2015-01-19 09:52:15 +00:00
< ? php
class Af_Psql_Trgm extends Plugin {
private $host ;
function about () {
return array ( 1.0 ,
" Marks similar articles as read (requires pg_trgm) " ,
" fox " );
function save () {
$similarity = ( float ) db_escape_string ( $_POST [ " similarity " ]);
$min_title_length = ( int ) db_escape_string ( $_POST [ " min_title_length " ]);
2015-06-23 04:36:25 +00:00
$enable_globally = checkbox_to_sql_bool ( $_POST [ " enable_globally " ]) == " true " ;
2015-01-19 09:52:15 +00:00
if ( $similarity < 0 ) $similarity = 0 ;
if ( $similarity > 1 ) $similarity = 1 ;
if ( $min_title_length < 0 ) $min_title_length = 0 ;
$similarity = sprintf ( " %.2f " , $similarity );
$this -> host -> set ( $this , " similarity " , $similarity );
$this -> host -> set ( $this , " min_title_length " , $min_title_length );
2015-06-23 04:36:25 +00:00
$this -> host -> set ( $this , " enable_globally " , $enable_globally );
2015-01-19 09:52:15 +00:00
2015-06-23 04:36:25 +00:00
echo T_sprintf ( " Data saved (%s, %d) " , $similarity , $enable_globally );
2015-01-19 09:52:15 +00:00
function init ( $host ) {
$this -> host = $host ;
$host -> add_hook ( $host :: HOOK_ARTICLE_FILTER , $this );
$host -> add_hook ( $host :: HOOK_PREFS_TAB , $this );
$host -> add_hook ( $host :: HOOK_PREFS_EDIT_FEED , $this );
$host -> add_hook ( $host :: HOOK_PREFS_SAVE_FEED , $this );
2015-01-19 12:46:15 +00:00
$host -> add_hook ( $host :: HOOK_ARTICLE_BUTTON , $this );
2015-01-19 09:52:15 +00:00
2015-01-19 12:46:15 +00:00
function get_js () {
2015-01-19 11:59:33 +00:00
return file_get_contents ( __DIR__ . " /init.js " );
function showrelated () {
$id = ( int ) db_escape_string ( $_REQUEST [ 'param' ]);
$owner_uid = $_SESSION [ " uid " ];
$result = db_query ( " SELECT title FROM ttrss_entries, ttrss_user_entries
WHERE ref_id = id AND id = $id AND owner_uid = $owner_uid " );
$title = db_fetch_result ( $result , 0 , " title " );
print " <h2> $title </h2> " ;
$title = db_escape_string ( $title );
2015-01-19 12:46:15 +00:00
$result = db_query ( " SELECT ttrss_entries.id AS id,
feed_id ,
ttrss_entries . title AS title ,
updated , link ,
ttrss_feeds . title AS feed_title ,
SIMILARITY ( ttrss_entries . title , '$title' ) AS sm
ttrss_entries , ttrss_user_entries LEFT JOIN ttrss_feeds ON ( ttrss_feeds . id = feed_id )
ttrss_entries . id = ref_id AND
ttrss_user_entries . owner_uid = $owner_uid AND
ttrss_entries . id != $id AND
2015-01-19 13:42:10 +00:00
date_entered >= NOW () - INTERVAL '2 weeks'
2015-01-19 12:46:15 +00:00
sm DESC , date_entered DESC
LIMIT 10 " );
2015-01-19 11:59:33 +00:00
print " <ul class= \" browseFeedList \" style= \" border-width : 1px \" > " ;
while ( $line = db_fetch_assoc ( $result )) {
print " <li> " ;
2015-01-19 12:46:15 +00:00
print " <div class='insensitive small' style='margin-left : 20px; float : right'> " .
smart_date_time ( strtotime ( $line [ " updated " ]))
2015-01-19 11:59:33 +00:00
. " </div> " ;
2015-01-19 12:46:15 +00:00
2015-06-23 01:35:24 +00:00
$sm = sprintf ( " %.2f " , $line [ 'sm' ]);
print " <img src='images/score_high.png' title=' $sm '
2015-01-19 12:46:15 +00:00
style = 'vertical-align : middle' > " ;
$article_link = htmlspecialchars ( $line [ " link " ]);
print " <a target= \" _blank \" href= \" $article_link\ " > " .
