cleanup a bunch of old prefs code

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Dolgov 2021-02-25 14:25:37 +03:00
parent 7f18e8c33b
commit 6f02b1afd0
1 changed files with 0 additions and 75 deletions

View File

@ -565,20 +565,6 @@ class Pref_Prefs extends Handler_Protected {
$prefs_available = [];
/*$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT
FROM ttrss_prefs,ttrss_prefs_types,ttrss_prefs_sections,ttrss_user_prefs
WHERE type_id = AND
(profile = :profile OR (:profile IS NULL AND profile IS NULL)) AND
section_id = AND
ttrss_user_prefs.pref_name = ttrss_prefs.pref_name AND
owner_uid = :uid
ORDER BY ttrss_prefs_sections.order_id,pref_name");
$sth->execute([":uid" => $_SESSION['uid'], ":profile" => $profile]);*/
$listed_boolean_prefs = [];
foreach (Prefs::get_all($_SESSION["uid"], $profile) as $line) {
@ -1210,14 +1196,6 @@ class Pref_Prefs extends Handler_Protected {
$sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM ttrss_settings_profiles WHERE
title = ? AND owner_uid = ?");
$sth->execute([$title, $_SESSION['uid']]);
if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
$profile_id = $row['id'];
if ($profile_id) {
Pref_Prefs::_init_user_prefs($_SESSION["uid"], $profile_id);
@ -1358,57 +1336,4 @@ class Pref_Prefs extends Handler_Protected {
static function _init_user_prefs($uid, $profile = false) {
if (get_schema_version() < 63) $profile_qpart = "";
$pdo = Db::pdo();
$in_nested_tr = false;
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$in_nested_tr = true;
$sth = $pdo->query("SELECT pref_name,def_value FROM ttrss_prefs");
if (!is_numeric($profile) || !$profile || get_schema_version() < 63) $profile = null;
$u_sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT pref_name
FROM ttrss_user_prefs WHERE owner_uid = :uid AND
(profile = :profile OR (:profile IS NULL AND profile IS NULL))");
$u_sth->execute([':uid' => $uid, ':profile' => $profile]);
$active_prefs = array();
while ($line = $u_sth->fetch()) {
array_push($active_prefs, $line["pref_name"]);
while ($line = $sth->fetch()) {
if (array_search($line["pref_name"], $active_prefs) === false) {
// print "adding " . $line["pref_name"] . "<br>";
if (get_schema_version() < 63) {
$i_sth = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO ttrss_user_prefs
(owner_uid,pref_name,value) VALUES
(?, ?, ?)");
$i_sth->execute([$uid, $line["pref_name"], $line["def_value"]]);
} else {
$i_sth = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO ttrss_user_prefs
(owner_uid,pref_name,value, profile) VALUES
(?, ?, ?, ?)");
$i_sth->execute([$uid, $line["pref_name"], $line["def_value"], $profile]);
if (!$in_nested_tr) $pdo->commit();