class PluginHost {
	private $pdo;
	/* separate handle for plugin data so transaction while saving wouldn't clash with possible main
		tt-rss code transactions; only initialized when first needed */
	private $pdo_data;
	private $hooks = array();
	private $plugins = array();
	private $handlers = array();
	private $commands = array();
	private $storage = array();
	private $feeds = array();
	private $api_methods = array();
	private $plugin_actions = array();
	private $owner_uid;
	private $last_registered;
	private $data_loaded;
	private static $instance;

	const API_VERSION = 2;

	// Hooks marked with *1 are run in global context and available
	// to plugins loaded in config.php only

	const HOOK_ARTICLE_BUTTON = "hook_article_button";											// hook_article_button($line)
	const HOOK_ARTICLE_FILTER = "hook_article_filter";											// hook_article_filter($article)
	const HOOK_PREFS_TAB = "hook_prefs_tab";														// hook_prefs_tab($tab)
	const HOOK_PREFS_TAB_SECTION = "hook_prefs_tab_section";									// hook_prefs_tab_section($section)
	const HOOK_PREFS_TABS = "hook_prefs_tabs";													// hook_prefs_tabs()
	const HOOK_FEED_PARSED = "hook_feed_parsed";													// hook_feed_parsed($parser, $feed_id)
	const HOOK_UPDATE_TASK = "hook_update_task"; //*1											// GLOBAL: hook_update_task($cli_options)
	const HOOK_AUTH_USER = "hook_auth_user";														// hook_auth_user($login, $password, $service) (byref)
	const HOOK_HOTKEY_MAP = "hook_hotkey_map";													// hook_hotkey_map($hotkeys) (byref)
	const HOOK_RENDER_ARTICLE = "hook_render_article";											//	hook_render_article($article)
	const HOOK_RENDER_ARTICLE_CDM = "hook_render_article_cdm";								// hook_render_article_cdm($article)
	const HOOK_FEED_FETCHED = "hook_feed_fetched";												// hook_feed_fetched($feed_data, $fetch_url, $owner_uid, $feed) (byref)
	const HOOK_SANITIZE = "hook_sanitize";															//	hook_sanitize($doc, $site_url, $allowed_elements, $disallowed_attributes, $article_id) (byref)
	const HOOK_RENDER_ARTICLE_API = "hook_render_article_api";								// hook_render_article_api($params)
	const HOOK_TOOLBAR_BUTTON = "hook_toolbar_button";											// hook_toolbar_button()
	const HOOK_ACTION_ITEM = "hook_action_item";													// hook_action_item()
	const HOOK_HEADLINE_TOOLBAR_BUTTON = "hook_headline_toolbar_button";					// hook_headline_toolbar_button($feed_id, $is_cat)
	const HOOK_HOTKEY_INFO = "hook_hotkey_info";													// hook_hotkey_info($hotkeys) (byref)
	const HOOK_ARTICLE_LEFT_BUTTON = "hook_article_left_button";							// hook_article_left_button($row)
	const HOOK_PREFS_EDIT_FEED = "hook_prefs_edit_feed";										// hook_prefs_edit_feed($feed_id)
	const HOOK_PREFS_SAVE_FEED = "hook_prefs_save_feed";										// hook_prefs_save_feed($feed_id)
	const HOOK_FETCH_FEED = "hook_fetch_feed";													// hook_fetch_feed($feed_data, $fetch_url, $owner_uid, $feed, $last_article_timestamp, $auth_login, $auth_pass) (byref)
