOW_UNTRUSTED_CERT', TRUE); // Allows untrusted certificate * define('LDAP_AUTH_BINDDN', 'cn=serviceaccount,dc=example,dc=com'); * define('LDAP_AUTH_BINDPW', 'ServiceAccountsPassword'); * define('LDAP_AUTH_BASEDN', 'dc=example,dc=com'); * // ??? will be replaced with the entered username(escaped) at login * define('LDAP_AUTH_SEARCHFILTER', '(&(objectClass=person)(uid=???))'); */ /** * Notes - * LDAP search does not support follow ldap referals. Referals are disabled to * allow proper login. This is particular to Active Directory. * * Also group membership can be supported if the user object contains the * the group membership via attributes. The following LDAP servers can * support this. * * Active Directory * * OpenLDAP support with MemberOf Overlay * */ class Auth_Ldap extends Plugin implements IAuthModule { private $link; private $host; private $base; function about() { return array(0.01, "Authenticates against an LDAP server (configured in config.php)", "hydrian", true); } function init($host) { $this->link = $host->get_link(); $this->host = $host; $this->base = new Auth_Base($this->link); $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_AUTH_USER, $this); } private function _log($msg) { trigger_error($msg, E_USER_WARN); } function authenticate($login, $password) { if ($login && $password) { if (!function_exists('ldap_connect')) { trigger_error('auth_ldap requires PHP\'s PECL LDAP package installed.'); return FALSE; } if (!require_once('Net/LDAP2.php')) { trigger_error('auth_ldap requires the PEAR package Net::LDAP2'); return FALSE; } $parsedURI=parse_url(LDAP_AUTH_SERVER_URI); if ($parsedURI === FALSE) { $this->_log('Could not parse LDAP_AUTH_SERVER_URI in config.php'); return FALSE; } $ldapConnParams=array( 'host'=>$parsedURI['scheme'].'://'.$parsedURI['host'], 'basedn'=>LDAP_AUTH_BASEDN, 'options' => array('LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS' => 0) ); $ldapConnParams['starttls']= defined('LDAP_AUTH_USETLS') ? LDAP_AUTH_USETLS : FALSE; if (is_int($parsedURI['port'])) { $ldapConnParams['port']=$parsedURI['port']; } // Making connection to LDAP server if (LDAP_AUTH_ALLOW_UNTRUSTED_CERT === TRUE) { putenv('LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never'); } $ldapConn = Net_LDAP2::connect($ldapConnParams); if (Net_LDAP2::isError($ldapConn)) { $this->_log('Could not connect to LDAP Server: '.$ldapConn->getMessage()); return FALSE; } // Bind with service account $binding=$ldapConn->bind(LDAP_AUTH_BINDDN, LDAP_AUTH_BINDPW); if (Net_LDAP2::isError($binding)) { $this->_log('Cound not bind service account: '.$binding->getMessage()); return FALSE; } //Searching for user $completedSearchFiler=str_replace('???',$login,LDAP_AUTH_SEARCHFILTER); $filterObj=Net_LDAP2_Filter::parse($completedSearchFiler); $searchResults=$ldapConn->search(LDAP_AUTH_BASEDN, $filterObj); if (Net_LDAP2::isError($searchResults)) { $this->_log('LDAP Search Failed: '.$searchResults->getMessage()); return FALSE; } elseif ($searchResults->count() === 0) { return FALSE; } elseif ($searchResults->count() > 1 ) { $this->_log('Multiple DNs found for username '.$login); return FALSE; } //Getting user's DN from search $userEntry=$searchResults->shiftEntry(); $userDN=$userEntry->dn(); //Binding with user's DN. $loginAttempt=$ldapConn->bind($userDN, $password); $ldapConn->disconnect(); if ($loginAttempt === TRUE) { return $this->base->auto_create_user($login); } elseif ($loginAttempt->getCode() == 49) { return FALSE; } else { $this->_log('Unknown Error: Code: '.$loginAttempt->getCode(). ' Message: '.$loginAttempt->getMessage()); return FALSE; } } return false; } } ?>