packed headlines: no point in using JSON here

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Dolgov 2018-11-30 13:56:33 +03:00
parent 7673331850
commit b9585004e6
3 changed files with 12 additions and 82 deletions

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@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ class Feeds extends Handler_Protected {
$content_encoded = htmlspecialchars(json_encode($line["content"]));
$content_encoded = htmlspecialchars($line["content"]);
$tmp_content = "<div class=\"cdm expanded $hlc_suffix $class\"
id=\"RROW-$id\" data-content=\"$content_encoded\" data-article-id='$id' data-orig-feed-id='$feed_id' $mouseover_attrs>";

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@ -1424,85 +1424,21 @@ function get_timestamp() {
function helpDialog(topic) {
const query = "backend.php?op=backend&method=help&topic=" + param_escape(topic);
const query = "backend.php?op=backend&method=help&topic=" + param_escape(topic);
if (dijit.byId("helpDlg"))
if (dijit.byId("helpDlg"))
const dialog = new dijit.Dialog({
id: "helpDlg",
title: __("Help"),
style: "width: 600px",
href: query,
const dialog = new dijit.Dialog({
id: "helpDlg",
title: __("Help"),
style: "width: 600px",
href: query,
function htmlspecialchars_decode (string, quote_style) {
// + original by: Mirek Slugen
// + improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
// + bugfixed by: Mateusz "loonquawl" Zalega
// + input by: ReverseSyntax
// + input by: Slawomir Kaniecki
// + input by: Scott Cariss
// + input by: Francois
// + bugfixed by: Onno Marsman
// + revised by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
// + bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (
// + input by: Ratheous
// + input by: Mailfaker (
// + reimplemented by: Brett Zamir (
// + bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (
// * example 1: htmlspecialchars_decode("<p>this -&gt; &quot;</p>", 'ENT_NOQUOTES');
// * returns 1: '<p>this -> &quot;</p>'
// * example 2: htmlspecialchars_decode("&amp;quot;");
// * returns 2: '&quot;'
let optTemp = 0,
i = 0,
noquotes = false;
if (typeof quote_style === 'undefined') {
quote_style = 2;
string = string.toString().replace(/&lt;/g, '<').replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
const OPTS = {
if (quote_style === 0) {
noquotes = true;
if (typeof quote_style !== 'number') { // Allow for a single string or an array of string flags
quote_style = [].concat(quote_style);
for (i = 0; i < quote_style.length; i++) {
// Resolve string input to bitwise e.g. 'PATHINFO_EXTENSION' becomes 4
if (OPTS[quote_style[i]] === 0) {
noquotes = true;
} else if (OPTS[quote_style[i]]) {
optTemp = optTemp | OPTS[quote_style[i]];
quote_style = optTemp;
if (quote_style & OPTS.ENT_HTML_QUOTE_SINGLE) {
string = string.replace(/&#0*39;/g, "'"); // PHP doesn't currently escape if more than one 0, but it should
// string = string.replace(/&apos;|&#x0*27;/g, "'"); // This would also be useful here, but not a part of PHP
if (!noquotes) {
string = string.replace(/&quot;/g, '"');
// Put this in last place to avoid escape being double-decoded
string = string.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
return string;
function label_to_feed_id(label) {
return _label_base_index - 1 - Math.abs(label);

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@ -1013,13 +1013,7 @@ function unpackVisibleHeadlines() {
if (row.offsetTop <= $("headlines-frame").scrollTop + $("headlines-frame").offsetHeight) {
console.log("unpacking: " +;
let content;
try {
content = JSON.parse(row.getAttribute("data-content"));
} catch (e) {
content = "Error decoding content: " + row.getAttribute("data-content");
const content = row.getAttribute("data-content");".cdmContentInner")[0].innerHTML = content;