'use strict'
/* global __, ngettext */
define(["dojo/_base/declare"], function (declare) {
	return declare("fox.AppBase", null, {
		_initParams: [],
		_rpc_seq: 0,
		hotkey_prefix: 0,
		hotkey_prefix_pressed: false,
		hotkey_prefix_timeout: 0,
		constructor: function() {
			window.onerror = this.Error.onWindowError;
		getInitParam: function(k) {
			return this._initParams[k];
		setInitParam: function(k, v) {
			this._initParams[k] = v;
		nightModeChanged: function(is_night, link) {
			console.log("night mode changed to", is_night);

			if (link) {
				const css_override = is_night ? "themes/night.css" : "themes/light.css";
				link.setAttribute("href", css_override + "?" + Date.now());
		setupNightModeDetection: function(callback) {
			if (!$("theme_css")) {
				const mql = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)');

				try {
					mql.addEventListener("change", () => {
						this.nightModeChanged(mql.matches, $("theme_auto_css"));
				} catch (e) {
					console.warn("exception while trying to set MQL event listener");

				const link = new Element("link", {
					rel: "stylesheet",
					id: "theme_auto_css"

				if (callback) {
                    link.onload = function () {

                    link.onerror = function(event) {
                        alert("Fatal error while loading application stylesheet: " + link.getAttribute("href"));

				this.nightModeChanged(mql.matches, link);

			} else {

				if (callback) callback();
		enableCsrfSupport: function() {
			Ajax.Base.prototype.initialize = Ajax.Base.prototype.initialize.wrap(
				function (callOriginal, options) {

					if (App.getInitParam("csrf_token") != undefined) {
						Object.extend(options, options || { });

						if (Object.isString(options.parameters))
							options.parameters = options.parameters.toQueryParams();
						else if (Object.isHash(options.parameters))
							options.parameters = options.parameters.toObject();

						options.parameters["csrf_token"] = App.getInitParam("csrf_token");

					return callOriginal(options);
		urlParam: function(param) {
			return String(window.location.href).parseQuery()[param];
		next_seq: function() {
			this._rpc_seq += 1;
			return this._rpc_seq;
		get_seq: function() {
			return this._rpc_seq;
		setLoadingProgress: function(p) {
			loading_progress += p;

			if (dijit.byId("loading_bar"))
				dijit.byId("loading_bar").update({progress: loading_progress});

			if (loading_progress >= 90) {

		keyeventToAction: function(event) {

			const hotkeys_map = App.getInitParam("hotkeys");
			const keycode = event.which;
			const keychar = String.fromCharCode(keycode);

			if (keycode == 27) { // escape and drop prefix
				this.hotkey_prefix = false;

			if (!this.hotkey_prefix && hotkeys_map[0].indexOf(keychar) != -1) {

				this.hotkey_prefix = keychar;
				$("cmdline").innerHTML = keychar;

				this.hotkey_prefix_timeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
					this.hotkey_prefix = false;
				}, 3 * 1000);


				return false;


			let hotkey_name = "";

			if (event.type == "keydown") {
				hotkey_name = "(" + keycode + ")";

				// ensure ^*char notation
				if (event.shiftKey) hotkey_name = "*" + hotkey_name;
				if (event.ctrlKey) hotkey_name = "^" + hotkey_name;
				if (event.altKey) hotkey_name = "+" + hotkey_name;
				if (event.metaKey) hotkey_name = "%" + hotkey_name;
			} else {
				hotkey_name = keychar ? keychar : "(" + keycode + ")";

			const hotkey_full = this.hotkey_prefix ? this.hotkey_prefix + " " + hotkey_name : hotkey_name;
			this.hotkey_prefix = false;

			let action_name = false;

			for (const sequence in hotkeys_map[1]) {
				if (hotkeys_map[1].hasOwnProperty(sequence)) {
					if (sequence == hotkey_full) {
						action_name = hotkeys_map[1][sequence];

			console.log('keyeventToAction', hotkey_full, '=>', action_name);

			return action_name;
		cleanupMemory: function(root) {
			const dijits = dojo.query("[widgetid]", dijit.byId(root).domNode).map(dijit.byNode);

			dijits.each(function (d) {

			$$("#" + root + " *").each(function (i) {
				i.parentNode ? i.parentNode.removeChild(i) : true;
		helpDialog: function(topic) {
			const query = "backend.php?op=backend&method=help&topic=" + encodeURIComponent(topic);

			if (dijit.byId("helpDlg"))

			const dialog = new dijit.Dialog({
				id: "helpDlg",
				title: __("Help"),
				style: "width: 600px",
				href: query,

		displayDlg: function(title, id, param, callback) {
			Notify.progress("Loading, please wait...", true);

			const query = {op: "dlg", method: id, param: param};

			xhrPost("backend.php", query, (transport) => {
				try {
					const content = transport.responseText;

					let dialog = dijit.byId("infoBox");

					if (!dialog) {
						dialog = new dijit.Dialog({
							title: title,
							id: 'infoBox',
							style: "width: 600px",
							onCancel: function () {
								return true;
							onExecute: function () {
								return true;
							onClose: function () {
								return true;
							content: content
					} else {
						dialog.attr('title', title);
						dialog.attr('content', content);



					if (callback) callback(transport);
				} catch (e) {

			return false;
		handleRpcJson: function(transport) {

			const netalert = $$("#toolbar .net-alert")[0];

			try {
				const reply = JSON.parse(transport.responseText);

				if (reply) {
					const error = reply['error'];

					if (error) {
						const code = error['code'];
						const msg = error['message'];

						console.warn("[handleRpcJson] received fatal error ", code, msg);

						if (code != 0) {
							/* global ERRORS */
							this.Error.fatal(ERRORS[code], {info: msg, code: code});
							return false;

					const seq = reply['seq'];

					if (seq && this.get_seq() != seq) {
						console.log("[handleRpcJson] sequence mismatch: ", seq, '!=', this.get_seq());
						return true;

					const message = reply['message'];

					if (message == "UPDATE_COUNTERS") {
						console.log("need to refresh counters...");

					const counters = reply['counters'];

					if (counters)

					const runtime_info = reply['runtime-info'];

					if (runtime_info)

					if (netalert) netalert.hide();

					return reply;

