<?php class Counters { static function getAllCounters() { $data = Counters::getGlobalCounters(); $data = array_merge($data, Counters::getVirtCounters()); $data = array_merge($data, Counters::getLabelCounters()); $data = array_merge($data, Counters::getFeedCounters()); $data = array_merge($data, Counters::getCategoryCounters()); return $data; } static private function getCategoryChildrenCounters($cat_id, $owner_uid) { $pdo = Db::pdo(); $sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM ttrss_feed_categories WHERE parent_cat = ? AND owner_uid = ?"); $sth->execute([$cat_id, $owner_uid]); $unread = 0; $marked = 0; while ($line = $sth->fetch()) { list ($tmp_unread, $tmp_marked) = Counters::getCategoryChildrenCounters($line["id"], $owner_uid); $unread += $tmp_unread + Feeds::getCategoryUnread($line["id"], $owner_uid); $marked += $tmp_marked + Feeds::getCategoryMarked($line["id"], $owner_uid); } return [$unread, $marked]; } static function getCategoryCounters() { $ret = []; /* Labels category */ $cv = array("id" => -2, "kind" => "cat", "counter" => Feeds::getCategoryUnread(-2)); array_push($ret, $cv); $pdo = DB::pdo(); $sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT fc.id, SUM(CASE WHEN unread THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS count, SUM(CASE WHEN marked THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS count_marked, (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ttrss_feed_categories fcc WHERE fcc.parent_cat = fc.id) AS num_children FROM ttrss_feed_categories fc LEFT JOIN ttrss_feeds f ON (f.cat_id = fc.id) LEFT JOIN ttrss_user_entries ue ON (ue.feed_id = f.id) WHERE fc.owner_uid = :uid GROUP BY fc.id UNION SELECT 0, SUM(CASE WHEN unread THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS count, SUM(CASE WHEN marked THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS count_marked, 0 FROM ttrss_feeds f, ttrss_user_entries ue WHERE f.cat_id IS NULL AND ue.feed_id = f.id AND ue.owner_uid = :uid"); $sth->execute(["uid" => $_SESSION['uid']]); while ($line = $sth->fetch()) { if ($line["num_children"] > 0) { list ($child_counter, $child_marked_counter) = Counters::getCategoryChildrenCounters($line["id"], $_SESSION["uid"]); } else { $child_counter = 0; $child_marked_counter = 0; } $cv = [ "id" => (int)$line["id"], "kind" => "cat", "markedcounter" => (int) $line["count_marked"] + $child_marked_counter, "counter" => (int) $line["count"] + $child_counter ]; array_push($ret, $cv); } array_push($ret, $cv); return $ret; } static function getFeedCounters($active_feed = false) { $ret = []; $pdo = Db::pdo(); $sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT f.id, f.title, ".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(f.last_updated,1,19) AS last_updated, f.last_error, SUM(CASE WHEN unread THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS count, SUM(CASE WHEN marked THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS count_marked FROM ttrss_feeds f, ttrss_user_entries ue WHERE f.id = ue.feed_id AND ue.owner_uid = :uid GROUP BY f.id"); $sth->execute(["uid" => $_SESSION['uid']]); while ($line = $sth->fetch()) { $id = $line["id"]; $last_error = htmlspecialchars($line["last_error"]); $last_updated = make_local_datetime($line['last_updated'], false); if (Feeds::feedHasIcon($id)) { $has_img = filemtime(Feeds::getIconFile($id)); } else { $has_img = false; } if (date('Y') - date('Y', strtotime($line['last_updated'])) > 2) $last_updated = ''; $cv = [ "id" => $id, "updated" => $last_updated, "counter" => (int) $line["count"], "markedcounter" => (int) $line["count_marked"], "has_img" => (int) $has_img ]; if ($last_error) $cv["error"] = $last_error; if ($active_feed && $id == $active_feed) $cv["title"] = truncate_string($line["title"], 30); array_push($ret, $cv); } return $ret; } static function getGlobalCounters($global_unread = -1) { $ret = []; if ($global_unread == -1) { $global_unread = Feeds::getGlobalUnread(); } $cv = [ "id" => "global-unread", "counter" => (int) $global_unread ]; array_push($ret, $cv); $pdo = Db::pdo(); $sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT COUNT(id) AS fn FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE owner_uid = ?"); $sth->execute([$_SESSION['uid']]); $row = $sth->fetch(); $subscribed_feeds = $row["fn"]; $cv = [ "id" => "subscribed-feeds", "counter" => (int) $subscribed_feeds ]; array_push($ret, $cv); return $ret; } static function getVirtCounters() { $ret = []; for ($i = 0; $i >= -4; $i--) { $count = getFeedUnread($i); if ($i == 0 || $i == -1 || $i == -2) $auxctr = Feeds::getFeedArticles($i, false); else $auxctr = 0; $cv = [ "id" => $i, "counter" => (int) $count, "auxcounter" => (int) $auxctr ]; if ($i == -1) $cv["markedcounter"] = $auxctr; array_push($ret, $cv); } $feeds = PluginHost::getInstance()->get_feeds(-1); if (is_array($feeds)) { foreach ($feeds as $feed) { $cv = [ "id" => PluginHost::pfeed_to_feed_id($feed['id']), "counter" => $feed['sender']->get_unread($feed['id']) ]; if (method_exists($feed['sender'], 'get_total')) $cv["auxcounter"] = $feed['sender']->get_total($feed['id']); array_push($ret, $cv); } } return $ret; } static function getLabelCounters($descriptions = false) { $ret = []; $pdo = Db::pdo(); $sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT id, caption, SUM(CASE WHEN u1.unread = true THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS count_unread, SUM(CASE WHEN u1.marked = true THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS count_marked, COUNT(u1.unread) AS total FROM ttrss_labels2 LEFT JOIN ttrss_user_labels2 ON (ttrss_labels2.id = label_id) LEFT JOIN ttrss_user_entries AS u1 ON u1.ref_id = article_id WHERE ttrss_labels2.owner_uid = :uid AND u1.owner_uid = :uid GROUP BY ttrss_labels2.id, ttrss_labels2.caption"); $sth->execute([":uid" => $_SESSION['uid']]); while ($line = $sth->fetch()) { $id = Labels::label_to_feed_id($line["id"]); $cv = [ "id" => $id, "counter" => (int) $line["count_unread"], "auxcounter" => (int) $line["total"], "markedcounter" => (int) $line["count_marked"] ]; if ($descriptions) $cv["description"] = $line["caption"]; array_push($ret, $cv); } return $ret; } }