	const HOOK_QUERY_HEADLINES = "hook_query_headlines";										// hook_query_headlines($row) (byref)
	const HOOK_HOUSE_KEEPING = "hook_house_keeping"; //*1										// GLOBAL: hook_house_keeping()
	const HOOK_SEARCH = "hook_search";																// hook_search($query)
	const HOOK_FORMAT_ENCLOSURES = "hook_format_enclosures";									// hook_format_enclosures($rv, $result, $id, $always_display_enclosures, $article_content, $hide_images) (byref)
	const HOOK_SUBSCRIBE_FEED = "hook_subscribe_feed";											// hook_subscribe_feed($contents, $url, $auth_login, $auth_pass) (byref)
	const HOOK_HEADLINES_BEFORE = "hook_headlines_before";									// hook_headlines_before($feed, $is_cat, $qfh_ret)
	const HOOK_RENDER_ENCLOSURE = "hook_render_enclosure";									// hook_render_enclosure($entry, $hide_images)
	const HOOK_ARTICLE_FILTER_ACTION = "hook_article_filter_action";						// hook_article_filter_action($article, $action)
	const HOOK_ARTICLE_EXPORT_FEED = "hook_article_export_feed";							// hook_article_export_feed($line, $feed, $is_cat, $owner_uid) (byref)
	const HOOK_MAIN_TOOLBAR_BUTTON = "hook_main_toolbar_button";							// hook_main_toolbar_button()
	const HOOK_ENCLOSURE_ENTRY = "hook_enclosure_entry";										// hook_enclosure_entry($row, $id) (byref)
	const HOOK_FORMAT_ARTICLE = "hook_format_article";											// hook_format_article($html, $row)
	const HOOK_FORMAT_ARTICLE_CDM = "hook_format_article_cdm"; /* RIP */
	const HOOK_FEED_BASIC_INFO = "hook_feed_basic_info";										// hook_feed_basic_info($basic_info, $fetch_url, $owner_uid, $feed_id, $auth_login, $auth_pass) (byref)
	const HOOK_SEND_LOCAL_FILE = "hook_send_local_file";										// hook_send_local_file($filename)
	const HOOK_UNSUBSCRIBE_FEED = "hook_unsubscribe_feed";									// hook_unsubscribe_feed($feed_id, $owner_uid)
	const HOOK_SEND_MAIL = "hook_send_mail";														// hook_send_mail($mailer, $params)
	const HOOK_FILTER_TRIGGERED = "hook_filter_triggered";									// hook_filter_triggered($feed_id, $owner_uid, $article, $matched_filters, $matched_rules, $article_filters)
	const HOOK_GET_FULL_TEXT = "hook_get_full_text";											// hook_get_full_text($url)
	const HOOK_ARTICLE_IMAGE = "hook_article_image";											// hook_article_image($enclosures, $content, $site_url)
	const HOOK_FEED_TREE = "hook_feed_tree";														// hook_feed_tree()
	const HOOK_IFRAME_WHITELISTED = "hook_iframe_whitelisted";								// hook_iframe_whitelisted($url)
	const HOOK_ENCLOSURE_IMPORTED = "hook_enclosure_imported";								// hook_enclosure_imported($enclosure, $feed)
	const HOOK_HEADLINES_CUSTOM_SORT_MAP = "hook_headlines_custom_sort_map";			// hook_headlines_custom_sort_map()
	const HOOK_HEADLINES_CUSTOM_SORT_OVERRIDE = "hook_headlines_custom_sort_override";
																												// hook_headlines_custom_sort_override($order)
	const HOOK_HEADLINE_TOOLBAR_SELECT_MENU_ITEM = "hook_headline_toolbar_select_menu_item";
																												// hook_headline_toolbar_select_menu_item($feed_id, $is_cat)

