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2015-07-06 20:02:21 +00:00
class Af_Readability extends Plugin {
private $host;
function about() {
return array(1.0,
"Try to inline article content using Readability",
function save() {
function init($host)
$this->host = $host;
$host->add_hook($host::HOOK_ARTICLE_FILTER, $this);
$host->add_hook($host::HOOK_PREFS_TAB, $this);
$host->add_hook($host::HOOK_PREFS_EDIT_FEED, $this);
$host->add_hook($host::HOOK_PREFS_SAVE_FEED, $this);
function hook_prefs_tab($args) {
if ($args != "prefFeeds") return;
print "<div dojoType=\"dijit.layout.AccordionPane\" title=\"".__('af_readability settings')."\">";
print_notice("Enable the plugin for specific feeds in the feed editor.");
$enabled_feeds = $this->host->get($this, "enabled_feeds");
if (!array($enabled_feeds)) $enabled_feeds = array();
$enabled_feeds = $this->filter_unknown_feeds($enabled_feeds);
$this->host->set($this, "enabled_feeds", $enabled_feeds);
if (count($enabled_feeds) > 0) {
print "<h3>" . __("Currently enabled for (click to edit):") . "</h3>";
print "<ul class=\"browseFeedList\" style=\"border-width : 1px\">";
foreach ($enabled_feeds as $f) {
print "<li>" .
"<img src='images/pub_set.png'
style='vertical-align : middle'> <a href='#'
getFeedTitle($f) . "</a></li>";
print "</ul>";
print "</div>";
function hook_prefs_edit_feed($feed_id) {
print "<div class=\"dlgSec\">".__("Readability")."</div>";
print "<div class=\"dlgSecCont\">";
$enabled_feeds = $this->host->get($this, "enabled_feeds");
if (!array($enabled_feeds)) $enabled_feeds = array();
$key = array_search($feed_id, $enabled_feeds);
$checked = $key !== FALSE ? "checked" : "";
print "<hr/><input dojoType=\"dijit.form.CheckBox\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"af_readability_enabled\"
$checked>&nbsp;<label for=\"af_readability_enabled\">".__('Inline article content')."</label>";
print "</div>";
function hook_prefs_save_feed($feed_id) {
$enabled_feeds = $this->host->get($this, "enabled_feeds");
if (!is_array($enabled_feeds)) $enabled_feeds = array();
$enable = checkbox_to_sql_bool($_POST["af_readability_enabled"]) == 'true';
$key = array_search($feed_id, $enabled_feeds);
if ($enable) {
if ($key === FALSE) {
array_push($enabled_feeds, $feed_id);
} else {
if ($key !== FALSE) {
$this->host->set($this, "enabled_feeds", $enabled_feeds);
function hook_article_filter($article) {
$enabled_feeds = $this->host->get($this, "enabled_feeds");
$key = array_search($article["feed"]["id"], $enabled_feeds);
if ($key === FALSE) return $article;
if (!class_exists("Readability")) require_once(__DIR__ . "/classes/Readability.php");
$tmp = fetch_file_contents($article["link"]);
if ($tmp) {
$r = new Readability($tmp, $article["link"]);
if ($r->init()) {
$tmpxpath = new DOMXPath($r->dom);
$entries = $tmpxpath->query('(//a[@href]|//img[@src])');
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
if ($entry->hasAttribute("href")) {
2015-07-06 20:38:02 +00:00
rewrite_relative_url($article["link"], $entry->getAttribute("href")));
if ($entry->hasAttribute("src")) {
2015-07-06 20:38:02 +00:00
rewrite_relative_url($article["link"], $entry->getAttribute("src")));
2015-07-06 20:02:21 +00:00
$article["content"] = $r->articleContent->innerHTML;
return $article;
function api_version() {
return 2;
private function filter_unknown_feeds($enabled_feeds) {
$tmp = array();
foreach ($enabled_feeds as $feed) {
$result = db_query("SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
if (db_num_rows($result) != 0) {
array_push($tmp, $feed);
return $tmp;