$line [ " title " ] . " </a> " ;
print " (<a href= \" # \" onclick= \" viewfeed( " . $line [ " feed_id " ] . " ) \" > " .
htmlspecialchars ( $line [ " feed_title " ]) . " </a>) " ;
2015-06-23 01:35:24 +00:00
print " <span class='insensitive'>( $sm )</span> " ;
2015-01-19 11:59:33 +00:00
print " </li> " ;
print " </ul> " ;
2015-01-19 12:46:15 +00:00
print " <div style='text-align : center'> " ;
print " <button dojoType= \" dijit.form.Button \" onclick= \" dijit.byId('trgmRelatedDlg').hide() \" > " . __ ( 'Close this window' ) . " </button> " ;
print " </div> " ;
2015-01-19 11:59:33 +00:00
2015-01-19 12:46:15 +00:00
function hook_article_button ( $line ) {
2015-01-19 11:59:33 +00:00
return " <img src= \" plugins/af_psql_trgm/button.png \"
style = \ " cursor : pointer \" style= \" cursor : pointer \"
onclick = \ " showTrgmRelated( " . $line [ " id " ] . " ) \"
class = 'tagsPic' title = '".__(' Show related articles ')."' > " ;
2015-01-19 12:46:15 +00:00
2015-01-19 11:59:33 +00:00
2015-01-19 09:52:15 +00:00
function hook_prefs_tab ( $args ) {
if ( $args != " prefFeeds " ) return ;
print " <div dojoType= \" dijit.layout.AccordionPane \" title= \" " . __ ( 'Mark similar articles as read' ) . " \" > " ;
if ( DB_TYPE != " pgsql " ) {
print_error ( " Database type not supported. " );
$result = db_query ( " select 'similarity'::regproc " );
if ( db_num_rows ( $result ) == 0 ) {
print_error ( " pg_trgm extension not found. " );
$similarity = $this -> host -> get ( $this , " similarity " );
$min_title_length = $this -> host -> get ( $this , " min_title_length " );
2015-06-23 04:36:25 +00:00
$enable_globally = $this -> host -> get ( $this , " enable_globally " );
2015-01-19 09:52:15 +00:00
if ( ! $similarity ) $similarity = '0.75' ;
if ( ! $min_title_length ) $min_title_length = '32' ;
2015-06-23 04:36:25 +00:00
$enable_globally_checked = $enable_globally ? " checked " : " " ;
2015-01-19 09:52:15 +00:00
print " <form dojoType= \" dijit.form.Form \" > " ;
print " <script type= \" dojo/method \" event= \" onSubmit \" args= \" evt \" >
evt . preventDefault ();
if ( this . validate ()) {
console . log ( dojo . objectToQuery ( this . getValues ()));
new Ajax . Request ( 'backend.php' , {
parameters : dojo . objectToQuery ( this . getValues ()),
onComplete : function ( transport ) {
notify_info ( transport . responseText );
</ script > " ;
print " <input dojoType= \" dijit.form.TextBox \" style= \" display : none \" name= \" op \" value= \" pluginhandler \" > " ;
print " <input dojoType= \" dijit.form.TextBox \" style= \" display : none \" name= \" method \" value= \" save \" > " ;
print " <input dojoType= \" dijit.form.TextBox \" style= \" display : none \" name= \" plugin \" value= \" af_psql_trgm \" > " ;
print_notice ( " PostgreSQL trigram extension returns string similarity as a floating point number (0-1). Setting it too low might produce false positives, zero disables checking. " );
print_notice ( " Enable the plugin for specific feeds in the feed editor. " );
print " <h3> " . __ ( " Global settings " ) . " </h3> " ;
print " <table> " ;
print " <tr><td width= \" 40% \" > " . __ ( " Minimum similarity: " ) . " </td> " ;
print " <td>
< input dojoType = \ " dijit.form.ValidationTextBox \"
placeholder = \ " 0.75 \"
required = \ " 1 \" name= \" similarity \" value= \" $similarity\ " ></ td ></ tr > " ;
print " <tr><td width= \" 40% \" > " . __ ( " Minimum title length: " ) . " </td> " ;
print " <td>
< input dojoType = \ " dijit.form.ValidationTextBox \"
placeholder = \ " 32 \"
required = \ " 1 \" name= \" min_title_length \" value= \" $min_title_length\ " ></ td ></ tr > " ;
2015-06-23 04:36:25 +00:00
print " <tr><td width= \" 40% \" > " . __ ( " Enable for all feeds: " ) . " </td> " ;
print " <td>
< input dojoType = \ " dijit.form.CheckBox \"
$enable_globally_checked name = \ " enable_globally \" ></td></tr> " ;
2015-01-19 09:52:15 +00:00
print " </table> " ;
print " <p><button dojoType= \" dijit.form.Button \" type= \" submit \" > " .
__ ( " Save " ) . " </button> " ;
print " </form> " ;
2015-01-19 11:22:41 +00:00
$enabled_feeds = $this -> host -> get ( $this , " enabled_feeds " );
if ( ! array ( $enabled_feeds )) $enabled_feeds = array ();
2015-06-11 14:17:19 +00:00
$enabled_feeds = $this -> filter_unknown_feeds ( $enabled_feeds );
$this -> host -> set ( $this , " enabled_feeds " , $enabled_feeds );
2015-01-19 11:22:41 +00:00
if ( count ( $enabled_feeds ) > 0 ) {
print " <h3> " . __ ( " Currently enabled for (click to edit): " ) . " </h3> " ;
print " <ul class= \" browseFeedList \" style= \" border-width : 1px \" > " ;
foreach ( $enabled_feeds as $f ) {
print " <li> " .