	const KIND_ALL = 1;
	const KIND_SYSTEM = 2;
	const KIND_USER = 3;

	static function object_to_domain(Plugin $plugin) {
		return strtolower(get_class($plugin));

	function __construct() {
		$this->pdo = Db::pdo();
		$this->storage = array();

	private function __clone() {

	public static function getInstance(): PluginHost {
		if (self::$instance == null)
			self::$instance = new self();

		return self::$instance;

	private function register_plugin(string $name, Plugin $plugin) {
		//array_push($this->plugins, $plugin);
		$this->plugins[$name] = $plugin;

	// needed for compatibility with API 1
	function get_link() {
		return false;

	function get_dbh() {
		return Db::get();

	function get_pdo(): PDO {
		return $this->pdo;

	function get_plugin_names() {
		$names = array();

		foreach ($this->plugins as $p) {
			array_push($names, get_class($p));

		return $names;

	function get_plugins() {
		return $this->plugins;

	function get_plugin(string $name) {
		return $this->plugins[strtolower($name)] ?? null;

	function run_hooks(string $hook, ...$args) {
		$method = strtolower($hook);

		foreach ($this->get_hooks($hook) as $plugin) {
			//Debug::log("invoking: " . get_class($plugin) . "->$hook()", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);

			try {
			} catch (Exception $ex) {
				user_error($ex, E_USER_WARNING);
			} catch (Error $err) {
				user_error($err, E_USER_WARNING);

	function run_hooks_until(string $hook, $check, ...$args) {
		$method = strtolower($hook);

		foreach ($this->get_hooks($hook) as $plugin) {
			try {
				$result = $plugin->$method(...$args);

				if ($result == $check)
					return true;

			} catch (Exception $ex) {
				user_error($ex, E_USER_WARNING);
			} catch (Error $err) {
				user_error($err, E_USER_WARNING);

		return false;

	function run_hooks_callback(string $hook, Closure $callback, ...$args) {
		$method = strtolower($hook);

		foreach ($this->get_hooks($hook) as $plugin) {
			//Debug::log("invoking: " . get_class($plugin) . "->$hook()", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);

			try {
				if ($callback($plugin->$method(...$args), $plugin))
			} catch (Exception $ex) {
				user_error($ex, E_USER_WARNING);
			} catch (Error $err) {
				user_error($err, E_USER_WARNING);

	function chain_hooks_callback(string $hook, Closure $callback, &...$args) {
		$method = strtolower($hook);

		foreach ($this->get_hooks($hook) as $plugin) {
			//Debug::log("invoking: " . get_class($plugin) . "->$hook()", Debug::$LOG_VERBOSE);

			try {
				if ($callback($plugin->$method(...$args), $plugin))
			} catch (Exception $ex) {
				user_error($ex, E_USER_WARNING);
			} catch (Error $err) {
				user_error($err, E_USER_WARNING);

	function add_hook(string $type, Plugin $sender, int $priority = 50) {
		$priority = (int) $priority;

		if (!method_exists($sender, strtolower($type))) {
				sprintf("Plugin %s tried to register a hook without implementation: %s",
					get_class($sender), $type),

		if (empty($this->hooks[$type])) {
			$this->hooks[$type] = [];

		if (empty($this->hooks[$type][$priority])) {
			$this->hooks[$type][$priority] = [];

		array_push($this->hooks[$type][$priority], $sender);

	function del_hook(string $type, Plugin $sender) {
		if (is_array($this->hooks[$type])) {
			foreach (array_keys($this->hooks[$type]) as $prio) {
				$key = array_search($sender, $this->hooks[$type][$prio]);

				if ($key !== false) {

	function get_hooks(string $type) {
		if (isset($this->hooks[$type])) {
			$tmp = [];

			foreach (array_keys($this->hooks[$type]) as $prio) {
				$tmp = array_merge($tmp, $this->hooks[$type][$prio]);

			return $tmp;
		} else {
			return [];
	function load_all(int $kind, int $owner_uid = null, bool $skip_init = false) {

		$plugins = array_merge(glob("plugins/*"), glob("plugins.local/*"));
		$plugins = array_filter($plugins, "is_dir");
		$plugins = array_map("basename", $plugins);


		$this->load(join(",", $plugins), $kind, $owner_uid, $skip_init);

	function load(string $classlist, int $kind, int $owner_uid = null, bool $skip_init = false) {
		$plugins = explode(",", $classlist);

		$this->owner_uid = (int) $owner_uid;

		foreach ($plugins as $class) {
			$class = trim($class);
			$class_file = strtolower(basename(clean($class)));

			if (!is_dir(__DIR__."/../plugins/$class_file") &&
					!is_dir(__DIR__."/../plugins.local/$class_file")) continue;