				} else {
					if (netalert) netalert.show();

					Notify.error("Communication problem with server.");

			} catch (e) {
				if (netalert) netalert.show();

				Notify.error("Communication problem with server.");


			return false;
		parseRuntimeInfo: function(data) {
			for (const k in data) {
				if (data.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
					const v = data[k];

					console.log("RI:", k, "=>", v);

					if (k == "daemon_is_running" && v != 1) {
						Notify.error("<span onclick=\"App.explainError(1)\">Update daemon is not running.</span>", true);

					if (k == "recent_log_events") {
						const alert = $$(".log-alert")[0];

						if (alert) {
							v > 0 ? alert.show() : alert.hide();

					if (k == "daemon_stamp_ok" && v != 1) {
						Notify.error("<span onclick=\"App.explainError(3)\">Update daemon is not updating feeds.</span>", true);

					if (k == "max_feed_id" || k == "num_feeds") {
						if (App.getInitParam(k) != v) {
							console.log("feed count changed, need to reload feedlist.");

					this.setInitParam(k, v);

			PluginHost.run(PluginHost.HOOK_RUNTIME_INFO_LOADED, data);
		backendSanityCallback: function (transport) {
			const reply = JSON.parse(transport.responseText);

			/* global ERRORS */

			if (!reply) {
				this.Error.fatal(ERRORS[3], {info: transport.responseText});

			if (reply['error']) {
				const code = reply['error']['code'];

				if (code && code != 0) {
					return this.Error.fatal(ERRORS[code],
						{code: code, info: reply['error']['message']});

			console.log("sanity check ok");

			const params = reply['init-params'];

			if (params) {
				console.log('reading init-params...');

				for (const k in params) {
					if (params.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
						switch (k) {
							case "label_base_index":
								LABEL_BASE_INDEX = parseInt(params[k]);
							case "cdm_auto_catchup":
								if (params[k] == 1) {
									const hl = $("headlines-frame");
									if (hl) hl.addClassName("auto_catchup");
							case "hotkeys":
								// filter mnemonic definitions (used for help panel) from hotkeys map
								// i.e. *(191)|Ctrl-/ -> *(191)

								const tmp = [];
								for (const sequence in params[k][1]) {
									if (params[k][1].hasOwnProperty(sequence)) {
										const filtered = sequence.replace(/\|.*$/, "");
										tmp[filtered] = params[k][1][sequence];

								params[k][1] = tmp;

						console.log("IP:", k, "=>", params[k]);
						this.setInitParam(k, params[k]);

				// PluginHost might not be available on non-index pages
				if (typeof PluginHost !== 'undefined')
					PluginHost.run(PluginHost.HOOK_PARAMS_LOADED, App._initParams);

		explainError: function(code) {
			return this.displayDlg(__("Error explained"), "explainError", code);
		Error: {
			fatal: function (error, params) {
				params = params || {};

				if (params.code) {
					if (params.code == 6) {
						window.location.href = "index.php";
					} else if (params.code == 5) {
						window.location.href = "public.php?op=dbupdate";

				return this.report(error,
					Object.extend({title: __("Fatal error")}, params));
			report: function(error, params) {
				params = params || {};

				if (!error) return;

				console.error("[Error.report]", error, params);

				const message = params.message ? params.message : error.toString();

				try {
						{op: "rpc", method: "log",
							file: params.filename ? params.filename : error.fileName,
							line: params.lineno ? params.lineno : error.lineNumber,
							msg: message,
							context: error.stack},
						(transport) => {
							console.warn("[Error.report] log response", transport.responseText);
				} catch (re) {
					console.error("[Error.report] exception while saving logging error on server", re);

				try {
					if (dijit.byId("exceptionDlg"))

					let stack_msg = "";

					if (error.stack)
						stack_msg += `<div><b>Stack trace:</b></div>
							<textarea name="stack" readonly="1">${error.stack}</textarea>`;

					if (params.info)
						stack_msg += `<div><b>Additional information:</b></div>
							<textarea name="stack" readonly="1">${params.info}</textarea>`;

					let content = `<div class="error-contents">
							<p class="message">${message}</p>
							<div class="dlgButtons">
								<button dojoType="dijit.form.Button"
									onclick=\"dijit.byId('exceptionDlg').hide()">${__('Close this window')}</button>

					const dialog = new dijit.Dialog({
						id: "exceptionDlg",
						title: params.title || __("Unhandled exception"),
						style: "width: 600px",
						content: content

				} catch (de) {
					console.error("[Error.report] exception while showing error dialog", de);

					alert(error.stack ? error.stack : message);

			onWindowError: function (message, filename, lineno, colno, error) {
				// called without context (this) from window.onerror
					{message: message, filename: filename, lineno: lineno, colno: colno});