" <img src='images/pub_set.png'
style = 'vertical-align : middle' > < a href = '#'
onclick = 'editFeed($f)' > " .
getFeedTitle ( $f ) . " </a></li> " ;
print " </ul> " ;
2015-01-19 09:52:15 +00:00
print " </div> " ;
function hook_prefs_edit_feed ( $feed_id ) {
print " <div class= \" dlgSec \" > " . __ ( " Similarity (pg_trgm) " ) . " </div> " ;
print " <div class= \" dlgSecCont \" > " ;
$enabled_feeds = $this -> host -> get ( $this , " enabled_feeds " );
if ( ! array ( $enabled_feeds )) $enabled_feeds = array ();
$key = array_search ( $feed_id , $enabled_feeds );
$checked = $key !== FALSE ? " checked " : " " ;
print " <hr/><input dojoType= \" dijit.form.CheckBox \" type= \" checkbox \" id= \" trgm_similarity_enabled \"
name = \ " trgm_similarity_enabled \"
$checked >& nbsp ; < label for = \ " trgm_similarity_enabled \" > " . __ ( 'Mark similar articles as read' ) . " </label> " ;
print " </div> " ;
function hook_prefs_save_feed ( $feed_id ) {
$enabled_feeds = $this -> host -> get ( $this , " enabled_feeds " );
if ( ! is_array ( $enabled_feeds )) $enabled_feeds = array ();
$enable = checkbox_to_sql_bool ( $_POST [ " trgm_similarity_enabled " ]) == 'true' ;
$key = array_search ( $feed_id , $enabled_feeds );
if ( $enable ) {
if ( $key === FALSE ) {
array_push ( $enabled_feeds , $feed_id );
} else {
if ( $key !== FALSE ) {
unset ( $enabled_feeds [ $key ]);
$this -> host -> set ( $this , " enabled_feeds " , $enabled_feeds );
function hook_article_filter ( $article ) {
if ( DB_TYPE != " pgsql " ) return $article ;
$result = db_query ( " select 'similarity'::regproc " );
if ( db_num_rows ( $result ) == 0 ) return $article ;
2015-06-23 04:36:25 +00:00
$enable_globally = $this -> host -> get ( $this , " enable_globally " );
if ( ! $enable_globally ) {
$enabled_feeds = $this -> host -> get ( $this , " enabled_feeds " );
$key = array_search ( $article [ " feed " ][ " id " ], $enabled_feeds );
if ( $key === FALSE ) return $article ;
2015-01-19 09:52:15 +00:00
$similarity = ( float ) $this -> host -> get ( $this , " similarity " );
if ( $similarity < 0.01 ) return $article ;
$min_title_length = ( int ) $this -> host -> get ( $this , " min_length " );
if ( mb_strlen ( $article [ " title " ]) < $min_title_length ) return $article ;
2015-06-23 01:35:24 +00:00
2015-01-19 09:52:15 +00:00
$owner_uid = $article [ " owner_uid " ];
2015-07-15 10:15:00 +00:00
$entry_guid = $article [ " guid_hashed " ];
2015-01-19 09:52:15 +00:00
$title_escaped = db_escape_string ( $article [ " title " ]);
2015-06-23 01:35:24 +00:00
// trgm does not return similarity=1 for completely equal strings
$result = db_query ( " SELECT COUNT(id) AS nequal
FROM ttrss_entries , ttrss_user_entries WHERE ref_id = id AND
date_entered >= NOW () - interval '1 day' AND
title = '$title_escaped' AND
2015-07-15 10:15:00 +00:00
guid != '$entry_guid' AND
2015-06-23 01:35:24 +00:00
owner_uid = $owner_uid " );
$nequal = db_fetch_result ( $result , 0 , " nequal " );
_debug ( " af_psql_trgm: num equals: $nequal " );
if ( $nequal != 0 ) {
$article [ " force_catchup " ] = true ;
return $article ;
2015-01-19 09:52:15 +00:00
$result = db_query ( " SELECT MAX(SIMILARITY(title, ' $title_escaped ')) AS ms
FROM ttrss_entries , ttrss_user_entries WHERE ref_id = id AND
date_entered >= NOW () - interval '1 day' AND
2015-07-15 10:15:00 +00:00
guid != '$entry_guid' AND
2015-01-19 09:52:15 +00:00
owner_uid = $owner_uid " );
$similarity_result = db_fetch_result ( $result , 0 , " ms " );
2015-06-23 01:35:24 +00:00
_debug ( " af_psql_trgm: similarity result: $similarity_result " );
2015-01-19 09:52:15 +00:00
if ( $similarity_result >= $similarity ) {
$article [ " force_catchup " ] = true ;
return $article ;
function api_version () {
return 2 ;
2015-06-11 14:17:19 +00:00
private function filter_unknown_feeds ( $enabled_feeds ) {
$tmp = array ();
foreach ( $enabled_feeds as $feed ) {
$result = db_query ( " SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = ' $feed ' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION [ " uid " ]);
if ( db_num_rows ( $result ) != 0 ) {
array_push ( $tmp , $feed );
return $tmp ;
2015-01-19 09:52:15 +00:00