			// try system plugin directory first
			$file = __DIR__ . "/../plugins/$class_file/init.php";
			$vendor_dir = __DIR__ . "/../plugins/$class_file/vendor";

			if (!file_exists($file)) {
				$file = __DIR__ . "/../plugins.local/$class_file/init.php";
				$vendor_dir = __DIR__ . "/../plugins.local/$class_file/vendor";

			if (!isset($this->plugins[$class])) {
				try {
					if (file_exists($file)) require_once $file;
				} catch (Error $err) {
					user_error($err, E_USER_WARNING);

				if (class_exists($class) && is_subclass_of($class, "Plugin")) {

					// register plugin autoloader if necessary, for namespaced classes ONLY
					// layout corresponds to tt-rss main /vendor/author/Package/Class.php

					if (file_exists($vendor_dir)) {
						spl_autoload_register(function($class) use ($vendor_dir) {

							if (strpos($class, '\\') !== false) {
								list ($namespace, $class_name) = explode('\\', $class, 2);

								if ($namespace && $class_name) {
									$class_file = "$vendor_dir/$namespace/" . str_replace('\\', '/', $class_name) . ".php";

									if (file_exists($class_file))
										require_once $class_file;

					$plugin = new $class($this);

					$plugin_api = $plugin->api_version();

					if ($plugin_api < self::API_VERSION) {
						user_error("Plugin $class is not compatible with current API version (need: " . self::API_VERSION . ", got: $plugin_api)", E_USER_WARNING);

					if (file_exists(dirname($file) . "/locale")) {
						_bindtextdomain($class, dirname($file) . "/locale");
						_bind_textdomain_codeset($class, "UTF-8");

					$this->last_registered = $class;

					try {
						switch ($kind) {
							case $this::KIND_SYSTEM:
								if ($this->is_system($plugin)) {
									if (!$skip_init) $plugin->init($this);
									$this->register_plugin($class, $plugin);
							case $this::KIND_USER:
								if (!$this->is_system($plugin)) {
									if (!$skip_init) $plugin->init($this);
									$this->register_plugin($class, $plugin);
							case $this::KIND_ALL:
								if (!$skip_init) $plugin->init($this);
								$this->register_plugin($class, $plugin);
					} catch (Exception $ex) {
						user_error($ex, E_USER_WARNING);
					} catch (Error $err) {
						user_error($err, E_USER_WARNING);


	function is_system(Plugin $plugin) {
		$about = $plugin->about();

		return $about[3] ?? false;

	// only system plugins are allowed to modify routing
	function add_handler(string $handler, $method, Plugin $sender) {
		$handler = str_replace("-", "_", strtolower($handler));
		$method = strtolower($method);

		if ($this->is_system($sender)) {
			if (!is_array($this->handlers[$handler])) {
				$this->handlers[$handler] = array();

			$this->handlers[$handler][$method] = $sender;

	function del_handler(string $handler, $method, Plugin $sender) {
		$handler = str_replace("-", "_", strtolower($handler));
		$method = strtolower($method);

		if ($this->is_system($sender)) {

	function lookup_handler($handler, $method) {
		$handler = str_replace("-", "_", strtolower($handler));
		$method = strtolower($method);

		if (isset($this->handlers[$handler])) {
			if (isset($this->handlers[$handler]["*"])) {
				return $this->handlers[$handler]["*"];
			} else {
				return $this->handlers[$handler][$method];

		return false;

	function add_command(string $command, string $description, Plugin $sender, string $suffix = "", string $arghelp = "") {
		$command = str_replace("-", "_", strtolower($command));

		$this->commands[$command] = array("description" => $description,
			"suffix" => $suffix,
			"arghelp" => $arghelp,
			"class" => $sender);

	function del_command(string $command) {
		$command = "-" . strtolower($command);


	function lookup_command($command) {
		$command = "-" . strtolower($command);

		if (is_array($this->commands[$command])) {
			return $this->commands[$command]["class"];
		} else {
			return false;

	function get_commands() {
		return $this->commands;

	function run_commands(array $args) {
		foreach ($this->get_commands() as $command => $data) {
			if (isset($args[$command])) {
				$command = str_replace("-", "", $command);

	private function load_data() {
		if ($this->owner_uid && !$this->data_loaded && get_schema_version() > 100)  {
			$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT name, content FROM ttrss_plugin_storage
				WHERE owner_uid = ?");

			while ($line = $sth->fetch()) {
				$this->storage[$line["name"]] = unserialize($line["content"]);

			$this->data_loaded = true;

	private function save_data(string $plugin) {
		if ($this->owner_uid) {

			if (!$this->pdo_data)
				$this->pdo_data = Db::instance()->pdo_connect();


