136 lines
3.8 KiB
136 lines
3.8 KiB
/* dijit/layout/* variables */
@import '../../variables';
/* BorderContainer*/
$bordercontainer-padding = $padding;
$bordercontainer-border-color = $border-color;
// splitter
$splitter-size = isEven($bordercontainer-padding) ? $bordercontainer-padding + 1 : $bordercontainer-padding; // the width of the splitter, will always be an odd number since the splitter bar's width is always 1px
$splitter-color = $border-color; // color of the splitter thumb (the 1px wide bar)
$splitter-hovered-color = darken($splitter-color, 25%);
$splitter-dragged-color = $splitter-hovered-color;
$splitter-background-color = none;
$splitter-hovered-background-color = darken(#fff, 5%);
$splitter-dragged-background-color = darken(#fff, 5%);
/* ContentPane */
$contentpane-padding = $padding * 2;
$contentpane-background-color = $theme-base-color;
// contentpane in other layout widgets (accordion and tab container)
$contentpane-nested-padding = $padding * 2;
$contentpane-nested-background-color = $theme-base-color;
/* TabContainer */
$tab-highlight-color = $theme-base;
$tab-padding = $padding;
$tab-checked-has-highlight-border = true; // whether to have a highlight bar on the edge of the tab
// TabContainer: wrapper
// (the outer container)
$tab-wrapper-background-color = $theme-base-color;
$tab-wrapper-border-color = $border-color;
$tab-wrapper-border-radius = $border-radius;
// tabs
$tab-background-color = $tab-wrapper-background-color;
$tab-border-color = transparent;
$tab-spacing = 0; // space between tabs
// hover
$tab-hover-background-color = darken($theme-base-color, 5%);
// active
$tab-active-background-color = darken($theme-base-color, 10%);
// checked
$tab-checked-border-color = $tab-wrapper-border-color;
$tab-checked-background-color = $tab-wrapper-background-color;
$tab-checked-text-color = $grey-dark;
// icons
$tab-left-icon = "\f004";
$tab-right-icon = "\f005";
$tab-menu-icon = "\f006";
// close button
$tab-close-button-icon = "\f00e";
$tab-close-button-opacity = .35;
// hover
$tab-close-button-hover-opacity = .75;
// active
$tab-close-button-active-opacity = 1;
// tab dtrip button
$tab-strip-button-background-color = $tab-background-color;
$tab-strip-button-border-color = $tab-border-color;
// hover
$tab-strip-button-hover-background-color = $tab-hover-background-color;
// active
$tab-strip-button-active-background-color = $tab-active-background-color;
// arrow
$tab-strip-button-arrow-color = $theme-base;
// tabs: top
$tab-top-padding = $tab-padding * 1.5 $tab-padding * 4;
// tabs: bottom
$tab-bottom-padding = $tab-top-padding;
// tabs: left
$tab-left-padding = $tab-padding * 2 $tab-padding * 3;
// tabs: right
$tab-right-padding = $tab-left-padding;
// nested tab container
$nestedtab-spacing = $padding;
$nestedtab-padding = $tab-padding $tab-padding * 2;
$nestedtab-border-color = transparent;
$nestedtab-border-radius = $border-radius;
// normal
$nestedtab-text-color = $theme-base;
// hover
$nestedtab-hover-background-color = $tab-hover-background-color;
// active
$nestedtab-active-text-color = $theme-base;
$nestedtab-active-background-color = $tab-active-background-color;
// checked
$nestedtab-checked-background-color = $theme-base;
$nestedtab-checked-text-color = $theme-base-color;
/* AccordionContainer */
$accordion-spacing = 0; // space between accordion panes; minimum value is 0
$accordion-border-color = $border-color;
$accordion-border-radius = $border-radius;
$accordion-background-color = $theme-base-color;
// accordion title bar
// normal, hover and active status styles are inherited from "form/Button"
// checked
$accordion-title-bar-checked-background-color = $theme-base;
$accordion-title-bar-checked-text-color = $theme-base-color;
// content pane
$accordion-content-border-color = $accordion-border-color;
$accordion-content-background-color = $theme-base-color;
// icons
// uses common vars directly