			$sth = $this->pdo_data->prepare("SELECT id FROM ttrss_plugin_storage WHERE
				owner_uid= ? AND name = ?");
			$sth->execute([$this->owner_uid, $plugin]);

			if (!isset($this->storage[$plugin]))
				$this->storage[$plugin] = array();

			$content = serialize($this->storage[$plugin]);

			if ($sth->fetch()) {
				$sth = $this->pdo_data->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_plugin_storage SET content = ?
					WHERE owner_uid= ? AND name = ?");
				$sth->execute([$content, $this->owner_uid, $plugin]);

			} else {
				$sth = $this->pdo_data->prepare("INSERT INTO ttrss_plugin_storage
					(name,owner_uid,content) VALUES
					(?, ?, ?)");
				$sth->execute([$plugin, $this->owner_uid, $content]);


	function set(Plugin $sender, string $name, $value, bool $sync = true) {
		$idx = get_class($sender);

		if (!isset($this->storage[$idx]))
			$this->storage[$idx] = array();

		$this->storage[$idx][$name] = $value;

		if ($sync) $this->save_data(get_class($sender));

	function get(Plugin $sender, string $name, $default_value = false) {
		$idx = get_class($sender);


		if (isset($this->storage[$idx][$name])) {
			return $this->storage[$idx][$name];
		} else {
			return $default_value;

	function get_all($sender) {
		$idx = get_class($sender);

		return $this->storage[$idx] ?? [];

	function clear_data(Plugin $sender) {
		if ($this->owner_uid) {
			$idx = get_class($sender);


			$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("DELETE FROM ttrss_plugin_storage WHERE name = ?
				AND owner_uid = ?");
			$sth->execute([$idx, $this->owner_uid]);

	// Plugin feed functions are *EXPERIMENTAL*!

	// cat_id: only -1 is supported (Special)
	function add_feed(int $cat_id, string $title, string $icon, Plugin $sender) {

		if (empty($this->feeds[$cat_id]))
			$this->feeds[$cat_id] = [];

		$id = count($this->feeds[$cat_id]);

			['id' => $id, 'title' => $title, 'sender' => $sender, 'icon' => $icon]);

		return $id;

	function get_feeds(int $cat_id) {
		return $this->feeds[$cat_id] ?? [];

	// convert feed_id (e.g. -129) to pfeed_id first
	function get_feed_handler(int $pfeed_id) {
		foreach ($this->feeds as $cat) {
			foreach ($cat as $feed) {
				if ($feed['id'] == $pfeed_id) {
					return $feed['sender'];

	static function pfeed_to_feed_id(int $pfeed) {
		return PLUGIN_FEED_BASE_INDEX - 1 - abs($pfeed);

	static function feed_to_pfeed_id(int $feed) {
		return PLUGIN_FEED_BASE_INDEX - 1 + abs($feed);

	function add_api_method(string $name, Plugin $sender) {
		if ($this->is_system($sender)) {
			$this->api_methods[strtolower($name)] = $sender;

	function get_api_method(string $name) {
		return $this->api_methods[$name];

	function add_filter_action(Plugin $sender, string $action_name, string $action_desc) {
		$sender_class = get_class($sender);

		if (!isset($this->plugin_actions[$sender_class]))
			$this->plugin_actions[$sender_class] = array();

			array("action" => $action_name, "description" => $action_desc, "sender" => $sender));

	function get_filter_actions() {
		return $this->plugin_actions;

	function get_owner_uid() {
		return $this->owner_uid;

	// handled by classes/pluginhandler.php, requires valid session
	function get_method_url(Plugin $sender, string $method, $params)  {
		return get_self_url_prefix() . "/backend.php?" .
						"op" => "pluginhandler",
						"plugin" => strtolower(get_class($sender)),
						"method" => $method

	// WARNING: endpoint in public.php, exposed to unauthenticated users
	function get_public_method_url(Plugin $sender, string $method, $params)  {
		if ($sender->is_public_method($method)) {
			return get_self_url_prefix() . "/public.php?" .
							"op" => "pluginhandler",
							"plugin" => strtolower(get_class($sender)),
							"pmethod" => $method
		} else {
			user_error("get_public_method_url: requested method '$method' of '" . get_class($sender) . "' is private.");